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LESSION 26: COMMUNICATION SERVICES Your credentials can be used for e-mail and for a variety of other
options such as setting up an online checking account or placing
[ Describing Components of Electronic Communication ] an online order.
Electronic communication is the technology that transmits text, Each user on the Internet must have a unique
numbers, voice, and video from one computer or device to e-mail address, which consists of three parts: the user name, the
another. @ symbol, and a domain name.
User Agent is a software application such as an e-mail, text Domain name is an address of a computer network connection
messaging, or instant messaging program. that identifies the owner of the address.
Channel is the media transporting the message. The sender is the [ Managing E-Mail with Microsoft Outlook ]
computer sending the message; the receiver is the computer
receiving the message such as radio signal. Microsoft Outlook is a versatile Office application you can use to
manage e-mail, and organize contacts, appointments, and tasks.
Protocols are the rules that govern the transfer of data, and
ensure that information created by one system can be interpreted As you work with e-mail messages, you can manage other types
and read by another system. of data.

[ Identifying Internet Communication Services ] For example, you can add contacts to your address book, schedule
a meeting on your calendar, and add tasks to your to-do list
1. E-mail (Electronic mail) enables you to combine numerous directly from an incoming e-mail message.
media into a single message and then quickly exchange
information in dynamic, two-way communications. [ Exploring the Outlook Features ]
2. Instant messaging allows you to send and receive messages
in real time while you and someone else are both connected
to the Internet.
3. Text messaging enables you to send short messages from
one cell phone to another, or from the Web to a cell phone.
4. Voice over IP (VoIP) is a methodology and group of
technologies that transport voice, data, and video
communication using Internet Protocol (IP) networks such as
the Internet.
5. Online conferencing or video conferencing uses computer
networks to transmit audio and video data so that two or
[ Managing E-Mail Account Folders ]
more participants can conduct a conference at different sites.
6. Chat rooms are Web sites that allow real-time Outlook allows you to manage multiple e-mail accounts by
communication so you can exchange messages with others organizing the messages in standard folders such as Inbox, Drafts,
through the computer. Sent Items, and Outbox. You can also add customized folders.
7. Social networking sites are Web sites that provide a way to
build online communities of people who share common Archiving is the process of backing up your e-mail messages.
interests or activities. Outlook runs an AutoArchive feature every 14 days, and you can
8. A blog (short for Web log) is a type of personal journal choose settings to control deleting old messages or moving them
created by one person or by a group. to an archive data file.
9. Message boards and newsgroups provide bulletin board [ Creating and Saving an E-Mail Message ]
systems that serve as discussion sites; users can post
messages asking for assistance. Creating an e-mail involves entering the e-mail address of the
receivers separated by semicolon, adding a subject line and typing
[ Using E-Mail Communication ] the message
E-mail is similar to regular mail. You have a message, an address, Courtesy copy (Cc) a copy of an email to another person with
and a carrier that transfers the message from one location to visibility to the primary recipients.
Blind Courtesy copy (Bcc) a copy of an email to another person
Some of the Web-based E-mail Services: which is not visible to the primary and Cc recipients.
 Microsoft Outlook and other e-mail programs provide at least two
 Windows Live Mail formatting options:
 Google Gmail
 Yahoo Mail • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) supports text
formatting options such as multiple fonts, bold text,
When you set up an e-mail account, the service provider requires colored headings, graphics, and links to Web sites.
credentials before you can access the service features. • Plain Text format contains only text.
Credentials are stored on the server of the [ Attaching a File and Sending a Message ]
e-mail provider and include information to authenticate your
identity, such as a username and a password. You can include attachments such as pictures or documents in an
e-mail message. When recipients receive the message, they can
Username is a name that identifies you when you log on to a Web open or save the attached file.
site or an Internet service.
You can add a tag to the message header to indicate if the
Password is a word or string of characters that provides access to message is high or low priority.
the service features.


Sometimes e-mail messages “bounce back” and are undeliverable.

This can happen if:

• The address is typed incorrectly.

• The server is busy and the process is not completed
within the specified amount of time.
• The recipient has blocked messages from the sender.
• The recipient’s mailbox is full.
• The recipient’s security settings reject attachments or
attachments with executable programs.

