Shamma Observation 1

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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student Teacher’s Name: Shamma Observer’s Name: Melissa

Unit/Lesson: Ecosystems Grade Level: 3
Date: 14 November 2018 School: Al Maha

Thank you for sending me your lesson plan in advance.

The lesson started with a video to explain ecosystems. The video was stopped at various
points to ask questions (e.g. what is an ecosystem? What are living things? Etc.)
You then introduced the task, and modelled this first on the whiteboard, getting the
students to help you by suggesting what you should draw (including the sun). This was well
done, and led nicely into the group activities at the tables. It is not clear, however, how this
relates to the topic and opening video.
Resources for all activities were prepared in advanced (concrete materials provided by you),
and were ready to go on the tables. Students were engaged and actively involved in the
tasks. You moved around the classroom monitoring and guiding as needed. Students were
transitioned between centres, using established class routines. You did these well.
After students were moved back to their own table, you asked some review questions, and
used the new vocabulary in follow-up questions to get students to explain their answers.
Students were keen to show you what they know. Keep your expectations high, e.g. if you
have asked them to raise their hands to answer, ensure they do that (and nothing else, i.e.
calling out). Stickers were given for answers.
Think about how you respond to student answers – what will you say if they give you an
incorrect answer? An incomplete answer? Etc.

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