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Teaching Practice Task 5: Guided Math

Objective: You will:

1. record the planning for the guided math groups that you taught and the learning
outcomes you covered (including the level of learning outcome: emerging,
developing or mastered).
2. Evaluate the learning – all got it, most got it, some got it, I need to reteach this again.
How do you know? What did the students do to show that they understood?
3. Add pictures of the center activity/students’ work to your e-portfolio (include the LO
and name of the center)
Lesson Plan Activity Description
(Describe how you will teach the guided All got it! Most got Some I need to
Ready it! got it! reteach
math) for the
level up
Lesson 1: The students will solve questions about
[16\10\ 2018] subtract four digits’ numbers by round
LO (Developing): three of them and check the output
suing the addition for all questions. I will -
explain for the students how to subtract
four digits and round also, how to check
the output. Additionally, I will model for

Lesson 2: The students will solve a real-life

[24\10\ 2018] example by write the division sentence
LO (Developing): then, write the output of the sentence.
Additionally, I will tell them how to
extract the division sentence from the
example to solve it and I will model for
Lesson 3: They will create a real-life example using
[29\10\ 2018] division operation. I will tell them how
LO (Mastered): to create a real-life example and model -
for them to be more clear and easy.
Then, I will let them to create an
Lesson 4: They will fill the schedule by write the
[5\11\ 2018] answers of each question also, they will
LO (Emergent): match the division operations with the
answers. I will tell them how to divide -
the numbers and model how I will
answer the questions.


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