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EDU221 / Introduction to Education Lesson Plan & Case Study Presentation

Case Study Name: Do We Really Have to Bribe Them? (Using Financial

Incentives to Motivate Students)

Group Members: Mikaela Manuel, Taylor Deskins, Dasia Adger, Spencer Ross

Learning Objectives:
1. Students will understand the meaning and concept of bribery.
2. Students will understand how an incentive program works.
3. Students will examine the pros and cons of bribery.
4. Students will propose whether bribery is ethical or unethical.

1. Pizza or “Money” Demonstration:
a. Each group/table will be given a letter grade for an imaginary test they
took. Depending on what their group score was, they will receive a
slice of pizza. For example, every student at table 1 scored an “A” on
the math test. An “A” = a slice of pizza for each student at that table.
(Score lower than a “B” = no pizza).
2. Present PowerPoint to the class including: (1) what bribery is, (2) a recap of
the case study, (3) the pros/cons of bribery, (4) a short video, (5) discussion
questions, (6) class activity and (7) a short quiz.
a. (For the “Discussion Question” portion) Have the class discuss each
of the provided discussion questions within their groups, then share
thoughts aloud with the class.
b. (For the “Class Activity” portion) Each group will take the same quiz,
but with separate resources (i.e. article, internet/article or no
internet/article) that are available to them.

1. Class summarization of case study (Objectives 1,2)
2. Class discussion (Objectives 1,2,3,4)
3. Short quiz w/ separate resources (Objective 2,4)
1. “Do We Really Have to Bribe Them” (Using Financial Incentives to
Motivate Students) Case Study #10
2. Pizza for class activity/demonstration
3. Youtube Video
4. Personal cell phones, laptops, internet
5. “How to Become a Medical Doctor” article

● Do We Really Have to Bribe Them? (Using Financial Incentives to Motivate
Students) - Case Study 10
● Carson, T. (2012, May 11). Does Bribery Work? Retrieved November 15, 2018,
● Andrea Clement Santiago (2018, Aug 29). “How to Become a Medical Doctor”.
Retrieved Oct 19, 2018 from
● Youtube Video “ ”

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