Team Pragati Yes Bank Case Solution

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Description: The main causes for the problem in the food chain supply is spillage

Technology to be used in the efficient perishable supply chain would be:

 RFID Sensors
 Temperature and Humidity Sensors
 Perishability Index Tracker
 Quality Index Tracker Platform


Creation of Put RFID tags to

Seggregation Grocery track the shelf
Production of Transport of Baskets
of grocery life of groceries
fresh grocery fresh goods to comprising of
depending on within the
from farmer warehouse these
shelf life grocery basket

Each truck will Grocery

At retailer, the
Retailes will have a full truck Baskets
perishability index
purchase load capacity transpoted via
is being checked
grocery and containers temperature
and data is
baskets maintained at a control trucks
recorded to match
depending on temperature from central
the expected
demand suitable to the warehouse to
degraded index
grocery baskets distributors


Foods transporting to Tier-I cities only

All the data is constantly being uploaded over the common network platform created by Cisco.

Location-Index Matrix

Distance 0-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500

Perishability 1 2 3 4 5
Once the RFID tag is attached to grocery basket, they are scanned using CISCO’s Perishability index
(PI) tracker to get the perishability index of basket. Subsequently, PI is printed on the tag attached to
the basket. Baskets are rated on the scale of 10 with 1 indicating high perishability and 10 indicating
low perishability. Highly perishable goods are transported to nearby cities whereas basket with low
perishability are transported to distant cities.
After purchasing goods from distributor, retailers will arrange baskets on different shelf by checking
perishability using PI meter. PI meter is a device designed by cisco to check perishability by retailers.

Upon selling grocery baskets, retailers get the exact details of quantity of product sold. This in turn
will help to reduce the variability in demand. Retailer will have database of demand. This in turn
helps distributor to reduce variability in demand. A segregated database of demand will be available
at distributor. This will help to get estimated of demand at city level. All distributor will send data to
warehouse to get exact demand of city. This will help warehouses to procure foods from farmer with
good estimate of demand. Warehouses can also guide farmers to produce particular crop in
particular quantity in specific season to reduce overproduction and underproduction. This will also
help farmers to get good price for their production.

Thus demand data available at retailers has helped to reduce demand variability. The bullwhip
effect is reduced across the supply chain. The wastage of food due to overproduction is reduced at
farmer level. Wastage
across supply chain is
reduced due to proper
estimation of demand.

Adjacent figure shows

the variability and
wastage in supply chain
in absence of data for
demand estimation.
The wastage is at peak
at supplier level. With
the use of technology
the amplitude of
wastage at supplier
side will reduce
drastically. Hence food wastage is prevented with better estimation of demand.

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