Moses in The Dispensation For Restoration: Chapter Twelve

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Moses in the Dispensation

for Restoration



The Reason for Establishing the Model Course

The purpose of the Dispensatio n fur Restora tion is ultimately
accomplished when man fulfills his responsibility a nd thus
obtains Sa tan's voluntary submission and has domin ion over
hi m. However, Satan did not obey or submit tu God, and later
he would not obey or submit to Jesus, who would come as a
Fi rst Ancestor and a True Pare nt. Certa inly he would no t
submit to anyone else. Be ing man's cr·eator, God the,·efore
assumed the responsibi lity to make Satan submit.
God estab lis hed Jacob as the representative through
whom he would show the model course for subjuga tin g Sata n .
This sheds light on the meaning of Amos 3:7, which says,
"'Surely the Lord Goo does nothing , w ithout reveali ng his
secret to his servants the prophe ts.'" There is far more tu the
entire course by which Jacob led Esau to submit than Jacob's
individua l efforts. It is the model course worked by God, _......,
through Jacob, to show the way to gain the voluntary su bmis-
sion of Satan, working through Esau. Jacob's course for s ub-
j ugating Satan is the pattern tha t Moses followed on the
na tional level. And Jesus, the Messia h , came to teach a ll of
-- ,.-

- Jacob~
mankind how to e lic it Satan's volunta ry submission. As man's In~~ - ~ -__.
True Father, or Firs t Ancestor, the Messiah has to pioneer the Family .............. .......~ ~
course tha t will be the pattern fur a ll mankind to follow in National ·-..............~
subs ta ntia lly subjugating Satan. Jes us hi mself subs tantia ll y .............
subjuga ted Satan by following the model course that God had .............
a lready s hown th rough J acob and Moses. In the same manner,
any person can make Sata n su bmi t by following the course of


Jesus. Acts 3:22 te lls us tha t Moses said,"'... " The Lord God
will raise up for you a prophe t from your brethren as he raised
me up. You sha ll lis ten to him in whatever he te lls you ."'"
Th is is a reference Lo the coming Messiah (Jesus), wh~ was to
follow Moses' course. In John 5:19 J esus sa id tha t he was
fo llowing the pattern tha t Goe.I had s hown through Moses'
mode l course: " Jesus said to Lhem,' Truly, tru ly, I say to _vou ,
the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he
sees the Father doin g; for whatever he c.loes. that the Son docs
likewise.'" Moses was the model that J esus followed.
From an external viewpoint , it may seem that Jacob was
merely the head of a fam ily in a tribal age, whereas Moses was
the leader of the Is raelite nation , a nd Jesus was the Messiah.
Yet, these three men did fol low simila r patterns in the ir li fe
courses, because God had set up a modd course in his dispen-


As a lready s ta ted , Jacob's course was a courst: to elicit Satan's
submission. Any course for subjuga Ling Satan must follow the
path which is the reverse of the one by which Sa tan gained his
wrongful dominion. Le t us compare the courses that Moses
and Jesus took with the model course of Jacob.
A. When Adam and Eve did not keep God 's com mandment and
did no l overcome the tria ls of temptation from the archa ngel,
they fel l. At the ford of the J abbok, Jacob fought an angel a t the
ris k of his life and gained the victory over him- then receiving
the name of Israel (Gen 32:25-28). God tested Jacob by plac ing
the a n gel in the position of Sa ta n , anc.l consequently the vic-
tory in that s truggle indemnified the tria ls which Adam a nd
Eve ha d fai led to pass. The purpose of the trial was not to drive
fl Trial of Faith Jacob into misery but to estab lis h J acob a s Lhe person w ho
could complete restoration on the famil~, le, ·el by having him
rcsto1·c dominion over the angel. In order for Moses to become
Jacob Struggle with Angel the pe rson who could comp lete the na tiona l restoration of
Gen 3225-28 Canaan, he a lso had to overcome a tria l a t the r isk of his life, a
tria l in wh ich God tried to have him killed (Ex 4:24-26). And in
Gocfs Attempt to order for Jesus to become Lhe person who could complete the
Moses kill Moses world-wide restora tion of Canaa n a nd lead a ll ma nkind to the
Ex 4 24 -26 Kingdom of Heaven, he a lso had to win a fi ght against Satan
at the r isk of his life. He did this through his forty days in the
Temptations after wi lderness (Mt 4:1-11 ).
Jesus 40-day fast
Matt 4 ·1-11 B. The Fa llen Nature was formed because of the spiritual and
physical fa lls. J acob and Moses ha d to meet certain con di Lions
in order to e limina te ymbolica lly the Fallen a turc. In

