Epc Interview

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Course Assessment/Student Details

Course Code: EPC 2903

Course Name: Practicum 2b

Course Teacher: Khadija Aljassmi

Task Title: Assessment 2- Interview

Student Name: Amna Matar

Student ID: H00354331

Final Grade/Mark
General Comments

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Achievement that minimally Achievement that Achievement that is Achievement that is
Achievement that does not meet requirements meets the course satisfactorily meets the significantly above the outstanding relative to
requirements course requirements course requirements the course requirements
GRADING/MARKING Significantly below course Below course
requirements requirements –
CRITERIA achievement that
Assessment has Clearly does
not been not meet the narrowly does not
submitted at all, requirements meet the
is not-existent or requirements
not carried out
Letter Grade F D C C+ B B+ A- A


1. Subject knowledge Unable to evidence or articulate Limited knowledge of Some evidence of Generally accurate Accurate extensive Complete and full
Understanding and basic principles and knowledge subject. Information understanding key aspects of understanding of key understanding of subject. understanding of subject.
application of subject related to the subject. Information may be significantly the subject, but details are aspects of the subject. Minor irrelevancies and Extensive evidence of
knowledge and underlying may be irrelevant, incomplete irrelevant, lacking. Some irrelevancies Some irrelevancies and inaccuracies appreciation of the
principles. Was able to link and/or inaccurate. incomplete and/or and inaccuracies inaccuracies relative significance of all
theory to teaching practice inaccurate making relevant aspects of the
and classroom information hard to subject.
management follow logically.
2. Discussion Done but with little thought put Significantly Some evidence of depth, Adequate evidence of Deep and copious with only Deep and copious.
Development, depth, into it superficial. breadth and exemplification depth, breadth and/or occasional lapses Discussion fully
breadth and synthesis. . Discussion lacks exemplification but not developed.
Was able to discuss depth, breadth throughout
matters which arose during and/or
teaching practice. exemplification
3. Reflection Consistent lack of evidence of Sporadic evidence of Some evidence of insight and Adequate evidence of Reflection is comprehensive Reflection is complete
Management of learning reflection for learning. No reflection not thoughtful reflection. insight and thoughtful with only a few lapses and and has led to substantial
through reflection. Was awareness of personal strengths followed through Developing an awareness of reflection. Generally, has has led to noteworthy insight. Strengths have
able to reflect on her and and weaknesses in relation to task consistently. strengths and weaknesses an awareness of strengths insight. Has a good been built on and
her MST’s work during Incomplete and weaknesses awareness of strengths and weaknesses mitigated
teaching practice awareness of weaknesses

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personal strengths
and weaknesses

4. Spoken language Speaks very slowly with poorly Speaks slowly using Usually maintains flow of Usually maintains fluency, Usually fluent and shows a Fluent, flexible and
(Applied Bachelor) linked ideas. Frequently unable to simple connectives speech but with some areas but with some correction, range of discourse markers, coherent in use of
Fluency and coherence, convey message. but with numerous of disfluency. repetition or slower topic vocabulary and discourse markers, topic
Lexical resources, pauses, repetitions speech. paraphrase. vocabulary, style and
Grammatical range and Only simplest vocabulary and and self-corrections. Sufficient vocabulary to talk paraphrase.
accuracy, sentence structures attempted. Some breakdown in about topics but with limited Reasonably wide range of The range and control of
Pronunciation Inaccuracies cause serious communication. flexibility and only occasional vocabulary with some simple and complex Accurate and flexible use
misunderstanding. paraphrase. paraphrase. sentences and pronunciation of complex sentences and
Vocabulary limited to features is reasonably pronunciation features.
Pronunciation problems cause familiar topics and Mostly accurate in simple Limited complex sentence accurate.
speech to be often unintelligible. rare paraphrasing. sentences. structure and some Easily understood.
Sentence structures mispronunciation, but can Message is always
very limited in range Errors and mispronunciation usually be understood. understood.
and accuracy. can cause misunderstanding.
Errors and frequent
cause difficulty for
the listener.

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Interview Assessment Sheet - EPC1403

EPC 2903 Interview Questions Answer all questions here Total

grade =
Questions. Answers Each
question =

1-what I enjoyed the most about this practicum is getting to know the students personally
1- What did you enjoy most about your and having a relationship with them. Every child is unique and every one of them, has his
practicum? own personality, and it was very joyful to get to know them all. Some of them like hugs so
when they see me they run to hug me, and some of them are very active who will really
challenge me to turn their power into something positive that would help the lesson. I
2-What challenges did you face? already miss them all.

2- in EYFS curriculum there are around 7 learning areas, and I had to come up with
3- How did you collaborate with your MST activities that are related to my lesson for these areas, each time I teach a new lesson,
which was challenging for me, because I’m not used to it.
and other teachers in the school?
3- my relationship with the teachers in the school was very professional, me and my MST
talk mostly about teaching strategies, controlling student’s behavior and my TP tasks, I don’t
have a lot of conversations with the other teachers, but I still show them my smile and
Planning for Learning / managing
learning 4- I leant that planning saves time and effort, and it helped me be prepared to anything that
could happen in the classroom.
4-What did you learn about planning during I have actually tried to teach a part of an unplanned lesson and I faced difficulties trying to
the practicum? deliver the information to the students, I noticed that I was more nerves than usual and the
students caught my atmosphere and started to get distracted and misbehave.

