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Teaching Practice Task 3: Noting Teaching and Learning

Program link: This task is associated to the guidelines of the course EPC 3403 – Practicum 3a
(Course Learning Outcome 1 –planning the lesson, 2- designing and creating resources, 3 –
maintaining a positive environment, 4 – considering individual differences and 5 – timing)

Objective: You will Identify and assess teaching and learning strategies. At the end of each day,
you will note a teaching strategy that you or the teacher used that you consider very useful and
you would want to use again. This strategy can deal with the planning of the lesson, the use of
materials and technology, the review of prior learning, the motivation of the children, the
presentation of the materials, the appropriateness of the practice activities, classroom
management strategies, timing strategies, reviewing the lesson, general assessment of the
learning or if you are lucky enough to talk to your teacher, her reflection on her lesson.

Grade: Week: 3
Day 1: Subject: math Learning Outcome: fact family

Strategy: Visualization, we use visual tools in this lesson such as video and
pictures. The visual tools help the students to understand the lesson, also it
engage them.
Day 2: Subject: math Learning Outcome: vertical addition

Strategy: Differentiation, we use differentiation in activities and in

worksheets. We divide the students in groups 2 A group, 2 B group, and 1
C group. The differentiation help the students to understand and work
better because they will have work depend on their levels. For example, we
did three different activities, the A level need challenging activities, the B
group need easier than A, and C group need easy and I have to help and
support them.

Day 3: Subject: math Learning Outcome: odd and even numbers

Strategy: Behavior management, it is very important to manage the

behavior in the classroom because when the class be organize and calm the
teacher and students will be comfortable and the students will understand
better. We manage the behavior by using reward chart which engage the
students to respect the rules and listen to the teacher.
Day 4: Subject: math Learning Outcome: repetition addition

Strategy: Time management and class room management, we use the timer
when the students do the activities so, we put the timer in front of the
students and ask them to do the activity or solve the worksheets. The
students engage to solve all the question when they see the timer.
Moreover, I use some signals to manage the class such as quiet, line up and
time up.

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