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Review Article

Rotary science and its impact on instrument

separation: A focused review
Sandhya Anand Khasnis, Prem Prakash Kar, Apoorva Kamal, Jayaprakash D. Patil
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, PMNM Dental College, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India

Efficient endodontic treatment demands thorough debridement of the root canal system with minimal procedural errors.
The inherent weakness of nickel–titanium alloys is their unexpected breakage. Modifications in the design, manufacturing,
thermomechanical and surface treatment of alloys and advancements in movement kinetics have shown to improve the fatigue
properties of the alloys, reducing the incidence of separation. This review enlightens the impact of these factors on fatigue
properties of the alloy.
Keywords: Fatigue properties; movement kinetics; rotary design; thermally treated alloys

INTRODUCTION design, manufacturing process, and movement kinetics

have been attempted to reduce the risk of separation.
Separation of rotary nickel–titanium (RNT) has been an This review provides an insight into scientific causes
enigma to endodontists and practitioners since their of instrument separation, prevention strategies, and
introduction by  Walia et al. in 1988.[1] The reported incidence clinical recommendations for safer and efficient rotary
of separation of RNT is 1.3%–10% in the literature,[2,3] 44.3% endodontics.
of which are attributed to cyclic fatigue and 55.7% to
torsional failure. Cyclic or flexural fatigue occurs when the MATERIALS AND METHODS
instrument rotates freely in a curved canal, with repeated
compression/tension cycles to the point of maximum An electronic search was carried out using the following
flexure to cause fracture of the instrument. Torsional keywords: “cyclic fatigue/torsional resistance of NiTi
fatigue failure occurs in a narrow canal, when the tip of a rotary” to collect literature, from Journal of Endodontics,
rotary file binds while the shank of the handpiece continues International and Australian Endodontic Journal, Journal of
to rotate exceeding the elastic limit of the file.[4] Separated Conservative Dentistry, Endodontic Topics, from 2000-2017
instrument compromises disinfection and obturation July. The abstracts and full text of relevant articles were
protocols, leading to failure of endodontic treatment.[5] obtained to collect comprehensive update on instrument
Removal of RNT is not only challenging, but none of the separation.
retrieval systems ensure 100% success rate.[6]
Hence, “To prevent rather to treat the breakage” is the
dictum among the clinicians. Improvements in instrument The review is discussed under the following headings:
• Abbreviations
• Ruddle’s classification
Address for correspondence: • Nickel–titanium (NiTi) metallurgy, phase transformation,
Dr. Sandhya Anand Khasnis, Department of
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, PMNM and properties
Dental College, Bagalkot ‑ 587 101, Karnataka, India.
Date of submission : 27.08.2017 This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms
Review completed : 21.11.2017 of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
Date of acceptance : 17.12.2017 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work
non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new
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How to cite this article: Khasnis SA, Kar PP, Kamal A, Patil JD.
Rotary science and its impact on instrument separation: A focused
review. J Conserv Dent 2018;21:116-24.

116 © 2018 Journal of Conservative Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Khasnis, et al.: Instrument separation: An endodontic enigma

• Factors influencing separation Phase transformation and properties

a. Canal curvature Clinically, NiTi exists as one of the three phases:
b.  Manufacturing process, heat and surface austenite, martensite, and an intermediate R‑Phase. Their
treatments interconversion is a reversible phenomenon and is a function
c.  Rotary design which includes cross section, tip, of temperature and stress [Figure 1]. Transformation
taper, pitch, radial land, rake angle, and helical angle temperature is influenced by the composition, impurities,
d.  Movement kinetics which includes torque, and heat treatment of the alloy, which in turn influences its
rotational speed, rotation, reciprocation, and mechanical properties[10] [Figure 2].
adaptive motion.
Factors influencing the separation of rotary
Abbreviations files
Cyclic fatigue resistance (CFR), torsional resistance (TR), Various factors have an impact on the fatigue properties of
superelasticity (SE), shape memory (SM). rotary NiTi instruments [Table 2].

Clifford Ruddle’s classification of evolution of Fracture of instruments occurs commonly in the

rotary instruments apical one‑third where torsional and flexural stresses
First generation (the mid to late 90s)
Rotary files with passive cutting radial lands and fixed taper
such as 4% and 6% over the length of their cutting blades
are included. For example, profiles 0.04 and 0.06.[7]

Second generation (2001)
Files with active cutting edges, alternating cutting points,
multiple tapers on a single file and electropolished files are a
included; for example: RaCe, EndoSequence and ProTaper.