[ Receiving and Opening E-Mail Messages ]

[ Cleaning Up Your Folders ]
When you receive a message, Outlook automatically saves the
message in the Inbox. The message list displays who sent the Outlook provides a Clean Up Folder feature that automatically
message, the subject of the message, and the date and time your removes redundant messages from conversations.
server received it.
Another way to clean up folders is to manually delete the

[ Creating Appropriate Messages ]

1. The fast-paced media used for electronic communication

demands a writing style that is clear and concise without
sacrificing speed.
2. When writing professional communications, the language
should be more formal and the information should be stated
in complete sentences.
3. E-mails create electronic trails that document discussions,
contact information, and access to attached files.


[Defining Time-Shifting and Real-Time Communication

A red exclamation point icon indicates the sender considers the
message urgent, or a high priority; a paper clip icon indicates that
the message has an attached. • Social networking, chat rooms, blogs, message groups, and
forums are part of our daily sources of interaction.
Spam is unsolicited e-mail, often used to advertise products and
• Using collaborative communication tools enables us to share
information with one other person or an unlimited number
[ Responding and Replying to a Message ] of people.
• In addition to sharing text messages, you can engage in other
The easiest way to reply to an e-mail message is to use the Reply types of correspondence including live voice, full-motion
command. video, and interactive desktop sharing.
“RE:” - The original message is included along with your reply with Time-Shifting Communications
preceding the text in the subject line.
 When you send messages by e-mail, post information on a
“FWD:” - Indicates that it is a forwarded message. bulletin board, or publish a blog, there might be a significant
delay between the transmission and the receipt of the
[ Creating a Signature ]
Signature consists of text or graphics that you create so Outlook  This type of communication is referred to as time-shifting
can automatically add it to the end of any outgoing message. mode because the receiver can choose when he or she wants
to review the information.
 The primary use of a blog (short for Web log) is for individuals
to post a personal diary or journal on a Web site.
 People who respond to the comments in the blogs are
notified when the blog is updated.
 Users attach tags, which are keyword descriptions to identify
images or text, to simplify the search process.
 Blogs are also used for marketing.
 Microsoft hosts blogs to communicate with customers.

[ Setting Rules for Auto-Responding to Messages ]

You can create an Outlook rule to automatically respond

to some or all received e-mail messages.

Auto-response for messages - You need first to create a template

for the message content, and then you set some rules.