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5- What strategies did you see your MST 5- I saw my MST use several strategies to manage the children, she have used the 1,2,3
use to manage the children? finger signs to direct the student’s movements, when she says 1 the students stand from
their places, then at number 2 the students will go to the centers and find a place to sit, and
6- Which were the most effective strategies 3 to start working on the activity.
also another strategy was when the students are distracted the teacher will attract their
you observed?
attention through saying ”class, class eyes on me” and the students will answer “yes, yes
eyes on the teacher”.
7- Describe an activity you assisted with and another strategy she used was after the activity time she tells the students to clean up and
what you learned about managing student sings the clean-up song.
behavior and learning while teaching she also used the think pair share strategy where she would ask the students to turn to
their partners and start to have a discussion about the lesson or do other activities together.

8- What behavior management strategies 6- in my opinion the most effective strategy she used was the 1,2,3, finger signs because it
did you use and how well were you able to was effective, every child knew what they have to do, and they did it quickly which saved
implement them? time. I have never seen a teacher use this kind of strategies before its unique.

7- I have assessed the planting activity, where each child will have to plant a seed using a
cup, soil, some seeds, and water.
Although, my activity was not perfect in the begging but as each group was assessed during
the rotation,
I started to understand the importance of giving the students clear instruction and show
them the conciseness of their actions as well as giving them a purpose to be well behaved,
so that they are going to learn better.

8- I have used all the behavior management strategies that the teacher used.
Starting with the 1,2,3 finger signs, I noticed that the students didn’t respond to me which
forced the MST to interfere and tell the students what they are supposed to do. I think
maybe they where not used to me teaching them.
Next was the “class, class eyes on me” strategy which worked very effectively with me and
the students where responding to me positively which made it easy for me to get their
attention back.
Then I used the clean-up strategy with the clean-up song witch unfortunately didn’t work,
somehow I was not able to implement it, and the lesson’s time was wasted on trying to get
them to clean up.
Also, I used the “think, pair, share” strategy and it was working nicely and smoothly, and the
students had an opportunity to discuss and talk with their partners.

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Implementing Learning
9- The TP task that I enjoyed the most was the managing learning task. i had fun observing
the teacher, then trying to implement what I have observed from her. I think it’s a very
Tell us about the appropriacy of the TP appropriate task for my TP, it gave me an opportunity to build on my practical knowledge
Tasks this semester: Did these tasks provide compared to the last TP tasks that have focused more on the learning centers, and may
an opportunity for you to build on / make have highlighted some observation on the teacher’s teaching, but didn’t give us the real
comparisons with previous learning? opportunity to practice what we have observed in the classroom.

10- I have enjoyed all of the tasks actually, but if I had to choose witch one of them was the
9•Which of the tasks did you enjoy the least joyful, I would say the Interview Task one. Even though it was an ice breaker between
most? me and the MST it was more about talking and receiving information, and it felt like collage
classes which was less fun for me, because I prefer more practical tasks.

10•Which did you enjoy the least?

11- most of my difficulties where in the third task (literacy strategies), because it required a
lot of information that I had to collect from the classroom and the MST not to mention how
11•What were the biggest obstacles to busy she was, so it took me a very long time to complete this task.
completing your TP Tasks?
12- yes I was prepared each week to complete my tasks, observations and lessons. And the
secret behind it was that every beginning of the week I write down a list to do for the whole
week and make sure that I divide the work equally for every week, for example I will have to
12- Did you feel prepared each week to teach 1 lesson and do 1 task per week.
complete the task and observations? Also, it’s very important to prepare for each TP task by reading it so you will know what you
(discuss the importance of preparing for will need to do and be able to estimate the time you will be working on it.
each TP task)

Personal Development/Reflection 13- my MCT suggested that I should use different strategies to manage my class and use
less support from my MST.
13- What was the most important From my MST commented that It would be better if I had explained the activities to the
professional feedback you received from students during the carpet time as well as she emphasized on my classroom management.
Even though I had positive feedbacks from both of them I chose these two types of
your mentor teachers?
feedbacks not just that I want to point out my weakness, but I want to change them and turn
them to my strengths.

14- What are you most proud of from your 14- I am proud to say that I have gained more confidence standing in front of the students
teaching practice experience? and the MST. I used to be shyer back then and mostly hide behind the role of the observer,
but now I can take the initiative to start a conversation and talk to the students and the MST.

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15- yes, I was able to make links between what I did learn in collage and my experience in
15- Were you able to make links between TP, because we have learned about EYFS curriculum and the school I went to was
what you did at college and what you following the EYFS curriculum. So, for example I noticed that the 6 key areas of EYFS
observed or experienced during TP? Give where in each class of my school, and it was used in every day’s lesson .
an example.
16- I think one of the important things that the students need to learn about before going to
the TP is the school’s policy. Every school is different, and every school has its unique
16- What do you think are important things rules. So, it was very helpful for us to have that meeting on our first day of TP, so we were
to study at college to ensure that you are more aware of the schools expectation of us and was able avoid doing prohibited behaviors
in the school.
well prepared for TP?

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