Third generation (2007)
Thermally treated alloys mark this generation. These alloys
exhibited superior flexibility and remarkable fatigue resistance;
for example: Twisted File, HyFlex® CM, and ProfileVortex.

Fourth generation (2008)
Introduction of reciprocation concept: Endo EZE, M4,
and reciprocating handpieces use equal clockwise/
counterclockwise angles of 300. Yared et  al. advocated
unequal angles of reciprocation; For example: Wave One b
and Reciproc. Self‑adjusting files by ReDent Nova, with
new design and mode of operation, serve as a conservative
approach for root canal preparation.

Fifth generation
Files with offset designs to reduce the screwing in and
breakage mark the fifth generation; for example; ProTaper
Next and Revo‑S.

Nickel–titanium metallurgy c
Equiatomic NiTi has 56% Ni and 44% Ti. At this ratio, Figure 1: (a) Phase transformation of nickel–titanium alloy;
NiTi alloys exhibit SE and SM. While SE endows the file As: Austenitic start, Af: Austenitic finish, Ms: Martensitic
with superior flexibility to negotiate canal curvatures, start, Mf: Martensitic finish. (b) Properties of conventional
SM allows the file regain its original shape. The surface rotary nickel–titanium (i) Conventional rotary file exhibiting
(ii) superelasticity when stressed in the canal, (iii) shape
of RNT has metallic nickel, oxygen, carbon, and oxides
memory when the stress is released. (c) Properties of
of NiTi.[8] Decrease in the nickel content improves the thermally treated rotary nickel–titanium alloy (i) Controlled
fatigue resistance of NiTi alloys. HyFlex® has 52 wt% memory file, exhibiting (ii) superelasticity (iii) but no shape
Ni (conventional RNT has 54%wt–57%wt), which lowers the memory when stress is released, also (iv) deformation under
Af to 47°C.[9] stress and (v) regains shape on heating

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Table 1: Impact of surface treatment on properties of nickel‑titanium alloys

Surface treatment of alloy Mechanism Properties
Plasma ion implantation Exposed to plasma by hot filament/inductively coupled plasma Increases the hardness, wear resistance
Thermal nitridation Titanium nitride coating on alloy Increases corrosion resistance, cutting
efficiency in the presence of NaOCl
Cryogenic treatment Soaking in liquid nitrogen at−196°C/−320°F Increased strength, hardness and CFR
Electropolishing (reverse plating) Ionic dissolution of surface imperfections, coating of TiO2 on alloy Corrosion resistance, improved CFR
CFR: Cyclic fatigue resistance

are highest. Hence, torsional and bending tests are

performed at D3. [11] A flexible file has more CFR but
less TR and enables a smoother preparation in curved
canals without being deformed. Whereas, a rigid file
would be good in torsion than in flexion and performs
better in narrow, constricted canals. Thus, cyclic and
torsional properties are in inverse relationship with
each other.[12]

Canal curvature
As the radius of curvature of canal increases, the frequency
for instrument separation increases.[13] A canal with 50°
curvature gives rise to stress of about 700–800 MPa on the
outermost part of the instrument, whereas ultimate tensile Figure 2: Impact of phase transformation on the properties of
nickel–titanium alloys
strength of NiTi is 1400 MPa.[14]

Alloys with gold thermal treatment

Manufacturing process
Files are subjected to a temperature of 370°C–510°C
Grinding versus twisting: In grinding, NiTi is cut across
for 10–60 min depending on the size and taper
grain of the crystalline structure which causes grooves
of files. Files exhibit two‑stage transformation behavior
and microcracks, leading to stress concentration.[15] To
and high Af temperature of 50°C; for example ProTaper
release these stresses or crystalline defects, annealing heat
treatment is given. It increases the flexibility and modifies
the phase transformation behavior.[16]
In WaveOne Gold, a constant strain of 3–15 kg is
applied at a temperature of 410°C–440°C. After
Thermal treatment of alloys machining, the working portion is again heat treated
R‑phase alloys at 120°C–260°C. [22]
R‑phase alloys have more flexibility, TR[11] and CFR[17] than
conventional alloys with the same geometry, in both dry MaxWire alloys (Martensite‑Austenite Electropolish fleX)
and aqueous environments,[18] and also when used in alloys
reciprocating motion.[19] However, they have low TR than This new technology allows the file XPendoShaper to
M‑wire alloys.[20] attain martensitic phase when cooled (20°C) and austenitic
phase at body temperature (37°C). At austenitic phase, it
M‑wire alloys has a snake‑like shape adapting to the canal irregularities,
They are produced by a series of heat treatment and reducing stress on the file.[23]
annealing cycles which endow them superior strength due
to stable nanocrystalline martensitic structure.[21] T‑wire alloys
The proprietary heat treatment claims to increase the
Controlled memory alloys flexibility and fracture resistance by 40%; for example:
Unlike conventional rotary files, controlled memory files 2 shape files, it has two rotary files TS1 and TS2.
do not exhibit SM, and hence do not straighten the canal The instruments regain their original shape after each
or cause ledging [Figures 1b, c and 2]. Instruments with use.[24]
low transformation temperature exhibit (Hero, K3) higher
maximum torque and resist fracture better than instruments Thermally treated alloys have low modulus of elasticity
with high transformation temperature (Endowave, Profile, (20–40 GPa) than conventional (40–90 GPa) alloys and resist
and ProTaper).[21] fracture better under stress.[21]

