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Annotated Bibliography

Spencer C Weaver

University of Texas at El Paso

Bibliography (Breeding 2009) (News 2017)

(Canada), Toronto Star. 2009. A war takes its toll on our troops. (utep library data base). Jun 20. http://0-

With this article it explains the hardships that service members are burden with on a day

bases due to the war. Not everyone knows the really toll that these service members deal

with on a daily basis like PTSD. But the article also goes through different people’s

thoughts and records of the ordeal that service members have and deal with. For my essay

this will extremely help with how service members have resources but also how society

sees the service members "using it to there advantage". PTSD is one of the most know

conditions of war but also even in the states.

Barnett, Tracey. 2009. US conflicts: The numbers speak for themselves (Utep data base). Oct 31.
Accessed 2018. http://0-

In this reading there is so much information about the greatest problem our service

members face after their experiences overseas. This explains the everyday life of them

and how hard it is for some to confront their fears and drown them out with many

different things like alcohol and drugs. But it also explains the how much the numbers

increased over the years and how the VA is trying to help over come their problems at the

hospital. This will improve my article ten-fold due to the information is given in this
article. During this I can show the true face of how m any people are suffering on a daily


Breeding, Dr. John. 2009. PycheTruth/YouTube. Jun. 5. Accessed 2018.

This doctor talks about a general and his son, this son committed suicide and the general

wanted to get more service members to get help. Mean while this doctor talks about how many

people do not really know that they are depress. He also talks about how many antidepressants

can cause a higher chance of suicidal ideation. But in the problem would be to look at the

medication to see what can actually stop the cause of many committing suicide. This type of

video explains how many service members are committing suicide because of the medications

like antidepressants. This shows how many doctors just want to give meds for people and it

causes people to have a higher chance to commit suicide. Many of the things talked about in

this video also come from different outside sources that the doctor uses to back up his point and

will help perfectly.

News, Vice. 2017. Vice/YouTube. Aug. 24. Accessed 2018.
This video show how some veterans have benefitted from medical marijuana. during this video

there is many veterans that explains how they use it for PTSD. One veteran talk about his family

and how they tell him to go take 10 minutes in which means go smoke some cannabis, in which

helps changes his mood. The voice of these veterans help show their fight for medical marijuana

and wants to have this instead of using over 40 plus pills on a daily basis. This shows how many

veterans are being over prescribed medication and would rather use medical marijuana. This

will give me another insight to my essay on how veterans want to use this instead of all the

medications they are given on a daily basis.

office, Fort Bliss Public Affairs. 2013. Milisource/ Youtube. 08 15. Accessed 2018.
In this video Sgt. Blanco talks about his experience of PTSD and anger problems that he faced on

a daily basis, this almost cost him his life and family/marriage. He also talks about the stigma

that is constantly seen/talked about everyday through out the military especially in the infantry.

This stigma is what labels people as weak, but it is not true, he wants to show that everyone in

need can get help without looking week that’s why the NCO chain is there to help for. This video

is a very deep and touching thing that is personal in which can help prove the daily affects it has

one service members returning home. This will show how much pain we endure while serving in

the military and will also show a different side of my essay.

Prentice, George. 2011. Coming Home Agencies Prepare to Help Returning Soldiers. 08 31. Accessed
2018. http://0-

This article is showing all of the groups that want to help service members coming back

home and give them an easy transition back to the states. These groups realize the

hardship that service members have when they start their transition and also want to give

back for protecting our country. It also gives posters and images showing their deals and

things that they are giving back to the troops. This will help with my essay due to many

people thinking the services members will benefit from this and give ease to them at the

same time, but will also give them a fun beginning back home. Many service members

have a hard time coming back after their experiences they went through during their tour

overseas, many service members that are single have the hardest times and want things to

do to keep them selves busy until they can go back to their family.

Smith, Sheila. 2010. Utep library data base. Herald & Review. March 24. Accessed 2018. http://0-
This article is another form of trying to get service members returning home from the war

and the ways they try to keep them selves normal and away from the horrors that haunt

them during their sleep and daily lives. The National Guard wants to partner with

churches to help services members returning home after a deployment. This is because

the military wants to cut back the amount of service members struggling from the

experiences and horrors that came face to face with during the deployment. This article is

very informative and will excel my essay to keep it with all the in between of helping and

not helping service members with mental health issues. In dealt I can so the support of

the military with helping the service members returning home.

Tuerk, Peter. 2015. TEDx/YouTube. May 26. Accessed 2018.

Peter Tuerk explains the true meaning of what PTSD stands for and what it actually does to a

service member on a daily basis. He also explains how there are many different ways and types

of PTSD and how some cannot process the emotion information. many of the explanation that

he uses are from a psychological stand point and gives it in a simple terms that every can

understand to have people look at PTSD in a different way. This will help because many people

look at PTSD as something that service members as an excuse for their everyday life. This will

help my essay to show the deep-down and dirty part of what PTSD is and why it affects the

person that deals with it on a daily basis.

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