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To: Dr. Greg Wickliff

From: M.C.

Date: 12/8/2018

Re: Student Resume and Letter

Dr. Wickliff,
I am majoring in Computer Science and I want to create a resume and a letter of interest
for an internship position with TIAA-CREF.

I intent to send my resume and letter with TIAA-CREF because they have internship
programs in Computer Science which is in line with my major.

I am planning to attend one of the Career days held by TIAA-CREF at the UNCC computer
science building at Woodward Hall to circulate my resume and letter. With a lot of
candidates aiming for the same internship, I also intent to speak with one of the
representatives to learn more about their internship program provide and a possible
interview for the position.

There is no cost for printing my resume at home.

Computing tools
Microsoft word is where I will begin drafting the text that will appear on my resume and
letter. InDesign or Microsoft word is the tool I will use to create the resume and letter.

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