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What to make of Kylie

Jenner’s life changing

How a person can come so late

to the joys of soggy cornflakes,
I can’t say. Still, better late than…
never expressing an interest in
almond milk. Someone called that
also life changing. Others preferred
soya and chocolate milk. The entire
thread was a revelation. I want
to know when curdled milk will
be declared the next nutritional

Nivriti Butalia all week than the 21-year old make-up queen — move up from the days of Mohun’s cornflakes and makeup the better”.
worth $900 million (according to ITALS Forbes) Mother Dairy milk but I’m off dairy. And milk. Then, I watched the embedded video, 10 min-
— saying, “last night i had cereal with milk for the Not Twitter though. utes 47 seconds long. Very helpful. She allowed
first time. life changing”. (sic) The full-stop after One user, Tatianna wrote: “Now watch and ce- ITALS Vogue to film her doing her make up. I
the sentence was all her too. real gonna start flying off the shelves. She gunna thought it was brave of her to appear bare-faced.

Jenner has 114 million followers on Instagram, start a cereal line with some designer leche girl She said lipstick made her feel confident. At one
ike.Dignis er iurem in ut landre the 8th highest. Even Lionel Messi comes in after bye” (sic).” Someone else chimed in to Jenner’s point, she used the phrase “all my glam people”
venit, quipsuscil ute commod tat her on that list at 12, with 97 million followers. tweet: “Have you tried butter on bread?” which I can’t wait to use, but I have no one to use
dolor augiamet ullaorero od mod And I hadn’t realised, but of course, Instagram How a person can come so late to the joys of it on.
dolore min enit ut iriure tat. Dui has the most followers on Instagram. Silly me. soggy cornflakes, I can’t say. Still, better late Still. I wasn’t bored. What did I learn? That
blaore tionsed minibh ex et, quis But back to Twitter. So, everyone on Twitter, than… never expressing an interest in almond she loves blush; can fill in her lip liner with eyes
aliquat, quisl inim quat, velenisis reliably, went nuts after this cereal and milk tweet milk. Someone called that also life changing. closed; that her mother, Kris Jenner, once used
dunt venim voluptatisi tem dolen- broke midweek. That statement of hers generated Others preferred soya and chocolate milk. The black eyeliner on her lips at Disney Land or Dis-
drer summy nonsequi eugue magna alis nulput 98k likes, 13k retweets, and 4.2k comments. entire thread was a revelation. I want to know ney World, whatever; that mommy Kris also let
irilit augait praesto con ex euismodigna feu faci- When other people on Twitter asked her if she when curdled milk will be declared the next nu- her go to 6th grade wearing purple eye shadow.
dui eu feu feugiam dolortin veliquam dolor sum- had lost the plot, or, as one person put it, “Is this a tritional touchstone. It should at the very least be It was her dad — the retired Olympic gold medal-
sandignit wiscil ullum venim ipsustrud ea faccum rich thing?”, Jenner explained, “i always liked ce- life changing. winning decathlete Caitlyn Marie Jenner (born
vero dunt in henibh eui bla feu feum delissi. real dry i never bothered to put milk” (sic). That one tweet of Jenner’s sent me down a rab- William Bruce Jenner) — who was the spoilsport,
Iliquis nim elis elessi bla consed tio doloreetue I cannot grudge her this. In boarding schools bit hole of all her other tweets. I realised I had a bit anti–make up, back then. I also learnt that
dolore duisi et dunt ip etum velesenim dolor alit across India, kids would tear open packets of been living in darkness. I needed to follow this she thought it would be cool if her kid, Stormi, 7
am vel ullamet at. Ut niam, quat, consectem Maggie and Wai Wai and munch those plastic woman. There is much to learn. For one, I want months, wants to take over her make-up empire.
quat. slabs of noodles dry. Nobody added water. Why to learn why her kid is called Stormi with an ‘i’ in- I found myself touched that Kylie added “if she
Thank god for Kylie Jenner. expect kylie to add milk? We’re so full of double stead of the letter you would think it might end wants to”. I like that. A heart, along with fine taste
It’s been a newsy week. Amid all the memes standards – ‘people like us’ and ‘those vapid ce- with. buds in breakfast food.
on Twitter about — where to start? — Anup Jalo- lebrities’. All we need is love. I also learnt from her the term BOGO — buy Far be it from me to decry the pop culture idols
tia, devotional singer and his student of the year, Then, there were curious kittys most taken in one, get one. And that Jenner believes she her of our time. And I do mean when I say I have no
singer, 28-year-old Jasleen Matharu; Woody Al- with whether she put milk first or cereal. Appar- cousin Kim, maybe you’ve heard of her, are into idea what this one cynic, Lewis Maxwell, meant
len’s wife of 20 years, Soon-Yi Previn, finally ently, there are people who splash in milk first “completely different products”—both makeup when he groaned, on Twitter, naturally: (sic) “Out
“breaking her silence”; Trump’s guy, dodgy Brett in the bowl and then float cereal on top. I don’t lines, however. of all the crazy shit happening in the world, why
Kavanaugh going on saying ‘I didn’t do it’; India know these people. In the coming years, though, Kim Kardashian West’s line is called KKW. In is “Kylie Jenner tried cereal with milk” trending?
making triple talaq a crime; the India-Pak match there is bound to be a business school study on that ITALS Vogue article (with video embedded), The worlds backwards man.”
here in Dubai… Kylie Jenner offered respite that I the effect Jenner’s endorsement would have had Jenner purred her heart out, “Me and Kim do
am grateful for. This barrage of serious news can on the sales of Cinammon Toast Crunch, some- not compete. A lot of people think we might, but
really make your shoulders stoop. thing that in a follow up tweet she called “amaz- we really like making completely different prod- Nivriti likes ‘human-interest’ stories and has a
Tell me if you heard anything more entertaining ing.” I would look for it myself, which would be a ucts and both enjoy each other’s stuff. The more thing for the quirky, oddball stuff

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