Stas Olla 2003

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J. Plant Physiol. 160.

1271 – 1295 (2003)

 Urban & Fischer Verlag


Purine and pyrimidine nucleotide metabolism in higher plants

Claudio Stasolla1, Riko Katahira2, 3, Trevor A. Thorpe4, Hiroshi Ashihara2, 5 *

Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, Canada
Department of Advanced Bioscience, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, 112-8610, Japan
Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Home Economics, Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University, Tokyo, 194-0292, Japan
Plant Physiology Research Group, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4, Canada
Metabolic Biology Group, Department of Biology, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, 112-8610, Japan

Received March 27, 2003 · Accepted June 2, 2003

Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides participate in many biochemical processes in plants. They are
building blocks for nucleic acid synthesis, an energy source, precursors for the synthesis of primary
products, such as sucrose, polysaccharides, phospholipids, as well as secondary products. There-
fore, biosynthesis and metabolism of nucleotides are of fundamental importance in the growth and
development of plants. Nucleotides are synthesized both from amino acids and other small mole-
cules via de novo pathways, and from preformed nucleobases and nucleosides by salvage path-
ways. In this article the biosynthesis, interconversion and degradation of purine and pyrimidine
nucleotides in higher plants are reviewed. This description is followed by an examination of physio-
logical aspects of nucleotide metabolism in various areas of growth and organized development in
plants, including embryo maturation and germination, in vitro organogenesis, storage organ develop-
ment and sprouting, leaf senescence, and cultured plant cells. The effects of environmental factors
on nucleotide metabolism are also described. This review ends with a brief discussion of molecular
studies on nucleotide synthesis and metabolism.

Key words: biosynthesis – catabolism – cultured cells – metabolism – nucleotide – physiological and
molecular studies – plant development – purine – pyrimidine

Abbreviations: APRT = adenine phosphoribosyltransferase. – AK = adenosine kinase. – ARN = ade-

nosine nucleosidase. – dCK = deoxycytidine kinase. – HPRT = hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransfe-
rase. – NSF = non-shoot forming. – OPRT = orotate phosphoribosyltransferase. – PRPP = 5-phospho-
ribosyl–1-pyrophosphate. – SAH = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. – SAM = S-adenosyl-L-methionine. –
SF = shoot forming. – UPRT = uracil phosphoribosyltransferase. – UDPG = UDP-glucose. – UK = uri-
dine kinase. – TK = thymidine kinase

* E-mail corresponding author:

0176-1617/03/160/11-1271 $ 15.00/0
1272 Claudio Stasolla et al.

1. Introduction lism during growth and organized development in plants. Re-

cent molecular studies on nucleotide metabolism are also
Nucleotides are among the most important nitrogen com- discussed.
pounds in all living organisms. Although purine and pyrimi-
dine nucleotides are essential precursors for nucleic acids,
as well as metabolites participating in bio-energetic proces- 2. Outline of nucleotide metabolism in plants
ses and in the synthesis of macromolecules, including poly-
2.1 Occurrence of nucleobases, nucleosides and
saccharides, phospholipids, and glycolipids (see Ross 1981),
fewer studies have been performed in higher plants com-
pared with microorganisms (Neuhard and Nygaard 1987) and Nucleotide profiles of various plant materials have been de-
animals (Henderson and Paterson 1973). Some reviews on termined using high-performance liquid chromatography (see
plant nucleotide metabolism have been published (Ross Wagner and Backer 1992, Ashihara and Crozier 1999). The
1981, Wasternack 1982, Wagner and Backer 1992, Moffatt adenine nucleotide pool is always the largest, and the sum of
and Ashihara 2002), but they deal mainly with the metabolic ATP, ADP and AMP is normally 80 – 200 nmol g –1 fresh weight.
pathway itself, or as a part of related topics, such as nucleic The second largest pool is uracil nucleotides. The guanine
acid metabolism (Sugiura and Takeda 2000) or ureide (Schu- nucleotide pool size is usually 10 – 25 % of the adenine nu-
bert and Boland 1990), and caffeine metabolism (Suzuki and cleotide one, and the cytosine nucleotide pool is the smallest.
Waller 1977, Suzuki et al. 1992, Ashihara and Crozier 1999). In In actively growing plant cells adenylate energy charge
the present review, we have briefly outlined the current status ([ATP] +1/2 [ADP])/([ATP] + [ADP] + [AMP]), proposed by Atkin-
of purine and pyrimidine studies, and then concentrated on son (1977), is normally maintained at almost 0.8 (Pradet and
physiological and biochemical aspects of nucleotide metabo- Reymond 1983). Pool size of ATP (160 nmol g –1 fresh weight)

Figure 1. De novo biosynthetic pathway of purine nucleotides in plants. Metabolites: PRA, 5-phosphoribosyl amine; GAR, glycineamide ribonu-
cleotide; FGAR, formylglycineamide ribonucleotide; FGRAM, formylglycine amidine ribonucleotide; AIR, 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide; CAIR,
5-aminoimidazole 4-carboxylate ribonucleotide; SCAIR, 5-aminoimidazole-4-N-succinocarboxyamide ribonucleotide; AICAR, 5-aminoimidazole-
4-carboxyamide ribonucleotide; FAICAR, 5-formamidoimidazole-4-carboxyamide ribonucleotide; SAMP, adenylosuccinate; XMP, santhosine-5′-
monophosphate. Enzymes shown are: (1) amido phosphoribosyltransferase, (2) GAR synthetase, (3) GAR formyl transferase, (4) FGAM synthet-
ase, (5) AIR synthetase, (6) AIR carboxylase, (7) SAICAR synthetase, (8) adenylosuccinate lyase, (9) AICAR formyl transferase, (10) IMP cyclo-
hydrolase, (11) SAMP synthetase, (12) IMP dehydrogenase, (13) GMP synthetase.
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1273

in typical plant cells, such as Catharanthus roseus supplied phosphorylated to nucleoside diphosphates and finally to the
with adequate respiratory substrates, is smaller than the glu- nucleoside triphosphates. Feedback control of the de novo
cose-6-phosphate pool (340 nmol g –1) and larger than fructo- purine biosynthetic pathway involves at least three steps:
se-6-phosphate pool (60 nmol g –1) (Kubota and Ashihara 5-phosphoribosylamine synthase activity (step 1 in Fig. 1) is
1990). inhibited by IMP, AMP and GMP; activities of adenylosucci-
Cellular pools of nucleosides and free nucleobases are nate synthetase (step 11, Fig. 1), and IMP dehydrogenase
usually small. For example, in Catharanthus cells, the pool of (step12, Fig. 1) are inhibited by AMP and GMP, respectively
adenosine varied from 2 to 9 nmol g –1 fresh weight during cul- (see References in Table 1).
ture, but no free adenine was detected (Yabuki and Ashihara
1991). In contrast, high levels of nucleosides and nucleoba-
ses have been reported in cereal leaves (Sawert et al. 1987, 2.3 De novo biosynthetic pathway of pyrimidine
1988). Uridine, adenosine, guanosine and adenine levels in nucleotides
barley leaves were 56, 69, 27 and 43 nmol g –1 fresh weight, re- The de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway (orotate path-
spectively. These levels were higher than the ATP level way) is defined as the formation of UMP from carbamoyl
(27 nmol g –1) in the same leaves. Adenylate energy charge in phosphate. The orotate pathway consists of six reactions as
cereal leaves was between 0.54 and 0.59 (Sawert et al. 1987). shown in Figure 2 and Table 2. In mammals and many other
The difference in nucleoside levels between cereals and eukaryotes, the first three enzymes, carbamoylphosphate
other plants may be due to different activities of salvage en- synthetase, aspartate transcarbamoylase and dihydroorotase
zymes and/or those of nucleotide catabolism. (steps 1– 3, Fig. 2) are present as a multifunctional protein
called the CAD protein, after the initial letters of the three con-
stituent enzymes (Christopherson and Szabados 1997). How-
2.2 De novo biosynthetic pathway of purine
ever, no such complex has thus far been detected in plants
(see Moffatt and Ashihara 2002). Although there are two dif-
The de novo biosynthetic pathway of purine nucleotides, AMP ferent types of carbamoyl phosphate synthetases that pro-
and GMP, from 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) is vide substrates for pyrimidine and arginine biosynthesis in
shown in Figure 1. Related enzymes from plant sources are most eukaryotes, including mammals, only one type has thus
shown in Table 1. Because of space limitation, we have se- far been identified in higher plants (see Wagner and Backer
lected references where enzyme properties were best de- 1992). Therefore, the plant enzyme evidently provides carba-
scribed. However, some enzymes described in the table were moyl phosphate for both pathways. UMP is a feedback inhib-
demonstrated only in crude extracts. Precise details of this itor of plant carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, but this inhibi-
pathway in plants are still obscure (Sugiura and Takeda tion is overcome by ornithine, leading to the utilization of car-
2000), but the same biosynthetic pathway has been estab- bamoylphosphate for arginine biosynthesis (O’Neal and Nay-
lished in animals and microorganisms (Henderson and Pater- lor 1976). The second enzyme, aspartate transcarbamoylase,
son 1973, Neuhard and Nyggard 1987, Neuhard and Kelln is also inhibited by high concentrations of UMP. This seems to
1996, Zalkin and Nygaard 1996). In animals, enzymes of the be a feedback control of pyrimidine biosynthesis. The fourth
de novo biosynthetic pathway and those of hydrofolate me- enzyme (step 4 in Fig. 2), dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, is
tabolism are present as a multi-enzyme complex (Chris- not well characterized. Subcellular localization studies with
topherson and Szabados 1997). In contrast, such a complex hetrotrophically cultured tomato cells suggested that it is lo-
has not been observed in higher plants. AMP and GMP are cated in mitochondria (Miersch et al. 1986). The fifth and sixth

Table 1. Enzymes involved in the de novo biosynthetic pathway of purine nucleotides reported in higher plants.

Enzyme name (step in Fig 1) EC number Plant source Reference

Amido phosphoribosyltransferase (1) Glycine max (nodules) Reynolds et al. (1984)
Adenylosuccinate lyase (8) Triticum aestivum (germ) Hatch (1966)
AICAR formyl transferase (9) Pisum sativum (seedlings) Iwai et al. (1972)
SAMP synthetase (11) Zea mays (seedlings) Walters et al. (1997)
Arabidopsis thaliana Prade et al. (2000)
Triticum aestivum Prade et al. (2000)
IMP dehydrogenase (12) Pisum sativum (seeds) Turner and King (1961)
Vigna unguiculata (nodules) Atkins et al. (1985)
Camellia sinensis (leaves) Nishimura and Ashihara (1993)
Catharanthus roseus (cells) Nishimura and Ashihara (1993)
1274 Claudio Stasolla et al.

Figure 2. De novo biosynthetic pathway of pyrimidine nucleotides in plants. Enzymes shown are: (1) carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, (2) aspar-
tate transcarbamoylase, (3) dihydroorotase, (4) dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, (5) – (6) UMP synthase (orotate phosphoribosyltransferase plus
orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase), (7) UMP kinase, (8) nucleoside diphosphate kinase, (9) CTP synthetase.

