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Alugbati is a common vegetable in the Philippines, also known as malabar spinach, though
it isn't spinach at all (ESF GATE, n.d.). It is a succulent, branched, smooth, twining herbaceous
vine, several meters in length. Stems are purplish or green. Leaves are somewhat fleshy, ovate or
heart-shaped, 5 to 12 centimeters long, stalked, tapering to a pointed tip with a cordate base. Spikes
are axillary, solitary, 5 to 29 centimeters long. Flowers are pink, about 4 millimeters long. Fruit is
fleshy, stalkless, ovoid or nearly spherical, 5 to 6 millimeters long, and purple when mature.

According to gardeningchannel (2018), malabar spinach is a climbing plant. It grows best

in full sun. It prefers continuously moist soil and a pH level of 6.5 to 6.8. It can be grown in pots
or in a garden with a trellis or up a wall. If the soil becomes dry it will flower and the leaves have
a much more bitter flavor.

Pinoy-Negosyo-Techs (n.d.) stated that alugbati is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and
calcium. It is low in calories by volume, and high in protein per calorie. The succulent mucilage
is a particularly rich source of soluble fiber, thought to remove mucus and toxins from the body.
The plant is also a rich source of chlorophyll.

The researchers of this study utilized cow dung/manure as fertilizer in growing the alugbati
plant. Cow dung is high in organic materials and rich in nutrients. It contains about 3 percent
nitrogen, 2 percent phosphorus, and 1 percent potassium (3-2-1 NPK), as stated by Tilley (2018).
By mixing this compost into the soil, you can improve its moisture-holding capacity. Also, it
contains beneficial bacteria which convert nutrients into easily accessible forms so they can be
slowly released without burning tender plant roots. In addition, composting cow manure produces
about a third less greenhouse gases, making it environmentally friendly.

Maximum effects of manure and fertilizer application will not be attained if the time and
manner of application is improperly done. Hence, in this study, the ring method was employed,
where fertilizer is applied in a round circle from about 100cm from the plant (Olu, 2013).

Gardeningchannel (n.d.). How to Grow Malabar Spinach.

Retrieved from:

Mixph. (2015). Guide to Growing Alugbati, Part 1 Production.

Retrieved from:

Olu, U. (2013). Agricultural blog: METHODS OF FERTILIZER APPLICATION.

Retrieved from:

Pinoy-Negosyo-Techs. (n.d.). Growing Alugbati

Retrieved from:

SFGATE. (n.d.). What Are the Benefits of Alugbati?.

Retrieved from:

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