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CHAPTER 11 The General Case of Combined Stress and Mohr's Circle ANSHERS FOR CHAPTER 11 PROBLEMS NOTE: The conplete solution tor problems 1-50 require the construction of the conplete Hohr’s circle and the drawing of the principal stress elenent and the maxiqun shear stress alenent. Listed below are the significant numerical results, Following the list are representative exanpies of the complete solutions. Note that the problens #211 into groups of similar forns as described below. a the x-axis on the Hohr’s circle Hes In the For problens 9-12, the x-axis on the Hohe’s circie Iles In the ‘third quadrant, For problens 19-16, the x-axis on the Hohr’s circle Ves in the fourth quadrant. For problens 17-24, the x-axis on the Mohr’s circle could He in any quadrant. No pattern exists, ‘the normal stresses on the given elenent, 8. For problems 29-40, the Hohr’s circle fron the piven in both principal stresses havi For this class of problens, the supplementary circle Is drawn using the in Section 10-11 of the text. The results stresses where 0, > 92 > 09, Also, he the eleete nd 18 equal to a, oF Ne eat magnitudes Angles ol Fesulting elenente are not requect Frotation of the ©. For problens 41-50, the Mohe’s circles 4 used to find the stress condition specified angle of rotatl ermal stresses and the shear stra ‘on the specified elenent. 0. For problens Si-S4, specific numerical answers are ¢: sted. 155 CHAPTER // = PROOLENS 1- 7 GA cai) re PO cogs 1 S184 HPa -115.4 Ha 10.9 cw 215.4 MPa 100.0 MPa 98.1 cow 2 2S5.2Hea-SS.Z NPA 7.5 cw 158.2HPa 100.0 MPa 97.5 cow 2 110.0 Mex =40.0 MPa 26.6 cw 75.0HPa35.01MPa 10.4 ecw 4 20241 MPa 42.0 MPa 27.8 ew 122.0 Ha 8D. HPA 17.5 cw 3 2BSKsl “8.5 ket 19.9 eeu 16D KEL 7.5 kt 64.9 cw S420 ual -29.0 ks 149 cow B69 RSE RSI 8. cow 7 WT KA 9.7 KSL 91.7 cow AA KEL, 95.0 KSI 76,7 cew 8 26 SI ~S4S KS 13.0 cow 45.6 Ks] -9.0 Rs! 59.0 cow 9 67706 MPL -972.6 KPA 77.8 com 027.6 KPa -150,0 KPa 57.5 cw 10 137.0 kPa 507.0 kPa 04.0 cew 242.8 KPA =225.0 KPa S10 cw AL 27,0 KPa 1202.0 KPA 60.7 cou 7645 KPA ~497.5 KPa 74.1 co 12 79,9 .KPa =954.9 RPA 74,8 cow 217.4 KPa -197.5 KPa 40.2 cw 13 570.0 psi -2070.0 pst 71.3 cw 1320.0 pal -750.0 pst 26.3 14 1676.4 pal ~6676.1 pst 81.7 cw 4176.1 pat ~2900.0 psl 26.7 ew 15 4180.0 pst -S100.0 psi 71.6 cw 4600.0 pst o 14 0600.7 pat -180.7 pel 09.8 cw 4975.7 pat ow 17° 260.2 He 100.2 HPa 27.8 cew 200.2 MPa 10 1027.1 kPa 977.1 KPA 24.4 cw 110241 KPa 19 29 KHL “LLP ksh 15.9 cw 12.9 ks 20 7971.2 pat -1221.2 pst 21.4 cow 4996.2 pal MAA KaL “B24 Ke 20.3 ow 18.4 Ket 22 27.6 Pa -87.6-MPa 67.8 cw 307.6 MPa 23 221.0 HP sO MPa 66.4 ccw 191.0 MPa ™ “1904.5 KPa 23,0 cow 1124.5 KPa 156 Lee Al DeTmied suunus Prob. 04 on ‘ toa Now «deg? cde? 05.0 HPa 0.0 «185.0. Pa 70,0 HPA 45.0 cow “075.0 pel 0.0 -95462.3 psi 2487.5 psl 45.0 cew 27 775.0 PA 145.0 KPa 0.0 460.0 kPa 918.0 KPa 45.0 cow 28 Bb Kt -13.4 KSI 00 26.0 ksL 12,6 Ks 45,0 cow CHAPTER —- PROBLENS 29-40 Prob. 04 0% 3 tax 29 920.1 MPa 71.9 MPa 0.0 NPA 164.0 Pa 3) 264,0HPa 196,0.MPa 0.0 MPa 182.0 Ha 31 214.5 HPa | 75.5Pe | OLONPa 107.2 MPa 22 1A HP 48.9 MPa 8.0 MPa 00.5 HPA 39 95.0ksi 10.0 ksh OD Rt 17.5 Kt 6 ALG ke) 2 ka RSE BP KT 35 S5G kat A RSE OO RSE 27.8 Kt 36 G2 ksh WL ksh OD RSE OLAS KT 9700 KPa 207.9 KPa ~867.1 KPa 493.5 KPa 3000 KPa ~37,5 KPa =297.5 KPa 168.8 kPa 29- 0.0 psi -295,7 pal 1906.3 psi 902.1 pat 2414.2 pst 490.0 psi_-2167.6 psl_-6892.4 p: Gwent G=300Me; 298 tat: wh cw OT*SISM Mita, O8 © — USM Miles Tyne? 2150 Tanz Whatte. § 24= 28°; B516.9'Cu FROME, 26% C82"; b'=3t/*cew Fan BUSH, Ete Resta Senet, Tray Bieete 6 ja ae 2 al Ae

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