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how detailed or general the process and

Process and Instrumentation Diagram instrumentation diagram will become.

In Water and Waste Water Treatment Different industries tend to use different
Plants terminology and presentation of
Steven J. Marrano, P.E. technical information. In the chemical
Instrumentation and Controls or pharmaceutical sectors of process
Engineer control, it is common to have
mechanical (or Engineering Flow)
diagrams to show major pieces of
equipment and associated ratings, and
separate process and instrumentation
The process and instrumentation diagrams that show how the instruments
diagram (“P&ID” as it often called) connect to the process. The water and
represents a document that can take on wastewater industry tends to favor a
many different forms depending upon hybrid presentation of mechanical and
the following factors: instrumentation information on the same
1) Nature of the process being depicted.
The more complicated the process,
or the more one process is Process and Instrumentation
interconnected to other portions of Diagrams
the P&ID, the more complex the
P&ID will become. We should begin by reviewing the
2) The individual or firm performing P&ID’s purpose and what information it
the design work. Some firms do not depicts. One set of authors1 describes
feel the need to develop P&IDs. the P&ID as a “roadmap” to the
This approach is used to achieve facility’s design. If we compare the main
economies on system design. flow through the plant as the highway
3) Design philosophy. Some design and the various unit processes as
philosophies include P&IDs as an secondary roads, we can see that a well
item issued with the instrumentation thought out P&ID conveys a great deal
or electrical design (developed at the of information to the various members of
middle or end of the project). Other the design and operations teams.
design philosophies allow the P&IDs
to be used as the basis for all other The engineering team developing the
design disciplines. In this design of a new facility or an upgrade to
philosophy, the electrical, an existing plant selects unit processes
mechanical, and piping engineers on that best suit the economic, regulatory,
a project would start their work once safety, and convenience criteria set forth
the P&IDs are complete. by the plant owner and regulatory
4) Intended audience once the design is agencies. This may be done via a
complete. process pilot model and jar testing.
Among the several design engineers I Luckiewicz, E., Sandler H: Practical Process
Engineering: A Working Approach to Plant
have spoken to, these factors dominate
Design, Ximix, Philadelphia, PA 1986, pg. 35
tracing depending upon the size of
The P&ID is a specialized document that the project.
is shown on a side view. P&IDs are a d) Major pieces of mechanical
side view representation of a side view equipment (pumps, vendor packages,
of all equipment. P&IDs normally do filters, clarification equipment, tanks,
not attempt to provide any form of scale etc.). Some designers will also show
on their drawings because this is handled installed spare equipment on the
on the piping, electrical, mechanical, etc. P&ID.
plan drawings. It should be noted that e) Valves and directions of process flow
P&IDs sometimes distinguish between f) Field Mounted Instruments-
equipment located in different portions Different designers show different
of the plant. An example here would be levels of detail on their P&IDs. The
a control panel located on the outside of reader should review the discussion
a building and how it may be interfaced below for more information
via instrumentation to a mechanical g) Electrical equipment- The P&ID
component (such as a pump) inside the often shows major pieces of
building. As stated above, P&IDs are equipment that require either signal
broken out by the unit process operation or power wiring. The reader should
to allow sufficient detail to be presented see the discussion below for more
on drawings. information.
The P&ID will depict the following h) Communications links- The P&ID
items2. (Note that this list cannot be all- sometimes shows communications
inclusive as no two plants or processes links (software or hard-wired) to the
are alike): distributed control system depending
a) Material flow- for a water or upon the level of detail and space
wastewater facility, this is normally available on the drawings.
the fluid being treated.
b) Unit process operations- when the P&IDs and the Design Process
project has been given further
definition, the plant is normally What a P&ID shows depends on the
broken down into several portions. design process to be followed and when
Some typical portions of a plant may P&IDs are developed. Two approaches
include the influent/intake section, to P&ID layout will be considered here.
initial treatment (sometimes called
pre-treatment), chemical additions, In the first approach, the P&ID is used
settling, filtration, flocculation, by all of the disciplines to detail the
agitation, mixing, waste components needed to make the process
treatment/recycle, storage, etc. operate as intended. Under this
c) Piping between the various sections approach, the process designers develop
of the plant and process equipment. all of the routing for pipes, pumps,
Piping on a P&ID may include valves, etc. The equipment (mechanical)
instrument connections or heat engineer then selects his/her equipment
in consultation with the process and
2 piping engineers to ensure that process
Koslov, J. Schwartz, M: Piping and
Instrumentation Diagrams, Chemical objectives can be met. Once these items
Engineering Magazine, pp. 85-90, Mc Graw- have been developed, the
Hill, New York, July 9, 1984
instrumentation engineer develops how possible. If there are major revisions to
the process is to be the project during detailed P&ID
monitored/controlled. This task requires development, the P&IDs must be
some overlap with the process engineer modified. This adds time and cost to a
and the piping designer. As an example, design. One other limitation to this
chlorine residual data of water leaving a approach is the project schedule and
filter is a state and national monitoring coordination amongst the design team
requirement to ensure proper treatment. members. If the P&IDs are not
In this situation, the process engineer synchronized with the work of the
normally determines that some form of various disciplines, design team
chlorine residual measurement is members may use inaccurate
needed, while the instrumentation information.