buying the birthright from Esau, Jacob used bread and lentil
pottage (Gen 25:34) to initiate the course of indemnity for the Flesh and Spirit
Foundation of Substance, the bread and pottage symbolizing
the fles h and the spirit. In order to initiate the course for the
Foundation of Subs tance in his course, Moses gave the
Bread and Stew
Israe lites manna and quail, the manna and quail again sym- Jacob
Gen 25:34
bolizing the Oesh and the spirit. John 6:49-53 shows that Jesus
followed this model course: " 'Your fathers ate the manna in
the wilderness, and they died .... unless you eat the fl esh of Manna and Quail
the Son of m a n and drink his blood, you have no life in
Moses Ex 16-12-15
you ... .' "In the world-wide course of restoration, fallen man
can meet the Indemnity Condition to Remove the Fallen Na- Bread and Wine
ture only by believing absolutely in Jesus and living as he Jesus John 6:48-58
instructed (Jn 3:16, Mt 28:19,20).
C. Because of the Fall, even man 's dead body belongs to Satan.
However, because Jacob was already blessed and sanctified ,
when his body was embalmed for forty days and he was
mourned (Gen 50:2,3), the condition for his dead body to be
(9 Body
separated from Satan was a lso met. Since Moses followed
Jacob's m odel course, on the foundation of his merits, he also
met the condit ion for his body to be separated from Satan .
Jacob Enbalmed for 40 days
Thus, the archangel fought with Satan for Moses' body (Jude Gen 50:3
1:9). And, accordingly, after Jesus' death there were also un-
us ua l phenomena that occurred concerning his body (Mt
28:12,13). Moses Dispute between Satan
and Michael Jude 9
D. Because of the fall of the first human ancestors (durin g
their growing period), Satan gained wrongful dominion over
man. To indemn ify this, God designed conditions based on the Jesus Body Disappeared
numbers that represent the le ngth of the invaded period. Mall 28·12-13
Thus, in the process of restoration through indemnity, God
has worked his dispensation by hav ing man meet the numer-
ical conditions that represent that period.
For example, when Jacob returned from Haran to Ca- 6) Numerical Aspect of Restoration
naan, there was a three-day period of separa tion from Satan
(Gen 31:22), that period be ing the pe r iod necessary to initiate 3 12 7 days
stages 2enerations of creation
a new dispensation. There was a three-day period of the same
kind when Moses initiated the course to lead the Israeli tcs out .0 3-day period 12 70 Family
of Egypt into Canaan (Ex 5:3). Also, Jesus spent three days in 8n, afler leaving Haran Sons members
-, Gen 31:22 Gen 35·22 Gen 46:27
the tomb (Lk 18:33) to separate from Satan before beginning
his world-wide course of the spiritual restoration of Canaan.
Jacob had twelve sons in order to restore in his lifetime
(horizontally) the vertical inde mnity conditions of the twelve
3-day period
Ex 5:3
Ex 24-4
Ex 24·1
ge nerations from Noah to his time, w hich had ended up being II)
::, 3-day period 12 70
claimed by Saran. For the same reason, there were twelve
:a after crucifixion Apostles Disciples
tribes under Moses (Ex 24:4), and Jesus had twelve apostles -, Luke 18:33 Matt 10·1 Luke 10:1
(Mt l0:1).
Satan's wrongful control of the seven-day period of crea-

tion was indemnified by Jacob's ha ving eventy family mem-

C) Staff bers (Gen 46:27), by Mo es' having seventy e lders (Ex 24: 1),
and by Jesus· having seventy disc iples (Lk 10: 1). each g roup
ta king the central rol e in its respecti ve course of restoration .
Crossed Jordan nver with star f
Jacob E. The s taff, whic h is capable of s miting injus tice, point ing out
GM 3? 10 the way. and providing support, i~ a symbol of God's Word,
and thus, a symbol of the Me s iah to come. Jacob en tered the
Crossed Red Sea with staff land of Canaan leaning on his staff as he crossed the Jordan
Moses (Gen 32:10), a nd Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea
Ex 1~ 16

- ·
w it h his s ta ff (Ex 14: 16). Thi!> fo1-c!>hadows fall en mankind's
crossing from the s inful worl.d into the idea l world, led b_v the
Rod of Iron Messiah and depe nding on thl' Messiah , who s mites injus tice.
Jesus (crossing the world of
j suffenng) Re, 2 2- 12:,
Jesu s. who mites injus tice as thl' "rod of iron " (Rev 2:27;
12:5), had to lead all mankind from the world of suffering,
across the troubled ca of thi~ world . into the ideal world.
F. Eve's s in was the roo t of s in , whic h bore fruit when Cain
0 Mother-Son Cooperation killed Abel. Thus. atan invaded ma n and produced the fruit
of s in through a mother a nd son . According tu the principle of
restorat ion throug h inde mnity, a mother and on ~hould re-
Rebekah with Jacob verse this course, b_v mutual ly cooperating to bring about
Jacob separation from Sa tan. Thus. it was by his mother·~ initiative
Gen 27 43
and th rough her cooperation that Jacob received the blessing
and was able to meet the condition for sepa ra ting from Sa ta n
Moses· mother saves (Gen 27:43). And through the coupe ration of his mothc1·, Mo~es
Moses and raises Moses came to be in a position to fulfill God 's Will (Ex 2:2). Jesus a lso
Ex 2:2-8 was helped b_v his mother in fulfilling his mission (Ml 2:13).
G. The cen tral person in the Dispensa tio n for Re~tora tio n
Jesus Mary saves Jesus
mus t follow a course of res tora tion that leads from the satanic
Matt 2 13
world to the heavenly world. Jacob wa lked the cour~c of
res toration from Haran to Canaan (Gen 3 1·33), a nd Mo~e~
walked the course from Egypt to Canaan (Ex 3:8). Jc u al o
offerl'd his whole li fe to transform the satanic world into the
© Satanic World--+Heavenly World ideal world .
H . The fina l goal of the Dispe nsat ion for Re!>tora tion i · to
completely demolis h Sa tan. Therefore, Jacob buried idols
Haran ..... Canaan
Jacob Gen 31 13 17 18 rep1-escnting Satan under an oak tree (Gen. 35: 4). Mose de-
stroyed the idol of the golden calf (Ex 32:20), and Jesus,
through his words and power, was to anni hilate the s inful
EgyRt .... Canaan world a nd gain Satan ' surrender.
Moses Ex 3.8
Jesus Egypt .... Palestine A. Overview of the Dispensation
Matt 2 13
The principle of the Dis pensati o n for Restoration was the
same in Mo cs' time a s in the previous dispen a t ion, in that he

had to restore the Foundation of Faith and the Foundation of

Substance in order to establish the Foundation for the Mes- CD Destruction of Evil
sia h . However, in the Dispensation for Restoration centered
on Moses, we discover that there are two differen ces from the
previous d ispensations. First, Moses s tood on the successful Buried idols under tree
Foundation for the Messiah which had a lready been estab- Jacob Gen 35:4
lished by Isaac's fami ly, and the merit of this comple ted work
applied toward Moses' meeting his own indemnity condi-
tions. Second , the level of the dispensation had expanded
Moses Burned Golden Calf
from the fa mily level to the national leve l. God chose Moses to Ex 32.20
lead the Israelites from the sata nic world of Egypt into Ca-
naan, which represented the Kingdom of Heaven . In other
words, God worked his dispensation to restore the Kingdom Jesus Subjugation of Satan
of Heaven (Canaan) on a national level.
1. The Foundation o{Faith

a. The cen tra l person for restoring the Moses' Course National
Foundation of Faith General View Level
Moses was the central person w ho ha d to restore the Founda-
tion of Faith. However, God appointed Moses to a dispensa-
tional position somewhat different from that he ld by the pre- Foundation Foundation of
of Faith Substance
vious central persons, Adam , Noah, a nd Abraha m. First of a ll ,