• Netiquette refers to good manners and proper o Do not use ALL CAPS or excessive exclamation
behaviors when communicating through electronic points.
media. o Be patient and allow other chatters time to
• Some netiquette rules to follow when blogging: respond. Do not interrupt other chatters.
- Write original content. • Audio-Visual Communication
- Proofread and check grammar and spelling. - VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is technology that
- Respond to those who write comments on your enables the delivery of voice communications and
blog. multimedia sessions using Internet Protocol.
- If you are quoting others or sharing their ideas, give - VoIP is widely used to conduct online meetings and
them credit and provide links to those sources. training.
- Use kind and polite words. Say something - A podcast is a method of publishing files (primarily audio
substantial and useful, and avoid negative files) to the Internet that can be downloaded for
comments. playback on a computer or a mobile device.
- Web conferencing (also referred to as a Webinar) is a
Real-Time Communications presentation, lecture, workshop, or seminar that is
• Real-time communications occur instantly or without transmitted over the Web.
noticeable delay. - Follow these rules when participating in a Web
• Real-time responses are in the order of milliseconds and conference:
sometimes microseconds, so they make it faster and easier o If you cannot attend the conference, cancel
for people to connect and share information. your reservation in advance.
• There are a variety of electronic methods available for real- o Sign in by the scheduled time.
time communication and collaboration. o Use the mute button to eliminate background
• Text Messaging noise.
- Text messaging, often referred to as texting or instant o If provided the opportunity to interact, ask
messaging (IM), is a text-based form of communication relevant questions and make positive
primarily used for conversational text. comments.
- Text messages can be sent from a computer, a cell phone, - Video conferencing is using a computer to
or another mobile device. transmit audio and video data.
- Short Messaging Service (SMS) technology, introduced - An interactive whiteboard is a computer program that
in 1994, initiated the development and growth of text allows participants in a video conference to interact and
messaging. make changes to a document.
- SMS uses standardized communications protocols to - Guidelines for video conferencing:
allow devices to exchange short text messages up to 160 o Gather pertinent information in advance and
characters. be prepared.
- Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) extends the core o Dress appropriately and be properly groomed.
capability of SMS and enables you to send messages that o Silence your mobile phone and other devices.
include multimedia content. o Don’t interrupt the conversation. Wait for your
- Today there are several free IM software programs turn to speak.
available that enable users to interact with others using o When not speaking, use the mute button to
different IM programs. eliminate background noise.
- IM technology will continue to change with new features o Remain aware of your facial expressions and
and capabilities. body language.
- The following are suggested rules for proper use of - The VoIP service Skype enables you to communicate
texting: with friends, family, and colleagues by voice, video, and
o Do not use text messaging for formal instant messaging.
conversations or to deliver bad news. - Guidelines for a video chat:
o Use simple words and sentences to clearly o Schedule video calls in advance.
convey your message. o Make sure you and the person you are
o Be careful what you say and always use correct contacting are each in an appropriate location.
punctuation and grammar. o Consider the differences in time zones.
o Use standard capitalization. o Use statuses (available, invisible, away, busy,
o Choose appropriate times to text. It is rude to etc.) effectively.
interrupt a face-to-face conversation by o Remain aware of your facial expressions.
reading or sending a text message. o Look into the camera, maintain eye contact,
o Do not forward spam messages. and stay motionless.
o Before you send the message, double check o Be mindful of background noises.
the address. • Social Media Sites
• Chatting - Social Media is a term used to describe a variety of Web-
- Chatting is talking to other people in real time on the based platforms, applications, and technologies that
Internet. enable people to keep in touch with friends, find people
- A chat can be text, sound, or video. with similar interests, and build relationships online.
- Chatters exchange comments in a chat room provided - Social media is also used for marketing.
by a network or online service. - The information shared on a social network may include
- Demonstrate proper netiquette in a chat room: photos, videos, age, gender, interests, contacts, and
o Introduce yourself when you enter a chat room. geographical location.
o Treat people with respect and dignity. - Most social networks offer privacy settings to limit
o Stay on topic and use concise sentences. information access to selected groups, such as friends,
o Use appropriate language. family members, or colleagues.


- Guidelines for social media sites: • Most companies, educational institutions, government
o If you wouldn’t say it in public, then don’t say agencies, and other businesses and groups have guidelines
it online. for the use of electronic communications.
o Consider whether you will offend someone • Guidelines for using all types of electronic communication:
when you post the content. - Use the appropriate medium for conveying the message.
o Use appropriate language; be polite and - Clearly convey your message and use proper grammar
consider tone. and spelling.
o Don’t post inappropriate pictures or videos. - Respect the privacy of others and honor confidentiality.
o Don’t over share. - Understand the sensitive nature of data and the rules
o Be accountable for your actions. related to sending data electronically.
o Keep private matters in private messages. - Back up and archive correspondence on a regular basis.
o Use statuses (available, away, busy, etc.) - Cite sources for intellectual property, and give credit to
effectively. others when sharing their ideas.
o When you pass something on or repost the - Avoid harm to others.
content, include the source. - Do not send unsolicited bulk messages (spamming).

[ Identifying the Advantages and Disadvantages of Collaborative

Electronic Communication ]

Advantages of electronic communication:

• Enables people to connect worldwide

• Is convenient and not restricted to a specific place and
• Is available from computers and mobile devices
• Allows users to create and edit documents online while
collaborating in real time with other users
• Allows more than one type of correspondence, including
one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many
• Fosters community building
• Can be minimal in cost or even free
• Can reduce travel time and expenses when used for
business conferences

Disadvantages of electronic communication:

• Can cause misconceptions regarding your

correspondence because it does not allow you to read
body language or facial expressions
• Includes security risks
• Can leave an “electronic trail” of messages
• Can cause a lack of personal interaction that can damage
relationships and reduce overall productivity

[ Creating Effective Communications ]

• Select a communication method that suits the purpose of the

message and the audience.
• Meeting with a person physically or making a phone call
might be the most beneficial means of communication.
• The level of formality and informality is based on the
audience and on the topic.
• When composing a business message, assume that the
reader has limited time and will skim the contents to find the
main idea.
• Personal and social messages can be either formal or
• Using emoticons is appropriate for some audiences, but not
• Respond to messages promptly; the type of message dictates
the response time.

