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CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Dear user, thanks for purchasing our CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer.
Please read the user manual carefully in order to operate the instrument correctly. Incorrect operation may
effect the precision and accuracy of the test results, or endanger personal safety.
Please keep the user manual safely for your any time reference.

● Instrument should be operated by medical inspection specialist, physician, nurse or lab assistant whom are
specially trained.
● Instrument should be controlled by special software. Please install the software that is appointed by our
company. Installation of other software/hardware may interfere normal operation. Don’t operate other software
when instrument operating.
● Dust may accumulate on the surface of instrument after long time storage. Soft cloth or gauze can be used for
cleaning work, and a little detergent can be used if necessary. Please cut off the power supply before cleaning.
When instrument is not used, make sure shut the lid down.
●As to the use and storage method of the sample, reagent, Controls, Calibrator, please refer to the relevant
●Sample, Controls, Calibrator and waster solution have the potential biochemical infectivity, the detergents are
corrosive that may hurt eyes, skin and mucosa. Operator should refer to the safety regulation for lab operation.
Protective measure should be taken to operator (Such as lab protective clothes and gloves).
●Avoid contact with eyes and skin, in case of skin contact, flush the area with water, rinse immediately with
plenty of water and seek medical advice.
● Operator should comply with the local regulation when draining and dealing with reagent, waste solution,
waste sample, consumable etc. Please dispose the waste solution and instrument consumable according to the
regulation of medical waste, infective waste and industrial waste.

●. Instrument should be operated in a good ground condition, and an independent power supply is a must, the
input power should be conformed to instrument requirement.
●. Don’t pull the electrical wire with wet hand, or there is a risk of electrical shock.
●. Don't stamp, twist, drag the wire and cable, or it may cause a fire.
●. Please don’t open the back and side cover board before cutting the general power supply except Dirui special
service staff.
●. If liquid occurs in instrument interior or there is an internal pipeline leakage, please immediately cut off the

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

general power supply, and contact Dirui customer service dept.

● Please don’t touch sample probe, reagent probe and stirring rod, etc. when instrument operating, don’t put your
hand into the opening part, or it may cause body injury or instrument damage.
● Cut off the power supply before replace light source lamp. Don’t touch the lamp before it is cool to avoid
● Periodic maintenance should be executed strictly according to the user manual. Or it may cause instrument
malfunction, and effect the accuracy and precision of test results.
● Make sure that the Auto-Chemistry Analyzer is operated according to the user manual, or the measuring result
is not a reliable one, and the damage on instrument may endanger human safety.
● Please don’t place combustible material around the instrument.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 1 Brief Introduction................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Summary........................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Main Technical Index .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Composition of instrument ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.3.1 Front picture ............................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Back picture................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.3.3 Leftside picture ........................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Configuration and function.......................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 Operating system ...................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.2 Analytical system...................................................................................................................................... 10 Sample reagent disk........................................................................................................... 10 Sampling mechanism......................................................................................................... 11 Reaction disk ..................................................................................................................... 13 Incubation bath .................................................................................................................. 14 Stirring mechanism ............................................................................................................ 14 Reaction cuvette rinsing mechanism ................................................................................. 15 Reagent cooling system ..................................................................................................... 17 Optical system ................................................................................................................... 17
1.5 Instrument Symbol ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 2 Measuring Principle ........................................................................................................................... 19
2.1 Mechanism movement principle.................................................................................................................. 19
2.1.1 Operation flow.......................................................................................................................................... 19 unit......................................................................................................................... 19 Sample and reagent adding unit......................................................................................... 19 Stirring unit........................................................................................................................ 20 Reaction disk unit .............................................................................................................. 20
2.1.2 Metering Characteristics........................................................................................................................... 22
2.2 Analytical mode........................................................................................................................................... 22
2.2.1Assay mode variety ................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.2 Calibration Method................................................................................................................................... 28
2.3 Check of measure ........................................................................................................................................ 42
2.3.1 Calibration check...................................................................................................................................... 42
2.3.2 Absorbance limit....................................................................................................................................... 43
2.3.3 Linearity Abnormal Check ....................................................................................................................... 44
2.3.4 Prozone check........................................................................................................................................... 45
Chapter 3 Instrument Installation ....................................................................................................................... 47
3.1 Installation requirement............................................................................................................................... 47
3.1.1 Space Requirement ................................................................................................................................... 47
3.1.2 Environment requirement ......................................................................................................................... 47
3.1.3 Power requirement.................................................................................................................................... 47
3.2 Open package .............................................................................................................................................. 47
3.2.1 Procedure.................................................................................................................................................. 47
3.2.2 Handling method ...................................................................................................................................... 48
3.3 Installation procedure .................................................................................................................................. 48
3.3.1. software installation................................................................................................................................. 48
3.3.2 Peripherial device connection................................................................................................................... 51 Connection of pure water inlet pipeline............................................................................. 51 Connection of waste liquid outlet pipeline ........................................................................ 51 Connection of computer .................................................................................................... 51 Printer installation.............................................................................................................. 51
3.3.3 System login ............................................................................................................................................. 51
Chapter 4 Accessory Device............................................................................................................................... 56
4.1 Barcode reader............................................................................................................................................. 56
4.1.1 Scan range of barcode reader.................................................................................................................... 56
4.1.2 Sample container requirement .................................................................................................................. 56

