Final Assessment Report-School Teacher

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EPR Year 3 Semester 2

Name of student: Hend Alyammahi Course: B.Ed

Teaching Practice 6 Year: 3
Name of preschool / school: RAK Academy PYP
Mentoring School Teacher: Mr. Joseph Townsend
Absence dates / reasons: 0
General Context:

- Grade 4B (PYP school)

- Mixed ability class (6 high level/ 5 low level/ 10 middle level).
- Taught science, math, language, moral education lessons.
- Read many stories during guided reading.
- Accompanied the students to Arabic, PE, ICT, Morning Assembly, Library, and
Moral Education Assembly.
- Helped and guided all the students during all the lessons.
- Marked books and worksheet of different subjects.
- Helped with the room setup and whenever she is asked to.
- Helped other teachers in her free time whenever she is asked to.
Observed Strengths:

Planning was always well organised and a wide array of resources were used
(kinesthetic, visual, auditory)
On all occasions, assessment for learning was used whereby tasks were re-explained
and linked back to the inquiry question
Clear use of differentiation in both main and extension tasks
Children were frequently asked to give reasoning and ask questions to further
Great use of talk partners and group work to achieve collaborative learning
All pupils were reviewed and give additional support when necessary
Hugely improved use of the TA- allocation of TA’s time and support to all ability
Children were provided with additional resources to scaffold learning
Teachers strong subject knowledge allowed her to extend higher ability pupils
through greater reasoning and use of scientific vocabulary
Good use of a range of behavior strategies- 321 stop, hands free, clapping a rhythm.
Good use of positive praise to promote high standards of learning within the
Good use of assessment for learning strategies- both self and peer assessment are
now being used to assess- 2 stars and wish thumbs up/middle/down (allows
children to reflect on the learning)
Children wrote a written reflection of their learning- relating to the learner profile
Areas for Development:

• Continue to focus on challenge through questioning. Questioning needs to be

targeted to the needs of each learner.
• Be confident to direct support staff to help specific children based on
assessment within the lesson.
• Reflect on your own practice in greater depth to analyse both strengths and
areas for further development

General Comments:

Hend has been an exceptional student and is a credit to HCT establishment. Hend
has made great improvements and progress within her teaching as well as her
management of the classroom. With such a wonderful manner and lovely
demeanor with the children, Hend has great potential for progressing further into
the teaching profession. Hend has arisen to all challenges at RAK Academy and all
teachers and children have thoroughly enjoyed her presence.
Thank you

Mentoring School Teacher Joseph Townsend Date 25.11.18

Student Teacher* Hend Alyammahi Date 25.11.18
*After the report has been read and discussed please sign.
B: Ed. Primary Year 3 Practicum 6 Report
This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher (E = Excellent, G =
Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory)

Professionalism and Understanding: Professional growth E G S M U

Shows initiative, enthusiasm, active participation and

engagement in the classroom and preschool
Displays a high standard of professional behavior, which
includes punctuality, personal organization and presentation

Communicates effectively with mentors /

Planning for learning: Planning activities and lesson aims E G S M U

Plans in consultation with MST and MCT activities which meet /
the needs and interests of individuals and groups of children
across domains
Presents lesson/activity plans in a clear, detailed and /
professional way
Includes developmentally appropriate activities which are /
designed to help achieve the aims and objectives of the

Implementing and Managing Learning; Language and delivery E G S M U

Uses a variety of effective teaching/ learning techniques (e.g.
TPR, chants, songs, rhymes, stories, role plays, circle games, /
surveys etc.)

Demonstrates an ability to implement planned teaching tasks /

Demonstrates an ability to implement unplanned,

developmentally appropriate interventions
Classroom management E G S M U

Establishes and maintains rules and clear routines for behavior in /

the classroom.
Demonstrates an understanding of effective behaviour / /
classroom management techniques
Manages both positive and negative behaviours effectively /

Communication skills E G S M U

Uses appropriate body language, eye contact, gestures and /

voice to maintain an effective classroom presence

Monitoring and Assessment E G S M U

Provides ongoing feedback to children to enhance learning. /

Begins to check understanding via appropriate questioning and /


Critical Reflection E G S M U

Actively seeks, listens to and accepts guidance and responds /

constructively to feedback from colleagues and mentors.

Begins to evaluate own teaching and includes suggested action/ /

follow-up or targets for future lessons/ activities, with MST, MCT
and peers

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