Table 2. Enzymes involved in the de novo biosynthetic pathway of pyrimidine nucleotides reported in higher plants.

Enzyme (step in Fig 2) EC number Plant source Reference

Carbamoyl phosphate syntehtase (1) Phaseolus aureus Ong and Jackson (1972)
Pisum sativum (shoots) O’neal and Naylor (1976)
Aspartate transcarbamoylase (2) Phaseolus aureus (seedlings) Rao et al. (1979)
Triticum aestivum (germ) Khan et al. (1999)
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (4) Lycopersicon esculentum (cells) Miersch et al. (1986)
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (5) and Phaseolus mungo (seedlings) Ashihara (1978)
Orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase (6) Lycopersicon esculentum Walther et al. (1984)
(cultured cells)
UMP/CMP kinase (7) Arabidopsis thaliana Zhou et al. (1998)
Nucleoside-diphosphate kinase (8) Spinacia oleracea (leaves) Nomura et al. (1991)
Avena sativa (seedlings) Sommer and Song (1994)

enzymes, orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (step 5, Fig. 2) 2.4 Biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleotides

and orotidine-5′-monophosphate decarboxylase (step 6,
Fig. 2), are present as a single polypeptide; as a result, a new The reduction of the ribose moiety of the ribonucleotide di-
term, UMP synthase, has been given this protein, which is ob- phosphates (NDP) is catalysed by a single plant ribonucleo-
served in both plants and animals (Santoso and Thornburg tide reductase (step 1, Fig. 3), and deoxyribonucleoside di-
1998). UMP produced by the orotate pathway is further phos- phosphates (dNDPs) are produced (see Wagner and Backer
phorylated by UMP kinase (step 7, Fig. 2) and nucleoside di- 1992). With the exception of dUDP, dNDPs are further phos-
phosphate kinase (step 8, Fig. 2) to UTP via UDP. CTP is phorylated and the resultants, dCTP, dATP and dGTP are uti-
formed from UTP by a one-step reaction catalysed by CTP lized as direct precursors for DNA synthesis. In plants, dUDP
synthetase (step 9, Fig. 2). formed by the ribonucleotide reductase is first converted to
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1275

Figure 3. De novo biosynthetic pathway of deoxy-

nucleotides in plants. (1) Ribonucleotide reduc-
tase, (2) nucleoside diphosphate kinase, (3)
dUTP pyrophosphatase, (4) thymidylate syn-
thase, (5) nucleoside monophosphate kinase
and/or dTMP kinase.

Table 3. Enzymes involved in the salvage pathways of purine nucleotides reported in higher plants.

Enzyme name (step in Fig 4 a) EC number Plant source Reference

Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (1) Helianthus tuberosus (shoots) Le Floc’h and Lafleuriel (1978)
Catharanthus roseus (cells) Hirose and Ashihara (1983 a)
Lycopersicon esculentum Burch and Stuchbury (1986)
(roots, leaves)
Brassica juncea (leaves) Moffatt and Somerville (1990)
Arabidopsis thaliana (leaves) Lee and Moffatt (1993)
Hevea brasiliensis (latex) Gallois et al. (1996)
Hypoxanthine-guanine Helianthus tuberosus (shoots) Le Floc’h and Lafleuriel (1983 b)
phosphoribosyltransferase (2)
Adenosine phosphorylase (3) 2.4.2.- Triticum aestivum (germ) Chen and Petschow (1978)
Adenosine kinase (5) Lupinus luteus (seeds) Guranowski (1979 a)
Prunus persica (flower buds) Faye and Le Floc’h (1997)
Arabidopsis thaliana Mofatt et al. (2000)
Nucleoside phoshpotransferase (6) Daucus carota (roots) Rodgers and Chargaff (1972)
Lupinus luteus (cotyledons) Guranowski (1979 b)
Hordeum vulgare (seedlings) Prasher et al. (1982)
Inosine-guanosine kinase (7) Helianthus tuberosus (tubers) Combés et al. (1989)
Inosine-guanosine phosphorylase (8) Triticum aestivum (germ) Chen and Petschow (1978)

dUTP, and then hydrolysed to dUMP (step 3, Fig. 3) (Pardo 2.6 Purine salvage
and Gutiérrez 1990).
Utilization of preformed purine bases and nucleosides for nu-
cleotide synthesis occurs through the salvage pathway. Pu-
rine nucleosides and nucleobases arise from the intercellular
2.5 Synthesis of thymidine nucleotides
breakdown of unstable RNA and nucleotides, and in some
Thymidine nucleotide (dTMP) is synthesized from dUMP by cases, originate from exogenous sources as catabolic prod-
thymidylate synthase (step 4, Fig. 3). In this reaction, N 5, ucts of nucleic acids and nucleotides in decaying cells (see
N 10-methyltetrahydrofolate produced by dihydrofolate reduc- Wasternack 1982, Bray 1983). Adenosine released from hy-
tase acts both as donor of the methyl group and reducing drolysis of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine in the S-adenosyl-L-
agent. A bifunctional protein that consists of thymidylate syn- methionine cycle and adenine released in the methionine cy-
thase and dihydrofolate reductase has been detected in cle of ethylene synthesis are also utilized as a substrate for
plants (Lazar et al. 1993). Conversion of dTMP to dTTP oc- purine salvage (see Wasternack 1982, Ashihara and Crozier
curs by sequential reactions catalysed by nucleoside mono- 1999, Crozier et al. 2000, Moffatt and Ashihara 2002). Some
phosphate kinase (step 5, Fig. 3) and nucleoside diphos- of the enzymes involved in purine salvage have been found in
phate kinase (step 2, Fig. 3). higher plants (Table 3).
1276 Claudio Stasolla et al.

Figure 4. Salvage reactions of (A) purine and (B) pyrimidine bases and nucleosides in plants. Enzymes shown are: (A)-(1) adenine phosphoribo-
syltransferase, (2) hypoxanthine-guanine phoshoribosyltransferase, (3) adenosine phosphorylase, (4) adenosine nucleosidase, (5) adenosine
kinase, (6) non-specific nucleoside phosphotransferase, (7) inosine-guanosine kinase, (8) inosine-guanosine phosphorylase, (9) inosine-guano-
sine nucleosidase. (B)-(1) uracil phosphoribosyltransferase, (2) uridine/cytidine kinase, (3) non-specific nucleoside phosphotransferase, (4)
deoxycytidine deaminase, (5) deoxycytidine kinase, (6) thymidine kinase, (1) uridine phosphorylase, (8) uridine nucleosidase.

Three purine bases, adenine, guanine and hypoxanthine, transferase (step 6, Fig. 4 A) (see Wagner and Backer 1992,
are salvaged to AMP, GMP and IMP, respectively. Two distinct Ashihara and Crozier 1999).
enzymes, adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (step 1, Fig.
4 A) and hypoxanthine/guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
2.7 Pyrimidine salvage
(step 2, Fig. 4 A) participate in these salvage reactions. Purine
bases also may be salvaged to nucleotides via nucleosides. Some of the pyrimidine bases and nucleosides produced as
Adenosine phosphorylase (step 3, Fig. 4 A) and inosine-gua- degradation products of nucleotide and nucleic acids are uti-
nosine phosphorylase (step 8, Fig. 4 A) convert adenine, lized for generation of pyrimidine nucleotides (see Ross 1981,
hypoxanthine and guanine to their respective ribonucleosides Wasternack 1982, Wagner and Backer 1992). Uracil, one of
using ribose-1-phosphate. Activities of these enzymes are the pyrimidine bases, is salvaged by uracil phosphoribosyl-
very low in higher plants (see Wagner and Backer 1992, Ashi- transferase (step 1, Fig. 4 B). No salvage activity has yet been
hara and Crozier 1999, Moffatt and Ashihara 2002). Thus, the detected for cytosine in plants (Ross 1981, Katahira and Ashi-
production of ribonucleotides by these methods may only hara 2002), although cytosine is converted to uracil by cyto-
play a minor role in purine salvage. sine deaminase and salvaged in some microorganisms (Ipata
Purine nucleosides, adenosine, guanosine and inosine, are et al. 1971, Sakai et al. 1976, Katsuragi et al. 1986). Pyrimidine
salvaged by kinases and/or nucleoside phosphotransferase. nucleosides, uridine, cytidine, deoxycytidine and thymidine,
Adenosine kinase (step 5, Fig. 4 A) is distributed ubiquitously are salvaged to their respective nucleotides, UMP, CMP,
and its activity is usually high, whereas, inosine-guanosine ki- dCMP and dTMP. A single enzyme, uridine/cytidine kinase
nase (step 7, Fig. 4 A) has been found in only a limited num- (step 2, Fig. 4 B) that is present in all plants investigated to
ber of plant species. In some plants, inosine and guanosine date, phosphorylates uridine and cytidine. Deoxycytidine ki-
are mainly salvaged by the non-specific nucleoside phospho- nase and thymidine kinase (steps 5 and 6 respectively,
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1277

Table 4. Enzymes involved in the salvage pathways of pyrimidine nucleotides reported in higher plants.

Enzyme (step in Fig 4b) EC number Plant source Reference

Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (1) Pisum sativum (epicotyls) Bressan et al. (1978)
Uridine/Cytidine kinase (2) Zea mays (seeds) Deng and Ives (1975)
Deoxycytidine deaminase (4) Zea mays (leaves) Le Floc’h and Guillot (1974)

Figure 5. Catabolism of (A) purine nucleotides and (B) pyrimidine nucleotides in plants. Enzymes shown are: (A)-(1) AMP deaminase, (2) IMP de-
hydrogenase, (3) 5′-nucleotidase and/or phosphatase, (4) inosine-guanosine nucleosidase, (5) guanosine deaminase, (6) guanine deaminase,
(7) xanthine dehydrogenase, (8) uricase, (9) allantoinase, (10) allantoicase, (11) ureidoglycolate lyase, (12) urease, (13) allantoin deaminase, (14)
ureidoglycine amidohydrolase, (15) ureidoglycolate hydrolase. (B)-(1) 5′-nucleotidase and/or phosphatase, (2) cytidine deaminase, (3) uridine
nucleosidase, (4) dihydrouracil dehydrogenase, (5) dihydropyriminase, (6) β-ureidopropionase, (7) thymidine phosphorylase and/or thymidine

Fig. 4 B) may be present in plants, but details of their proper- Table 5, see Schubert and Boland 1990, Ashihara and Crozier
ties have not yet been elucidated. Non-specific nucleoside 1999). A key starting compound of purine catabolism is xant-
phosphotransferase (step 3, Fig. 4 B) activity also participates hine; thus, all purine nucleotides must be converted to xant-
in the salvage of pyrimidine nucleosides, as well as purine hine before their purine ring cleavage is initiated. Deamina-
nucleosides. Some of the enzymes of pyrimidine salvage tion, dephosphorylation and glycosidic bond cleavage are
have been reported in higher plants (Table 4). involved in this process. In contrast to animals, adenosine
deaminase has generally not been found in most plants,
although very low adenosine deaminase was detected in
2.8 Catabolism of purine nucleotides
roots and foliage of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) plants (Edwards
Plants possess the complete oxidative purine catabolic path- 1996); thus, AMP deaminase and guanosine deaminase are
way to CO2 and NH3 via uric acid and allantoin (Fig. 5 A and the predominant deamination enzymes for adenine and gua-
1278 Claudio Stasolla et al.

