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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov

Series VIII: Art • Sport • Vol. 5 (54) No. 1 - 2012



Florentina NECHITA1

Abstract: Monitoring refers to a periodic review of the parameters investigated

in the conduct of sporting events. This monitoring is based on a coherent way,
which requires data collection, compiling reports, analyzes and hence the
development of indicators. This is a systemic analysis mechanism which is able to
evaluate analytically possibility that allows collection, analysis, implementation
and reporting of information obtained from research.

Keywords: training process, monitoring, athletic performance.

1. Peculiarities monitoring in sports within a project or program. This process

training involves routine collection of information
on all aspects of a project. A monitor is to
For a better understanding of the concept monitor the activities included in a project.
we compare dynamic monitoring system This requires systematic observation of on
based on a regular analysis of the factors going processes. Monitoring also involves
investigated observing and recording the periodic information of donors, those
sporting activity. directly involved as well as to conduct
Monitoring by definition is "activity research beneficiaries". Centralization of
monitoring" activity systematic collection data collected allow decisions that improve
of information on the conduct of the results performance research.
of certain activities. Is an indispensable Another definition of the concept of
step for evaluating sports activities [4]. monitoring is emphasized as a "process of
We define monitoring as "a description of tracking, monitoring and systematic
the situation at a time" [7]. Monitoring is recording of certain values, results, events
mainly because it is based on establishing in variousareas of human activity or
a collaborative relationship "with natural phenomena" [13].
applicants / recipients" to ensure that Monitoring concept as "an act of
information management in terms of gathering, recording and reporting of
effectiveness and efficiency. The purpose information about the progress of the
of monitoring is to ensure the correct project" [8]. Mentioned author states that
implementation of research objectives in monitoring aims to "provide the data
compliance with the requirements necessary for the safe control" and that on
stipulated in the inter-disciplinary research the whole "system monitoring reveals
collaboration [14]. According to the author procedures applicable throughout the
Phil Bartle, quoted in [1] monitoring is project, starting with the lowest, sets
defined as: "monitoring is the regular priorities to be addressed to the resources
observation and recording of activities and activities they perform".

Dept. of Physical Education and Sport, Transilvania University of Braşov.
122 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VIII • Vol. 5 (54) No 1 - 2012

2. Peculiarities concept sports - before each stage of developing a

performance monitoring training program that provides all the
objectives terms;
Starting from the idea that monitoring - comparing the training early provided
and athletic training are two complex by the model in literature and
systems consist of a large number of composition at the end of each stage of
components inside a particular preparing a performance report that
organization and function in order to guide includes suggestions for program
them towards a definite end to be planning and accomplishments.
objectified [12]. b) Follow strictly all the components
Monitoring is a feature of great involved in athletic training:
importance in sports training because it is a - the emphasis on rigorous verification
well-defined support as a system collecting of structure plan preparation,
information from using certain advanced especially on the strengths, assessing
mechatronic systems. technical training;
The particularity of sports performance - to ensure the athletic training program
monitoring system contributes to objectivity by reminding athletes while training
in practice through the use of various tools components;
video. After using these tools to pass data - feed-back subjects providing specific
storage in the calculation of parameters information of the experience and
involved in sports and default correlation technical training;
technique that can yield results, "qualitative - permanent notification of subjects
and quantitative indicators, against which involved in shaping the sports training
judgments can be objective" [12]. of parameter values determined and
Monitoring is an important feature in the gathering / storing information in
sports training process because it is based monitoring reports.
on the collection of information. c) Active participation in the preparation
Peculiarities monitoring [7] in athletic monitoring reports and investigation
performance are: parameter values:
- ensuring the collection of information - check regularly conduct technical
that will in turn generate additional training plan;
information on the proposed objectives; - keeping close relation ship with
- is a beneficial source of information athletes involved in sports training on
stored in preparation for the next period technical modeling;
and beyond and other specialists from - collect all reports immediately after
various fields; determining the parameter athletes;
- allows the researcher teacher coach to - schematization preventive monitoring
compare or identify problems in terms of report containing all necessary
potential technical faults before they arise information and tabular presentation of
or immediately there after; data recorded under each stage.
- offers the possibility to implement d) Preparation of models for reporting on
corrective measures to help improve research conducted monitoring:
sporting technique and contribute to the - for each stage of the research will
work in accordance with the objectives set, prepare a report indicating the degree
featuring experts monitoring instruments. objectives namely: what are the
Monitoring tools [7] that can be used are: parameters involved in research, when
a) Develop preparedness sports include: these parameters were determined,
- preparation of sports training and who is responsible for determining the
tracking chart each stage in its investigated parameter values, what
F. NECHITA: Monitoring Process in Sport of Performance 123

