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Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:

Collin Morris & Sam Costello

Unit Outline
*note: you will use this same outline in the creation of your performance assessment*

Grade level: ​7th

Unit Topic: ​Renaissance Period & Religious Reformation

Course/Discipline: ​Emergency of the First Global Age ​A.D. 1500-1650/ ​Social Studies

Approximate Time Required: ​3 weeks

Central Focus of the Unit: ​The purpose of this unit is to ensure that students recognize the
causes of the Emergence of the First Global Age over the periods of the Renaissance and
Reformation. By the end of the unit lesson, students will be able to explain and identify the shifts
in cultural values, traditions, and philosophies that affected multinational ideologies then and

General Standards from NCSCOS:

● 7.H.2 - ​Understand the implications of global interactions.
● 7.G.1 - ​Understand how geography, demographic trends, and environmental conditions
shape modern societies and regions.
● 7.C.1 - ​Understand how cultural values influence relationships between individuals,
groups, and political entities in modern societies and regions.
● 7.G.2 - ​Apply the tools of a geographer to understand modern societies and regions.
● 7.C&G.1 - ​Understand the development of government in modern societies and regions.

Measurable Student Learning Outcomes (MLOs):

1. Students will be able to ​analyze the effects of social, economic, military, and political
conflict among nations, regions, and groups with the Spanish Inquisition in the New
World. (7.H.2)
2. Students will be able to ​explain how the bubonic plague affected modern societies and
regions. (7.G.1)
3. Students will be able to ​examine how the Religious Reformation influenced modern
societies and regions. (7.C.1)
4. Students will be able to ​construct maps, charts, and/or graphs to explain the Triangle
Trades effect on migration of people. (7.G.2)
5. Students will be able to ​interpret how Queen Elizabeth I made Britain a superpower
among European nations. (7.C&G.1)
Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

Table of Specifications (TOS):

Emergence of the First Global Age: Renaissance Period & Religious Reformation.
MLO Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

Students will be able to Q3 Q5 Q1 Q16

analyze the effects of social,
economic, military, and
political conflicts among
nations, regions, and groups
with the Spanish Inquisition
in the New World.

Students will be able to Q6 Q11 Q15

explain how the bubonic Q13
plague affected modern
societies and regions.

Students will be able to Q7 Q12 Q17

examine how the Religious Q8
Reformation influenced
modern societies and regions.

Students will be able to Q14 Q2 Q19

construct maps, charts, and/or Q20
graphs to explain the Triangle
Trades effect on migration of

Students will be able to Q4 Q9 Q18

interpret how Queen Q10
Elizabeth I made Britain a
superpower among European

Summative Assessment (clearly identify the items you used from other sources):

Link to assessment using technology tool (Canvas):

Grading Guide and Rubric:

Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

Summative Assessment
Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________

Matching (10 points).

1. Classify each term with the appropriate definition by placing the bold letter of the
appropriate definition next to term it describes.

_____ Conquistador A​. a country or area under the full or partial

political control of another country, typically
a distant one, and occupied by settlers from
that country.

_____ Monotheism B​. the rebirth of a soul in a new body.

_____ Reincarnation C​. the doctrine or belief that there is only one

_____ Predestination D​. a conqueror, especially one of the Spanish

conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th

_____ Colony E​. the divine foreordaining of all that will

happen, especially with regard to the salvation
of some and not others.

2. Determine where the following major European power migrated to by placing the bold
letter of the appropriate definition next to term it describes.

_____ England A​. South America and Western Africa

_____ France B.​ North American regions of Canada and


_____ Spain C.​ North America east coast and Caribbean


_____ Portugal D.​ North America, South America, Central

America, and Caribbean Islands.
Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

Multiple Option. Select the best answer. (32 points)

True or False.

3. _____ Hernando Cortés, a Spanish Conquistador, conquered the Aztecs at the capital of

Tenochtitlán now called Mexico City?

4. _____ Queen Elizabeth I used privateers as retaliation to the cruelties of the Spanish

Inquisition in the New World.

Multiple Choice. Circle the best answer from the list of answers provided.

5. Which of the following was NOT one of the five major religions during 1500 AD?
a. Confucianism
b. Christianity
c. Judaism
d. Islam
e. Buddhism
f. Hinduism
6. The fleas from __________ caused the bubonic plague to spread throughout central and
eastern Europe.
a. Rats
b. Rabbits
c. Mice
d. Squirrels
Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

7. Who was the King of England from 1509 to 1547 and established the Church of England
in 1534?
a. Henry VIII
b. James II
c. Charles I
d. Elizabeth I
8. Who rejected the Roman Catholic Church in 1517 with his/her​ 95 Thesis​?
a. Martin Luther
b. Henry VIII
c. John Calvin
d. Elizabeth I
9. Who were the English fighting when Queen Elizabeth gave her speech at Tilbury in
a. Spain
b. France
c. Germany
d. Wales
10. After the defeat of the Spanish Armada, what made England a naval superpower?
a. Long range cannons
b. Marines on ships
c. Improved new sails
d. Pirate Raids
Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

Open Response (38 points).​`

Fill in the blank to complete the historical sentence (4 pts. each).

11. The bubonic plague was responsible for _________ deaths in Europe, about ________ of

the continent’s population.

12. John Calvin was a French theologian, ___________, and ___________ during the

Protestant Reformation, who created Calvinism.

Short Answer Identification (4 pts. each). Fill in the response to the appropriate question.

13. The bubonic plague led to the weakening and later destruction of this societal system that

ruled Europe during Medieval Times. What was this societal system called, and how did

it work?


14. What was the name of the voyage that would make millions of Africans see their future

as enslaved people?