Table 5. Enzymes involved in the catabolic pathway of purine nucleotides reported in higher plants.

Enzyme name (step in Fig 3) EC number Plant source Reference

AMP deaminase (1) Spinacia oleracea (leaves) Yoshino and Murakami (1980)
Helianthus tuberosus (tubers) Le Floc’h and Lafleuriel (1983 a)
Catharanthus roseus (cells) Yabuki and Ashihara (1992)
Pisum sativum (seedlings) Dancer et al. (1997)
5’-Nucleotidase (3) Zea mays (seedlings shoot) Carter and Tipton (1985)
Lycopersicon esculentum (roots, leaves) Burch and Stuchbury (1986)
Arachis hypogaea (cotyledons) Gupta and Sharma (1996)
Inosine-guanosine nucleosidase (4) Helianthus tuberosus (shoots) Le Floc’h and Lafleuriel (1981)
Lupinus luteus (seeds) Granowski (1982)
Purine nucleosidase Vigna unguiculata (nodules) Atkins et al. (1989)
Adenosine nucleosidase Lupinus luteus (seeds) Abusamhadneh et al. (2000)
Guanosine deaminase (5) Camellia sinensis (leaves) Negishi et al. (1994)
Guanine deaminase (6) Camellia sinensis (leaves) Negishi et al. (1994)
Xanthine dehydrogenase (7) Glycine max (nodules) Triplett et al. (1982)
Uricase (8) Vigna unguiculata (nodules) Rainbird and Atkins (1981)
Phaseolus vulgaris (nodules) Sánchez et al. (1987)
Glycine max (nodules) Kahan and Tipton (1997)
Allantoinase (9) Glycine max (leaves, fruits) Thomas et al. (1983)
Glycine max (seeds) Webb and Lindell (1993)
Glycine max (nodules, cotyledons) Bell and Webb (1995)
Ureidoglycolate lyase (11) Cicer arietinum (pods) Munoz et al. (2001)
Urease (12) Morus alba (leaves) Hirayama et al. (2000)
Ureidoglycolate hydrolase (15) Glycine max (seedcoats) Winkler et al. (1988)
Phaseolus vulgaris (fruits) Wells and Lees (1991)

Table 6. Enzymes involved in the catabolic pathway of pyrimidine nucleotides reported in higher plants.

Enzyme (step in Fig. 5) EC number Plant source Reference

Cytidine deaminase (2) Arabidopsis thaliana Vincenzetti et al (1999)

Arabidopsis thaliana Faivre-Nitschke et al. (1999)
Uridine nucleosidase (3) Phaseolus radiatus (seedlings) Achar and Vaidyanathan (1967)
Pisum sativum (cotyledons) Murray and Ross (1971)
β-ureidopropionase (6) Zea mays (seedlings) Walsh et al. (2001)

nine nucleotides respectively. Guanine deaminase is also (see Schubert and Boland 1990). Different metabolic fates of
detected in plants, but its activity is generally low. GMP allantoic acid are proposed in plants. In the classic allan-
reductase, which catalyses the conversion of GMP to IMP, is toicase pathway, allantoic acid is degraded to CO2, NH3 and
not present in plants. There are many enzymes for the glyoxylate via urea and ureidoglycolate (steps 10–12, Fig.
dephosphorylation reaction. Various phosphatases, 3′- 5 A). More recently, an alternative route, the allantoic acid
nucleotidase and 5′-nucleotidase appear to produce purine amidohydrolase pathway, has been proposed in which allan-
nucleosides. Adenosine nucleosidase, inosine-guanosine toic acid is initially converted to ureidoglycine, CO2 and NH3
nucleosidase seem to participate in glycosidic bond cleav- (step 13. Fig. 5 A). The NH3 is released directly and urea for-
age. mation is not involved in the subsequent catabolism to gly-
Xanthine is converted to uric acid by xanthine dehydrogen- oxylate (steps 14 and 15, Fig. 5 A) (Winkler et al. 1988).
ase (step 7, Fig. 5 A). Uricase catalyses the formation of allan-
toin, and allantoic acid is produced by an allantoinase-cata-
2.9 Catabolism of pyrimidine nucleotides
lysed reaction (steps 8 and 9, Fig. 5 A). Some plant organs,
such as roots of the tropical legumes and maple (Acer sp.) In plants, the pyrimidine bases, uracil and thymine, are cata-
trees, accumulate allantoin and/or allantoic acid, which play bolized by a reductive pathway (see Wasternack 1978),
an important role in the storage and translocation of nitrogen whereas no catabolic pathway of cytosine has been ob-
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1279

served (see Ross 1981). Thus, catabolism of CMP must take represent a metabolic switch required for the termination of
place after conversion of cytidine to uridine (step 2, Fig. 5 B). cell proliferation and the initiation of embryo development. Ex-
Plants have cytidine deaminase, but not cytosine deaminase, tensive utilization of adenine and adenosine for nucleotide
so conversion at the nucleoside level is essential. Uracil and and nucleic acid synthesis, as well as high activities of the re-
thymine are catabolized by the same three sequential reac- spective salvage enzymes, adenine phosphoribosyltransfe-
tions (steps 4 – 6, Fig. 5 B). The end products of this catabolic rase (APRT) and adenosine kinase (AK), was in fact ob-
pathway are either β-alanine or β-aminoisobutyrate. In both served during the initial phases of embryo development,
cases, CO2 and NH3 are produced as by-products. Only characterized by rapid cell proliferation. During the sub-
three enzymes of the pyrimidine catabolic pathway have sequent stages, characterized by a reduction of cell prolifera-
been demonstrated in higher plants to date (Table 6). tion and the initiation of somatic embryo development, de-
creases in salvage activity of both adenine and adenosine
were observed (Ashihara et al. 2001 a). Changes in purine
2.10 Related pathways metabolism also seem to be important during the imposition
Purine nucleotides are also precursors for cytokinin and pu- of desiccation on the white spruce somatic embryos, required
rine alkaloid biosynthesis. Therefore, nucleotide metabolism for the termination of the developmental mode and the initia-
has unique roles in plants. For reviews on these topics, recent tion of germination (Kermode 1990). During this transition, in
publications (Kaminek et al. 1992, Ashihara and Crozier 1999, fact, although the incorporation of both supplied adenine and
2001, Mok and Mok 2001) are available. adenosine declined, the activity of APRT was found to in-
crease (Stasolla et al. 2001 a). Although operative throughout
the maturation period of white spruce somatic embryos, the
degradation pathway, estimated by the rate of inosine degra-
3. Physiological aspects of nucleotide dation, does not appear to be correlated to any particular
metabolism in plants stage of development.
Studies on pyrimidine metabolism conducted on maturing
Relatively few studies deal with the synthesis and metabolism white spruce somatic embryos demonstrated that the de
of purines and pyrimidines in plants. A majority of the investi- novo pathway (see Fig. 2) is very active throughout the em-
gations on nucleotide metabolism have been carried out by bryogenic process, as more than 80 % of supplied orotic acid
following the metabolic fate of radio-labeled purine and pyri- was utilized for nucleotide and nucleic acid synthesis at the
midine bases and nucleosides, which are readily taken up by different stages of embryo development (Ashihara et al.
the tissue and metabolised to nucleotides or degraded to 2001 b). The salvage pathway (see Fig. 4 B) was also oper-
CO2 and NH3. Such studies have been of great use in deter- ative, and uridine was a better precursor for nucleotides and
mining the activity of the de novo, salvage, and degradation nucleic acids than was uracil. The extensive catabolism of
pathways of both purine and pyrimidine metabolism during uracil (see Fig. 5 B), degraded to CO2 via β-ureidopropionate,
different stages of plant growth and development. Today, was mainly due to the low activity of uracil phosphoribosyl-
major studies on this topic have been conducted during ma- transferase (UPRT) in relation to that of uridine kinase (UK)
turation and germination of somatic and zygotic embryos, (Ashihara et al. 2001 b). As the changing pattern of these en-
shoot organogenesis in vitro, development of storage organs zymes did not correlate with the utilization of their respective
and sprouting, fruit ripening, and leaf senescence. precursors, it was suggested that other fine control mecha-
nisms, including the fluctuation of levels of substrates and/or
effectors might be a determinant for the control of pyrimidine
3.1 Embryo maturation
metabolism during embryo development (Ashihara et al.
Studies on nucleotide metabolism during embryogenesis 2001 b). As also observed for APRT, the activity of UK was
have been carried out mainly on (asexual) somatic embryos, found to increase during the subsequent imposition of desic-
because their zygotic counterparts are embedded in the ma- cation (Stasolla et al. 2001a). High activity of this enzyme was
ternal tissue, and are difficult to isolate. In our laboratories, also observed in white spruce zygotic embryos dissected
white spruce (Picea glauca) and carrot (Daucus carota) so- from dry seeds (Stasolla et al. 2002). The participation of
matic embryogenesis in vitro have been extensively utilized these two enzymes for the enlargement of the overall nucleo-
as model systems for this purpose. tide pool at germination will be discussed in the next section.
Both purine salvage and degradation pathways, as investi- Differences in pyrimidine metabolism seem to exist during
gated by following the metabolic fate of [8-14C]adenine and the early stages of maturation between dried seeds of coni-
[8-14C]adenosine, substrates of the salvage pathway (see fers and flowering plants. An active pyrimidine de novo path-
Fig. 4), and [8-14C]inosine, intermediate of the degradation way, as estimated by the utilization of orotic acid for nucleo-
pathway (see Fig. 5 A), operate during the development of tide and nucleic acid biosynthesis was operative in both so-
white spruce somatic embryos (Ashihara et al. 2001 a). From matic (Stasolla et al. 2001a) and zygotic (Stasolla et al. 2002)
this study, it emerged that changes in salvage activity may white spruce embryos, but not in dried black gram (Phaseo-
1280 Claudio Stasolla et al.