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

4.1.3 Barcode using requirement ....................................................................................................................... 56

4.1.4 Stick requirement of sample barcode ....................................................................................................... 57
4.1.5 Reagent bottle requirement:................................................................................................................... 57
4.1.6 Reagent barcode using requirement.......................................................................................................... 57
4.1.7 Reagent barcode stick requirement........................................................................................................... 57
4.1.8 The rule of reagent barcode ...................................................................................................................... 57
4.1.9The using of sample reagent barcode reader ............................................................................................. 59
4.2 Purified water equipment............................................................................................................................. 59
Chapter 5 Software Operation ............................................................................................................................ 60
5.1 Software interface instruction...................................................................................................................... 60
5.1.1 Main interface composition ...................................................................................................................... 60
5.1.2 Keyboard function .................................................................................................................................... 62
5.1.3 Software function frame ........................................................................................................................... 62
5.2 Software Operation...................................................................................................................................... 64
5.2.1 Icon move ................................................................................................................................................. 64
5.2.2 Function key selection .............................................................................................................................. 64
5.2.3Open Form................................................................................................................................................. 64
5.2.4The operation of list box and scroll bar ..................................................................................................... 65
5.2.5 Pull down menu operation ........................................................................................................................ 66
5.2.6Button box and check box ......................................................................................................................... 66
5.3 Instrument standard specification ................................................................................................................ 66
Chapter 6 Instrument Operation ......................................................................................................................... 68
6.1Operation overview ...................................................................................................................................... 68
6.2Detailed operation......................................................................................................................................... 69
6.2.1 Check before measurement....................................................................................................................... 69
6.2.2 Power on and software login .................................................................................................................... 69
6.2.3Check instrument status............................................................................................................................. 69 Alarm check....................................................................................................................... 69 Light quantity check .......................................................................................................... 71 Cuvette blank check........................................................................................................... 72 Check the temperature of incubation bath ......................................................................... 73
6.2.4 Check analyze condition........................................................................................................................... 73 Check analysis conditions of colorimetric item................................................................. 73
6.2.5 Reagent preparation.................................................................................................................................. 75 Reagent usage and important notice .................................................................................. 75 Reagent manual registration .............................................................................................. 76 Barcode scanning ( automatic registration) ....................................................................... 77 Reagent Horizontal ............................................................................................................ 78 Delete reagent information ................................................................................................ 79 QC item registration .......................................................................................................... 81
6.2.7 Sample registration and testing(Sample registration).......................................................................... 81 Single sample registration.................................................................................................. 81 Registration of batch routine sample ................................................................................. 83 Edit the patient info ........................................................................................................... 84 Data application ................................................................................................................. 86 Modification and deletion of sample information ............................................................. 86
6.2.8 Test preparation ........................................................................................................................................ 87 Test..................................................................................................................................... 87
6.2.9 Testing process.......................................................................................................................................... 87 System monitor.................................................................................................................. 87 Emergence stop.................................................................................................................. 90 Sample addition ................................................................................................................. 90
6.2.10 Test result checkup (Result data) ............................................................................................................ 91 Daily result ...................................................................................................................... 91 Check results within three days ....................................................................................... 97
6.2.11 Sample recheck..................................................................................................................................... 100
6.2.12 Analyze complete ................................................................................................................................. 103

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 7 Calibration Information.................................................................................................................... 105

