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Faculty of Management Studies

Course Outline


Counselling Hours: 4 Hours per Week


Teacher’s Website Address:


Course Title: Introduction to Psychology

Course Code: PSY 2253

Academic Program: BS Applied Accounting

Semester: Fall 2018

Course Description:

 To equip the student with latest techniques of psychology

 To introduce the basic psychological aspects to the students
 To evaluate new claims about psychology by knowing psychological facts and standards
for scientific evidence

Course Objectives:

 To identify theoretical underpinnings of the major areas of psychology, including

cognition (thought, memory, perception), learning, personality, social and environmental
influences, development, and physiology of behavior.
 To explain different models of human behavior based on science versus intuition or
general ways of knowing.
 To recognize ways of pursuing questions in Psychology via discussion of theory and
empirical research.
 To describe connections between knowledge gained in Psychology to everyday life.

Course Outcomes:

Study of human behavior has become immensely important to improve our interpersonal skills.
The course contents are selected not to just improve the understanding of human behavior but
also equate the students with skills of adjustment in personal and professional life. The content of
this course would facilitate students in the fields like organizational behavior, interpersonal skills
and HRM.
Marks Breakup:

1. Assignments: 10
2. Quizzes: 05
3. Class Participation: 05
4. Project+ Presentations 10
5. Mid Term Examination: 30
6. Final Examination: 40
Total Marks: 100

Course Readings:

 Required Reading: Study Pack

 Recommended Reading:
 Introduction to Psychology by Clifford T. Morgan 7th Edition
 Feldman, Robert S, (2005), Understanding Psychology, 7th Edition. McGraw
Hill, Boston
 Introduction to psychology by Myers

 Reference Reading:
 Industrial organizational psychology by Paul Levy.
 Psychological testing by Gregory.
 Living psychology by Karen Huffman.

 Other Reading Material:

 Psychology by G. Neil Martin

Course Contents:

Week 1

Lecture 1: Introduction to Psychologists 3-16

Subfields of Psychology
Lecture 2: Working at Psychology
Exploring Diversity
Becoming an Informed Consumer of Psychology
Week 2

Lecture 3: Biological Bases of Behaviour 19-33

Neurons and Synapses
Lecture 4: Brain and Behaviour
Week 3 Assignment#1 + Quiz#1

Lecture 5: Perceptual Organization 12-14

The Gestalt Laws of Organization
Feature Analysis
Lecture 6:
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processing
Perceptual Constancy
Depth and Motion Perception, perceptual illusions and subliminal
Week 4

Lecture 7: Hearing and the Other Senses/ Sensory processes and perceptions
Sensing Sound

Lecture 8: Applying Psychology in the 21st Century

Smell and Taste
The Skin Senses

Week 5

Lecture 9: State of Consciousness/Sensation and Perception 100-124

Sleep and Dreams: The Stages of Sleep
The Function and Meaning of Dreaming

Lecture 10: Sleep Disturbances

Circadian Rhythms
Becoming an Informed Consumer of Psychology

Week 6

Lecture 11: Learning 37-65

Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive-Social Approaches to Learning

Lecture 12: Personality 128-144

Week 7 Assignment#2 + Quiz#2

Lecture 13: Memory 181-222

Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval of Memory
Lecture 14: Recalling Long-Term Memories
Forgetting: When Memory Fails

Week 8

Lecture 15: Cognition and Language/ Learning and Perception 225-262

Thinking and Reasoning
Lecture 16: Problem Solving

Week 9


Week 10

Lecture 17: Intelligence 273-285

What Is Intelligence?
Lecture 18: Variations in Intellectual Ability

Week 11

Lecture 19: Motivation 69-85

Explaining Motivation
Lecture 20: Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring

Week 12 Assignment#3 + Quiz#3

Lecture 21: Understanding Emotional Experiences

Lecture 22: Nonverbal Behaviour and the Expression of Emotions

Week 13 Emotion 89-99

Lecture 23: Nature and Definition

Theories of emotion
Lecture 24: Determining the range of emotions
Functions of emotions

Week 14

Lecture 25: Frustration and Conflict

Lecture 26: Social Psychology 150-158
Attitudes and Social Cognition
Week 15 Assignment#4 + Quiz#4

Lecture 27: Social Influence

Lecture 28: Prejudice and Discrimination

Week 16

Lecture 29: Positive and Negative Social Behavior

Lecture 30: Frustration and Conflict

Week 17

Lecture 31: Project presentation

Lecture 32: Project Presentation


Related Websites:


General Instructions:

 Students are advised to be present in the classroom before the start of each class.
According to UCP policy students who will reach after 10 minutes will be marked Late
and students who will miss more that allowed number of classes will be dropped from the
 All students should follow the dress code (Dress pants, dress shirts, dress shoes and neck
ties for boys and decent Shalwar-Qameez and Dopatta for girls).
 Medium of instruction of the course is English.
 All assignments (wherever possible) should be submitted using ‘Turnitin’ software.
 Plagiarism will be checked and evaluation will be done using ‘Turnitin’ software.
 Deadlines of submission will be strictly followed.


The course policy envisages positive learning environment in the class. Positive, healthy
and constructive class participation will be monitored. Tardiness and casual attitude shall
be strongly discouraged. Zero tolerance for plagiarism and other unfair means of securing
credits. The course is intended to be highly interactive. All students are expected to
participate in the class discussions. In order to ensure a positive learning climate, only
intelligent and contributory observation and discussions are fully rewarded.

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