lus mungo) seeds (Ashihara 1977). In black gram seeds, this three distinct phases: (1) «unmetabolized phase», (2) «sal-
situation was associated with a low content of 5-phosphoribo- vage phase», and (3) «ureide formation phase». During the
syl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) (Ashihara and Kameyama 1989). early stages of germination, the total uptake of purine precur-
Although not directly measured, PRPP does not appear to be sors, as well as their incorporation into the different cellular
a limiting factor in dried conifer embryos, as the activity of fractions is generally low (Stasolla et al. 2001 b). In black
PRPP synthase doubled during the imposed drying treatment gram cotyledons, for example, more than 50 % of both ade-
in white spruce somatic embryos (Stasolla et al. 2001a). nine and adenosine and 30 % of guanine and hypoxanthine
Despite the paucity of information regarding the biosynthe- taken up by the tissue remained unmetabolized (Ashihara
sis of deoxyribonucleotides in plants, the existence of a de 1983). A similar result was also observed in germinating white
novo and salvage pathway during the embryogenic process spruce embryos fed with adenine, adenosine, and inosine
in both angiosperms and gymnosperms has been demon- (Stasolla et al. 2001 b). Such results may be ascribed to the
strated (Schimpff et al. 1978, Stasolla et al. 2003 a, b). Evi- absence of full tissue hydration during the first hours of imbi-
dence that the de novo pathway of deoxyribonucleotide bio- bition; therefore, the whole machinery involved in the utiliza-
synthesis is present in plant embryos comes from studies of tion of purine precursors is probably not fully functional.
Schimpff et al. (1978), who measured ribonucleotide reduc- The second phase of purine metabolism at germination is
tase activity in wheat (Triticum aestivum) embryos. Incorpora- the «salvage phase». The first hints of salvage activity follow-
tion of radioactivity from 14C-labeled cytidine into the DNA ing seed imbibition came from the studies conducted by
fraction of maturing white spruce and carrot somatic embryos Bomsel and Pradet (1968) and Cheung and Marcus (1976),
(Stasolla et al. 2003 a, b) also supports this concept. In carrot, who observed an increase of the nucleoside triphosphate
the increased utilization of cytidine for DNA synthesis as ma- pool at the expense of the endogenous AMP and GMP. The
turation progresses, clearly indicates that de novo synthesis importance of the purine salvage pathway at germination was
of deoxyribonucleotides may be required in support of active further demonstrated by Anderson (1977a), who observed an
embryonic growth (Stasolla et al. 2003 b). increase of ATP and, to a lesser extent, GTP in soybean
Tracer experiments conducted with thymidine and deoxy- (Glycine max) axes incubated in the presence of adenine and
cytidine on white spruce and carrot also indicate that the sal- adenosine. Furthermore, increase in PRPP, an important
vage synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides is operative during phosphoribosyl donor for nucleotide synthesis, was observed
embryo development. Both precursors are in fact rapidly met- in black gram seeds (Ashihara and Kameyama 1989). In-
abolised by the tissue and incorporated into nucleotides and creasing concentrations of ATP were also found in other sys-
nucleic acids. Compared to deoxycytidine, thymidine was tems, including germinating black gram seeds (Ashihara and
more actively incorporated into DNA rather than RNA in both Kameyama 1989), pine (Pinus mugo) pollen (Nygaard 1973),
systems (Stasolla et al. 2003 a, b). Salvage synthesis of de- bacterial spores (Setlow and Kornberg 1970), and soybean
oxyribonucleotides may be required during the initial stages embryos (Anderson 1977 a). A positive correlation between
of embryo development, as low salvage activity for both de- ATP content, and seed viability and seedling size was ob-
oxycytidine and thymidine was observed in habituated carrot served in many species, including ryegrass (Lolium multiflo-
cells that were unable to undergo embryo development upon rum), rape seed (Brassica napus), and crimson clover (Trifo-
removal of exogenous 2,4-D (Stasolla et al. 2003 b). lium incarnatum) (Ching 1973). Comparative studies between
control and deteriorated soybean seeds, characterized by a
low percentage of conversion, revealed a higher endogenous
3.2 Embryo germination
amount of ATP in control seeds (Anderson 1977a). The author
In the past, much work related to nucleic acid synthesis dur- also suggested that the impaired ability to generate adeny-
ing seed germination has been published (see Deltour 1985). late nucleotides, rather than loss of specific activities of en-
Nevertheless, information concerning purine and pyrimidine zymes involved in biosynthetic processes, was responsible
metabolism during germination is relatively limited. Availabil- for the reduced germination frequency of deteriorated seeds
ity of nucleotides during the early phases of imbibition seems (Anderson 1977b).
to be a critical factor for successful embryo germination. Be- Production of purine nucleotides via the salvage pathway
sides their involvement in the myriad of bio-energetic proces- (see Fig. 4 A) at germination occurs mainly at the expenses of
ses required for the mobilization of storage products, active adenine, adenosine, guanine, and guanosine (Anderson
nucleotide biosynthesis is also needed to provide the em- 1977 a, Guranowski 1979 a, Guranowski and Barankiewicz
bryos with sufficient purine and pyrimidine nucleotides to 1979, Ashihara 1983, Ashihara et al. 1997, Nobusawa and
support nucleic acid synthesis (Deltour 1985). As such, it is Ashihara 1983, Stasolla et al. 2001 b). During germination of
not surprising that a tight regulation between de novo, sal- white spruce somatic embryos (Stasolla et al. 2001b), as well
vage, and degradation pathways of both purines and pyrimi- as of black gram seeds (Nobusawa and Ashihara 1983),
dines exists at germination. wheat embryos (Price and Murray 1969), and lupin seeds
The metabolic pattern of purine metabolism during germi- (Lupinus luteus) (Guranowski and Barankiewicz 1979), sal-
nation, as proposed by Ashihara (1983), can be divided in vage of adenine is mainly catalysed by APRT. The activity of
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1281

this enzyme increased two-fold over a 2 d period in wheat embryos appear to occur as two separate pools with little or
embryos (Price and Murray 1969) and a 4 d period in white no crossover (Anderson 1979), and they possibly also have
spruce somatic embryos (Stasolla et al. 2001 b). The altern- distinct functions.
ative route of adenine salvage, involving a two step reaction The third phase of the metabolic pattern of purine metabo-
catalysed by nucleoside phosphorylase and AK, is not likely lism, following the salvage phase, is the formation of ureides,
to operate at germination, because no nucleoside phos- which represent an important nitrogen source during the early
phorylase was detected in either dry and germinating lupin phases of germination, particularly in leguminous species
seeds (Guranowski and Barankiewicz 1979). (Thomas and Schrader 1981). As suggested by Fujiwara and
The two mechanisms of adenosine salvage, the single step Yamaguchi (1978), the main pathway for allantoin and allan-
reaction mediated by AK and the two step reaction catalysed toic acid formation is possibly by degradation of purines (see
by adenosine nucleosidase (ARN) and APRT (see Fig. 4 A) Fig. 5 A). This concept is further supported by the observation
are both active at germination, but they operate at different that the degradation pathway of purine nucleotides, as esti-
times. During the initial phases of germination, there are indi- mated by hypoxanthine and inosine catabolism is also oper-
cations that adenosine salvage is mainly mediated by AK. ative during germination. In black gram seedlings, for exam-
The activity of this enzyme, found in extracts of lupin and ple, almost 60 % of radioactivity from hypoxanthine was incor-
black gram seedlings, especially in the cotyledons (Gura- porated into the ureide fraction after a few days of germina-
nowski 1979 b, Guranowski and Barankiewicz 1979, Nobusawa tion (Ashihara and Nobusawa 1981). Extensive degradation of
and Ashihara 1983), increased during germination of white this precursor was possibly due to the low activity of HPRT
spruce somatic embryos (Stasolla et al. 2001 b), whereas it compared to that of other salvage enzymes (Nobusawa and
remained constant in germinating wheat embryos (Price and Ashihara 1983). The presence of this enzyme during germina-
Murray 1969). The alternative route of adenosine salvage ap- tion has also been documented in wheat (Price and Murray
parently becomes operative only during the later stages of 1969) and lupin (Guranowski and Barankiewicz 1979) seeds.
germination, as no ARN activity was detected in dried white In white spruce somatic embryos, a conspicuous formation of
spruce somatic embryos (Stasolla et al. 2001 a) nor in dried ureides via the purine degradation pathway was only ob-
lupin seeds (Guranowski and Pawelkiewicz 1978). In white served after 4 days in germination (Stasolla et al. 2001b).
spruce the presence of this enzyme only appeared 4 d after Another important consideration when conducting studies
imbibition (Stasolla et al. 2001 b), whereas in cotyledons of on purine metabolism during germination is the possibility
germinating lupin seeds ARN activity was first detected at that purines released from catabolic events in specific re-
day 2 and it reached its maximum activity around day 4 (Gu- gions of the embryo are re-metabolised in other parts of the
ranowski and Pawelkiewicz 1978). embryo. In germinating wheat embryos, for example, exten-
Together with adenine and adenosine, there are a few re- sive RNA and nucleotide catabolism, as well as high 3′-
ports indicating that salvage of guanine and guanosine oc- nucleosidase activity, has been found to increase at germina-
curs at germination. Ashihara (1983) observed an extensive tion, especially within the coleorhiza (Shuster and Gifford
utilization of supplied guanine into nucleosides and nucleo- 1962, Price and Ey 1969). Price and Murray (1969) further
tide fractions of germinating black gram seed. This was as- demonstrated that these degradation products generated in
cribed to the activity of GPRT, which was detected in both the coleorhiza are salvaged by root and leaf tissue of the em-
embryonic axes and cotyledons (Ashihara 1983). In another bryos. An analogous case of purine transport between cotyle-
study, Ashihara et al. (1997) also demonstrated a rapid incor- dons and embryonic axis has been documented in black
poration of guanosine into nucleotides and nucleic acids of gram embryos (Ashihara 1983).
2-day-old black gram seedlings. Compared to that of adenine As is true of purine nucleotide metabolism, changes in py-
and adenosine, however, our understanding of the impor- rimidine metabolism delineate defined stages of embryo ger-
tance of guanine and guanosine salvage is limited. mination. Although both the de novo and salvage pathways
Active synthesis of purine nucleotides via the salvage (see Figs. 2 and 4 B) are operative at germination, their con-
pathway appears to be critical for the resumption of growth at tribution to the enlargement of the nucleotide pool during the
germination. In white spruce somatic embryos, treatments process appears to be tightly regulated. As reported by Ashi-
that improve the conversion of the embryos into viable plant- hara (1977) and Stasolla et al. (2001 c), metabolism of pyrimi-
lets (Stasolla and Yeung 1999), also increase the activity of dines, in fact, can be divided in two distinct phases: (1) «sal-
the salvage pathway (Stasolla et al. 2001 b). The contribution vage synthesis», at the inception of germination, and (2) «de
of the salvage synthesis to the overall nucleotide pool ap- novo synthesis», observed at later stages of germination.
pears to be critical during the early phases of germination, as Active production of pyrimidine nucleotides following imbi-
(1) the de novo pathway of purine nucleotide synthesis, dem- bition occurs via the salvage pathway. In black gram cotyle-
onstrated to be operative in soybean axes (Anderson 1979) dons, for example, utilization of uracil and uridine for RNA
and wheat embryos (Shuster 1963), becomes fully operative and nucleotide biosynthesis increased markedly during the
at later stages (Ashihara 1983), and (2) ATP and GTP pro- first 24 h of germination, before declining at later stages
duced by the de novo and salvage pathways of germinating (Ashihara 1977). A similar result was also reported in germi-
1282 Claudio Stasolla et al.

