10-10-17 Corruption of The Courts, The Legal Profession, Banking Regulation, Is Patronized by The US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit

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by Joseph Zernik
Human Rights Alert DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 email=jz12345@e
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: jz12345@earthlink.net arthlink.net, c=US
Blog: http://human-rights-alert.blogspot.com/ Date: 2010.10.17
15:10:42 +03'00'
Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/Human_Rights_Alert

10-10-17 Corruption of the Courts and the Legal Profession in California is Patronized by the
US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit
Los Angeles, October 17 – Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, released records from
petitions filed by Dr Zernik in June 2008 at the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, evidencing Fraud on the
Courts at the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, patronizing of racketeering at the lower courts, and
undermining of any prospect of honest banking regulation in the United States. [1]
Subject matter of the petitions - Zernik v USDC-CAC (08-72714) - was conduct of the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles, under Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), which was opined by fraud expert
James Wedick, who had been decorated by US Congress, by US Attorney General, and by FBI Director as
real estate fraud on Dr Zernik’s Beverly Hills, California, residence. [2] The beneficiaries included
Countrywide Financial Corporation, and later Bank of America Corporation. Angelo Mozilo (then CEO of
Countrywide), Sandor Samuels (then Chief Legal Counsel of Countrywide, today- Associate Counsel of Bank
of America), and Brian Moynihan (today President of Bank of America), were all directly involved in the
matter, as was David Pasternak – former President of the Los Angeles County Bar Association.
The petitions at US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, originated from conduct of the US District Court, Central
District of California. At the US District Court the Clerk of the Court refused to sign valid summons
presented by Plaintiff in Zernik v Connor et al (2:08-cv-01550), complaint under cause of action of
Deprivation of Rights, where judges of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, were among
those named as Defendants. The Clerk of the US District Court also routinely concealed papers filed as
evidence of conduct of the Judges of the Superior Court, which should be deemed as racketeering led by
Judge Jacqueline Connor. [3]
The records, which were now released, show the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, following suit: The Clerk
of the Court collected twice court fees for the petitions. However, evidence of the fraud at the lower courts,
which was filed with the petitions, was never docketed. Only unsigned orders were issued by the US Court of
Appeals, 9th Circuit. An unsigned order issued and served by the Clerk of the US Court of Appeals, in the
stated: “Petitioner has not demonstrated that this case warrants the intervention of this court by means of the
extraordinary remedy of mandamus.” [1]
The case at hand was part of evidence, which was submitted to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the
United Nations as part of the first ever, 2010 Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights in the United
States. [4] Staff report of the HRC later noted “corruption of the courts and the legal profession” in California.
In July 2010 Prof Laurence Tribe, in keynote address to the Annual Conference of Chief Justices of the state
courts warned that the state courts in the United States may become indistinguishable from courts in “third
world nations”. [6] However, the evidence released by Human Rights Alert in a series of cases, showed that
the highest courts of the land patronized such conduct, through what must be deemed Fraud on the Courts,
and undermining of any prospect of effective banking regulation in the United States.
Human Rights Alert (NGO) is dedicated to discovering, archiving, and disseminating evidence of Human
Rights violations by the justice systems of the State of California and the United States in Los Angeles,
California, and beyond. Special emphasis is given to the unique role of computerized case management
systems in the precipitous deterioration of integrity of the justice system.
z Page 2/2 October 17, 2010

[1] 08-06-24 Zernik v USDC (08-72714) at the US Court of Appeals 9th Circuit - Alleged Fraud on the Court and Undermining of
Banking Regulation-s
[2] 07-12-17 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) David Pasternak: Grant Deeds in re: 320 South Peck Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212,
opined as fraud by James Wedick
[3] 08-05-27 Zernik v Connor (2:08-cv-01550) Dkt # 062 First Amended Complaint
[4] April 19, 2010 Human Rights Alert submission for the 2010 UPR (Universal Periodic Review) of Human Rights in the
United States by the United Nations:
a) Press Release:
b) Submission:
c) Appendix:
[5] 10-10-01 United Nations Human Rights Council Records for 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States -
"corruption of the courts and the legal profession" in California
[6] 10-07-26 Prof Laurence Tribe's Keynote Remarks at the Annual Conference of Chief Justices s

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