7.1 Colorimetric calibration............................................................................................................................. 105
7.1.1 Calibration registration for colorimetric items ....................................................................................... 105
7.1.2Calibration result of colorimetric item .................................................................................................... 107
Chapter 8 Quality Control .................................................................................................................................111
8.1 QC registration ...........................................................................................................................................111
8.1.1 QC regulation setup ................................................................................................................................ 112
8.1.2 QC name setup ....................................................................................................................................... 113
8.1.3 QC item registration ............................................................................................................................... 114
8.1.4QC parameter modification ..................................................................................................................... 114
8.1.5 Delete OC item ....................................................................................................................................... 114
8.2QC interval ................................................................................................................................................. 114
8.3 Monthly quality control ............................................................................................................................. 116
Chapter 9 System Setup.................................................................................................................................... 119
9.1 Chemistry parameter.................................................................................................................................. 119
9.1.1 Add/delete item ...................................................................................................................................... 119
9.1.2Analysis parameter .................................................................................................................................. 120
9.1.3 Calibration parameter ............................................................................................................................. 124
9.1.4 Range parameter ..................................................................................................................................... 125
9.2 Item combination....................................................................................................................................... 127
9.3Calculated itme ........................................................................................................................................... 128
9.4 Cross contamination .................................................................................................................................. 130
9.4.1 Reagent probe cross contamination ........................................................................................................ 130
9.4.2 Reaction cuvette cross contamination .................................................................................................... 131
9.5 Report sheet format ................................................................................................................................... 132
9.5.1 Basic information setup .......................................................................................................................... 132
9.5.2 Print sequence setup ............................................................................................................................... 132
9.5.3 Report printout format setup................................................................................................................... 133 Report template setup ...................................................................................................... 133 default format setup ......................................................................................................... 134
9.6 Other setup................................................................................................................................................. 134
9.7 Manual item setup ..................................................................................................................................... 136
9.8 LIS communication setup .......................................................................................................................... 137
9.9 Reagent topping up setup .......................................................................................................................... 138
9.10[Reagent+sample]disk setting ............................................................................................................. 139
Chapter 10 System management ...................................................................................................................... 141
10.1 User information...................................................................................................................................... 141
10.2 Hospital information................................................................................................................................ 142
10.2.1 Delivery dept. ....................................................................................................................................... 142
10.2.2 Delivery doctor ..................................................................................................................................... 143
10.3 Other information .................................................................................................................................... 143
10.3.1 Patient type ........................................................................................................................................... 143
10.3.2 Clinic diagnosis .................................................................................................................................... 144
10.3.3 Report remark ....................................................................................................................................... 145
10.3.4 Item unit................................................................................................................................................ 146
10.4Workload statistics.................................................................................................................................... 147
10.5 Database maintenance ............................................................................................................................. 149
10.6 System log ............................................................................................................................................... 150
Chapter 11 System Help ................................................................................................................................... 151
11.1System help application ............................................................................................................................ 151
Chapter 12 System Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 152
12.1 System maintenance preparation ............................................................................................................. 152
12.1.1 Instrument and tools ............................................................................................................................. 152
12.1.2 Pure water............................................................................................................................................. 152
12.1.3 Detergent .............................................................................................................................................. 152
12.2 The Application of system maintenance menu ........................................................................................ 153
12.2.1 Reset ..................................................................................................................................................... 153

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

12.2.2 Cleaning water tank .............................................................................................................................. 153

12.2.3 Light quantity check up ........................................................................................................................ 153
12.2.4 Cell blank check ................................................................................................................................... 154
12.2.5 Air exhaustion of syringe...................................................................................................................... 155
12.2.6 Rinsing /air exhaust detergent pipeline................................................................................................. 156
12.2.7 Rinsing reaction cuvette ....................................................................................................................... 156
12.2.8 Rinsing incubation bath ........................................................................................................................ 156
12.2.9 Sample reagent probe vertical checkup ................................................................................................ 156
12.2.10 Sample reagent probe horizontal checkup .......................................................................................... 156
12.2.11Stirring mechanism horizontal checkup............................................................................................... 156
12.2.12 Mechanism operation checkup ........................................................................................................... 157
12.2.13 Bar code reader checkup..................................................................................................................... 157
12.2.14 Automatically rinse the pipeline of concentrated liquid ..................................................................... 157
12.2.15 Manually rinse concentrated waste liquid pipeline............................................................................. 158
12.3 Maintenance and checkup points and parts ............................................................................................. 159
12.3.1 Periodic cleaning ,checkup and parts replacement ............................................................................... 159
12.3.2 Periodical replacement parts list........................................................................................................... 160
12.4 Maintenance method................................................................................................................................ 161
12.4.1 Sample reagent probe ........................................................................................................................... 161 Daily washing (automatic washing) .............................................................................. 161 Cleaning outside of probe tip......................................................................................... 162 Cleaning clogged probe ................................................................................................. 162 Adjusting probe position................................................................................................ 164 Cleaning rinsing bath ..................................................................................................... 165
12.4.2 Reaction disk ........................................................................................................................................ 166 The confirmation of the contaminated reaction cuvette................................................. 166 Reaction cuvette cleaning .............................................................................................. 167 Replace reaction cuvette ................................................................................................ 167 Cleaning incubation bath and the drain filter of the incubation bath............................. 168 Liquid level sensor of the incubation bath..................................................................... 169
12.4.3 Cleaning detergent bottle...................................................................................................................... 169
12.4.4 Light source lamp ................................................................................................................................. 170 Light quantity check ...................................................................................................... 170 Replace the light source lamp ........................................................................................ 170
12.4.5 Cleaning the rinsing nozzle .................................................................................................................. 172
12.4.6 Stirring rod............................................................................................................................................ 173 Cleaning of the stirring rod............................................................................................ 173 Replacing the stirring rod .............................................................................................. 173
12.4.7 Reagent sample cooling unit................................................................................................................. 175
12.4.8 Syringe pump........................................................................................................................................ 175
Chapter 13 Alarm and Processing .................................................................................................................... 176
13.1 Alarm information type ........................................................................................................................... 176
13.2 Countermeasure to malfunction do not issue alarm................................................................................. 176
13.2.1 Data malfunction which do not issue alarm.......................................................................................... 176
13.2.2 Instrument malfunction which do not issue alarm................................................................................ 177
13.3 Alarm information content and countermeasure...................................................................................... 178
Chapter 14 Risk Evaluation.............................................................................................................................. 193
Chapter 15 Instrument Transportation and Storage............................................................................................. 197
15.1 Transportation requirement ..................................................................................................................... 197
15.2 Storage requirement................................................................................................................................. 197
15.3 Storage environment................................................................................................................................ 197
Addendum A Product Warranty........................................................................................................................ 197
Addendum B Product Description.................................................................................................................... 198
Statement ............................................................................................................................................................. 203