nating white spruce somatic (Stasolla et al. 2001c) and zygo- restored de novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides has
tic (Stasolla et al. 2002) embryos. In somatic embryos, for been proposed by Brown and Wray (1968), who observed in-
example, uridine incorporation into nucleic acids and nucleo- creased activity of the pentose phosphate pathway over the
tides was high in dried embryos, and it slowly declined during first 6 days of germination in Meteor pea cotyledons. This
the first 6 days of germination (Stasolla et al. 2001 c). In this pathway is responsible for the production of ribose-5-phos-
study, salvage of uridine was mainly catalysed by UK, and to phate, substrate for the synthesis of PRPP, which is required
a lesser extent by non-specific phosphotransferases, whose for the conversion of orotic acid to UMP.
activities were also observed during germination of maize Studies on deoxyribonucleotide also revealed that both de
(Zea mays) seeds (Wanka and Walboomers 1966) and wheat novo and salvage pathways are operative during germina-
grains (Mazus and Buchowicz 1972). tion. In germinating white spruce somatic embryos, the activ-
As germination progresses, the contribution of the salvage ity of the de novo pathway was demonstrated by the low, but
pathway to the overall pyrimidine nucleotide pool declines. significant utilization of supplied cytidine for DNA synthesis.
The mechanism limiting the activity of salvage synthesis dur- Conversion of this precursor to CMP was mainly regulated by
ing the later stages of germination has not been fully eluci- the activity of cytidine kinase (CK), and to a lesser extent, by
dated, although conversion of UMP to UDP may represent the non-specific phosphotransferases (Stasolla et al. 2003 a). The
limiting step. In pea (Pisum sativum) cotyledons incubated role played by CK in cytidine metabolism at germination was
with labeled uracil and uridine, for example, more radioactiv- also demonstrated in corn seedlings (Wanka and Bauer
ity was recovered in the UMP fraction than in the UDP-UDPG 1967).
fraction (Ross et al. 1971). Alternatively, the rate of conversion A large fraction of cytidine was also incorporated into the
of pyrimidine bases and nucleosides into nucleotides may be RNA fraction. In germinating white spruce somatic embryos,
determined by the activity of the relative salvage enzymes. In utilization of cytidine for RNA synthesis has been demon-
germinating white spruce somatic and zygotic embryos, for strated to occur directly, after conversion to CMP, or indirectly,
example, a decrease in uridine salvage paralleled a pro- via deamination to uridine and ammonia by deaminase activ-
nounced decline in UK activity (Stasolla et al. 2001c, 2002). A ity (Stasolla et al. 2003 a). The presence of this latter route in
general picture emerging from germination studies is that uri- plant cells was long ago demonstrated by Ross and Cole
dine is a more rapidly utilized substrate for the synthesis of (1968).
salvage products than uracil, as a large percentage of uracil is Salvage synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides at germination
often degraded through a reductive catabolic pathway (Evans was also demonstrated by following the metabolic fate of de-
and Axelrod 1960, Ashihara 1977, Stasolla et al. 2001c). oxycytidine and thymidine (Wanka and Walboomers 1966,
The decreased salvage activity as germination progresses Kameyama et al. 1985, Stasolla et al. 2002, 2003 a). In germi-
is accompanied by an increased activity of the de novo path- nating white spruce somatic embryos, utilization of deoxycyti-
way. Utilization of orotic acid for nucleotide and nucleic acid dine for DNA synthesis was higher than that measured in fully
synthesis, in fact, was found to increase in cotyledons of ger- matured embryos (Stasolla et al. 2003 a). In this study, it was
minating black gram (Ashihara 1977) and Alaska pea seeds also demonstrated that both deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) and
(Ross et al. 1971), as well as in germinating white spruce so- non-specific phosphotransferases contributed equally to the
matic embryos (Stasolla et al. 2001 c). The restoration of the salvage of deoxycytidine.
de novo pathway seems to be critical for ensuring that the Compared to deoxycytidine, a large fraction of supplied
embryos have sufficient nucleotides to support active nucleic thymidine is degraded to CO2 during germination (Kame-
acid synthesis. Increasing levels of nucleotides were demon- yama et al. 1985, Stasolla et al. 2002). Increasing utilization of
strated during germination of both pine pollen tubes (Ny- this precursor for nucleic acid synthesis was observed in ger-
gaard 1973) and bacterial spores (Setlow and Kornberg minating black gram seeds (Kameyama et al. 1985), as well
1970). as in germinating white spruce zygotic embryos (Stasolla et
The restoration of the de novo machinery as germination al. 2002). In white spruce somatic embryos, thymidine sal-
progresses may be due to the increased activity of several vage appears to be critical for post-embryonic growth, as
enzymes involved in the de novo pathway, including OPRT, experimental manipulations of the culture conditions that
which, in concert with OMP decarboxylase, catalyzes the decrease the germination frequency of the embryos also
conversion of orotic acid to UMP. In support of this concept is result in a decrease of thymidine anabolism (Stasolla 2001).
the observation that the activity of OPRT is generally low at Conversion of thymidine to dTMP is mediated by thymidine
the beginning of germination but increases at later stages kinase (TK), as well as by non-specific phosphotransferases.
(Ross et al. 1971, Ross and Murray 1971, Stasolla et al. The contribution of these two enzymes to the amount of thymi-
2001 c). Besides OPRT, the levels of other enzymes involved dine being salvaged appears to be species dependent.
in the construction of the pyrimidine ring, including carbamoyl Wanka and Walboomers (1966) reported the activity of thymi-
phosphate synthetase and aspartate carbamoyltransferase, dine kinase in maize seedlings, however, it has been indi-
have been found to increase as germination progresses (Ma- cated that thymidine kinase measured in crude extracts may
zus and Buchowicz 1972). An alternative explanation for the be due to combined activities of the nucleoside phospho-
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1283

transferases and ATP phosphohydrolase (Mullin and Fites using various 14C-labeled precursors (Tomlinson and Lovatt
1978). The activity of thymidine kinase, was not detected in 1987). Pyrimidine biosynthesis de novo in whole navel orange
germinating black gram embryos (Kameyama et al. 1985); fruits increased during the cell-division phase of fruit develop-
however, relatively high activity of thymidine kinase was ment. Capacity of peel tissue to synthesise pyrimidine nu-
observed in both somatic (Stasolla et al. 2003 a) and zygotic cleotides de novo decreased with fruit development up to 5
(Stasolla et al. 2002) germinating embryos of white spruce. months. In contrast, synthesis of purine nucleotides was not
related to any specific stage of fruit development.

3.3 In vitro organogenesis

The only two studies available on nucleotide biosynthesis
3.6 Storage organ development and sprouting
during in vitro organogenesis are those dealing with shoot Studies on the enzymes and general metabolism of nucleoti-
bud formation from epicotyls of white spruce and excised des in storage organs, such as roots and tubers, have been
cotyledons of radiata pine (Stasolla et al., unpublished data). carried out mainly with tubers of Jerusalem artichoke (Heliant-
Investigations on both purine and pyrimidine metabolism hus tuberosus) and potato (Solanum tuberosum). The key en-
indicate that the production of nucleotides via the salvage zymes of purine nucleotide metabolism, AMP deaminase (Le
synthesis plays an important role during the process of shoot Floc’h and Lafleuriel 1983 a) and guanylate kinase (Le Floc’h
formation. In white spruce, epicotyls cultured under shoot- and Lafleuriel 1990), were purified, and their regulatory pro-
forming (SF) conditions more actively utilize adenine and perties and subcellular localization were investigated. Gend-
adenosine for nucleotide and nucleic acid synthesis, com- raud (1975) reported that dormant Jerusalem artichoke buds
pared to those cultured on non-shoot forming (NSF) medium. had adenosine salvage activity. However, conversion of sal-
This higher salvage synthesis, mainly due to increased activ- vaged adenine nucleotides to other nucleotides appeared
ity of APRT and AK, occurs after days 10 in culture, when only in non-dormant ones. When non-dormant Jerusalem
shoot formation is initiated. The importance of the salvage ac- artichoke tubers were transferred to a temperature high
tivity during the organogenic process was also demonstrated enough to allow growth, adenosine nucleosidase activity in-
in excised cotyledon explants of radiata pine, where an in- creased (Le Floc’h and Lafleuriel 1984).
creased incorporation of uracil into the nucleic acid fraction, In potato tubers, nucleotide-sugars, such as ADP-glucose
as well as a higher activity of the uracil salvage enzyme, ura- and UDPG, play an important role in starch formation and
cil phosphoribosyltransferase (UPRT), was observed during sugar-starch conversion. Recently, Loef et al. (1999, 2001) ar-
the formation of shoot primordia (Stasolla, Loukanina, Ashi- gued that increased levels of pyrimidine and purine nucleoti-
hara, Yeung, Thorpe, unpublished data). des formed from exogenously supplied orotate and adenine
stimulate the conversion of sucrose to starch. Detailed stud-
ies on purine and pyrimidine metabolism in potato tubers
3.4 Breaking bud dormancy have been recently conducted by Katahira and Ashihara
In various plants, a dormant period is observed during the
vegetive cycle. The resting state that generally occurs during
winter is broken by low temperature. These plants recover (a) Tuber growing stage
their growth potentialities in the following spring. In ash (Fraxi- In actively growing potato tubers, in situ activities of the de
nus excelsior), and peach (Prunus persica) trees, and straw- novo pathway of purine and pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis
berry (Fragaria × ananassa) plants, breaking of dormancy is estimated from the incorporation of radioactivity from
accompanied by an increased capacity of the salvage path- [14C]formate, [2-14C]glycine, [2-14C]orotate (see Figs. 1 and 2)
ways of adenosine and adenine (Barnola et al. 1986, Balan- were extremely high. Furthermore, activities of the salvage
dier et al. 1993, Robert and Petel 2001). During the dormancy pathways of adenine, adenosine, uridine and cytidine esti-
breaking of buds, an increase in the levels of nucleoside tri- mated by the metabolic fate of labeled precursors and activ-
phosphates, such as ATP and GTP, has been observed after ities of respective enzymes, i.e., adenine phosphoribosyl-
treatment with adenosine. This is referred to as the «nucleo- transferase, AK and UK/cytidine kinase (see Fig. 4) were also
tide test» (Lavarenne et al. 1982, Robert et al. 1997). Dor- high in this stage. This high salvage activity in growing tubers
mancy breaking is accompanied by an increase in the activity may be due to rapid turnover of nucleotides, and it would
of adenosine kinase, adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and/ contribute to the maintenance of sufficient energy and build-
or adenosine nucleosidase (Faye and Le Floc’h 1997, Robert ing blocks required for cell division and enlargement, as well
and Petel 2001). as starch synthesis. Although to date no evidence is avail-
able, it is possible that some nucleobases and nucleosides
produced in leaves may be translocated to growing tubers. If
3.5 Fruit ripening
so, the active salvage pathways observed in growing tubers
Changes in the activity of nucleotide biosynthesis during de- are a very efficient mechanism to make nucleotides without
velopment of orange (Citrus sinensis) fruits were estimated costs.
1284 Claudio Stasolla et al.

