Reflection Week1

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First week reflection

In the 1st week the mathematics lessons delivered by relate the last teaching to the
new expertise or provide them associate entrance to the lesson like, telling story
related to the new lesson or activity at the start by use PowerPoint programme for
presenting then, begin the lesson through the book by present the book in smart board
and explain it after that, let the students to open the book and think about the
questions then, answer the questions with teacher in the board additionally, teacher
did not use any form of differentiation because she depend on the book. In this week
they learned about adding numbers with four digits, mentally subtraction, Estimation
of variations and problem-solving skills therefore, in those lessons I worked with a
group of students by helping them and asking them some question such as, how you
solve the question furthermore, I had always engaged and motivated the learners
while answering the questions thus, I introduce the mathematics in guided groups
and that helps me assess the students by use checklist to divide the learners on level's
moreover, in this week teacher used GRRM version by followed the good enough
classroom “I do, you watch \ I do, you help \ you do, I watch” such as, in adding
numbers with four digits lesson by explaining the lesson at the beginning then,
present the book in the board and start solving the questions with students after that,
let the students answer the book questions.

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