Moses s tood in a position representing God, even "be[ing] as" Central Person:
God (Ex 4 : 16; 7: I ); secondly, Moses was the model for Jesus. Moses
That is, s ince God's spirit would dwell in Jesus, then God's 2.Required Offering:
establishing Moses as his representative means estab lishing Number 40
period of faith Ill Ill
Moses as the model for Jesus. Israel Moses

b. The Req uired Offering for the Foundation of Foundation for tne Messiah
Because of his s pecial dispensational position, Moses did not
have to make a symbolic offedng of things as Abe l, Noah, a nd
Abraham did. He was able to restore the Founda tion of Faith
by fulfillin g a forty-based indemnity period of separation
from Satan . There a re two reasons for this.
Firs t , Moses s tood on the foundation of the three success-
ful symbolic material offerings by Abel, Noah, a nd Isaac.
Second, with the establishing of the victor ious Foundation for
the Messiah by Isaac's family, the age had passed in which a
sacrifice was the offering required in place of the Word, and
Moses had entered the age in which God's Word was to be
received directly. In other words, the Dispensationa l Age of
the Foundation for Restoration had ended and the Dispensa-
t ional Age of Restoration had begun.
Since the Dispensation had been delayed so long-even

from the time or Adam-an indemnity condi tion was neces-

sa ry to restore this long span of Satan's invasion. It had to be a
condition based on the number forty, which is the num ba
that sy mbolizes separat ion from Satan. In the Dispensatiuna l
Age of Re tora tion, the Foundat ion of Faith could be re torcd
through inde mnity by man's rema ining united with God's
Word du rin g a period of separation from Satan , a period
based on the number fo rty, ins tead of by his mak ing a material

2. The Founda1io11 of'Suhstance

The central person for the dispensation to establ ish the na-
tional Foundation of Subs tance was Mo ·es himself. As was
a lread y expla ined , Moses was the central person re · ponsible
for estab lishing th e Founda tion of Faith, whic h is the verti ca l
relationshi p with God. In doing so, he was in the posit io n of
Jesus, because he was s tanding as God to the peop le (Ex 4: 16;
7: 1). For that reason, Moses was in the posit ion of a parent to
the 1 raelite nat ion. Yet, as a prophet with the mi s io n of
pioneering the way for Jesus, Moses was also in the posi tio n of
a child to Jesus. Therefore, he was a lso able to be the cen tral
person , or s tand in the Abel position , fo r the nat ional Founda-
tion of Substance. Thi is the same principle that app lied
when Abel, in the pa ren t positio n, successfully made the offer-
ing and establis hed the Foundation of Faith whi ch origina lI~·
s hould have been established by Ada m.
If the Is raeli tes, in the Ca in position, had loved Moses and
had obeyed him abso lute ly arter he established the Abel pos i-
ti on fo r the Founda tion of Sub ta nce, thcn the Indemni t_,.
Conditio n for Re moving the Fallen a tu re on the level of the
nat ion wou ld have been met, Moses' \'ertical relationsh ip
with God would have been establis hed in th e horizontal order
among Moses a nd the peop le , and the nat ional Foundation of
Subs ta nce would have been estab lished.

3. The Fou11dario11 (vr the Messiah

If Mose had passed through a forty-period for eparation
fro m Satan centered on God's Word, then the indcmnit_v con-
ditio n to re tore the national Foundation of Fa ith wou ld have
been me t. If the Israe lites, cen tered on the vic torious Moses,
had restored the Fou ndat ion of Subs ta nce, then the nationa l
Found a tion for the Messia h would have been esta blished. On
this founda tion , the Israe lites were to receive the Messiah and
be reborn a nd c leansed of the Origina l Sin . Then they wou ld
have rea lized the Or igina l Nature and would have become
perfect person . However, the Israelites d id not trust Moses,
M OSES 147

and the na ti ona l course of the restora tion of Canaa n ended up

being prolonged two Li mes.
B. The Arst Course of the National Restoration of Canaan
In orde r for Moses LO become the cen tral person representing
the Isr ae li tes for the course of inde mnity that would restore
the na tio na l Fo undation of Faith , Moses s pe nt fu rty years in
1st Course 2nd Course 3rd Course
the Pharoah 's palace, the center of the satanic world. Al tho ugh w (.)
to th e world he was a p r ince because he was ra ised as the son
of Pha roah's daughter (Ex 2: 10), Moses was ac tua ll y ra ised by Moses in Moses in Moses&
his own mo ther, who lived in the palace as his nurse, and she Pharoah's Midian Joshua
insti lled in h im a deep awareness of the God oflsrael a nd of his Palace in Sinai
heri tage as o ne of the chosen people. Fina ll y, he left the pa lace,
preferri ng to s uffe r w iLh God's people ra ther Lhan to e njoy the
s inful , ephe mera l p leasures of Phar aoh 's palace (Heb 11 :24).
Through his forty years in the palace, Moses fulfilled the
forty-period of separatio n from Satan an d res to red the Foun-
da tion of Faith . 1st Course National
In establishing the Fo unda tion of Fa it h, Moses at the same Level
time q ua lified himself fo r the Abel posit ion in the Foundat ion
of S ubstance. The Israelites, who were in the Cain position ,
had to fa ithfully su b m it to and obey Moses, who was in the
Abel position. They woul d have become one with Moses a nd Foundation Foundation of
of Faith Substance
they wou ld have inherited God 's Will. This would have re-
stored the na tio na l Founda tion of Substance. If this ha d been 1. Central Person:

done, the Foundation of S ubstance would have been estab- Moses
lis hed duri ng the period of the Israelites' ret urn to Canaan 2. Required Offering:
under the leadership of Moses. 40 years
in Palace
With this purpose in m ind , Moses fu lfi lled the condi ti o n Israel Moses
for s tarting the d ispensatio n . Moses con fir med his de termina-
tio n befo re God and th e Israelites when he killed an Egyptian Foundation for the Messiah
tha t he saw beatin g a Heb rew (Ex 2:12).'' After seeing Moses
ac t in s uch a way, the Israelites should have trusted an d un ited
with Moses. Then, th rough Moses, they woul d have been to ld
by God to travel to the promised la nd of Canaan by the di,·cct
route th rough the territory of the Philis tines, and they would
not have had to go the lo nge r way across the Red Sea a nd
th rough the w ilderness of S ina i. By their uniting w ith Moses
during a twenty-one-day journey to Canaan , the Founda tion
of Substa nce wo uld have been successfully e tablished , and
this course woul d have indemnified J acob's twenty-one-year
course in Haran. Exodus 13:17 says, " When Pha roah let the