Short Answer Response (4 pts. each). Answer in complete sentence(s).

15. Explain how the Bubonic Plague spread during the Middle Ages.



Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

16. Provide two reasons explaining how the Columbian Exchange changed the landscape of

the New World.




Essay Questions (7 pts each). Answers should consist of multiple, 2-3 complete sentences.

17. Explain how the invention of the printing press impacted Christianity.






18. Who won the Battle of Gravelines? Why?





Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

Mapping (20 points).

Use the picture for the following two questions.

19. Draw the Triangular Trade routes with arrows in the correct direction of shipping traffic.

20. After drawing your chart, label one import and one export from each region throughout

the Triangular Trade.



Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

Rubric for Short Answers & Essays Questions:

Category Not Present Unacceptable Partially Acceptable Acceptable

Short Answer & (0% credit) (25% credit) (50% credit) (100% credit)

Explain how the No explanation Answer is vague Answer is correct in Answer is correct in
Bubonic Plague given for the or displays including the idea of including idea of trade
spread during the Bubonic Plague. inappropriate trade routes, but fails to routes, while specifically
Middle Ages. (4 outcomes of the specifically state which indicating key terms like:
points) plague. routes. Central Asia, Black Sea,
Europe, Italian

Provide two No reasons Answer is Answer is incomplete, Answer is complete,

reasons explaining provided to incomplete, only providing 2 reasons, providing 2 reasons and
how the explain the including one but failing to explain explaining impact on
Columbian Columbian reason or failing impact on new world. New World.
Exchange changed Exchange. to explain the OR provides one
the landscape of impact on the answer with
the New World. (4 New World. explanation but fails to
points) list second reason.

Explain how the No explanation Answer is Answer is incomplete, Answer is complete.

invention of the given for the incomplete, touching on a couple of Touches on how printing
printing press printing press. providing vague the key events that press leads to mass
impacted claims about impact Christianity, but literacy, mass production
Christianity. (7 printing press and failing to provide a of bible, pope losing
points) failing to provide complete, coherent power as all-powerful
substantial answer. source of information and
information on the development of the
impact on Protestant Reformation.

Who won the No answer given Answer is Answer is correct but Answer is complete and
Battle of OR explanation incomplete and/or incomplete. England correct. England wins
Gravelines? Why? of the Battle of incorrect. May wins naval battle with naval battle with Spain.
(7 points) Gravelines. have correct Spain, but fails to Wind direction dooms
country winning elaborate on wind Spanish Armada, and
battle or correct direction, Spanish long-range cannons
reasons for victory Armada, and eliminate need to board
but fails to have long-range cannons. ship.
Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

both in a coherent
essay. Does not

After drawing your 0/6 1.5 / 6 3/6 imports/exports 6/6 imports/exports

chart, label one import/exports imports/exports correct. correct.
import and one correct. correct.
export from each North America
region throughout Import: Slaves
the Triangular Export: Sugar,
Trade.​ (10 points) Tobacco, Cotton

With this question
being a labeling of
Import: Sugar,
an import/export Tobacco, Cotton
for each direction, Export: Textiles,
this provides six Rum, Manufactured
total answers. Goods
Grading will be
determined based Africa
upon correctness of Import: Textiles,
those six answers. Rum, Manufactured
Each potential Goods
answer is worth Export: Slaves
1.67 points.

Total Rubric Score: ____________

Answer Key:

1. Matching:

a. D​ Conquistador
b. C​ Monotheism
c. B​ Reincarnation
Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

d. E​ Predestination
e. A​ Colony
2. Matching:
a. C​ England
b. B​ France
c. D​ Spain
d. A​ Portugal

Multiple Option & Choice:

3. T
4. T
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A

Open Response:

11. 20 million​ & ​1/3

12. pastor ​& ​reformer

Short Answer Identification:

13. Feudalism - social system where lords controlled land & peasants worked the land.
14. The Middle Passage
15. Through the trade routes from central Asia and the Black Sea region into Europe
by Italian merchants.
16. American foods became staple crops in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa
with potatoes, maize, and tapioca.

Essay Questions:
Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello

17. Led to literacy, mass production of the bible, popes lose power as not all-knowing
source of information regarding Christianity. People divide, protestant reformation
18. English Navy defeats Spanish Armada. Wind direction doomed Spanish ships and
caused retreat. English new long range cannons stopped the need to board vessels
from Roman Era sea tactics.
Map Questions:
19. Arrow pointing from West Africa toward Caribbean Islands, arrow pointing from
Caribbean Islands toward New England, and arrow pointing from New England
toward West Africa -- creating a triangle.
a. North America- Import: Slaves Export: Sugar, tobacco, cotton
b. Europe- Import: Sugar, tobacco, cotton Export: Textiles, Rum,
Manufactured Goods.
c. Africa: Import: Textiles, Rum, Manufactured Goods Export: Slaves​.
Summative Assessment Group F Members Names:
Collin Morris & Sam Costello


AP College Board. (2017). ​AP World History: Course and Exam Description ​[#16]​. ​Retrieved
from (n.d.). ​Queen Elizabeth I: Tilbury Speech ​[#9]​.​ Retrieved from

Helping (2017). ​Renaissance and Reformation ​[#7].​ ​Retrieved from
9-to-1547-who-establishe Staff. (2010). ​Black Death ​[#11]​.​ Retrieved from Staff. (2009).​ Martin Luther and the 95 Theses ​[#8]​.​ Retrieved from

Public Schools of North Carolina. (2013). ​North Carolina Essential Standards: Seventh Grade
Social Studies. ​Retrieved from (n.d.). ​Activities - Unit 6:European Exploration and Its Effects ​[Map #19].
Retrieved from

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