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Khasnis, et al.: Instrument separation: An endodontic enigma

Table 2: Impact of various factors on cyclic fatigue and torsional resistance: A report of studies from 2010 to 2017
Rotary NiTi CFR TR
Manufacturing TF, Race, Helix, PT Kim et al., 2010[15]
process TF, Race Rodrigues et al., 2011[64]
K3, K4 Gambarini et al., 2011[65]
TF, Race Braga et al., 2013[11]
PTN, TF, Race Elsaka et al., 2014[20]
PTN, TF, PTU Elnaghy et al., 2014[66]
HyFlex® CM
ProDesign R, Reciproc, Unicone Alcalde et al., 2017[67] Same
Thermal Profile Vortex Gao et al., 2010[68]
treatment Profile, TYP‑CM Shen et al., 2011[69]
HyFlex® CM, Profile Ninan and Berzins, 2013[70]
GT Series‑X
TYP, TYP‑CM Campbell et al., 2014[71]
EndoWave, HyFlex®, Profile Vortex, TYP, PTU Braga et al., 2014[72]
PTU, Vortex Blue, Profile Vortex, TYP Pereira et al., 2015[73]
M‑wire alloy Bonessio et al., 2015[74]
PT, HyFlex®‑CM, One Shape, Revo‑S Capar et al., 2015[75]
PTN, One Shape Topçuoğlu et al., 2016[76]
HyFlex® CM, PTU
PT Gold, PTU Elnaghy and Elsaka, 2017[77] Same
Wave One, Wave One Gold Adıgüzel and Capar, 2017[78]
HyFlex® CM, TYP, Race, PT Acosta et al., 2017[79]
Surface BioRace Lopes et al., 2010[80]
treatment Vortex Blue, Profile Vortex Plotino et al., 2014[81]
PTU, PT Gold Hieawy et al., 2015[82]
HyFlex® EDM Pedulla et al., 2016[28] Same
BioRace Lopes et al., 2016[83]
Reciproc Blue, HyFlex® EDM, One Shape, Wave One Gold Gündoğar and Özyürek, 2017[84]
Cross section TF, Race, PT, Helix, Flexmaster Park et al., 2010[34]
M‑two, Mani NRT, Quantec, GT Zhang et al., 2010[14]
GT, GT Series X da Cunha Peixoto et al., 2010[85] da Cunha Peixoto et al., 2010[85]
Different cross sections Baek et al., 2011[12]
TF, Race, PT, Profile, M‑two Yum et al., 2011[86]
TF, Profile Vortex Endosequence Wycoff and Berzins, 2012[87]
Different cross sections Versluis et al., 2012[41]
Movement PT Patino et al., 2010[88]
kinetics Profile Vortex, Vortex Blue Gao et al., 2010[68]
PT De‑Deus et al., 2010[54]
K3, Profile, GT‑X, Safe Sider Wan et al., 2011[89]
TF Gambarini et al., 2012[90]
Reciproc, Wave One Kim et al., 2012[91] Same
Reciproc, Wave One Plotino et al.,2012[92]
K3XF Gambarini et al., 2012[93]
K3XF, Profile Vortex Gambarini et al., 2013[94]
K3, K3XF, TF Pérez‑Higueras et al., 2013[19]
Reciproc, Wave One, M2, TF Pedulla et al., 2013[95]
PT, Profile Lee et al., 2013[96]
Reciproc, Wave One De‑Deus G et al., 2014[97]
Race, M‑two Vadhana et al., 2014[98]
One Shape, Reciproc Wave One Dagna et al., 2014[35]
PT Shin et al., 2014[99]
Reciproc, Wave One, TF‑Adaptive Higuera et al., 2015[100]
One Shape, Wave One Karatas et al., 2016[101]
UnicOne, WaveOne, Reciproc La Silva et al., 2016[102]
Reciproc Arslan et al., 2016[103]
Reciproc Wave One, Wave One Gold Ozyurek, 2016[104]
PTN, M‑two, Wave One Varghese et al., 2016[105] Ferreira et al., 2017[106] (review)
TF: Twisted file, PT: ProTaper, PTN: ProTaper Next, PTU: ProTaper universal, TYP: Typhoon, CM: Controlled memory, CFR: Cyclic fatigue resistance, TR: Torsional resistance,
NiTi: Nickel‑titanium, EDM: Electric discharge machining