* Though Moses had killed someone, he had done so in defense of

another person and knowing full well tha Liffound out he wou ld lose
his very privileged position and his life. Thus, it was a sign of
righteousness and a sign that he was wiIling LO stand wi th the
Israeli tes.

people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the
Phi lis tines, a lthough that was near; for God said, 'Lest the
people rcp<::nt when they sec war, a nd re turn to Egypt.' "This
passage shows tha t God's origina l p lan was to have them ta ke
the rou te throug h the land of the Philisti nes, which was a
faster, more direct route.
However, instead of trusting Moses, the Israelitcs exposed
Moses' killing, and Moses had to escape fro m Pharoa h, as
recorded in Exodus 2: 15, " When Pharoah heard of it, he sought
to kill Moses." Moses went to h ide in the wilderness of Midia n ,
and thus the firs t course of the national restoration of Canaan
could not even begin.

C. The Second Course of the National Restoration of Canaan

I. The Foundatio11 ofFaith a11d the Foundation of

2nd Course National S u bstance
Because the firs t course of the national restoration of Canaan
could not even begin, the forty-year period of indemnity
wh ich Moses had establis hed for the Foundation of Faith
Foundation Foundation of
of Faith Substance wh ile he was in Pha raoh 's pa lace was in vaded by Satan.
Therefore, Moses had to establish a second forty-year period
1. Central Person:

of sepa ra tion fro m Sa tan . He did so through his life in exile in
the wilderness of Midian. Through this he was a ble to restore
2. Required Offering: th e Founda tion of Faith for the second national course.
40 years At the end of this period, God appeared to Moses and said ,
• Ill
In Midlan lsrael Moses
... I have seen the affliction of my people who arc
Foundation for the Messiah in Egypt, a nd have heard their cry because of their
tas kmas ters; I know the ir suffe rin gs, and I have
come down to de li ver th em out of the hand of the
Egyp tia ns, and to bring the m up out of tha t land to
a good and broad land, a land flowing w ith milk
and ho ney, to the place of the Canaanites .... And
now, beholJ , the cry of the peop le of Israel has
come to me, a nd I have seen the oppressio n w ith
which the Egyptians oppress them . Come, J will
send you to Pharaoh tha t you may bring forth my
people, the sons of Isr ae l, out of Egypt.(Ex 3:7- 10)
Th rough his forty years in the w ilderness of Midian,
Moses restored the Fo undation of Faith and at the same time
established his position as th e centra l person for the Founda-
tion of Subs tance. God's dispensation began wi th Moses'
establishing the founda tion to s tart the course of nat iona l
restoration by s tr iking the Egyptians with three miracles and
ten disasters (Ex 4, 7- 1I). The Israelites w itnessed these and

came to realize that Moses was the true leader sent by God. On
this bas is, the second course of the nationa l restora lion of
Ca naan was fin all y able lo begin. However, the fact that the
Israelites were at last following Moses did not mean th a t the
Indemn ity Condition for Re moving the Fal len Nature was an
accomplis hed fact. Satan was ab le to invade during this dis-
pensationa l course and caused this long period to be handed
over to him . To restore this lost indemnity period on a nationa l
basis, the Israelites, in Ca in's position , had to submit to Moses,
obey hi m, and remain one with him throughou t the entire
period, until the ir an-ival in the land of Canaan. Cor.seq uent l_v,
the Israelites had to en ter Canaan having been obedient to
Moses during the ir en tire course in the w ilderness. Only then
could the nationa l Foundation or Subs tance have been estab-
God a lread~· kn ew that, a lthough the l rae lites trusted
Moses enough to begin the journey to the land of Canaa n . the_v
did not have complete faith in him. God was a fraid that if they
went via the direct route, their fear of battle (Ex 13: 17) would
revive their raithlessness, and they might easily return to
Egypt and leave his dispensation unaccomplis hed. For this
reason, God ins tead led them across the Red Sea a nd th rough
the Sinai w ilderness, e,·cn though it would take more time.
God continuall y showed them his grace by performing mira-
cles. He was trying to make it difficu lt for them to [all into
disbelief a nd go back to Egypt. As a res ult , Moses s ta rted the
Israelites on what s hould have been a twen t.v-one month EGYPT
course th rough the wilderness.
2. The Tabernacle in the Dispensation for Restoration
At the beginning of the third month a fter the Israel ites had left Exodus
Egypt , they arrived at the w iltk:rness of Sinai. The re, God
gave Moses specia l directions. God told him to consecra te the
people (Ex 19:10) and re inforce their faith. Then Moses went
up Mount Sinai with seventy ciders a nd met God (Ex 24:9,10).
Ther e, God s howed his glor_v Lo his people, as we find expres-
sed in Exodus 24:15- 17:
Then Moses went up on the mo untain , and .... the
glory of the LORD settled on Mount Sina i, and the
cloud cover ed it six days: and on the seventh da_v he
called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud. ow
the appearance of the glory of the L ORD was like a
devouring fi re on top of the mountain in the sight of
the people or Is rael.
This was a lso to show them that God was personally working
with them. God took these measures so that the people of
lsrnel could have absolute trus t in him .
God called Moses to the mountaintop a nd asked him to