Metabolism of deoxyribonucleotides (see Fig. 3) in growing ported from the endosperm to the cotyledons (Kombrink and
tubers was investigated using [2-14C]cytidine, [2-14C]deoxy- Beevers 1983). In potato tubers, detailed changes in the lev-
cytidine and [2-14C]thymidine. Both de novo synthesis of els of nucleosides and nucleobases during the sprouting
deoxyribonucleotides and salvage synthesis from deoxyribo- stage have not yet been determined. However, [2-14C]uridine,
nucleosides were operative in potato tubers. These activities [2-14C]cytidine and [2-14C]uracil injected into the tubers at
may contribute to the active synthesis of DNA in this stage. this stage were transported to the sprouts and mainly recov-
Rapid degradation of exogenously supplied [8-14C]inosine ered as nucleic acids after 3 days.
and [2-14C]uracil indicated that activity (enzyme machinery) In sprouts, the activities of both the de novo and salvage
of the degradation pathways of purine and pyrimidine nucleo- pathways of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides were high
tides to CO2 and NH3 (see Fig. 5) was present in the growing (Katahira and Ashihara 2001). Tremendously elevated levels
tubers. However, 14C-labelled adenine, adenosine and uridine of all participating enzymes of the biosynthetic pathways
were exclusively salvaged to nucleotides and nucleic acids were observed. Among them, the activity of adenosine nu-
and only small amounts of [8-14C]adenosine and [2-14C]uridine cleosidase was 650-fold higher than that in the tubers. Le
taken up during 2 h-pulse incubation were degraded even Floc’h and Lafleuriel (1984) also found that increased adeno-
after a 12 h-chase. Therefore, it appears that little inosine and sine nucleosidase activity accompanied the dormancy re-
uracil were produced in growing tubers; as a result, degrada- lease in tubers of Jerusalem artichoke. The role of adenosine
tion of purine and pyrimidine skeletons is very limited. nucleosidase in plants has not yet clearly been elucidated.
In growing potato tubers, a novel deoxycytidine salvage This enzyme also acts as a hydrolase of cytokinin nucleosi-
pathway, viz., deoxycytidine → deoxyuridine → uridine → UMP dase (Chen and Kristopeit 1981), so its activity may be related
has been proposed to occur (Katahira and Ashihara 2002). to cytokinin metabolism. In support of this notion, the concen-
trations of total cytokinin in the buds of potato tubers in-
creased up to 50-fold during dormancy break (Turnbull and
(b) Mature (Dormant) stage
Hanke 1985).
Translocation of assimilates in leaves to storage organs stops
shortly after leaf senescence begins, and tuber growth stops.
In the dormant tubers, activities of the de novo pathways of 3.7 Leaf senescence
purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis decreased, while different
The pattern of uracil metabolism during senescence of to-
trends were observed in the salvage pathways. In contrast to
bacco leaves has been documented by Ashihara (1981), who
pyrimidine salvage activities, i.e., nucleotide synthesis from
observed extensive uracil salvage activity. Approximately
uridine and cytidine, which were as markedly reduced as
60 % of uracil was converted to nucleotides and further met-
those of de novo pathways, adenosine and adenine salvage
abolised to UDPG and nucleic acids. This high salvage activ-
activities decreased only slightly. Catabolic activity of nucleo-
ity was retained in the early senescent stage of leaves, when
tides was significantly reduced in the dormant tubers; and
chlorophyll content decreased to nearly half of its original
this may reflect the low turnover of nucleotides at this stage.
level. A slight decrease in uracil utilization occurred in older
leaves, and this was due to a decreased activity of uracil
(c) Sprouting stage phosphoribosyltransferase and phosphoribosylpyrophos-
phate synthetase. Uracil was degraded to CO2 via β-ureido-
During the subsequent sprouting period, constituents of tu-
propionate. This degradation activity was almost constant
bers are used for the growth of buds. In tubers, activities of
(approx. 30 – 35 % of uracil taken up by the leaf segments) at
the de novo and salvage pathways of purine and pyrimidine
different stages of leaf senescence. However, in the most se-
biosynthesis were similar to those in the mature stage; the
nescent leaf, nearly half of uracil taken up remained unmeta-
only exception was the increase in the in situ uridine salvage
activity. In addition to uridine kinase, non-specific nucleoside
phosphotransferase may contribute to this salvage, as
judged by the finding that the latter enzyme activity doubled
3.8 Cultured plant cells
during the sprouting period. UDPG content, a rate-limiting
factor for the conversion of starch to sucrose (Sowokinos et Suspension cultured cells have represented a valuable tool
al. 1993), may be mainly dependent on the uridine salvage for studying growth and differentiation of plant cells. In the
activity at this stage. past few years, this system has been successfully employed
Although little work has been performed on the transport of for investigating changes in nucleotide synthesis and utiliza-
metabolites of nucleotide metabolism in plants, transport from tion during synchronous growth of cultured cells (reviewed by
organ to organ seems to be carried out mainly at the nucleo- Wagner and Backer 1992). Inoculation of starved cells into
side and nucleobase levels (see Ashihara and Crozier 1999). fresh medium, in fact, results in synchronous growth, as well
For example, in germinating castor beans (Ricinus commu- as synchronous uptake and utilization of metabolites (King
nis), adenosine, guanosine, inosine and adenine were trans- and Street 1977, Wylegalla et al. 1985). Cells cultured under
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1285

these conditions display very similar growth behaviour, which Qualitative differences within the overall nucleotide pool
can be divided into (1) lag phase, (2) cell division phase, also seem to exist during growth of cultured cells. A compar-
characterized by an increase in cell mass, (3) cell elongation ison of the different components of the nucleotide pool
phase caused by increased vacuolation, and (4) stationary/- among different cell culture systems, including sycamore
starvation phase, delineated by a decreased availability of (Brown and Short 1969), Datura (Meyer and Wagner 1985 a,
nutrients in the medium. Defined morphological and meta- Mitsui and Ashihara 1988), and tobacco (Meyer and Wagner
bolic events occur in each phase (see Wagner and Backer 1985 b), reveals uniform results. In general, the lower fraction
1992). was composed by cytosine nucleotides (less than 3 %), and
the highest by uracil nucleotides (more than 50 %), with the
UDP-sugars as the main fraction (see Wagner and Backer
(a) Changes of nucleotide pools during cell growth
1992). The high proportion of UDP-sugars observed within
Biochemical studies conducted on synchronously growing the total nucleotide pool, as well as their increased content at
cultured cells in several plant species have revealed that the the inception of the cell division phase may be required for
concentration of nucleotides in a particular phase may repre- cell-wall production. Further studies on the relative size of the
sent a regulatory signal affecting the transition of the cells to nucleotide pools also revealed a constant uracil / adenine nu-
the next phase (Meyer and Wagner 1985 a, Wylegalla et al. cleotide ratio during the entire growth curve of Datura (Meyer
1985, Wagner and Backer 1992). Following inoculation of and Wagner 1985 a) and tobacco (Meyer and Wagner 1985 b)
starved cells into fresh medium a pronounced increase in nu- cells. This constant ratio was also observed in cells of an au-
cleotide levels has been observed in many species, including xotrophic mutant of Datura innoxia, which needed supple-
sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) (Brown and Short 1969, mentation of adenine, adenosine, or inosine for normal growth
Shimizu et al. 1977), Vinca rosea (= Catharanthus roseus) (Mitsui and Ashihara 1988). Wagner and Backer (1992) spec-
(Shimazaki et al. 1982, Sasamoto and Ashihara 1988), soy- ulated that metabolic adjustments of the uracil and adenine
bean (De Klerk-Kiebert and Van der Plas 1984), and Datura nucleotide pools denote the presence of regulatory mecha-
innoxia (Meyer and Wagner 1985 a). A similar, but less pro- nisms controlling the endogenous levels of purines and pyri-
nounced increase was also observed for guanine nucleotides midine nucleotides. Regulation of these pools has been re-
(Meyer and Wagner 1985 a). Increased nucleotide biosynthe- vealed to be critical for normal growth and development, as
sis at the lag phase seems to be a prerequisite for the initia- reported in animal and bacterial systems (Chou et al. 1984,
tion of the proliferative phase, where intense DNA and RNA Shimosaka et al. 1984).
synthesis occurs (Wylegalla et al. 1985). In cultured cells of
Datura innoxia, for example, the intracellular increase of nu-
(b) Synthesis of nucleotides during cell growth
cleoside triphosphates is similar, but slightly precedes that of
the RNA content, which reaches its maximum in the cell divi- As reported above, a major synthesis of nucleotides occurs
sion phase (Wylegalla et al. 1985). during the lag phase of cell growth, in preparation for cell pro-
During cell division, the nucleotide pool decreases, as well liferation. By measuring nucleotide levels in Datura cells
as the energy charge (ATP + 0.5 ADP)/(ATP + ADP + AMP), every 6 h after inoculation into fresh medium, Meyer and Wag-
possibly because of ATP consumption. The energy charge, in ner (1985 a) demonstrated a biphasic behavior in the increase
agreement with respiratory activity data (Givan and Collin of the overall nucleotide pool. For both adenine and uracil nu-
1967), usually increases in the first hours of the lag phase, cleotide pools the first increase was observed at 6 h and 15 h
and then it decreases during the cell division phase, before respectively, whereas a second increase occurred a few days
attaining constant levels in the following cell-elongation and later. A similar behavior during the lag phase was also ob-
starvation phases (Shimizu et al. 1977, Shimazaki et al. 1982, served for the uptake of inorganic phosphate. (Wylegalla et
Meyer and Wagner 1985 a). Based on these results, Shima- al. 1985). These results, as interpreted by Kanamori-Fukuda
zaki et al. (1982) divided the adenylate metabolism of Catha- et al. (1981), suggest that nucleotide synthesis during cell
ranthus roseus cells into an «energy generating stage» dur- growth in suspension culture can be divided in two stages: (1)
ing the lag phase, and an «energy utilizing stage» which is a «turn-over or salvage phase» during the lag phase, and (2)
initiated with the cell division stages. In cultured cells of to- a «true biosynthetic stage», characterized by the reactivation
bacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and soybean, however, no de- of the de novo pathway, at the inception of cell division. This
crease in energy charge was observed during cell division concept was substantiated by tracer experiments. Pyrimidine
(DeKlerk-Kiebert and Van der Plas 1984). In the final elonga- salvage (see Fig. 4 B), as estimated by the incorporation of
tion and starvation phases, the overall nucleotide pool attains uracil and uridine into the RNA fraction (Kanamori et al. 1979,
a low, but constant value. Meyer and Wagner (1985 a) sug- Kanamori-Fukuda et al. 1981), as well as salvage of purine
gest that at this stage, as no anabolic consumption occurs, precursors (see Fig. 4 A), including adenine, adenosine, gua-
nucleotides are most likely degraded to nucleosides. Salvage nine, and hypoxanthine (Shimazaki and Ashihara 1982, Hi-
of these nucleosides upon inoculation into fresh medium will rose and Ashihara 1984), was high during the lag phase of
be discussed later. cultured cells and decreased in the following stages. This ex-
1286 Claudio Stasolla et al.