[ Following Electronic Communication Standards ]

• Statements and information you publish for both private and

public review can harm people in many ways.
• Flaming (bashing) is an intense, online verbal argument.
• Cyberbullying is using Internet technology to intentionally
harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.
• Slander (an oral communication) and libel (a written
communication) are untrue statements that can damage a
person’s or a company’s reputation or character.



Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) - Means conducting business
Collecting Information - Using internet, you can easily find the on the internet. It primarily refers to purchasing and selling
information you need. At home or work, you can find the products on the internet or through other computer networks. E-
telephone number of a local company or even order pizza for commerce is changing the way the world does business.
Business Connections
Organizing Information - Computer software helps you organize
information. You can use database spreadsheets to organize and  Business-to-business (B2B) - describes e-commerce
calculate data in a variety of ways. transactions between businesses such as between a
company and a supplier.
Evaluating Information - In addition to spreadsheet application to  Business-to-consumer (B2C) - describes online transactions
calculate numeric data, you can also use it to evaluate and between business and consumers.
compare data by using features such as statistical and charting  Business-to-Government (B2G) - which describes online
features. transactions between businesses and government agencies.
Communicating Information - When computers are connected Media - In the past, the distribution of media was primarily
through a network, users can exchange message instantaneously. through newspapers, magazines, television and radio. Media such
Technology provides options such as email, instant messaging, as music, video, audio, pictures and text can all be distributed
social media and etc. through internet.
Collaborating with others and Solving Problems - You can share Online Learning - For some time, people have been able to obtain
the information you have stored on your computer and their education via distance learning methods. Learning
collaborate with your co-workers. management system programs help teachers deliver online
Crowdsourcing - combines the collective effort of many people to courses.
complete a task. Robotics - They are used mostly in assembly plants, often
Increasing productivity - Access to internet and the web can completing dangerous or repetitive task. The use of computerized
increase productivity by providing online access to multiple robots on assembly lines and in other industrial processes has
resources including communication with experts and specialists. expanded production capabilities in the manufacturing world.

Facilitating Learning - The internet is an amazing resource for Telecommuting - Many employers allow their employees to work
learning and discovering new facts. You can find supplemental home. This arrangement is called telecommuting. For the
videos, exercises and activities. E-book can lighten up your load in employee, it saves travelling time and commuting expenses, and
you backpack. it allows them to work at a time that fits their schedule.

Promoting Creativity - Integrating technology into your class work Online Communities - Online communities, also known as social
provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your networks or virtual communities, enable groups of people to
inventiveness, individuality and creativity. interact online rather than face-to-face.

Supporting Critical Thinking - When searching information on the Disaster Recovery - Hurricanes, tornadoes and other recent
internet, you need to use critical thinking. disasters have increased awareness of the need for disaster
recovery planning for communities, cities and states.
Critical thinking - is the process of analyzing, combining and
evaluating information as a guide to making judgments. Assistive Technologies - Are software and devices used to
maintain, increase or improve the functional capabilities of
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) - Many people with bank individuals with disabilities.
accounts take advantage of the convenience of the ATM to
deposit or withdraw money.

Credit and Debit Cards - Many people no longer carry large

amount of money while travelling. They prefer to use credit or
debit card.

Point of Sale System (POS) - It is a terminal used for electronic

processing of payment transactions in a retail outlet.

Weather Predicting and Reporting System - Several weather-

prediction software are available. Numerical weather-prediction
applications are used by most professional meteorologist.

Global Positioning System (GPS) - A GPS combined with cellphone

technology can provide location information and directions.

Embedded Computers in Appliances and Equipment - Embedded

computers play an important role in your daily life. It is a special
computer integrated in your devices such as appliances.

Security System - Many cars today have a remote keyless ignition

system. Pressing a button opens or locks the door while pressing
another button starts the car.

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