[asl for forty days so that he could receive the two tab le ts of
s tone wi th the Ten Commandments (Ex 24: 18). During the
time tha t Moses fasted on the moun tain, he received instruc-
tions from God concerning the ark of the cove nant a nd the
tabernacle (Ex 25-3 1). When the forty-day fast was over, he
received two tablets of s tone with the Ten Commandments
Satan engravl!d on them (Ex 3 1:18). When Moses came down from
the mountain, he found that the Is rae lites had a lready los t
their fa ith in God and were wors hipping a golden calf as the ir
god (Ex 32:2-4). During the forty days tha t their leader was

__ . __
away from them, the Is raelites had los t their fa ith and rebel-
led agains t the very God who had guided thl!m wi th so many
m iracles . When Mosl!s saw this, he was grl!a tly a ngl!r·cd , and
a l the foot of the mountain, he threw the table ts to the ground,
breaking them (Ex 32: 19).
God appeared to Moses again and gave him instructions
to cut ou t of s tone two tab le ts like the firs t (Ex 34: 1). After
Moses fin ished his second forty-day fas t , he again received the
Te n Commandment. . written on the tw o tab lets. The
Is raelites then bui lt the ark of the covenant a nd the taberna-
cle, with the tab le ts as the core .

a. The sign ifica nce of the ta ble ts and the ark of the
(i ) The signi(icance o(the tablets

Ada m and Eve were created by the Word . rf they had perfected
themselves, they wou ld have become perfec t incarnations of
the Word. However, because of the Fall , they lost the Word .
The table ts inscribed wi th God's Commandments, which
Moses rece ived after the forty-per iod of separation from
Satan, have a specia l mea ning. They a rc the subs tantial repre-
sentation of the Word , symbo lically representing the res tora-
tion of Adam and Eve from the satanic worl d . Thus, the two
table ts, as symbols of Adam a nd Eve, a lso symbolize Jesus a nd
the Holy Spirit, who wou ld come as the su bstantia l incarna-
tions of the Word . This is the reason that Jcsu is symbolized
a s the "white s to ne" (Re v 2 : 17) a nd the " Rock" (I Cor l0:4).
Moses' r eceiving the tablets wit h God's Words a lso de-
mons tra tes tha t the Dispensational Age of the Founda tion of
Restora tion h ad passed. In other words, the age dur ing wh ich
man could re late to God on ly th rough material offerings had
passed , and fallen m a nkind had entered the Dispensationa l
Restored Restored Age of Restoration , in which man could rela te to God through
Adam Eve the Word.

Holy Spirit (ii) Thesigni(icanceo(rhe tabernacle

Jesus compared the temple in J erusalem to his body (Jn 2:21).

and Pau l s tated tha t Christians a rc the temples of God (I Cur

3: 16). The temple is the image-representa tion ofJesus. Howev-
er. during the ir course through the wilderness, the Is rae lites
could not build a temple, and so they bui lt the tabernacle
ins tead. Thus, the tabernacle, which was a miniature type o f
the temple, was a lso a sy mbolic represe ntation of J esus. For
this reason, when God ordered Moses to bui ld the tabern ac le,
he said, " ' ... let th em make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell
in their midst' " (Ex 25:8). According ly, the ta bernacle is the
sy m bolic messiah wh ich the Israelites were to attend during
their course in the wi lderness.

(iii) The structure ofrhe 1abernacle

The tabernacle was composed of th e Mos t Ho l_v Place,·, and the Messiah Tabernacle
Ho ly Place (Ex 26:33 ,34). Only the chi ef priests could vis it the
Most Ho ly Place . a nd that but once a year, for the offeri ng of
sacrifi ces. Within the Most Holy Place was t he ark of the
covenant, w ithi n w hic h were the two tab le ts of s tone , sy mbo l-
izing J esus and t he H o ly Spirit , a nd h eaven and earth. We can
consider t he a rk, the n, in a narrow sense, a microcos m of thl.! SpintSett Physical Self
cos mos, a nd a lso, a microcosm of the tabernac le. The Most Ill Ill
Hol_v Place sy mbo lizes J esus' spirit self a nd th e invis ib le s u b- Holy of I
sta ntia l world, and t he Holy Place. which was the o rdina ry •
place for the offering of sacri fices, symbolizes J esus' body and
the visible subs tantial world.
b . The purpose o f the d ispe nsa tion w ith the tablets
;]Ark Holy


of s tone and the tabernacle Holies I
From God's viewpoin t, once the Israeli tcs had left Egypt it was
imper a ti ve that they make it to Canaan with out turnin g back;
Two Tablets = Jesus & Holy Spirit
it was necessary to enter Canaan at a ll cos t. To this end, God Heaven & Earth
sought to inspi re the Israelites 10 have fa ith in hi m by con-
tinua lly per forming miracles, beginn ing righ t at the s tart o f
th e dispe nsation .
After they had set out for Canaan , God guided and cared
for the Israelites throughout their course in the wilderness by
means o f many m iracles: g uidin g them by a p illa r of cloud and
a pi lla r of fire (Ex 13:21); dividing the waters o f the Red Sea
(Ex 14:21); providing manna and qua il (Ex 16: 12,13,35); ha v-
ing Moses produce wa ter fro m a rock for the people to drink
(Ex 17:6); and defeatin g the Amalekitcs w ith his po wer (Ex
17: 10-13). Despite a ll of these, the Israelites lost faith in Moses
and God numerous times, a nd in the end there was the danger
th a t even Moses mi ght act fa ithlessly.
For this reason, God found it necessary to create a n object
of fai th w hi ch would never change, even though man m ight

* Also common ly known as the Ho ly of Holies


change. If there were even one person among the Israelite:.

who would believe absolutely in this object of faith, then God
wou ld be able to carry out his Wi ll b y having that person·~
faith be representative of the Israelites and then pas1>ing il
from person to person like a baton. That object of faith wa the
tabernacle. which enshrined the ark and the tablets and sym-
bolized the Messiah. Thus, the Israeli tes' construc tion of the
tabernacle meant that symbolicall~· the Me siah had come.
Consequently, if, until they e ntered the blessed land of
Canaan, the Is raelites had continued to follow Moses and
a ttend the tabernacle with the loyalty due LO the Messiah ,
then they would ha\'c cstabli:.hed the national Founda tion of
Subs tance.