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 1 Brief Introduction

1.1 Summary
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer is an instrument with discrete system, reagent open function, emergency
priority function as well as an external computer. The instrument is composed of humanized software operation
system, intelligentized optical unit, complicated mechanism system, precision liquid path and accuracy electrical
system. The instrument could automatically realize sampling, reagent injection, anti-interference, mixture,
pre-temperature, reaction measurement, rinse, calculation, display and print function. The substitution of manual
operation for automatic operation could not only enhance the working efficient but also decrease the test error,
thus greatly enhance the accuracy and precision of test results.
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer could carry out the immunology check and biochemical analyze of blood,
urine, ascites, cerebrospinal fluid and other body fluid. The instrument could also carry out clinic test, such as:
myocardium enzymogram, blood sugar, blood fat, liver function, renal function, immunoglobulin, etc.

1.2 Main Technical Index

Instrument structure: Discrete system
Throughput: 200-300 tests/ hour

Simultaneous analysis item No.: At most 60 colorimetric items

Sample volume: 3 to 50μl(Stepping 0.1μl)
Reagent volume: 10 to 450μl(Stepping 1μl)
Reaction solution volume: 150~550μl
Liquid level sensor: Integration of sample reagent probe with touch sensor and probe block
test function.
Stirring: Independent stirring after reagent injecting.
Sample position, reagent position: The reagent and sample share one disk, totally 66 positions. User-defined
proportion of reagent position and sample position
Photometer: Grating spectrophotometry system in a range of 340~750nm, wavelength:
340, 380, 405, 450, 480, 505, 546, 570, 600, 660, 700, 750nm
Wave length accuracy: ±2nm
Light source: 20W /12V Long life quartz halogen lamp ( water cooling)
Measurement range: 0 to 3.3Abs
Reaction disk: 120 pcs of reusable rigid optical plastic reaction cuvette.
Reaction cuvette optical diameter: 6mm
Reaction cuvette rinse: Automatic
Incubation bath temperature: 37℃±0.1℃
Reaction time: 13 minutes
Analysis method: Rate assay ,end-point assay, 2-point assay.
Calibration method: 1-point linearity , 2-point linearity, multi-point linearity, non-linearity
Reagent bottle volume: 20ml, 70ml ,100ml

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Reagent cooling unit: All reagents keep at 5℃ - 15℃ or 2~8℃(Optional Refrigeration),

semiconductor refrigeration.
Barcode scanning: 1 internal barcode scanner( scan the barcode on the routine sample and
reagent, scan the barcode of outer track reagent and sample .)
Reagent volume test : Test and report the reagent remaining volume.
Power supply: ~220V 50 Hz
Ambient condition:
──Ambient temperature: 15℃~32℃,suitable temperature:18℃~25℃;
──Relative Humidity: 40%~85%;
Relative humidity: 40%~85%
Appearance dimension:
Chemistry Analyzer dimension: 998×752×517mm(length×width×height);

With cabinet:998×752×1142mm(length×width×height);
Output power: 650VA
Weight: About 120Kg

1.3 Composition of instrument

1.3.1 Front picture
① ②

⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

①cover symbol ②cover ③detergent and detergent sensor ④model

⑤reaction cuvette rinsing unit ⑥reaction disk ⑦stirring unit ⑧probe ⑨reagent sample disk
Figure 1-1 Front of instrument

1.3.2 Back picture

④ ⑤

①Syringe ② back nameboard ③purified water injection inlet

④Waste discharge outlet ⑤Bio-hazard identification ⑥RS-232 interface
Figure 1-2 Back of instrument
1.3.3 Leftside picture

④ ⑤
① Cooling Indicator ②Analysis Indicator ③Power Switch ④ Electrical outlet ⑤
Analysis Switch

Figure 1-3 Leftside of instrument

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

1.4 Configuration and function

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer is composed by operating system and analytical system. The two parts is
connected by RS-232 serial wire.
1.4.1 Operating system

Operating system is composed of mainframe, 17 inch CRT display monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer.
Mainframe: Windows XP system
Special applied software and database.
Computer configuration: CPU basic frequency ≥2.8GHz , hard disk≥160 G ,
Memory≥1G,with RS-232 serial port、internet port and USB interface
with RS-232 serial interface, website interface and USB interface.
Display monitor: Display all kinds of form, curve and test data of CS-T240 software.
Keyboard : Operation control and data input.
Mouse: Carry out software operation
Printer : Print out test data and chart.
1.4.2 Analytical system

