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Ivan Pavlov- dog and bell experiment- classic conditioning

John B Watson-
B.F. Skinner- rat and cheese experiment – operant conditioning
Erik Erikson- Psychosocial development theory
Lawrence Kohlberg- Stages of moral development
Jean Piaget- cognitive development; develop through experience and
reason more.


Nature vs. Nurture – nature is based on genes and your birth/before

your birth whereas in nurture it’s about how you are raised and the
things after you are born.

Classic conditioning- type of learning in which an animal or person

responds to a stimulus in a way that doesn’t normally bring about that
response. EX. Pavlov let a dos hear a bell before feeding it, and soon
the dog salivates when he hears the bell. Stimulus-bell Response-

Operant Conditioning- forms an association between a behaviour and a

consequence; rewarded for good, punished for bad. EX. Skinner led a
rat through a maze with a piece of cheese -> rat gets reward=cheese

Behavioural adjustments- cultural responses to environmental stresses

such as climate and chanes environments that could influence food
sources or the way we build our houses and dress

Ivan Pavlov- dog and bell experiment- classic conditioning
John B Watson-
B.F. Skinner- rat and cheese experiment – operant conditioning
Erik Erikson- Psychosocial development theory
Lawrence Kohlberg- Stages of moral development
Jean Piaget- cognitive development; develop through experience and
reason more.


Nature vs. Nurture – nature is based on genes and your birth/before

your birth whereas in nurture it’s about how you are raised and the
things after you are born.

Classic conditioning- type of learning in which an animal or person

responds to a stimulus in a way that doesn’t normally bring about that
response. EX. Pavlov let a dos hear a bell before feeding it, and soon
the dog salivates when he hears the bell. Stimulus-bell Response-

Operant Conditioning- forms an association between a behaviour and a

consequence; rewarded for good, punished for bad. EX. Skinner led a
rat through a maze with a piece of cheese -> rat gets reward=cheese

Behavioural adjustments- cultural responses to environmental stresses

such as climate and chanes environments that could influence food
sources or the way we build our houses and dress

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