c. The Foundation for the Tabernacle

Since the Messiah's coming must be preceded by the Founda-
tion for the Me ·siah and the tabernacle was thc symbolic
Messiah, then receiving it had LO be preceded by the Founda-
tion for the Tabc.::rnacle. According ly, a Foundation of Faith
and a Foundation of Subs tan ce were ncccssa r.v for the Foun-
Foundation Foundation of dation for the Tabernacle.
of Faith Substance
1. Central Person. (i) The firs, Fou11dario11 for the Tabemacle

2. Required Offering
1st 40 day last


1st Foundation for the Tabernacle

Through Moses' for1_v-da\' fast on Mount Sinai (Ex 24: 18), God
had him establish the forty-period of separation lrom a tan ,
thu establis hing the Foundation of Faith for Lhc tabernacle.
Next , the lsraclitc wen.: supposed Lo serve and obey Mose~
during a fort~·-da~' period of separation from Satan and until
they had bui lt the tabernac le, since this would estab li:.h the
Foundation of Sub:.tance. However. the lsraclitel> fel l into
faith lessness an d made and worshi pped a golden calf (Ex
32:2-4). Because the Indcmnit~· Condition for Removing the
Fal len a turc was not fulfi lled. the Foundation of ubs tance
The Possibility of Jesus was not established. When Moses sa\\' the faithlc~!> Israelite
Crucifixion Foreshadowed at the foot of the mountain, he burned with anger and threw
the 1ab lets tu the ground , breaking them {Ex 32 :19).
Since the two tablet symbo lized Je:,u:. and the Holy
Spirit , Moses' breaking them in react ion lo the people's lack of
faith foreshadowed tha t when J esus came he could be cruc i-
Moses· People's lack ..... Broken
fied should Lhe Is rae lites fa ll into faith lessness.
time: of faith ...,,. Tablets
(ii) The seco11d Fow1dario11 (or the Tabemacle
Jesus' People's lack .....,. Crucif1x1on After bringing Aaron and the people to repentance, Moses
time: of faith ...,,. fasted fo r forty days and nights a second time , thu~ re-
establis hing the fort y-period of separation from Satan. On
this foundation , God inscribed a second set of tablet and

Moses received the Ideal of the Ta bernacle (Ex 34:28). The

Israelites no t only o beyed Moses during this forty-day period,
but a lso built the tabernacle according to the directions of
God a nd Moses. This was the first day of the firs t month of the
second year since the Israelites had left Egypt. However, the
Foundation of Substance cou ld not be established simply by Foundation Foundation of
of Faith Substance
the Israelites' building the tabern acle; to establish it , the
Israelites had to become one with Moses a nd obey him a nd 1. Ccnlrill PCf"SOn
had to regard God's Ideal of the Ta bernac le as more precious
tha n their own li ves. 2. Required Offenng
2nd 10 day Inst
On the twentieth day of the second mon th of the second
yea r since the Exodus, the Israelites, r evering the tabern acle
(Num 10:11 ,12), lcft the wi lderness of Sinai for Canaan under 2nd Foundation for the Tabernacle
the guida nce of the pi llar o [ cloud. However, they fe ll into
fa ith lessness and compla ined to Moses; so God burned an
outlying part of the camp (N um 11: I) in an a ttempt to awaken
them . But they still did not awaken to God 's Will and con-
tinued to complain agains t Moses and to long for the land of
Egy pt ( um 11 :4-6). In looking back a t this, we can sec that the
s uccessfu l Foundation for the Tabernacle was invaded by
Thus, God aga in directed the unfaithful Israelites to
estab lish the forty-day foundation of separation from Satan .
He gave them a forty-day period of spying as the condition for
accomplishing the second na tiona l course of the restora tion of
Canaan . God chose twelve people to spy for forty days, o ne
person from each tribe (N um 13: 1-15). However, except for
Joshua and Ca leb, a ll of them returned with faith less reports
(Num 13:28-32). The Israelites, heari ng these reports, angrily
com plained agains t Moses a nd cried out tha t they s hou ld
choose a new leader a nd go back to Egypt. Then God appear ed
to a ll of the people a nd sa id to Moses," ... ' How long will this
people despise me? And how long wi ll they not believe in me,
in spite of a ll the signs w hic h I have wrough t among them?' "
(N um 14 : I 1). Then God said ," ' "But your li ttle ones, who you
said would become a pre~·. Twill bring in , and they sha ll know
the land which you ha\'e despised. But as for you , ~:our dead
bodies shall fa ll in the wi lderness. And yom children sha ll be
shepherds in the w ilderness forty years, a nd sha ll suffer for
_vour faithlessness, unti l the last of _vou r dead bodies Iies in the
wilderness. Accordin g to the number of days in which you
spied out the land, forty days, for eve ry day a year, you sha ll
bear your iniquity, forty yea rs, and you s hall know m_v displea-
sure"'" (Num 14:31-34).
Thus, the faith less re ports led to the fai lure of the fort y-
day period of spy ing, and the Israeli tcs were not able to ma ke
the Foundation of Substance at Kadesh-Ba rnea. As a resu lt ,
the second national course (the twen ty-one-month course in

the w ilderness) was extended Lo a thi rd course, a forty-year

cour e, again in the wild erness.

D. The T hird Course o f the N at iona l Restora tion of Canaan

/. The Foundation ofFaith

Because of the fa ithlessness of the 1 rael i tes, the second course
of t he na ti onal restoration of Canaan ended in failu r e.
Th us, the fort y-year period in th e wilderness of Midian ,
throug h wh ich Moses had establis hed the Foundation of Faith
for th is second course, wa a l o c laimed by Satan . With the
fa il u re of the forty-day mission of spying in Canaan , Mose
began another period of se paration from Satan in order tu
restore the Foundation of Fa ith for the third course. Thus, he
led the Israelites on t he forty-year course o f wandering in the
wilderness, which ended when they returned to Kadesh-
Barnea. By exalting t he tabernacle w ith utmost fa ith a nd
3rd Course National loya lty during thi forty years of wandering , Moses re-
Level es tab lished the fort y- pe ri od of separation from Satan.

