Sced 3311 Active Learning Lesson Pre-Assesment

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U.S. History

Spanish-American War pre-class assessment

1. Who was president of the United States of America when the conflict broke out?
a. William McKinley
b. James K. Polk
c. Theodore Roosevelt
d. Harry S. Truman

2. Which countries were part of the conflict? (Circle any that apply)
a. Spain
b. United States
c. Cuba
d. Mexico
e. Sweden
f. Philippines
g. Haiti

3. Why did the Spanish-American war take place?

a. Concern over Imperialism
b. The USS Maine exploded
c. Just for fun
d. Both A & B

4. What did the end of Spanish-American war bring?

a. Peace between territories and colonizers
b. The question of America as an empire
c. Higher taxes on the poor of America
d. A strong alliance between America and Spain

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