tensive utilization of bases and nucleosides for nucleotide by Reibelle et al. (1983), this high ratio may be a metabolic
synthesis was mainly ascribed to the high activities of the condition for survival.
major purine and pyrimidine salvage enzymes (Kanamori et
al. 1979, Kanamori-Fukuda et al. 1981, Hirose and Ashihara
(d) Effect of phosphate on nucleotide metabolism
1984). Activation of the de novo pathway appears to be a
later event. In cultured Catharanthus roseus cells, orotic acid Cultured plant cells have been largely utilized for detailed ex-
utilization for RNA synthesis increased markedly during the amination on the metabolic role of nutrients. Among the many
cell division phase (Kanamori et al. 1979). This delay in the inorganic nutrients, inorganic phosphate (Pi) has been shown
restoration of the de novo machinery is likely due to a lag in to participate in many metabolic processes affecting plant
the reactivation of enzymes participating in the de novo path- cell growth and development (see Wagner and Backer 1992).
way of both purines and pyrimidines. Activities of PRPP syn- Complete uptake of Pi by cultured cells is generally achieved
thetase and pyrimidine enzymes, such as carbamoylphos- during the first day after inoculation into fresh medium (Wyle-
phate synthetase (step 1, Fig. 2) and OPRT (step 5, Fig. 2), galla et al. 1985), although immediate uptake was reported in
were highest in the cell division phase in Catharanthus roseus Catharanthus roseus cells grown in the absence of Pi for a
cells (Kanamori et al. 1979, Kanamori-Fukuda et al. 1981). The 67h period (Ashihara and Ukaji 1986).
activities of purine enzymes involved in the de novo pathway, Overall changes in cellular metabolism have been ob-
including glycinamide ribonucleotide synthetase (step 2, served as a result of Pi starvation. These include reduced
Fig. 1) and amido phosphoribosyltransferase (step1, Fig. 1) rates of respiration (Li and Ashihara 1990), decreased protein
showed a similar pattern in cultured carrot cells (Ashihara and nucleic acid synthesis (Ukaji and Ashihara 1987, Li and
and Nygaard 1989). Ashihara 1989), development of Pi-deficient inducible bypas-
Although much work on nucleic acid metabolism during ses of respiration (Duff et al. 1989, Nagano and Ashihara
cell growth has been conducted in flowering plants, the activ- 1993, Nagano et al. 1994), as well as changes in nucleotide
ities of de novo and salvage pathways have been demon- pool size and composition (Ukaji and Ashihara 1987, Dancer
strated only recently in cultured cells of a coniferous species, et al. 1990, Li and Ashihara 1990, Shimano and Ashihara
Picea glauca (Ashihara et al. 2000). 2001). In Catharanthus roseus cells, for example, the endoge-
nous ATP level of Pi-starved cells was less than 35 nmol g
FW –1. Re-inoculation of these cells with 10 – 20 mmol/L Pi, re-
(c) Regulation of cell growth by nucleotide availability
sulted in a dramatic increase in ATP level (180 nmol g FW –1)
Studies conducted on uptake and utilization of Pi have dem- (Ashihara and Ukaji 1986). A similar result was also docu-
onstrated that cellular phosphate may act as the signal for the mented by Dancer et al. (1990), who observed a reduction in
initiation and termination of cell division, possibly by regulat- the overall adenine and uracil nucleotide pools, as well as a
ing the availability of nucleoside triphosphates within the sys- decrease in the ATP/ADP and UTP/UDP ratios in Chenopo-
tem (Wylegalla et al. 1985, Ukaji and Ashihara 1986, Wagner dium rubrum cell suspension cultures grown in the absence
and Backer 1992). In Catharanthus and Datura cells, the up- of Pi. These results, together with the inability of cells inocu-
take of phosphate from the medium is completed within the lated into a Pi-free medium to increase their endogenous level
lag phase. At the beginning of cell proliferation, the phos- of ATP (Ukaji and Ashihara 1986), clearly suggest that the rise
phate pool is consumed and this parallels a decrease of the in nucleotide content observed during the lag phase, that is
cellular nucleoside-triphosphate pool (Wylegalla et al. 1985, necessary for the subsequent cell division phase, is strictly
Ukaji and Ashihara 1986). Depletion of intracellular phos- dependent upon Pi availability in the medium (see Wagner
phate and nucleoside triphosphates below a threshold may and Backer 1992).
represent a metabolic switch, which terminates cell division The effects of Pi-availability on the de novo and salvage
and initiates cell elongation (Wylegalla et al. 1985, Wagner synthesis of nucleotides were investigated by Ashihara et al.
and Backer 1992). However, it should be mentioned that Pi (1988). Comparative studies on nucleotide synthesis between
may still be found in the vacuole after the medium is phos- Catharanthus roseus cells grown in the presence or absence
phate-free (Reibelle et al. 1983). of Pi, revealed increased activities of de novo and salvage
Studies on nucleotide metabolism during the stationary pathways of both purines and pyrimidine nucleotides in the
phase have been mainly conducted in Datura innoxia cells, former. In the same study, it was also demonstrated that the
where the length of this phase can be extended up to two rate of uridine degradation was significantly reduced in cells
weeks, without affecting cell viability (Wylegalla et al. 1985). grown in the presence of Pi. Although the role played by Pi
In general, the stationary phase shows a reduction of both during the synthesis of nucleotides needs clarification, sev-
DNA and RNA (Wylegalla et al. 1985, Ukaji and Ashihara eral studies indicate that the activities of both de novo and
1986, Ashihara and Nygaard 1989), which is probably the re- salvage pathways are regulated by PRPP concentration
sult of a decreased nucleotide pool. It is also interesting to which was increased by Pi. Hirose and Ashihara (1983 b) re-
notice that the overall energy charge of the nucleotide pool is ported that the level of PRPP was very low in the stationary
generally high (see Wagner and Backer 1992). As suggested phase of Catharanthus roseus cells in culture, but increased
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1287

rapidly after inoculation into fresh medium. This increase, Probably for this reason, very active adenosine nucleosidase
however, was not observed if the cells were transferred into a is present in A. marina, and 50 – 60 % of exogenously sup-
medium devoid of Pi (Ukaji and Ashihara 1987). plied [8-14C]adenosine was recovered as adenine. Com-
pared to ordinary biomass trees, such as poplar (Populus
alba), activity of adenosine salvage is extremely high in most
3.9 Environmental factors mangrove trees, which may act as a very efficient ATP regen-
erating system. As mangrove plants can produce large
amounts of ATP to facilitate the removal and/or transport of
(a) Effects of salts on nucleotide biosynthesis
salts into vacuoles and to synthesize compounds that func-
Plants require some salts for growth, but concentrations tion as compatible solutes to adjust the osmotic potential of
above the optimum, often result in reduced growth and yield. their tissues, adenosine recycling may be very important. Fur-
Expenditure of energy derived from oxidation of carbohy- thermore, high adenosine nucleosidase activity in glycinebe-
drates and salt pumping is often observed in salt-stressed taine-producing mangrove plants may be related to the con-
plants (Nieman et al. 1988). Changes in the synthesis and uti- tinuous supply of methyl donors for biosynthesis of the com-
lization of nucleotides, especially ATP, in response to salt patible solute.
stress have been reported in several systems, including Recent work indicates that the activation of adenosine ki-
maize, pepper (Capsicum annuum), safflower (Carthamus nase and adenosine nucleosidase may participate in these
tinctorius), and mangrove (Sonneratia alba) (Peterson et al. processes, in response to salt stress Weretilnyk et al. 2001,
1987, 1988, Nieman et al. 1988, Akatsu et al. 1996). From Suzuki et al. 2003). Weretilnyk et al. (2001) observed that in
these studies, it emerges that salt stress decreases the total salt-stressed spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and sugar beet
nucleotide pool, but increases the adenylate energy charge. (Beta vulgaris), adenosine kinase activity, as well as AK pro-
In mangrove, for example, the energy charge of cells cultured tein and transcript accumulation increased. This increase
in the presence of 100 mmol/L NaCl was 0.82, compared to was related to the synthesis of glycinebetaine in response to
0.72 of control cells (Akatsu et al. 1996). The result, similar to high salt concentration. In general, removal of adenosine
that described by Kubota and Ashihara (1993) in Catharant- seems to be necessary to sustain the SAM dependent meth-
hus roseus cells, indicates the presence of an active adeny- yltransferase activity. In plant cells adenosine deaminase is
late kinase, which is responsible for the enlargement of the almost absent (see Section 2.8), as a result, adenosine kinase
endogenous ATP pool. High levels of ATP may be necessary and/or adenosine nucleosidase have important roles for this
for removal of NaCl from the cytosol of cells to the outside of purpose (Ashihara and Crozier 2001, Koshiishi et al. 2001,
the cells and/or to the vacuoles. Tracer experimental studies, Moffatt and Weretilnyk 2001, Moffatt and Ashihara 2002,
performed by Akatsu et al. (1996) further demonstrated that in Suzuki et al. 2003).
NaCl-treated cultured cells of mangrove a low purine degra-
dation activity allows the accumulation of bases and nucleo- (b) Effect of water stress
sides to be salvaged for nucleotide synthesis. This strategy
Alternation of regulation of pyrimidine biosynthesis by water
would represent an efficient adaptation to salt stress (Akatsu
stress has been suggested in ragi (Eleusine coracana) seed-
et al. 1996).
lings. Feedback inhibition of aspartate transcarbamoylase
Ashihara et al. (2003) investigated adenosine metabolism
(step 2, Fig. 2) by UMP found in control plants disappeared in
in leaves of various mangrove plants. The activity of adeno-
water-stressed seedlings (Kandpal and Rao 1984). In some
sine salvage was extremely high in the typical mangrove
proteins, water stress caused a change in the ratio of – SH/S-
plants, Rhizophora mucronata, Burugiera gymnorrhiza, Kan-
S bonds. Therefore, a similar change might lead to the desen-
delia candel and Sonneratia alba. In these mangrove plants,
sitization of the regulatory properties of aspartate transcarba-
up to 90 % of [8-14C]adenosine taken up by leaf segments
moylase. The physiological meaning of this change has not
was converted to adenine nucleotides. In contrast to the
yet been elucidated.
mangrove plants mentioned, which contain high levels of
sugar alcohols as compatible solutes, Avicennia marina,
(c) Effect of iron-deficiency
which accumulates glycinebetaine, showed a different pat-
tern of adenosine metabolism. The glycinebetaine biosyn- In Fe-deficient Graminaceous plants, production of the mugi-
thetic pathway from phosphoethanolamine includes three neric acid family phytosiderophores (MAs), which solubilize
methylation steps that utilize S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as inorganic Fe(III) compounds by chelating is increased. Simul-
the methyl donor. In this process SAM is converted to S-ade- taneously, expression of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
nosylhomocysteine (SAH), which in turn is hydrolysed to ho- gene and adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity devel-
mocysteine and adenosine. SAH hydrolase catalyzes both oped remarkably by Fe-deficiency (Itai et al. 2000). As MAs
the synthesis and hydrolysis of SAH. As SAH is a potent in- are produced from SAM, and adenine is released from the
hibitor of the N-methyltransferase reactions, removal of SAH methionine cycle for regeneration of SAM, adenine recycling
is essential to maintain the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine. by adenine phosphoribosyltransferase for ATP synthesis
1288 Claudio Stasolla et al.