2. The Fow1dario 11 o(Substa11ce

Foundation Foundation of
of Faith Substance If, d u r ing t he fo r ty-year period of wandering in t he wilder-
ness, the Israelites had urrendered to and o bediently uni ted
1. Central Person: wi th Mo es. who had exalted a nd attended the tabernacle
(a) Moses
(b) Joshua
with unchan ging faith , and they had thus entered the land of
Canaan , the Founda tion of Substance would have been estab-
2. Required Offering: (a)younge, gen Moses lished in the th ird course of the natio nal restoration of Ca-
40 years in S1na1 (b)older gen Joshua
naan. Accordingl y, this forty-year period of wandering in the
wi lderness was the period in whic h to lay the Founda tion of
Foundation for the Messiah Fait h for the th ird cou rse and to realize the foundation fo r
departing on the th ird cou rse to Canaan. The third course for
the Fou ndation of Subs tance was begun centered on Moses,
but was completed cente red on Joshua. It should be s tudied in
light of these two phases.

a . The Fo undat io n of Substance centered on Mo cs

Anx ious that his people m ight aga in fall into fa ithlessness,
God , in his grace, gave the Israel ites the ark, the tabernacle,
and the tablets of s to ne with t he Ten Commandments. If the
Israelites had kept t he Idea l of the Tabernac le with absolute
faith after they had received th is grace from God at Mount
Sina i, or during thl! per iod of spying, then they wou ld have
been able to inde mnify the invaded beginning of the second
course. In o ther words, they wou ld have been able to restore
t heir s ta tus to that which they had held when they left Egyp t,
tha t of being united w ith Moses after he received t he g race of

the three miracles and ten calamities. Accordingly, if the

Israelites who followed Moses back to Kadesh-Barnea after
the ir forty-year indemnity period in the wilderness ha d ex-
a lted and attended the table ts, the ark, and the tabernacle,
1 Cor 10:4
then the nation of Isra el could have sta rted victoriously for the
land of Canaan. Rev 2:17

=- =•:;
Since the table ts were the microcosm of the ark, and the
ark was a microcosm of the tabernacle, then the table ts were
a lso a microcosm of the tabernacle. Thus, the tabernacle or
ark can be represented by the table ts, or, further, by the source
- ~

- ,
- mP

of the table ts, which is the rock from which they were made. Rock -
Thus, the Bible records that the beginning of the third course
of the nationa l restoration of Canaan centered on the rock a t
the source
Ka desh-Barnea (Num 20:8-11 ). of the tablets
The Israelites were murmuring in resen tment against
Moses because they had no water. In order to save the
Israelites, who were again fa ll ing into fai thlessness despite
their forty years in the wilderness (N um 20:4-10), God in-
struc ted Moses to bring forth wa te r for the people to drink
(Num 20:8). Because they were complaining and blaming him
for not having water, Moses was so enraged at his people that
he twice struck the rock with his rod (Num 20: 11 ). God was
dis pleased, and said," 'Because you did not believe in me, to
sanctify me in the eyes of the people of Israe l, therefore you
sha ll not bring this assembly in to the land which I have given
them' "(Num 20: 12).
By striking the rock twice, when he should have s truck it
only once (as God ha d had him do earlier at Rephidim (Ex
17:6) ), Moses was unable to initiate the dispensation success-
full y a nd also prevented himself from entering the blessed
land of Canaan, even though it was then in sight ( um 20:24;
27:12-14; Deut 3:23-37). What was the difference between the
time when Moses s truc k the rock a t Horeb in Rephidim and
this time such tha t God reproached Moses a nd preven ted him
from going into the land of Canaan, which Moses very much
wished to enter? After workin g so devotedly throughout his
life, leading his fa ithless people toward the precious goa l, the
blessed land, how much must Moses have wanted to e nte r
Canaan! He begged God, " · " Let megoover, I pray,and see the
good land beyond the Jordan, that good ly hill country, and
Lebanon"' " (Deut 3:25). God a nswered firmly," ' " ... speak
no more to me of this matter "· "(Deut 3:26). Though Moses
had reached the Jordan, because of the proble m in bringing
forth the water from the rock he died on Mount Pisgah in the
land of Moab wi thout setting foo t in Canaan (Josh 34 : 1-6).
We should learn from Moses' mista ke. At both Rephidim
and Kadesh, Moses brought fort h wa le r a fter receiving God 's
instruction. H is demonstration of God's power to the fa ithless

people and his use of the rod was the sam e in both cases. The
only difference was that at Kadesh he s truck the rock twice.
-\- Rock with water Le t us determine why the rock should have been s truck only
once a nd why s triki ng it twice was s uch a sin .
In the Bible, Christ is symboli zed as a white s tone (Rev
2: 17) and as a rock (I Cor 10:4). Since Chris t came as the Tree of
Life (Rev 22: 14; a lso sec "The Fall "), the Rock a lso represents
the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life in the Ga rden of Eden (Gen

\ 2:9) symbolized perfected Adam. Since this Tree of Life is a lso

the Rock, the Rock must a lso symbolize perfected Ada m .
In the Garden of Eden , Satan struck Adam a nd caused the

fall of Adam, who was to have become the Rock. Since Adam
did no t become the Tree of Life (Gen 3:22-24), he failed to
become the Rock that would forever give the water of life to
Rock without water
his descendants.
Thus, the rock tha t did not yie ld water before Moses
s truck it w ith the rod represented fal len Adam. God, in
accordance with the p rinciple of restoration thro ugh inde-
mnity, wan ted to estab lish the condition of having restored
Rock with water
Adam as the Rock capable of yie lding water, by having Moses

• =•
strike once the barren rock, which was the symbol of fa llen
Adam, a nd bring forth wate r from it.