engineer determines what method of
analyzer will be used. The piping The second approach to P&ID
designer will develop input for the development allows the P&IDs to show
location of sample piping, where the the instrumentation connections only.
sample will be drained to after it is This approach is used when P&IDs are
taken, the valves on the analyzer for only used among the instrumentation
isolation and maintenance and other designers and engineers (and possibly
items (such as pressure regulators or the electrical engineers to double check
gages) to facilitate proper operation. instrumentation wiring requirements).
The electrical engineer is concerned with These diagrams do not illustrate the
power and process control wiring for the same level of detail as the first approach.
various pieces of equipment in the They are intended to show how
facility. In the chlorine residual instrumentation relates to the process
example, the electrical engineer would and possibly show the electrical
want to know if the transmitter requires requirements.
120VAC (or if it is a loop powered
device) and he/she would want to know The advantage to the second approach is
where the signal is wired to (distributed that the documents are less dependent on
control system or a local control panel). the other disciplines for information.
All of this information is then depicted This leads to simpler drawings that can
on the P&ID. be changed without impact to the other
members of the design team. The
This approach allows a great deal of principle limitation to this approach is
input from the various design disciplines that the instrumentation, piping, and
before all of the details have been electrical engineers tend to work more
worked out. It forces the members of independently of the process engineers.
the design team to consider all of the This could lead to situations where
issues involving successful critical interfaces are not adequately
instrumentation operation. The principle developed. An example can be seen if
limitation to the detailed design of one looks at vendor furnished packages
P&IDs before detailed design is (such as a chemical feed package for a
complete is that the P&IDs must mirror polymer of lime system). If the P&ID
the electrical, process, instrumentation only shows instrumentation, it is harder
and piping requirements as closely as
to tell what piping, electrical, and - Develop the type of mechanical
mechanical interfaces may be required. equipment to be used on the project
such as metering pumps, distributive
Interface Considerations3 pumps, compressors, valves,
agitators, mixers, fans/blowers, etc.
The detailed design approach requires - Develop details associated with
the instrumentation, process, electrical, chemical feed systems such as
and mechanical (equipment engineers) to tubing, valves for flow and isolation,
supply each other with a great deal of etc.
data. Listed below is a partial interface - Selection and layout of piping.
checklist for the instrumentation Critical parameters include the
engineer developing a P&ID: materials of construction for the
pipe, the location of
Environmental (Process) Engineers valves/tees/fittings, heat trace
requirements, insulation, pipeline
- Define the types of unit process sizes, etc.
operations in the facility throughout - Develop mechanical equipment
the project. numbering system
- Develop the process parameters - Develop piping numbering system
(normally pressures and flows) - Develop material handling schemes
- Define equipment scope (vendor (for items such as cranes to allow
furnished package versus individual hoists to move pumps, etc.)
components) - Develop special piping for analytical
- Develop a general control strategy instruments such as sample and
and components to be measured, waste piping
interlocked, or trended - Develop special piping for large
- Define (with mechanical engineers) valves to allow for mechanical
configurations of chemical feed isolation of the valve from the line to
systems and other systems related to allow for maintenance.
- Develop the necessary utilities (with Electrical Engineers
the mechanical engineers) such as air
for valves or water for samples, etc. After the piping and mechanical groups
have finalized most of their design, the
Piping/Mechanical Engineers electrical engineers and instrumentation
engineers can begin their work. The
Once the unit operations for the facility electrical engineer will have to select
have been decided, the piping and and develop power distribution schemes
mechanical engineers can begin their for all equipment (when the P&ID shows
work. This involves selection and layout equipment horsepower or kW ratings).
of all equipment and piping.
Depending upon the design firm’s
philosophy, the electrical engineer may
3 participate in the wiring of
Luckiewicz, E., Sandler H: Practical Process
Engineering: A Working Approach to Planrt instrumentation interlocks and may also
Design, Ximix, Philadelphia, PA 1986, pp. 36-63 run control wiring from field equipment
to the distributed control system (DCS) Example, an ultrasonic level
or to the programmable logic controller transmitter may have a level element
(PLC). that is interfaced by a cable to an
indicating transmitter. Both items
Because the electrical engineer’s work is should be shown on the drawings.
dependent upon the equipment being - The method of signal transmission
specified, it is important that the P&IDs (via an electrical, pneumatic, or
be kept up to date to ensure that the digital interface). An example of a
quantity, horsepower and control method digital interface would be RS-485 or
are adequately shown on these drawings. the Fieldbus protocol.
- The measured signal’s location (local
In some cases, P&IDs may also show the control panel, distributed control
following information: system, vendor furnished mechanical
- Type of control required for a given package, motor control center, etc.)
piece of equipment (selector - Status inputs from each measured
switches, start/stop pushbuttons, signal (analog input, digital input)
indicating lights for run/failure - Signals from vendor mechanical
conditions, alarms, etc). packages (such as running or failure
- Interlocks between mechanical status signals)
components - Digital and analog outputs to
- Types of communications links equipment (valves, pumps,
required between components (the fans/blowers, mixers, agitators, etc.)
electrical engineer will be concerned for control by the PLC or DCS
with the routing and possibly the
termination of this wiring) Structural/Civil Engineers