Analytical system is composed of sample reagent disk, sample reagent pipetting mechanism, reagent disk,

stirring mechanism, cooling system, rinsing mechanism, optical system etc. Sample reagent disk

! Warning:

Do not touch sample reagent cover when the instrument is running, or it may cause body injury or instrument

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦

①Sample reagent disk cover ② Disk cover lock knob ③sample tube ④sample reagent
disk handle ⑤ Disk cover detection switch ⑥Inner reagent bottle ⑦Outer reagent bottle
⑧Disk Lock Buckle ⑨Disk-oriented pin
Figure 1-4 Sample reagent disk

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(1) Function
Sample reagent disk is used for sample and reagent bottle placing. Place the containers ( standard cup, micro
cup , test tube) which contain calibrator, sample, control on the sample position, and then place the reagent,
CS-anti-bacterial phosphorus-free detergent on the reagent positon, the disk will send them to the sampling
position in the sampling mechanism.
Cooling system provide cooling condition for sample reagent disk to facilitate low-temperature reagent storage.
Refrigerated warehouse with a bar code reader window, and can scan the barcode of outer reagent and sample.
(2) Specifications
The reagent and sample share one disk, totally 66 positions. User-defined proportion of reagent position and
sample position.(The maximum reagent position is 42,the minimum is 6), no. 45 positon should be
CS-anti-bacterial phosphorus-free detergent
Reagent bottle volume:20ml、70ml、100ml。
Sample cup:standard cup, micro-cup, test tube.
(3) Movement
At Power on: it turns counterclockwise to move No.1 position to the pipetting mechanism sucking positon.
At analysis: At the beginning of analysis, sample disk makes the same movement as “power on”. During
analysis, sample disk turns to the direction allowing a quicker access.
At resetting: Make the same movement as at “power on”.
(4) Dismounting
The two locking buckle is used for two fix the plate. In dismounting, release the lock buckle fisrst, be sure
to set the position port matching with the guide pin.
Be sure to secure the cooling unit lid on the inner track, The outer track can be demounted without
removing the inner track.
Note: The instrument will issue alarm when the cover is opened under the condition of standby or testing.
Under standby, the instrument will carry out reagent horizontal scan.
(5) Action check
Single-click “ maintenance” key, select “ mechanism operation checkup”, input the check times,
single-click “ Execute ” button. If abnormality exits,instrument will issued alarm. Sampling mechanism

! Warning

● Make sure that the sample reagent disk cover is well covered when the instrument is running.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

① ② ③ ④

① Rinseing bath of pipetting probe ② Pipetting probe

③ Pipetting probe arm ④ Pipetting probe elevating
Figure 1-5 Sample reagent pipetting
(1) Function
Assmilates a specified amount of sample from sample container and a specified amount of reagent from
reagent container, and put them into the reaction cuvette.The pipetting probe is also a liquid level sensor.
Calculate the left reagent volume through the decrease distance of the probe. The left reagent volume will
be displayed in “reagent information”form.
(2) Specification
Sample setting volume: 3~50ul, set in 0.1ul stepping.
Reagent setting volume: 10~450ul, set in 1ul stepping.
In sample pre-dilution, the specified amount of purified water from the inner wall of pipetting probe will be
added into reaction cuvette.The diluent volume is 10~450ul.
Important Notice: residual reagent volume、remaining tests is calculated upon(Setting amount + residual).

(3) Movement
At power on: The sample probe comes over above the reaction cuvette, and then returns above the
sample probe rinse trough.
At analysis: The probe moves follow the sequence of sample cup, reagent bottle, reaction cuvette,probe
rinsing bath.
At resetting: Makes the same movement as at power on.
(4) Automatic rinsing
After reagent pipetting, assimilate CS-anti-bacterial phosphorus-free detergent from the 45th position of
sample reagent disk. And pipet them into the reaction cuvette, and then return to pipetting probe washing
tank to wash the inner and outer wall. Adding detergent for 3 times, totally 1.05ml.
(5) Operation check
Single-click the “ System Maintenance” key, select “ mechanism operation checkup”, and input the check
times. Click “Execute “. If abnormality exists, instrument will issue alarm.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual Reaction disk

! Warning:

● Please don’t touch the lid of the reaction disk when running, or it may cause body injury and instrument

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

① Reaction cuvette rinsing unit ② Reaction disk ③Reaction disk fixed knob
④Cup holder fixing screw ⑤Guide pin and guide hole ⑥Reaction cup component handle

