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For your third assignment, you must create individually either 1) a resume and

application letter or 2) a tutorial.

The Resume & Letter of Application

The resume and one page application letter must be addressed to a named
representative of an existing organization or company. The pair should display and
argue for your strengths as potential member of that organization. You should adopt an
appropriate typographic style consonant with the image you want to project and that of
the organization. You should display knowledge of the organization and its goals.
Information should be arranged in a conventional pattern (order of importance or
chronology -- reverse or normal) and should highlight your specific skills and
accomplishments at work and in your education. Both documents must be mechanically
correct without exception. The printed resume usually adopts a multi-column page
design with great restraint in font selection. It is usually printed on heavier stock, 60-100
lb. bond, with a variety of finishes (e.g. laid). The letter stock and fonts should match
that of the resume. PDF files are acceptable products for this assignment.

The Tutorial
Alternately, you may choose to create a tutorial, probably for a small set of tasks within
one piece of software or perhaps for a simple device, aimed at an audience of real
users (students enrolled in ENGL 4182/5182, for example). The tutorial should teach a
novice user to perform a clearly defined task or set of tasks. If it is a software task, it
should include screen captures that illustrate device responses to prompts. Tutorials are
often but not always set in a multi-column page layout.

Working drafts of tutorials should be tested on representative users in carefully defined

observations. Potential users/ testers should be interviewed about the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes they bring to the test. Their work with the tutorial should be carefully
recorded and reviewed (note-taking, video or audio taping) for problem areas. Their
responses to the test should be recorded (post-test interview). Drafts should be revised
in response to user tests. Your portfolio should include evidence of user interviews, at
least one user test, at least one post-test interview, and revisions.
For your third assignment, you must create individually either 1) a resume and

application letter or 2) a tutorial.

The Resume & Letter of Application

The resume and one page application letter must be addressed to a named representative

of an existing organization or company. The pair should display and argue for your

strengths as potential member of that organization. You should adopt an appropriate

typographic style consonant with the image you want to project and that of the

organization. You should display knowledge of the organization and its goals.

Information should be arranged in a conventional pattern (order of importance or

chronology -- reverse or normal) and should highlight your specific skills and

accomplishments at work and in your education. Both documents must be mechanically

correct without exception.

The printed resume usually adopts a multi-column page design with great restraint in font

selection. It is usually printed on heavier stock, 60-100 lb bond, with a variety of finishes

(e.g. laid). The letter stock and fonts should match that of the resume. PDF files are

acceptable products for this assignment.

The Tutorial

Alternately, you may choose to create a tutorial, probably for a small set of tasks within

one piece of software or perhaps for a simple device, aimed at an audience of real users

(students enrolled in ENGL 4182/5182, for example). The tutorial should teach a novice

user to perform a clearly defined task or set of tasks. If it is a software task, it should

include screen captures that illustrate device responses to prompts. Tutorials are often

but not always set in a multi-column page layout.

Working drafts of tutorials should be tested on representative users in carefully defined

observations. Potential users/ testers should be interviewed about the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes they bring to the test. Their work with the tutorial should be carefully

recorded and reviewed (note-taking, video or audio taping) for problem areas. Their

responses to the test should be recorded (post-test interview). Drafts should be revised in

response to user tests. Your portfolio should include evidence of user interviews, at least

one user test, at least one post-test interview, and revisions.

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