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An introduction and guide | OR. According to the Japanese, everyone has an Ikigai. Ikigai is your reason for being and your purpose. What is your Ikigai? Ca etcrd ec naerel @ - IKIGAL ten Take a moment to draw your own version of the overlapping circles of the symbol and consider the following: @ wnat do you most @ what are your most @ wnat ca profoundly love? Profound gifts? ‘change about the world? yyou can be Algning our work towards what Searching and eventually Deep inquiry into our What service, value or offering (we most profoundly love allows dlscovering our true gis equips __responsibles and what we feel_ do you bring or could you bring, ‘accesso ourfull potential and swith the means to powerfuly drawn to change about the {hat brings real value to other motivation becomes irrelevant. Influence what we love. World takes courage and may ‘Something people need and are Tead us to uncomfortable places, happy to pay for or share some To follow a career thats not What unique skils doyouhave but authentic leadership tt value exchange? located in what we lve is form that come most naturally to, possible without aking account cof betrayal that wil ely result you? What talents have you Of this question. in unhappiness and insti Eutivated and what do you excel lateven when you arent tying? What breaks your heart? What What aspects of your ie bring chapter of your life has most you into your heart and make ‘affected you? What do you nd You fel utery ave? yourself often ranting about? ‘nat revolution wil you lead? Notes: Take some time to write whatever ideas come up for you in each cece, then lok for areas of natural overlap. Reflect on the sum otal ofthese elements and how they may relate to each other. Bring yoursff quietly tothe centre ofthe ices and leave space n your mind fo whatever Impulse or calling may su ‘emerge naturally the coming days. Contact Alex at SWYL fr help with your next steps VOUT Ove

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