MB0045 - Set2

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NAME OF STUDENT : Piyush Chikhaliya .

REGISTRATION NO : 511010046 .


SEMESTER : Second .

SUBJECT : MB0045 .




MB0045 - Financial Management

Q.1 What are some of the relative advantages and disadvantages of email, as
compared to other written communication channels? Suggest two ways to overcome
the disadvantages of email communication


Communicating Through Email

Although email is a tool for external communication, it is also regularly used within an
organization, in place of telephone and face-to-face contact. This is because emailis
instantaneous and allows you to send messages that others can pick up at their
convenience. Besides, email also makes it possible to send messages to people anywhere
in the world and to people who are otherwise impossible to reach. While the other forms of
written communication are highly formal in nature, email is more informal and spontaneous.
It is therefore easier to write an email message than it is to write a business letter or a report,
where greater attention has to be paid to the language, style and tone. Since email is quick,
easy to use and spontaneous, it can also help to improve personal relationships in the

Advantages of Email

1. Relatively low cost of fulfillment. The physical costs of email are substantially
less than direct mail.

2. Direct response medium encourages immediate action. Email marketing

encourages click through to a website where the offer can be redeemed
immediately this increases the likelihood of an immediate, impulsive response.

3. Faster campaign deployment. Lead times for producing creative and the whole
campaign lifecycle tends to be shorter than traditional media.

4. Ease of personalization. It is easier and cheaper to personalize email than for

physical media and also than for a website.

5. Options for testing. It is relatively easy and cost effective to test different email
creative and messaging.

6. Integration. Through combining email marketing with other direct media which
can be personalized such as direct mail, mobile messaging or web personalization,
campaign response can be increased as the message is reinforced by different

Disadvantages of Email

1. Deliverability. Difficulty of getting messages delivered through different internet

service providers (ISPs), corporate firewalls and web mail systems.

2. Render ability. Difficulty of displaying the creative as intended within the in-box
of different email reading systems.

3. Email response decay. Email recipients are most responsive when they first
subscribe to an email. It is difficult to keep them engaged.
MB0045 - Financial Management

4. Communications preferences. Recipients will have different preferences for

email offers, content and frequency which affect engagement and response. These
have to be managed through communications preferences.

5. Resource intensive. Although email offers great opportunities for targeting,

personalization and more frequent communications, additional people and
technology resources are required to deliver these.

Below are the ways to overcome the disadvantages of email communication and
could be made more effective:-

1. Avoid “shouting” – Shouting in an email message refers to use of all capital letters in
the text. All caps make it difficult to read a message and are therefore considered to be
rude, like shouting.

2. Avoid symbols and acronyms – Symbolic messages using punctuation marks,

known as “emoticons” (for example, : ) for a smiley face!) should be avoided, especially in
business related email messages. Similarly, abbreviations such as BTW (by the way) should
be avoided since they sound over casual and may not be understood by everyone.

3. Use friendly salutations and signoffs – Although these are not strictly required in email
communication as in business letters, a salutation such as “Dear John” and a signoff such
“Warm Regards”, helps to make the tone friendly and personal.

4. Respond promptly – In the case of business related emails, it is important to respond

promptly, especially when communicating with superiors. Even if you are hard pressed for
time, are out of town or out of the office, you can set an automatic email response to your
received messages, which will mention that you will be responding in detail on a specific

5. Avoid personal messages at work – Do not make use of the office facility to send
personal email messages. Since confidentiality of the message is not guaranteed, it may
lead to embarrassment later.
MB0045 - Financial Management

Q.2 Imagine that you are the Marketing Manager of a multinational FMCG company.
Write a job rejection letter to a prospective candidate in the appropriate format,
explaining why he/she was not selected for a Management Trainee position with the


April 15th, 2010

Mr. Tejash Vyas

8, Swetal Society,
Nr. Passport Office,

Dear Mr. Vyas,

As you know, we interviewed a number of candidates for the management trainee position,
and we have determined that another candidate is the most qualified for the requirements of
our opening. This letter is to let you know that you have not been selected for the position.

Thank you for taking the time to come to Hindustan Unilever Limited to meet our interview
team. The team enjoyed meeting you and our discussions.

We wish you success with your job search and in the future. Thank you for your interest in
our organization.

We will retain your application and resume for one year.


Piyush Chikhaliya, Marketing Manager,

Hindustan Unilever Limited
MB0045 - Financial Management

Q.3 Select and briefly describe two corporate ads that you have seen recently which
you feel are effective. Explain how they benefit the company.


In terms of corporate reputation, the strongest brands in the pharmaceutical industry is

diversified consumer product giants such as Johnson & Johnson, which scored well ahead
of their purely pharmaceutical-focused.

The most important components of corporate reputation in the industry are innovation, R&D,
global presence, and speed to market.

"With the proliferation of direct-to-consumer advertising and greater reliance on

intermediaries like pharmacists, consumers have become increasingly influential in
pharmaceutical brand decision-making. Companies like Johnson & Johnson that are industry
leaders in terms of sales revenue today, risk losing share to the more aggressive corporate
brand-oriented companies in the near future

Pharmaceutical companies need to be brand-conscious because corporate reputation is so

closely aligned with trust in the minds of consumers. With so many drugs coming off patent
and multiple generic variations competing for the attention of consumers, we'll see corporate
branding become an important differentiating factor for quality and trust associations.