Figure 1-6 Reaction Disk

(1) Function
Fix the reaction cuvette to the rotating reaction disk with screw, the reaction liquid reacts at 37 ℃ reaction
tank and conduct absorbance measurement in the rotation.
(2) Specifications
Reaction cuvette No.:20/unit×6 unit,totally 120 reaction cuvettes.
Light path :6mm
Reaction cuvette material:optical plastic
(3) Movement
Usually counter clockwise rotation.
At power on: Rotate, stop at the starting position. No. 1 reaction cuvette is under the first cleaning nozzle.
At analysis: Initial operation is the same as at power on. And then add two reaction cuvettes after one
circle (122 reaction cuvettes). Repeat this action process. It takes about 18 seconds to rotate a
At resetting: Make sure same as at power on.
(4) Reaction cuvette cleaning
Place a anti-bacterial phosphate-free detergent bottle at 45 position of sample reagent disk. Open the reagent
bottle cover and conduct "reaction cuvette cleansing" in the "system maintenance" form, all of the reaction
cuvette can be cleaned. However, due to automatic cleaning by using CS-alkaline detergent in CS-alkaline
detergent box of the working analyzer, everyday maintenance do not needed.
(5) Operation check
Single-click the “ Maintenance” key, select “ mechanism operation checkup”, and input the check times.
Click “ Execute“. If abnormality exists, instrument will issue alarm.
(6)Mounting/ Dismounting

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Reaction disk: First remove the reaction cuvette cleaning unit of the reaction disk(top), then screw the
central knob of the reaction cuvette,the reaction disk can be lifted. In the installation, matching the guide
hole with the guide pin of the reaction disk seat, and then tighten the fixed knob.
Reaction cup: remove the screw of the reaction cuvette, grasp the handle of reaction cuvette component
upward, the reaction cuvette can be removed from the reaction disk.
Note: Place the removed the reaction cuvette in pure water to save. In addition, if the analyzer has been
shutdown for at least 3 days, reaction cuvette need to be removed, and placed in pure water. Incubation bath

! Warning:

● Keep the cleanness of purified water in incubation bath, or it may effect the test precision.

● When instrument startup or rinsing incubation bath, make sure there is enough CS-anti-bacterial
phosphor-free detergent at No.45 position.
(1) Function
Keep the reaction solution in the reaction cuvette at a constant temperature.
(2) Operation
At power on: Automatic exchanges the constant temperature water once, the CS-anti-bacterial phosphor-free
detergent in position No.45 of both reagent disks is added in incubation bath.
At analysis: Incubation bath water is circulating. Instrument may automatically supply water when water
shortage comes in operation process.
Exchange water: In “maintenance” window, select “rinsing incubation bath”, and then the constant
temperature water may exchange, and then add 2.7ml CS anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent in
incubation bath water.
Note: After running for 24 hours, instrument may require “incubation bath water exchange”, please carry
out “Rinsing incubation bath”. Stirring mechanism

! Warning:

● Please don’t touch stirring mechanism when operate, or it may cause body injury or instrument damage.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

② ③
① mixer ② mixer rinsing bath ③mixer arm

Figure 1-7 Reaction disk

(1) Function
Stirring the reaction solution in each reaction cuvette.
(2) Operation
At power on: Move to the side of reaction cuvette and then stops above the rinsing bath, move to the side
of reaction cuvette again, and then stops above the rinsing bath.
At analysis:The mechanism descends, rotates, risees and stops between two locations: reaction cuvette and
stirring rod rinsing bath.
Stirring is carried out after each addition of reagent.
(3) Automatic rinsing
Automatic rinsing of mixer: when mixer descends into mixer rinsing trough, mechanism may automatically
rotates and washes the mixer with purified water.
Sampling finishing: mixer is stirring in reaction cuvette in which detergent is added, thus rinse the mixer.
(4) Operation check
Single-click the “maintenance” key, select “mechanism operation check”, and input the check times. Click
“Execute”. If abnormality exists, instrument will issue alarm. Reaction cuvette rinsing mechanism

! Warning:

● Please don’t touch the rinsing mechanism when operate, or it may cause body injury or instrument damage

● Avoid directly contact with body, or it may cause infection. Please adopt protective measure. In case of skin
contact, flush the area with water, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
(1) Function
Eliminates the reaction solution, rinse the reaction cuvette, injects and eliminates purified water which

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

used for test cell blank

(2) Rinsing composition of nozzle

Nozzle1 Nozzle 2 Nozzle 3 Nozzle 4


Reaction disk
di ti
Figure 1-8 Rinsing nozzles arrange
The cleaning of one reaction cuvette needs five steps:
Move away the waste and add detergent.
Step 1:Nozzle 1D suck reaction mixture,1C distribute detergent into colorimetric tube.
Step 2:Nozzle 2G suck the detergent in the colorimetric tube,and then 2A distribute deionized water into
colorimetric tube.
Step 3:Nozzle 3B suck deionized water in the colorimetric tube,and then 3A distribute deionized water into
colorimetric tube
Step 4:photometry,the colorimetric tube which is full of deionized water can conduct cuvette blank
absorbance measurement
Step 5:nozzle 4B suck deionized water in the colorimetric tube,meanwhile, wipe the colorimetric tube.
The distribution of 4 nozzle
A distribute pure water used for rinsing… …………………… ………1
B suck water used for cleaning………………… ………………………1
C distribute detergent……………………………………………………1
D suck reaction solution…………………………………………………1
E distribute pure water……………………………………………………1
F suck pure water…………………………………………………………2
G suck detergent…………………………………………………………1