Instrument Engineers - P&IDs (coupled with a mechanical

plan drawing) provide a general
Instrumentation and controls engineers picture for structural requirements
have the difficult task of pulling together associated with piping support,
all of the information developed by the equipment housekeeping pads
process, piping/mechanical, and (quantity), supports or pads for
electrical into a cohesive representation vessels (such as chemical bulk tanks
of the process. in large water/waste water treatment
facilities). Sometimes, P&IDs also
On any project, it is recommended that show items like containment areas
the process engineer get the for chemicals. These types of details
instrumentation and controls engineer are important for the civil/structural
involved in P&ID development as early engineer so that the engineer can
as possible to ensure that all of the plan their concrete drawings.
process goals can be accomplished. The -
critical interface points that would be
shown on the detailed P&ID are: Checklists for Piping and
Instrumentation Diagrams
- The location of the various
measurements on equipment. 1) General Documentation Practices
a) At the beginning of the project, Area 800- Clearwell/Storage
some form of agreed to set of Area 900- Utilities (such as
abbreviations should be electrical equipment)
developed for every piece of
process, mechanical, and After these general numbering
electrical device systems are established, the
Examples: subsequent numbers in the tag
A- Agitator can be selected sequentially,
P- Pump based on an equipment number,
M- Mixer (or motor) or by any other scheme that the
F- Filter mechanical, electrical, and
FL- Flocculator instrumentation design team
members decide to use.
b) An agreed to pipe numbering
scheme should be developed. We note that there is really no
Example: some companies may right or wrong way to number
list a pipe’s unique tag by where instruments. Consistency
the pipe comes from, where it amongst the instrument tags is of
goes to, the line size of the pipe, primary importance. Once a
and materials of construction. convention is selected, the user
This ensures that all parties know should ensure that everyone
where components are to be understands and uses the
placed in the piping system. numbering convention.
c) Some form of instrument
numbering system should be d) Some form of standard symbols
employed on the project so that should be selected and presented
engineers, designers, and on the cover page for:
installers can understand where a i) Valves
piece of equipment goes. It is ii) Piping
important to recognize that this iii) Fittings on pipe
instrument tag number should be iv) Motors
stamped on a tag when the v) Pumps
instrument is installed in the field vi) Vendor furnished packaged
to allow for some form of record equipment
keeping during construction and vii) Tanks
Examples (applicable to a surface e) The design team should pick
water treatment plant): what level of detail will be
Area 100- Intake Structure shown on the P&ID as far as
Area 200- Mixing interlocks, connections to the
Area 300- Flocculation DCS/PLC system, and other
Area 400- Pre- Treatment items are concerned. This choice
Area 500- Filtration can effect the level of detail to be
Area 600- Post Chemical shown on the P&IDs. When a
Treatment design team places all the
Area 700- Distributive Pumping interlocks between devices on the
P&ID, the interconnection panel mounted, a certain symbol
between devices is clearly is used to denote this. Functions
defined. This approach has the developed in the distributed
limitation that drawings can control or PLC system are based
quickly become crowded and on whether or not the signal is
difficult to read. A drawing software generated and whether
showing all the interlocks also or not a human operator can
has the tendency to be difficult to adjust or display the value.
change once drafted. This leads g) Some form of convention should
to increase drafting and design be chosen as to the line types for
time. The other approach signal transmission. Example,
sometimes used by design teams ISA has standards for pneumatic,
involves showing the quantity electric (discrete or analog), and
and type of I/O that go from a distributed control signal wiring.
device back to the DCS or PLC. These different line types enable
This approach simplifies the the reader to understand when a
drawing presentation. Its signal is generated by a physical
principle limitation is that the device (transducer, converter,
interconnection between devices transmitter, switch, relay,
(for interlocking, alarm function module, etc.) or is
conditions, etc.) is not defined. generated by the distributed
Another document (such as a control or programmable logic
loop drawing or interconnection control system (via a software
diagram) must be provided to function). A simple example of
illustrate how all of the this representation can be seen
components are connected. when one examines a level
Another limitation of this transmitter interfaced to an
approach stems from the large analog input on a distributed
amounts of coordination between control system. The signal is
P&ID, loop drawings, electrical normally electrical (from the