.A\ _~ · Accordingly, God ha d Moses s trike the rock once as the

condition for restoring through indemn ity the fi rst, fallen
Adam into the second, perfected Adam , or Jesus. Therefore,
the roc k that gave forth water after being struck once symbol-
ized Jesus , who was to come a nd give the water of life to fallen

people ("For they drank from the ... Rock which followed
them, and the Rock was Chris t" (l Cor 10:4) ). Moses' a ngry ac t
of s triking the rock a second time represented s triking Jesus,
Rock without water who was the restm-ed Rock tha t would give the water of life to
a ll mankind. In other words, Moses' striking the rock twice (in
anger at the Israelites' faithlessness) establis hed a basis for
Sata n to directly confront Jesus, who was the true Rock, if the
Israeli tes were faithless a t Jesus' time. This is why Moses' act
~ Rock with water , was so wrong .
• •

I Thus, the founda tion for beginning the dispensat ion, a

• •\ /• •
- t • 2. • foundation which was to be based on the rock, was not real-
- . s Ile, :
~ - • • ~ f! I ized. Instead o[ Moses, it was Joshua who, with unchang ing
fa ith and loyalty, led the new generation into Canaa n. He did
so on the basis of the founda t ion he had set for the tabernacle
through the fo rty-day period of spy ing in Canaan .

b. The Foundation of Substance centered on
J oshua

Rock without water Because of Moses' s tri ki ng the rock twice, his mission to lead
the Is raelites passed to J oshua.

And the LORD said to Moses , "Take Joshua, the son

of Nun, a ma n in whom is the spirit, and lay your
hand upon him; cause him to s ta nd before Eleazar
the priest a nd all the congregation , and you sha ll
commission him in the ir sight. You sha ll in ves t
him with some of your authority, that a ll the con-
gregation of the people of Is rae l may obey."
(Num 27: 18-20 )
Joshua was one of the two Israelites who ha d not fall en into
faithlessness during the fort y-day period of spying and had
s tood firml y on the Founda tion of Faith which Moses had
esta blished for the ta be rnacle. He was one of the only two who
esta blished a founda tion for the ta bernacle a nd served it with
unchanging fa ith and loyalty to the end. Al though Moses' faith
wa vered , the Idea l of the Tabernacle re ma ined uncha nged on
the foundation established by Joshua .
The refore, God chose Joshua to replace Moses a nd carri ed
out his dispensation in s uch a way tha t in orde r to begin the
third course, the Israelites had to repent and center them-
selves on the tabernacle (N um 2J :6-8). It was now God 's inten-
tion to establish the Founda tion of Substa nce for the third
course using Joshua as th e centra l person by hav ing the
Israelites enter Canaa n while in absolute obedience to Joshua.
The refore, God said to Moses,

" .. . 'he [Joshua] sha ll go over [in to Canaan] a t the

head of this people, a nd he sh a ll put them in pos-
session of the land w hich you s ha ll see.' "
(Dcut 3:28)
La ter God said to Joshua:
.. ." Moses my ser va nt is dead ; now therefore
a rise, go over this Jordan, you a nd a ll thi s people,
into the land whic h I a m giving to them , to the
people of [srael." (Josh I :2)
" . . . as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; 1 will
not fa il you or fo rsake you . Be strong a nd of good
cou rage; for you sha ll cause this people to inherit
the land which l swore to the ir fa thers to give
them ." (Jos h I :5,6)
At the same time , the second ge nera tion of Israelites,
which was born in the wilderness, was de termined to fo llow
Joshua a l the ri sk of the ir lives, saying,
... "All that you have comma nded us we w ill do,
a nd wherever you sen d us we will go .... Whoever
rebels agains t your comma ndment and disobeys

your words, wha tever you command him, sha ll be

put to death . Only be strong and of good courage.
(Josh 1:16- 18)
They a lso presented their faithful reports a fter the spying
a t Jericho, saying, "... 'Truly the Lord has g iven all the land
into our hands; a nd moreover a ll the inh abitants of the land
are fainthearted beca use of us'" (Josh 2:24). Thus the second
generation of Israe l was completely united with Jos hua, who
s tood on the Foundation for the Tabernacle in accordance
with God 's instruc tion , a nd they were led to the Jorda n . The
river was running in nood, overflowing its ba nks. But the
pries ts bearing the ark waded in as they were im,t ruc tcd, and
the waters s topped , piling up on the upstream side and drain-
ing away on the downs tream side, and a ll of Is rael passed over
on dry ground lo Canaa n (Jos h 3 :16,17).
In tak ing Jericho according to God's ins tructions, forty
thousand soldi ers proceeded in the vanguard, followed by
seven pri ets marc hin g with seven trumpets, a ll preceding the
ark of the covenant. which wa~ carried by the Levi Le priests.
All the people oflsrael marched in the rear(Josh 6:8,9). As God
comma nded them , the Is raelites marched around the c ity for
s ix <lays, making one tour each day, a nd on the seventh day,
seven tours. The n at the shout of Jos hua and his people the
walls crumbled (Josh 6: 20). In this way, the Is rae lites began
their conquest of Ca naan, which was the home they had
longed for.
ow, let us summa rize what we have learned concerning
the Founda tion of Substance of the third cour eof the na tional
res toration of Canaan . Because of the Is raeli Les' fai thlessness
toward Moses , the Foundation of Subs ta nce had not been
estab lis hed cen tered on Moses, and all of the first generation
Israe lites, inc luding Moses-all except Joshua a nd Ca leb , who
had a s teady faith-a ll died in the wi lderness. The second
genera tion Israelites, born in the wilderness, en tered Canaan
(Num 14:29-38) centered on Joshua , esta blis hing the Founda-
tion o f Subs tance.
Although the na tiona l Founda tion for the Messia h was
es tab lis hed centered on Jos hua , it was necessary for the
heaven ly side to prepare a strong founda tion in order for the
Messia h to come. This is because fall en ma n had a lready built
great kingdoms centered on Satan which would oppose the
heavenly Dispensation for Restora tion.
But, despite their responsibility to establish a heavenly
foundation, the lsraeli tes fe l I into faith lessncss even after they
came to the land of Canaan , a nd thus, God's dis pensation was
repeatedly prolonged until the time of J esus .

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