kind of material resources, human Sports training is a complex process

financial, etc. were used, which which acts on a multilateral level athlete,
conducted the research objectives determining its effects on development,
detailed description of the measures learning, training, effects that induce
taken during the research, the effect on functional changes, morphological, etc..
stakeholders, implementation of These effects can be assessed by various
research assessment and measurements, tests, and so on and
recommendations on the conduct of monitoring process involved will follow
research. the dynamics of these indices for athletes,
"major progress being quantify margin of
3. Monitoring of performance in sport at sport and its ratio itself first and Second
all levels formative only to model and others. For this it is
necessary to know the initial state of
Seen as a continuous process monitoring development and the initial stage of
in professional sports at all levels is based athlete training and monitor progress
on a strict formative assessment and rhythm and rate "[13].
accountability. Assessing, recording and The highlights sports performance
monitoring are important in the process of monitoring procedures applicable during
designing sports performance. sports sample research, from the lowest
Designing sports performance is a level, then set priorities to be considered
"necessary and obligatory step for the and the resources to be involved in
purpose of constant activity, systemic and activities [8].
realistic, an activity that requires planned Monitoring of sports training in each
and not accidental deployment. Even though factor: physical, technical, tactical,
forecasters character design is looking to the psychological, biological, etc. We offer a
future, we must be realistic scheduling and variety of complex structures specific
planning objective and accessible means motor sports sample. This shows us how
appropriate to the time that work echelon to link these to define drill or motor
characteristics, level of morpho-functional action, the dynamic elements that change
development and its motor and basic continually, which need to be monitored
material conditions and logistics at hand. because they ultimately determine progress
Any design is based on the facts as result sports sample [13].
evaluation processes and monitoring carried In terms of physical factor in the process
out on several levels [13]. of seeking a significant increase training to
The authors state that "assessing, improve specific motor qualities such
recording and monitoring are three steps proof.
closely intertwined, their separation being The authors mentioned above certain
incomprehensible logic of constant sports classified as dominated by physical
activity, continuous and systematic, factors. Thus, samples sprint as otherwise
fund and evidence based and "natural
Sports activity monitoring means more
motor structure - running and technical
than the pursuit of evidence based on
documents and data recorded by the aspects involved for example, is
evaluation results or developments to insignificant background and samples.
benefit the athletes. Monitoring is in Within this factor - physical - will pursue
addition an analysis and comparison on education velocities and factors favoring it
synthetic and sports phenomenon, (strength, joint mobility, muscle flexibility,
reasoning induce monitoring, optimization coordination, etc.), the speed endurance. In
and decision "[13]. conclusion, these issues will be monitored
124 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VIII • Vol. 5 (54) No 1 - 2012