drawings, and mechanical field back to the analog input) in
equipment specifications. the form of a twisted shielded
Because all of these drawings pair cable. We would then note
involve different components of that we may use the distributed
the project team, an control system to develop
uncoordinated change by any calculations for high, low, high-
group can lead to confusion and high, or low-low alarm states.
equipment mismatch. Therefore This is normally accomplished in
this approach requires more software.
coordination than the other form
of P&ID presentation. h) Some form of convention should
f) Some form of symbol for the be developed when a process
measurement and the associated flow stream affects different
destination must be shown. For portions of the process appearing
example, if an instrument on different P&IDs.
consists of a transmitter that is
i) Some way to ensure that an easy way to verify the
additional space is left between quantity and type of I/O.
the components must be VI) A layer for signal type
addressed. It is common practice (pneumatic, software,
to leave a minimum of 3/8” of electrical, etc.) to allow
space around pieces of the reader to distinguish
equipment between the various
signal types.
j) If drawings are done on some VII) A layer for items such as
form of CAD program, some control panels (if these
form of layering system should items are found on a
be developed to make the P&ID). Control panels
drawings more "intelligent" by are commonly used on
allowing different users to find items like chemical
different pieces of information systems where the
quickly. Some sub-classes of amount of product in a
layers may include, but not be tank must be known by
limited to: the plant maintenance
person and the signal is
I) Equipment (distinguish sent to the distributed
between process and non- control or PLC system for
process equipment with inventory control and
unique layer numbers). monitoring.
Examples include tanks,
pumps, mixers, agitators, 2) After documentation procedures
etc. have been established, a structured
II) A layer for all piping presentation for information flow
III) A layer for all valves- must be developed. In this instance
care should be taken to “information flow” refers to data
ensure that electrically associated with how one signal or
operated valves (motor alarm affects another piece of
operated valves) are equipment in addition to data
distinguished from associated with device wiring (type
pneumatic valves or of I/O, which PLC the device is
manual valves. wired to, etc). Many design teams
IV) A layer for process text prefer to break out the wiring
V) A layer for field mounted information into a “loop style”
instrumentation. It is drawing. The term “loop drawing”
often useful to segregate is somewhat misleading because it
input and output types by tends to imply the current loop found
layer. For example, a in analog instrumentation. Many
separate layer for analog loop drawings also show discrete
inputs and outputs should instrumentation (such as a switch or
be used to allow the contact closure) for completeness. A
instrumentation engineer complete loop drawing will illustrate
how various devices are
interconnected. For example, it is control. These should be shown
possible that an analog transmitter on either the P&ID or the loop
may be given an adjustable contact drawing. In addition some form
designed to open or close at some of running status feedback should
alarm point. For safety reasons, we be shown.
may wish to connect this contact b) Distributive Pumps- Show some
directly from the transmitter to the form of start and stop control,
mechanical equipment it affects (say interlocks to other equipment or
a motor starter connected to a pump). instrumentation, and some form
In this instance, the loop drawing of speed control where the pump
should not only show the twisted is used in a variable speed
shielded wiring from the 4-20mA application. Where multiple
transmitter back to the analog input sources of control are available
in the DCS, but that a contact closure (such as local start stop at the
is interfaced to a motor starter as equipment, start/stop at a motor
well. Note that this same control center or switch board,
information can be shown on a P&ID and start stop from the
by using some form of symbol distributed control system), the
(typically a diamond) to denote an P&ID may illustrate all of these
interlock. Interlocks on a P&ID functions. Some design firms
should be labeled for additional prefer to use the loop drawing
clarity and a brief description should with interconnection information.
be given. The P&ID should also show
3) On larger projects where a some form of running or failure
distributed control or PLC system status (developed at the local
performs a great deal of the pump controls or sent to the
interlocks via software generated distributed control system for
calculations, it is sometimes helpful further action). On pumping
to separate out the wiring installations, all of the suction
information shown on a loop and discharge piping should be
drawing from the functional software shown. If there are interlocks