Surface treatment of nickel–titanium alloys Thermal nitridation at 250°C has shown more fatigue
Rotary files are subjected to various surface treatments resistance because at 300°C the superelastic behavior is
to improve their properties [Table 1].[8] Implantation of lost. Deep dry cryogenic treatment of 24  h, at  −185°C,
Argon ion increases the fatigue resistance. Nitrogen ion provides adequate time for transformation of retained
implantation has negative effect on fatigue resistance. austenite to martensite, improving the fatigue life.[25,26]

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Electropolished instruments have more number of cycles to Booster tip is a lead tip, that is incorporated in
fracture than that of nonpolished instruments.[8] However, XPendoShaper. The lead section enters canal ensuring fit
it does not prevent the development of microcracks on the into the pre-established glide path. There are no cutting
instrument surface.[8,27] flutes on this section (¼ mm) where as the next ¼ mm has
6 cutting flutes, which shapes canal to #25/.02 to #60/.02
Electric discharge machining technology instrument. The repeated use of the shaper prepares the
Electric discharge machining (EDM) technology is a canal to a taper size consistent with the intracanal dentinal
noncontact thermal erosion process in which electric anatomy and hardness.[37]
sparks are used to melt and vaporize the top layer of
NiTi alloy, reducing the surface defects. This increases Taper
the fracture resistance of files.[28] After cutting, cleaning Taper is increase in the diameter of file per mm increase
is done ultrasonically in an acid bath. Then, they are heat in length. Fixed taper files cause excessive screwing in and
treated at 300°C–600°C for 10 min, 5 h before and after the taper lock than graduating or variable taper files.[36,38,39] An
cleaning;[22] for example: HyFlex® EDM instrument with larger taper and tip diameter is more likely
to fracture in a canal with more acute and coronally located
Blue phase treatment curvature.[40]
In this, the surface of a NiTi alloy is treated with titanium
oxide by proprietary manufacturing process, which Pitch
increases the surface hardness,wear resistance, cutting It refers to the number of flutes per unit length of the file.
efficiency and flexibility of the file; for example: Vortex Blue More the flutes on the file, lesser the pitch and more is the
and Reciproc Blue.[10] fracture resistance of the file. Hence, it is recommended to
use a file with smaller pitch (more flutes) for both curved
Design features related to instrument and straight canals.[41]
Cross‑sectional area Radial land
Rotary files are manufactured with different cross‑sectional Radial land is a surface that projects axially from the
designs; for example: Convex triangle‑ProTaper, Wave One, central axis between the flutes, it as far as the cutting
Triple U‑Profile, Equilateral triangle‑Race, S‑type‑M‑two, edges. Increased width of land increases the peripheral
Reciproc, and Rectangular–ProTaper Next strength and canal‑centering ability, but induces stresses
• Inner core and CSA: More the core and CSA, more is due to increased contact with the canal wall causing
the TR but less is the CFR.[12,29,30] This is the reason for fracture.[42] To balance these properties, K3 is designed
improved fracture resistance of ProTapers than profiles with two recessed and one full land: ProTaper and Race
in narrow canals[31] lack radial lands.[36]
• Cross‑sectional design: Instrument separation occurs
in the decreasing order with the following cross Rake angle
sections It is the angle formed by the cutting edge and cross‑section
• Square  >  rectangular  >  triangular and slender taken perpendicular to the long axis of the instrument.
rectangular triangle[32,33] Slight positive rake angle is recommended to for both good
• S‑shaped, H‑file fracture more compared to triangular cutting action and reduced screwing in; for example: K3.
cross section[33]
• Alloy type: With the same cross section, M‑wire alloy Helical angle
resists fracture better than conventional alloy[34] Helical angle is the angle that the cutting edge makes with
• Different cross sections along the length of an the long axis of the file. Varying the helical angle through
instrument improve the fracture resistance; for the working part has been shown to reduce the screwing
example: One shape and WaveOne[35] in tendency; for example; in K3, helical angle is increased
• Asymmetric cross sections of ProTaper Next and Revo‑S from tip to the handle. In Race, alternate helical design
also reduce screwing in and breakage[36] reduces the torque.[42]
• Protaper universal files (F2, F3, F4, F5) are made more
flexible by incorporating an additional groove in the Movement kinetics
middle of side of convex triangular cross section.[31,36] Torque
It is the force that is exerted on an object in rotation. It is
Tip measured in gram centimeters.
In general, NiTi rotary instruments are designed with
noncutting tips to prevent ledging, torsional failure, and In endodontics, torque is related to the apically directed
fracture. force and preoperative canal volume.

