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Ivy, A ‘satisfactory start with the flyer. Did you really hast such an event? The hypothetical donation event makes a satisfactory topic, but it is easier to design for a real audience and purpose with an actual event. In the headline, it seems to me the key terms are “Disaster Relief” and you have used red text for emphasis, but this is sized much smaller than “To Benefit.” Rephrase the headline and make the topic, Disaster Relief, much larger. Emphasize it with a strong image that suggests the type of disaster —a hurricane, As it i, the large photograph is not immediately clear as an image of disaster. Search government websites for relevant images that could be used without permission, The list of needed items would be more effective if you make the text consistently larger and move away from all caps. You could use color for bullet points rather than as a background to the text. The black text on the blue, especially, lacks some contrast for reading at a distance. The event information block should also move away from all centering as an alignment. The same is true for the information blocks at the bottom of the page. Experiment with other layouts that group related information into blocks without all centering, Project Assessment for the Revised Draft of the Flyer vy In regards to the flyer, | was a little indecisive about whether the proceeds should have gone to the Red-Cross Organization or if | should have collected the donations at the Walmart Super-Center. Since the Red Cross Organization is a well-enowned humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance and disaster relief, | thought that obtaining funds through this corporation would have been more beneficial, In addition to that, | had also planned to employ a black fill effect for the text-boxes and have the letters that were engraved within the text, high-lighted in either white or red. | thought that this distinct contrast between the color of the text-book and the actual text would facilitate me in conveying my message in a much more effective manner, since red is typically associated with images of emergenoy or disaster relief. However, | encountered another issue when | tried to copy and paste the red cross symbol onto my flyer. Unfortunately, | couldn't employ this icon/logo into the template of my flyer since it was copy-righted. Therefore, this was one of the reasons as to why | had decided to utilize a grocery store as the primary location in the fier, instead. Walmart’s logo was not inclusive in this project because the arrangement, in terms of the layout of the fiyer, did not leave me with enough room to allocate extra space on the margins for this visual aid. Consequently, an image of a girl moving around several plastic gallons of distilled water was employed, instead. | utilized this image since this picture reinforces the central message of my flyer which highlights the significance of making a benevolent endowment. Furthermore, | decided to assemble the funds at the Walmart Super-Center since it seemed like a more practical option. The method in transferring the symbol from google images into the flyer was relatively easier, as well. Another reason as to why | had decided to host the charity event at Walmart was because customers might be more inclined to make a generous contribution towards a charitable cause at a grocery store as opposed to other places. For example, it's not every day that most people attend church-services, car-washes or bake-sales. Therefore, | didn’t think that procuring funds at these locations would have been as successful However, most people do indulge in retail therapy on a daily occasion. Therefore, | thought that the notion of hosting a donation event at a popular grocery store like Walmart would have been the most viable solution in obtaining sponsorship for a noble cause. In addition to that, “location” in terms of where to gather the proceeds was one of the aspects of the assignment that | had the most trouble with. Furthermore, | had also encountered some issues in terms of how to design the flyer. More specifically speaking, | didn’t know what sets of colors to incorporate in the background. | had the toughest time in deciding what colors might have been aesthetically pleasing and visually enticing to the reader, as well. Eventually, | decided to select a background design on the basis, of whatever colors were visible in the picture that | imported from Google images. For example, in this flyer, the color of the shirt that the girl was wearing was lime green, and black. Therefore, the design that | chose for my background corresponded to that specific color scheme. Consequently, this facilitated me in also being able to select the color for the typeface in the headings and sub-headings as well. Since, | incorporated a list of items required for the affected victims, | decided to highlight the text in different colors so that the necessary supplies would appear to be more conspicuous. | also utilized colors to highlight the fact that these items would be the main focal point of my fiyer. Therefore, in an effort, to emphasize the headings and sub-headings, | highlighted each respective text in alternative colors, for example: blue, green, blue, green, etc. Since | purposefully attempted to alternate the colors in the background of my headings, | should have also made the heading about the contact information in green as opposed to blue so that the design of my fiyer would look more striking and alluring. However instead, | decided to make the heading in the top and bottom of the page, in a matching blue color since the shade of green that | initially included in the background of the headings underneath the list of items, did not look visible enough to stand out. Therefore, | only employed a blue color for the first line of the heading on the top and bottom of the page instead of sticking to an alternative blue and green color scheme. Having mentioned that, | specifically chose a double color scheme in an effort, to enhance the layout of the flyer while simultaneously not making the flyer look uncharacteristically flamboyant. | selected white as the background color of the fiver because | thought it would be a striking contrast to the blue and green themed background which was affiliated to the imported picture from google images. In addition to that, the use of the white color in the background also gives the flyer a bit of an organized, balanced, clean-cut and systematic look. The other issues that | had encountered while creating this flyer were in trying to eradicate the shadow-effect that was manifested in the typeface. | had accidentally incorporated an additional effect to the font in an attempt, to make the titles and subtitles appear to be more eye-catching to the reader. However, this extra detail to the typeface turned out to be unnecessary because it caused the font to look sophisticated yet illegible and incoherent at the same time. Not to mention the fact that | also had some trouble in figuring out how to eliminate the “shadow-effect’ which had been merged or integrated into the text. | resolved this issue by olicking on the selection tool, and highlighting the actual text with my mouse. Then, | proceeded to choose the toolicon above which successfully undid the "shadow-effect” While the presentation of the shadow-effect towards the font looked extravagant and fancy, it would be futile to utilize a style of writing that isn’t clearly visible to the reader's eye. Clarity is ultimately more important than trivial aesthetic effects. This is also one of the reasons as to why | had opted for the typeface to be black in color as opposed to red or white for which | had initially planned. Furthermore, in terms of the choice of typeface, | selected a style of writing that was relatively simple, neat and professional looking; the standardized and conventional font: [Times New Roman].

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