manipulations done in a distributed between the pumps and the
control system. The principle valves, the designer should
limitation here stems from the decide if the pump interlocks will
additional coordination between be shown on the P&ID or will be
wiring and interlock requirements. shown on the loop drawings.
4) Critical pieces of equipment to show c) Tanks- Show some form of level
on a P&ID: (assumes the P&ID will instrumentation, all valves
be used for other detailed design (electrically operated, pneumatic,
work: and manual). Agitators or mixers
a) Agitators/Mixers/Flocculators- should be shown on a tank if this
Show some form of start and stop is how they are to be used in the
control, some form of speed field.
control. Some installations show d) Pipes- Show heat tracing,
the available local controls such pressure gages, all valves, flow
as start and stop plus speed meters, direction of material flow
throughout the facility, pipe line analog or digital signal ) from the
size, pipe line number (see DCS or PLC.
discussion above), and pipe f) Flowmeters- The P&ID should
material (if applicable). If the show the size of the meter, the
pipe continue on another P&ID type of meter to be used (such as
some form of connector should a magmeter, venturi, or turbine
be used to tell the user where the meter). The P&ID should
pipe is picked up elsewhere. It is illustrate strainers to ensure that
also important to show items like debris cannot enter the
spool pieces if they will effect flowmeter. On large flowmeters
items such as flow (above 16 inches) it is common
instrumentation for upstream and practice to have some sort of
downstream runs of pipe. bypass piping around the meter
e) Valves- Show the various types to allow it to be removed from
of control available from the service without shutting the
valve. This includes the hand station down. In many instances
switches on the valve allowing it the flow device and the
to be opened and closed at the transmitter are not mounted in
valve and connections to a the same housing. A good
distributed control or PLC example of this is the venturi
system to allow for remote meter. The venturi should be
opening and closing. In some treated as a flow element because
plants, the open/close status of a differential pressure is
the valve is shown both in the developed from the incoming
field and in the distributed flow. This differential pressure is
control room. Some P&ID supplied to a transmitter for
designs also incorporate items status, remote monitoring, and
such as an intermediate position remote control as required. The
switch on the valve to indicate transmitter would be treated as a
that the valve is travelling. The separate bubble on the P&ID.
user should determine if valve g) Pressure or Differential Pressure
interlocks to other equipment Instruments- The P&ID should
will be shown on the P&ID or show the location of these
will be shown on the loop instruments. For deep buried
drawing. On larger valves (such wells where a pressure transducer
as an intake above 16 inches), is used, some form of pressure
some form of bypass manifold element should be shown on the
should be provided to allow the P&ID in addition to some form
valve to be removed from the of indicator. Note that the
line for maintenance. If the pressure element (also called the
valve is of the modulating type, pressure transducer) is treated as
some form of position status a different instrument bubble on
should be shown on the P&ID in the P&ID (as described with the
addition to the ability to control flowmeter above). Interlocks to
the valve position (either by an other items in the plant should be
properly documented on the
P&ID or on the instrument loop representation of a P&ID and the
drawings. The P&ID should appropriate functions. First, we will
illustrate some form of block and use a simple well station design to
bleed valve to allow the illustrate a case where all control
instrument to be calibrated or design information is shown on the
removed from service for P&ID (useful for a small project).
maintenance without disturbing Next, we will show a possible
the plant or the process. Note interface between the P&ID and the
that a pressure gage should be loop drawing for part of a process.
shown with some form of
snubber and some form of
isolating device to allow it to be
removed from the line without
shutting down the process.
h) Metering Pumps- Some form of
speed control should be shown to
every metering pump that is run
based on some other process
variable (an analyzer or flow for
example). The P&ID should
show which forms of local and
remote control to allow the
metering pump to be started,
stopped, or remotely controlled
from a DCS or PLC. Some
P&IDs also illustrate the
metering pump running status (if
available from the metering
pump manufacturer).
i) Packaged Equipment- Show all
of the status points (both analog
and digital values) connected to a
local control panel and sent back
to the distributed control system.
If there are special valve
manifolds or interlocks to other
pieces of process equipment, the
designer must decide what level
of detail is to be shown on the
P&ID and what level of detail is
to be shown on the loop drawing.