seems to be functional for maintenance of a sufficient supply tween these two cDNAs and the Arabidopsis ATase gene
of ATP for SAM generation. cloned by Senecoff et al. (1996) has been reported.
Description of other genes involved in the de novo synthe-
(d) Effect of light sis of purine nucleotides are also available (reviewed by Mof-
fat and Ashihara 2002). A gene encoding for 5-aminoimida-
Early studies described the effects of light on RNA synthesis zole ribonucleotide (AIR) synthetase was described in Arabi-
through the de novo and the salvage pathways of pyrimidine dopsis by Senecoff and Meagher (1993). This gene had high
synthesis. In cucumber (Cucumus sativus) seedlings, incor- homology with several other AIR synthetase genes from bac-
poration of radioactivity from [6-14C]orotate, but not [6- terial origins. Several Arabidopsis clones encoding 5-amino-
C]uracil, into RNA pyrimidine bases was stimulated by the imidazole-4-N-succinocarboxymide ribonucleotide (SAICAR)
light (Šebesta et al. 1964). synthetase were shown by Senecoff et al. (1996). One of
The effect of brief light illumination by microbeams on the these clones, PUR7, was highly expressed in the leaves and
adenine nucleotide levels in maize primary roots has been in- stems. The involvement of PUR7 during active growth was
vestigated. Total adenylate pool was increased up to 150 % of demonstrated by Senecoff et al. (1996), who observed in-
the initial value within 2 min (Pilet and Gabathuler 1982). Fur- tense GUS staining in actively-dividing regions of root, shoot
ther studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism of these and flowers of transgenic plants containing a PUR7 : GUS
light effects on nucleotide metabolism. translational fusion. In the same study, it was also demon-
strated that experimental inhibition of the purine de novo
pathway resulted in increased PUR7 expression. Reports of
4. Molecular studies on purine and Arabidopsis cDNAs or genomic sequences encoding for
pyrimidine nucleotides many enzymes of the de novo synthesis of purine nucleoti-
des, with the exception of formyl amidine ribonucleotide syn-
Despite the extensive information dealing with physiological thetase and GMP synthetase, are currently available. How-
and biochemical events associated with purine and pyrimi- ever, only a few of them have been characterized (see Moffatt
dine nucleotide biosynthesis in plants, published information and Ashihara 2002).
regarding the molecular mechanisms regulating these path- Although progress towards the characterization of genes
ways is very limited. It is only in recent years, through the encoding for guanine/guanosine and adenine recycling en-
combined application of novel molecular and genetic techni- zymes have been made in recent years, the enzymes that sal-
ques, that the function of several enzymes involved in synthe- vage adenine and adenosine have been studied to a greater
sis and degradation of nucleotides has been established at a extent, partially because of their involvement in cytokinin me-
molecular level, and mainly from studies carried out with Ara- tabolism (see Mok and Mok 2001). In the Arabidopsis gen-
bidopsis mutants (reviewed by Moffatt and Ashihara 2002). ome there are five sequences encoding for adenine phospho-
ribosyltransferase-like enzymes, designated as APT1– 5. To
date, expression studies of these genes are only available for
4.1 Purine nucleotide synthesis and degradation
APT1– 3. Studies conducted by Moffatt and Somerville (1988)
Since PRPP is a fundamental precursor of the de novo and suggested that APT1 is the most abundant isoform since al-
salvage synthesis of both purine and pyrimidine nucleotide most no adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity was de-
(Figs. 1 and 2), it is not surprising that all living organisms tected in APT1 mutant plants. The involvement of this enzyme
have at least one gene encoding PRPP synthetase (see Mof- during periods of intense growth and development (see
fatt and Ashihara 2002). Through complementation studies in above) was also confirmed by molecular studies. In plants
bacterial cells lacking PRPP synthetase activity, Krath and transformed with a construct expressing GUS from the apt1
Hove-Jensen (1999) isolated four PRPP synthetase cDNAs promoter, GUS activity was particularly high during cambial
from spinach tissue. By a combined application of kinetic development in both the stem and root (see Moffatt and Ashi-
investigations and phylogenetic comparisons, the authors hara 2002). In agreement with this result, Sterky et al. (1999)
demonstrated that two of the four cDNAs identified may rep- recovered several adenine phosphoribosyltransferase se-
resent a novel class of PRPP synthetase. quences from expressed sequenced tags (EST) libraries gen-
In animals, amido phosphoribosyltransferase (ATase, step erated from cambial tissue of poplar.
1, Fig. 1) is an important enzyme involved in the first step of In plants, adenosine salvage is mainly mediated by AK ac-
the de novo purine nucleotide biosynthesis (see Moffatt and tivity. The Arabidopsis genome encodes two AK proteins
Ashihara 2002). Two ATase sequences, designated as AtA- which share high similarity (92 %) at the amino acid level. Ex-
Tase1 and 2, were obtained from the Arabidopsis data base pression of these genes was reported in all organs tested
(Genebank accessions D28868 and D28869) (Ito et al. 1994). (see Moffatt and Ashihara 2002). Phenotypic studies of AK-
Expression of AtATase1 is preferential in young floral buds, deficient plants created by sense and antisense silencing
whereas AtATase2 expression is highest in flowers and roots have revealed the involvement of AK in SAM-dependent
(see Moffat and Ashihara 2002). To date, no relationship be- transmethylation activities (Weretilnyk et al. 2001).
Plant nucleotide metabolism 1289

Relative to the de novo and salvage synthesis of purine nu- zymes may have a special role in the activation of resting
cleotides, there is virtually no information on the purine degra- cells and in response to environmental change. Furthermore,
dation pathway in plants. To date, in fact, only a few genes unique expressions of enzymes whose functions are not yet
encoding for enzymes of purine catabolism have been char- clear are noted. Thus, for example, adenosine nucleosidase
acterized (see Moffatt and Ashihara 2002). and nucleoside phosphotransferase, which are almost inac-
tive in seeds and dormant tubers, become quite active during
germination in sprouts. Very limited information is presently
4.2 Pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis and degradation available on molecular aspects of nucleotide metabolism.

Of the enzymes involved in the de novo pathway of pyrimi- Acknowledgements. The research by the authors cited in this article
dine synthesis (see Fig. 2), carbamoyl phosphate synthetase was supported by research grants from the Ministry of Education,
is composed by two subunits encoded by individual genes in Science, Sports and Culture of Japan and the Salt Science Founda-
the Arabidopsis nuclear genome (Williamson et al. 1996). tion (for HA), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Amino-acid analysis of these subunits revealed the presence Council of Canada (for TAT).
of a chloroplast transit sequence, consistent with the bio-
chemical evidence for the chloroplast localization of this en-
zyme activity (Newman et al. 1994). Cloned cDNAs from pea References
encoding two different isoforms of aspartate transcarbamoy-
lases were reported by Williamson and Slocum (1994). These Abusamhadneh E, McDonald NE, Kline PC (2000) Isolation and char-
two cDNAs also encoded polypeptides with chloroplast trans- acterization of adenosine nucleosidase from yellow lupin (Lupinus
luteus). Plant Sci 153: 25 – 32
it-peptide sequences.
Achar BS, Vaidyanathan CS (1967) Purification and properties of uri-
Conversion of orotate to UMP is carried out by a single
dine hydrolase from mung-bean (Phaseolus radiatus) seedlings.
polypeptide that is termed UMP synthase, which has both
Arch Biochem Biophys 119: 356 – 362
OPRT and orotidine 5-monophosphate decarboxylase activity Akatsu M, Hosoi Y, Sasamoto H, Ashihara H (1996) Purine metabolism
(discussed earlier). Several cDNAs encoding for UMP syn- in cells of a mangrove plant, Sonneratia alba, in tissue culture. J
thase have been isolated in tobacco and rice (Oryza sativa) Plant Physiol 149: 133–137
(see Moffatt and Ashihara 2002). Another well characterized Anderson JD (1977 a) Responses of adenine nucleotides in germinat-
enzyme is UMP kinase, which phosphorylates UMP to pro- ing soybean embryonic axes to exogenously applied adenine and
duce UDP (see Fig. 2). This enzyme also converts CMP to adenosine. Plant Physiol 60: 689 – 692
CDP. The cDNAs encoding UMP kinase of Arabidopsis and Anderson JD (1977 b) Adenylate metabolism of embryonic axes from
rice have high similarities with the enzymes in yeast (45 % deteriorated soybean seeds. Plant Physiol 59: 610 – 614
Anderson JD (1979) Purine nucleotide metabolism of germinating soy-
and 49.7%), and mammals (56 % and 53 %) (Park and Thorn-
bean embryonic axes. Plant Physiol 63: 100–104
burg 1999). Only very fragmentary molecular studies on sal-
Ashihara H (1977) Changes in the activities of the de novo and sal-
vage and degradation of pyrimidine nucleosides are avail- vage pathways of pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis during germi-
able, and have been recently summarized by Moffatt and nation of black gram (Phaseolus mungo) seeds. Z Pflanzenphysiol
Ashihara (2002). 81: 199 – 211
Ashihara H (1978) Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and orotidine-
5′-monophosphate decarboxylase of black gram (Phaseolus
mungo) seedlings. Z Pflanzenphysiol 87: 225 – 241
5. Conclusion and Perspectives Ashihara H (1981) Pattern of uracil metabolism during ageing of to-
bacco leaves. Acta Physiol Plant 3: 77– 84
From the above discussion, it is clear that studies on metabo- Ashihara H (1983) Changes in activities of purine salvage and ureide
lism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in plants have been synthesis during germination of black gram (Phaseolus mungo)
limited. This situation is probably largely because the activ- seeds. Z Pflanzenphysiol 113: 47– 60
ities of the constitutive enzymes are low and unstable. Most Ashihara H, Crozier A (1999) Biosynthesis and metabolism of caffeine
metabolic intermediates of the de novo pathway are not com- and related purine alkaloids in plants. Adv Bot Res 30: 118 – 205
mercially available. Also, the presence of a salvage pathway, Ashihara H, Crozier A (2001) Caffeine: a well known but little men-
in addition to the standard biosynthetic and degradative rou- tioned compound in plant science. Trends Plant Sci 6: 407– 413
tes, renders studies on nucleotide biosynthesis difficult to Ashihara H, Kameyama (1989) Biosynthesis of pyrimidines during
germination of black gram seeds: Changes in the level of partici-
carry out. However, the results from biochemical investiga-
pant enzymes. Curr Sci 58: 889 – 891
tions obtained up to the end of the last century indicated that
Ashihara H, Nobusawa E (1981) Metabolic fate of [8-14C]adenine and
the biosynthetic pathways of purines and pyrimidines in [8-14C]hypoxanthine in higher plants. Z Pflanzenphysiol 104: 443 –
plants were similar to those in other organisms, although or- 458
ganization of the participating enzymes are different from Ashihara H, Nygaard P (1989) Purine nucleotide synthesis and RNA
other eukaryotes. The de novo pathway of purine and pyrimi- synthesis in suspension cultured cells of carrots. Physiol Plant 75:
dine biosynthesis seems to be constitutive, but salvage en- 31– 36
1290 Claudio Stasolla et al.

Ashihara H, Ukaji T (1986) Inorganic phosphate absorption and its ef- Carter SG, Tipton CL (1985) Purification and characterization of a
fect on adenosine 5′-triphosphate level in suspension cultured 5′-nucleotidase from Zea mays microsomes. Phytochemistry 25:
cells of Catharanthus roseus. J Plant Physiol 124: 77– 85 33 – 37
Ashihara H, Li X-N, Ukaji T (1988) Effect of inorganic phosphate on Chen CM, Kristopeit SM (1981) Deribosylation of cytokinin ribonucleo-
the biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in suspen- side by adenosine nucleosidase from wheat germ cells. Plant
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