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Khasnis, et al.: Instrument separation: An endodontic enigma

Conventional or slow‑speed, high‑torque motors (>3 Ncm) Rotation, reciprocation, and adaptive motion
cause fracture of instruments in curved canals. Slow‑speed, Rotation
low‑torque motors provide the right torque for the specific It is continuous clockwise rotation of file. Rotary files
file. undergo plastic deformation when their endurance limit is
exceeded. Endurance limit is the level of stress or strain
The values are smaller (low torque) for smaller and less at which a file can be subjected to a virtual infinite cycles
tapered instruments and higher (high torque) for bigger without failure.
and more tapered instrument.[43]
Optimum torque reverse It is defined as repeated CW/CCW movements of the file.
It is based on the principle of torque‑provoked reversal, Reciprocation can be as follows:
which is activated when preset torque is exceeded • Complete: Reciprocating angles are same in both CW
during   1800 forward rotation, and then the file rotates and CCW directions
backward   900 to release itself. It provides high cutting • Partial: It has angles of 3700 in cutting verse CW and
effectiveness at very low torque values and moderate 500 noncutting verse CCW
speed. Files have shown better fatigue resistance in • Hybrid reciprocation: Here, the angles change
Optimum Torque Reverse (OTR) motors.[44] depending on the intracanal torque.

Safety quotient = RFT/MWT. In reciprocation, the CW rotation changes to CCW before

the file is subjected to endurance limit, hence reducing the
Where RFT – “Rotation to failure torque” is measured by risk of separation.[53] The reasons include, in reciprocation,
turning a file that has been grasped and immobilized at D3 fatigue of file occurs at multiple sites, whereas in rotary,
at a constant revolutions per minute (rpm). a single site undergoes repeated fatigue. During one
reciprocation, i.e., CW/CCW motion, crack formed in the file
MWT – “Mean working torque”– the torque required for opens and closes once. A higher number of reciprocating
any given NiTi to cut the dentin. cycles are required to complete one full rotation, which
extends the CFR.[54]
Ideally, safety quotient should be greater than one to
reduce the risk of file fracture.[45] Heat treatment[55] and reciprocating motion have been
shown to enhance the CFR of some rotary files, such as
Higher is the torque, greater is the breakage. Torque is ProTaper F2 and K3XF.[56]
higher in the following:
• Narrower canals,[46] large diameter file,[47‑49] acute Adaptive motion
canal curvature,[48] and rotary instrumentation without The feature of this motor is that it changes
glidepath.[50] kinematics from an interrupted complete rotating
movement (6000 CW and 00 CCW) to a partial reciprocation
Rotational speed (revolutions per minute) (3700 CW/ 500 CCW) according to the intracanal pressure.[53]
The recommended rpm for most of the rotary files is Adaptive motion does not improve the CFR.[57]
between 250–500 rpm.
Other factors affecting fracture resistance
Higher speed causes increased fracture of files due to the Fracture resistance is not affected by autoclaving of new
following: files in vitro[58,59] unlike during clinical use.[58] CM and R‑phase
• Increased stress[13] and strain rate and decreased time alloys exhibited increased CFR on autoclaving.[59]
for stress relaxation
• Increased chance for taper lock[51] A rotary file is often subjected to a combination of torsional
• More heat is generated during conversion of austenite and cyclic stresses in the canal. In vitro studies have shown
to martensite, leading to precocious fatigue of the that torsional preloads increase the fatigue,[60] but improve
metal.[52] torsional strength,[61] where as cyclic preloads add to
tosional failure.[62]
The inverse relationship between speed and torque
As speed increases, torque decreases, which compensates Clinical recommendations for a safer rotary
for negative effect of increased speed on cyclic fatigue. • A generous access with flexible files for severe
Hence, endodontic handpieces deliver low speeds for curvatures and stiffer ones for straight canals
higher working torque for the individual file to reduce • Stick to the rpm and torque as recommended, no high
separation.[51] rpm for curvatures

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Khasnis, et al.: Instrument separation: An endodontic enigma

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