An Illustrative Example

It is best to start with some form of

example to show one possible
control and use an analyzer to "trim"

the amount of material that the

metering pump is allowed to

Figure 1- Typical P&ID for Small Plant

Note that in this example, most of
the interlocking is shown. In some
cases, this will not be possible
because of the number of process
units involved, the number of
interlocks required, or the drawing
legibility/pace constraints. Because
this involves only one well, no
piping line numbers were assigned.

As an example, let us assume that

there are multiple chemical systems
in a plant and we wish to develop a
strategy for controlling the metering
pumps. It is decided that we will
make flow the primary variable for
Note that the various letters show ANSI/ISA Standard S-5.01
various functions performed by "instrumentation Symbols and
either the DCS or the field Identification"
instrument. ISA Standard S-5.1
allows each letter to have a different
meaning depending upon its position
in the instrument tag. For example,
when the letter "S" is used in the first
position, it is assumed that we are
measuring frequency or speed.
When the letter "S" is used in the
second position, we are designating a
switch (such as FS for flow switch).
The same for a letter like L. When
used in the first position of an
instrument tag, it is understood we
are measuring level. In latter
positions of a tag, such as FSL, it is
understood that "L" is being used as
a modifier for the LOW state. In the
case of FSL, we mean that the flow
switch will become energized when
flow is low.

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