Is there anyone in this country who hasn't seen the Amul ads on the hoardings by the road
sides, and not chuckled? The longest running ad, still hasn't lost its charm with its never-
changing famous moppet in polka dotted frock and a half pony tied up.

The slogan has always been 'Utterly Butterly delicious'. What is it about the Amul ad that has
kept the viewers wanting more? The biggest success seems to be like that of the Common
Man, no particular time or period could have frozen this character. It does not belong to an
era. It has moved along with time reacting to the new events through time.

The Amul girl, apart from promoting a $1-billion brand, has been bringing smiles to millions.
And this smile has spelt a huge success and changed the livelihood of over 2.5 million
Gujarat farmers. The sales figures of Amul butter have jumped from a few lakh rupees in to
over Rs 500 crore now. Apart from rapid growth and trustworthiness, the four-year-old girl
has also ensured a virtual monopoly for Gujarat Cooperative Milk.

In the last four decades, the girl has dealt with all the contemporary issues - be it politics,
sports, society, entertainment, art, weather, infrastructure, science or technology such a way
Amul butter advertisements annually on the country’s oldest running campaign.
MB0045 - Financial Management

Q.4 List and explain five important principles of business report writing.


What is a Report?

• Management tool for effective decision making.

• Detailed examination of a situation or problem, of action taken, or of the findings of
an investigation.
• Written in a clear, informative way.
• Often drawing conclusions, making recommendations.
• Orderly and objective communication of factual information that serves a business

Report Writing

• Importance of Report writing:

Report writing is central to:

o Decision making
o Progress reporting
o Root cause analysis
o Problem solving

• Report writing can be done by an individual or by a team.

Important principles of business report writing.

1. Principle of Purpose: Must have a specific and sound purpose.

2. Principle of Organization: Should be properly planned and well-organized.

3. Principle of Clarity: Written in Simple Language.

4. Principle of Brevity: Should be brief enough.

5. Principle of Scheduling: Without undue burden on staff and with sufficient time for their

6. Principle of Cost: Cost should be less than the benefits.

MB0045 - Financial Management

Q.5 As a recent MBA graduate from Sikkim Manipal University, write your resume with
a specific career objective, including all the other standard components.


Piyush Chikhaliya
Mobile: +91-9428869184
Email: pvchikhaliya@gmail.com

Professional Objective
To working in a challenging environment that utilizes my skills and ability, and offers ample
learning opportunities.
Educational Qualification

• MBA from Sikkim Manipal University (Pursuing)

• B.C.A. from South Gujarat University (Aggregate: 66.50 %)
Technical Skills

OS Windows Professional & Server, Linux

Database Server MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, Ms Access
Web Technologies PHP, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, XML
Tools Dreamweaver, ZEND Editor, Front page
CMS Drupal, Joomla
Frame Work ZEND

Current Experiance
Working with IndiaNIC Infotech Ltd. as Project Coordinator in Web developing

Duration : July 2006 to Till Date

E-mail : piyush@indianic.com

Personal Profile

Date of Birth : 3rd February 1983

Marital Status : Married
Languages Known : English, Hindi and Gujarati
Hobbies : Playing Cricket, Swimming, Reading, Traveling, Driving


I affirm that the information in this application is true and correct. I also fully understand that
at any stage it is discovered that any attempt has been made by me to willfully conceal or
misrepresent the facts, my candidature may be summarily rejected and my employment

Date: April 15th, 2010 (Piyush Chikhaliya)

MB0045 - Financial Management

Q.6 Prepare a list of ten questions to ask during a job interview, in order to make the
interview a two way process and to show that you are interested in the company and
the job you are applying for.


By asking questions about the position and culture within the office, you stress how
interested you are in the role and how you see yourself fitting in to it. This lets the interviewer
know you’re more interested in the job than the money, which is one of those universal lies
everyone tacitly agrees to ignore.

You'll know something is wrong if the interview begins to feel like a version of the Spanish
Inquisition: Question, Answer, Question, Answer, Question, Answer. Dialogue means that
both sides are engaged in the process. Be bold in the interview questions you ask. Nothing
wrong with asking question like:

• What's the most important quality you're looking for?

• Why do you think people like working here?
• Is there anything you think I should know that I've forgotten to ask?
• Now that we have talked about my qualifications, do you have any concerns about
me fulfilling the responsibilities of this position?
• As my direct report in this position, what are the three top priorities you would first
like to see accomplished?
• In what area could your team use a little polishing?
• What’s the makeup of the team as far as experience? Am I going to be a mentor or
will I be mentored?
• What does this company value the most and how do you think my work for you will
further these values?
• What kinds of processes are in place to help me work collaboratively?
• What can I bring Company XYZ to round out the team?
• Do team members typically eat lunch together or do they typically eat at their desk?
• What’s the most important thing I can do to help within the first 90 days of my
• Do you have any questions or concerns about my ability to perform this job?
• When top performers leave the company why do they leave and where do they
usually go?
• What do you see in me? What are my strongest assets and possible weaknesses?
Do you have any concerns that I need to clear up in order to be the top candidate?
• Who are the “coolest” people on my team? What makes him or her “cool? Can I
meet them?

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