based on developments rhythmic athletes achieving a rational and efficient

and their evaluations. executions superior athlete.
Technical factors generally combine Introduction in this formative stage of
physical factor and their resultant will be the latest research and use advanced
the performance obtained. Technical level mechatronic systems of technical
of execution in certain athletic events development sports gives us critical to
affecting "high performance conditioning optimize.. It is very important for the
and overwhelmingly by the development juniors to work in this direction
of specific motor qualities [13]. "technology" as this might get a faulty
Process monitoring technique in these level and thus low yield.
sporting events allows us a choice based The third stage is formative stage depth
on objective data provided by the control specialization that makes the transition
samples or in our case through advanced from stage II to stage specialized training
technologies - video, what are the and thus obtain a yield internationally.
deficiencies of athletes and how they Depth specialization is based on achieving
should be oriented training in future. outstanding sports performance, important
Monitoring the joint training of all as technical and tactical business acquired
stakeholders in a complex sporting events earlier stage.
is very difficult due to the many Last highlights the formative stage high
contributing factors that intervene in the performance training with a focus on
activity. achieving maximum performance. Here we
Monitoring during the formative stages will focus on individualization of sports
highlights the following aspects, namely: training with the landmark goal setting
I formative stage of athletic training is with athletes.
the initial stage of preparation. The sports
that will monitor very closely the 4. Evaluation component monitoring
development of motor ability, qualities or
skills development driver, start in learning Monitoring and evaluation in sports
key techniques of athletes. training are two mutually reinforcing
Formative stage II are early processes.
specialization that focuses on: further Evaluation is "an essential element in
development of somatic-functional indices any human activity, which has well-
of body, specific sport test driving skills defined objectives to be achieved" [2]. The
development, including the preparation of author points out that the evaluation is
various technical and tactical actions done with "rigor required only under goals
through modern technology, etc. In this that can be useful benchmarks for self".
stage it is very important to focus on the Importance of evaluation can be found in
ability of contracting muscle tension and various specialized works, works that
athletes and to keep a healthy balance emphasize a well-designed evaluation [9],
between the development of specific [5] and [6].
qualities and techniques that sample. "Assessment is an opportunity for
You can say something very important to validation of the correctness of educational
include the preparation of a program for sequences, the teaching component and a
the preparation of modern sports means of separation, attachment and
technology, this will lead to the proper intervention content and learning
execution of motor acts early, thereby objectives" [3].
F. NECHITA: Monitoring Process in Sport of Performance 125

Another view of the action evaluation The importance of sports performance

refers to the fact that the assessment is so monitoring process is different in the
important when they performed functions in training process as training approach will
the instructive educational process as its be conducted according to a number of
constitutive act, intended to provide peculiarities and specific features athletic
information on the process and the results, in events.
order improvement of [11]. Thus, evaluation Highlight the main landmarks of the
is a necessary act, seen through the sample preparation process will be based
on marks fences monitored based on
relationship process-product and product-
kinematics parameter values investigated
evaluated, learned about decision making
in the sample of 110 meter hurdles. This
activity, for this to take place under monitoring may be the result of a dynamic
conditions of continuous improvement. record pace runner fences.
General assessment is a complex activity Thus we present benchmarks to be
and as objective [10]. Reporting that in monitored:
sports training evaluation is an approach - number of parameters involved in that
which seeks an objective assessment of the motor action;
objectives of its direct or indirect. Such - evolution of the results of each trait:
training evaluation approach will be - development results in competitions.
episodic, rhythmic, with an active Above mentioned authors define
character, concrete actions for measuring, monitoring as "a continuous approach,
testing, comparison and reference to tracking, monitoring, recording and
certain standards [13]. comparing, it is not practical and effective
intervention for the athlete, team or
5. Objectivity process tracking monitoring material".
techniques, assessment tests and The monitoring process can not be
samples achieved without means of assessment and
recording of values. Athletic performance
Monitoring activity brings data in and its evolution over time is monitored
addition to the evaluation, offering a suite based on documents of record kept at
comparing the results and rankings. different levels (from the coach, researcher
Context and scope of sports training or professional federation level).
provides us with additional information on Monitoring means analyzing and
the value of sports results. Means, methods comparing, and induce reasoning, and
of preparation, how they were conducted decision optimization. This process
on sport test and test results are landmarks requires time tracking the dynamics of
value that guides us to composition of technology evolution through athletic
calculating the value of the results sample quality indices (measuring,
Monitoring these issues shows that the testing, control samples) of major
results obtained on a scale of values may importance because quantification margin
differ depending on their intrinsic value. athlete's progress is reflected in her report
Prescorniţă and Tohanean the intrinsic itself, then the reference model and
value of sport results "of prime importance in finally to another. Important in preparing
sports and measurable and quantifiable the athlete is preparedness knowledge
evidence." These tests resulted in achieving and monitoring of the rate and amount of
outstanding records that become benchmarks progress.
against which to judge the results. These Monitoring the 110-meter hurdles sample
records after approval and record route are of kinematics parameters is a complex
monitored by authorized bodies become process monitoring and systematic
valuable benchmarks for athletes. registration of parameter values involved.
126 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VIII • Vol. 5 (54) No 1 - 2012

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