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8:00 p.m. "The Day After," a film on the nuclear \
banbing of an American city. tall the Peace Center \
· at 234-2000 to volunteer your hane as a place for ~~
your neighbors to gather to watch the film, or to f
learn where the house meeting nearest you is to be. ·"',
'- Or v~ew the film with Women St:rike for Peace (for ~
'~~details call 543-2660). . . -q, .•. .,=,
., ~:::...
.pt:,:,-._, .,..,1'::::-ff"(", .;.,.--:,-,,. . ... --:-~
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(through tne---zJ'ra,';-·t'"eafletting at neighboroood
grocery stores, a follow-up to "The Day After."
-~~- ,.For details call the Peace Center, 234-2000. --~
-- Avenue NW (entrance on Decatur Place) • . 234-200~
~~hat /
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/§Pa;el .on 11 Nuclear Arms and National ~ecurity" with .....

' Renee Poussa int, Paul Warnke, Rev~ W1 n~ers,. and
Jereny Stone. Gowan· Hall, Catholic University.
For details call 625-3001. :·· · -. . _- _
( 8:00 p.m. Nuclear issues f1lm "Race to Oblivion." ·

;i\ ,.:~~~=:.~!:::~~!~;:~;:7,!~J:{
f:0. 11:00 p.m. Three D~Po.~es ?." .
First Use," "Verific::ttion," and "Euro~1ss1les. ·

; ·• Gonnan Audi tori um, Georgetown Un1vers1 ty • . 625-8255.
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:30 p.;. Slide/talk show with Joan Biren on Seneca
Women's Peace Camp. $5.00. Put on by the Washing;
ton Area \l.bmen's Center and the Washington
enter. For. details call 234-2000.
· __ Peac~ ~ '
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'{tj~l~.- 11
~~~ Nuclear Debate · and~:-:~~~~~~:
d1 scuss, on with Pentagon, Post, and peace group ~
representatives. Trapier Theater, St. Albans School
'- (Wisconsin and Massachusetts). Put on by Educators ~
~~or Social Responsibility. ·-
-·- ·, -, . • . ,#"
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