(3) Operation
Power on:First descend by about 5mm and then rise .
Analysis :According to the direction of figure1-8“Rinsing nozzles arrange” to conduct reaction cuvette
cleaning and bottle blank measurement.
(4) Operation check

Single-click the “maintenance” key, select “mechanism operation check”, and input the check times. Click
“Execute”. If abnormality exists, instrument will issue alarm.
(5)Mounting/ Dismounting

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Unscrew the screw counter-clockwise, lift the cleaning unit; in installation, matching the cleaning unit with
seat pin, and tighten the screws. Reagent cooling system

(1) Composition and function:

Reagent cooling
(2) Specification
Temperature: 5℃~15℃ or 2℃~8℃
● Even the analyzing system is power off, cooling system is still at working status. The cooling system
only stop working when main power supply is cut off.
● The usage and storage of reagent should be performed strictly according to user manual. Optical system

(1) Function
When the reaction disk rotates, the absorbance of purified water or reaction solution is measured in each
reaction cuvette. As figure1-9 shows.
(2) Specifications
Carry out photometry with dual-wavelength or single-wavelength at wavelengths: 340 nm,380 nm,405
nm,450 nm,480 nm,505 nm,546 nm,570 nm,600 nm,660 nm,700 nm,750nm.
Wavelength accuracy: ±2nm
Measuring range: 0 -3.3 Abs
Spectral bandwidth: FHW 8 to 10nm
Detector: Silicon photodiode

Light source: 12V, 20W halogen lamp

Figure 1-9 Photometer

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

1.5 Instrument Symbol

Symbol Meaning

The prompts to pay attention, otherwise, may result in personal


To perform as the instruction under the symbol, emphasize the

important information and special contents.

To perform as the instruction under the mark, or it may cause

biological infection

AC symbol

Only diagnostic use

Storage at

Batch code

Use by

Serial number

Measurement Control

Date of Manufacture

Manufacture by

Grounding terminal

Figure 1-1

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 2 Measuring Principle

The measuring principle is composed of mechanism movement principle and analyzing assay.

2.1 Mechanism movement principle

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer consists primarily of the sample reagent disk, sampling mechanism,

reaction disk, reaction bath, rinsing mechanism,stirring system and photometer. Operation of each

mechanism is explained according to figure 2-1:

120 reaction cuvette

position No.

Reaction cuvette
rinsing unit

Reaction disk
Reagent resetting

Stirring position Photoelectric detection


Reference position

Figure 2-1
2.1.1 Operation flow unit

Rinse from the first reaction cuvette (Rinse each position twice), the reaction disk will pause after rotating
38 reaction cuvette position, and then pause after two reaction cuvette position, and then pause again after two
reaction cuvette position, then stop after 80 reaction cuvette position. In the cleaning process, due to reaction
cuvette go through metering section, so the cell blank can be tested. The cell blank value can be used as the
benchmark value of absorbance (Abs). The detergent in the reaction cuvette will be sucked by detergent nozzle . Sample and reagent adding unit
Sample and reagent adding share one disk ,one set of injector, the order is reagent and then sample. When
the reagent control panel get adding sample command, the sample reagent disk will move to the corresponding
reagent position, the probe will move to the up direction of the reagent. And the then, the probe conduct rinsing,
the sample reagent disk will move to the corresponding sample position, the probe move to above the sample. At
this point, the probe will wait above the sample cup. When the reaction disk pause after two reaction cuvette
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

position, the probe will move to the reaction cuvette position to add sample, and the move to the rinsing position.
In addition, in reagent 1adding, reagent and sample is added at the same time. In reagent 2 adding, only
reagent is added.
Probe unit will move to the reagent or sample position upon receipt of an sample adding command, the
probe will move to the top of reagent or sample. With the liquid level sensor, the probe tip will stop after enter
into the sample. And then the probe will move to above the reaction cuvette, to discharge reagent or sample.
Then the probe will conduct rinsing. Stirring unit

Start testing,reaction disk rotate 5 circles+42 reaction cuvettes(about 100s)thatis(reaction disk move 38
+2+2 circles),mixer begin to work. The one circle process of the reaction disk is 38 cuvettes(pause)+ 2
cuvettes(pause)+2 cuvettes(pause)+ 80 cuvettes(pause),the time is 18s. Reaction disk unit

① Reference position of parts:

Reaction disk reset point is in the 71position;
Reagent 1 ,Reagent 2 and sample proble in position 1 and the mixer probe in position 3
Reaction cuvette rinsing probe is in position 71、73、81
② Reset Process:
The probes move to the last point → sample reagent probe、the mixer move to the rinsing bath position →
the reaction cuvette move to 0(cuvette 1is in the position of);
③ Reacton disk:
From the reset point, the reaction disk roatate counter clock is the distance of 38、2、2、80 cuvette. The
sample, reagent adding, mixture and rinsing will be carried out during the pauses.
④ Reaction cuvette rinsing:
Reaction cuvette rinsing is carried out at the beginning of testing. Therefore, reaction diks is rinsed once in
each circle. The time is fixed—18s
Rinsing sequence:
Odd NO.:1 → 3 → 5 → 7 → 9 → …… →117 → 119 (18 minutes,60 times)
Even No.:2 → 4 → 6 → 8 → 10 → …… → 118 → 120 (18 minutes,60 times)
Figure 2-2、2-3:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

38 、 2 、 2 、 80
poisition , reaction
cuvette 3 begin to

Original position
Reaction cuvette 1
begin to rinse

Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3

⑤ Sampling:
Sampling is conducted after10 times’ rinsing. After position resetting, reaction cuvette 1 is at the position of
71,after 10 times’ rinsing, reaction cuvette 1is at the position of sampling position. As show in figure 2-5

No. 1 sample and

reagent adding

Figture 2-4
Therefore, the sequence of sampling is the same as reaction cuvette sequence
Odd No.:1 → 3 → 5 → 7 → 9 → …… →117 → 119
Even No.:2 → 4 → 6 → 8 → 10 → …… → 118 → 120
The first 10 times rinsing need 5×18s=90s,and then sampling after 18s. The sampling time is after 2
positions. In the process of continuous sampling,the sample reagent probe need to finish sucking, sampling,
rinsing in 18 seconds. The individual dilution steps should be added. When the ISE functioned added, a sampling
process of sucking and ISE position is needed.
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

⑥Reagent adding and mixture:

The reagent and sample share one probe and one mixer.
Reagent 1、2 adding and mixe have fixed position and time. Single reagent can be used as reagent 1.
Reagent 1adding and mix:
Reagent 1sampling is after the beginning of the test. Reaction disk rotate 5 circles+38+2 cuvettes to
The mix of reagent 1 is after reagent 1 adding.

No.3 mix position

Figure 2-5
Therefore,reagent 1sampling and mix is donein one rotate(18s).
Reagent 2 sampling and mix:
Reatgent 2 sampling is after the beginning of test. Reaction disk begin to sample at the 25 th circle, at 38+
2+2+80 reaction cuvette.The mix of reagent 2is after reagent 2 adding.
2.1.2 Metering Characteristics
The instrument adopts the whole reaction monitoring system, which continuously measures the absorbance of
reaction solution for a reaction time of 18 minutes. The reaction disk rotates 1 turn plus 2 patches in about 18
seconds and during this time the absorbance is measured for all of 120 reaction cuvettes which go across the
optical axis of the photometer. For each reaction cuvette, measurement is made 10 times (10 photometric points)
in a reaction time of about 3 minutes. 20 times (10 photometric points) measurement are made during 6 minutes.
30 times (30 photometric points) measurement is made during 9 minutes, 49 times (49 photometric
points)measurement is made during 15 minutes. The lens condenses the white light emitted from the light source
lamp, which passes through reaction cuvette and is to be separated by concave grating. The separated respective
wavelength components are simultaneously received on the 12 fixed detectors and amplified by 12 amplifiers,
then logarithmically converted to obtain the absorbance or absorbance change rate. In 2 wavelengths
photometry, concentration is measured by the value of the difference of dominant wavelength and
complementary wavelength. This means that the photometer features a correcting effect for lipemia, hemolysis
and icterus of sample and has a compensating effect for fluctuation in source voltage, thus realizing stable
2.2 Analytical mode

The assay mode of Auto-Chemistry Analyzer is based on the Beer-Lambert law that the material selective
absorption light.
The main principle is: When monochromatic light with specific wavelength passes through the cuvette with
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

sample, the monochromatic light absorbency and sample liquid concentration are varies directly as the distance
which is passed through sample liquid by light:

1 I
A = lg( )= lg( 0 )= ε b c
T It

A -Absorbency of the light when passing through liquid .

T -Transmitted intensity and incident intensity ratio: transmittance It/I0.
I0 - Incident intensity .
It - Transmitted intensity.
ε - Molar absorption coefficient of solution(ml×mmol 1×cm 1).
- -

c - Mol concentration of the solution(mmol/ml).

b - Solution layer thickness(cm).
Solution layer thickness (b): Optical path, which is fixed by instrument. Molar absorption coefficient (ε) is the
correlation coefficient of the wavelength, solution and solution temperature. Linear relationship is displayed
between solution thickness and absorbency when in stable temperature and single wavelength(ε value is given
on the reagent bottle by factory)
If the sample liquid adequate distribution, interaction between liquid and incidence monochromatic light only
happens during absorbing process. No fluorescence, disperse and photochemical appear. No interaction
between substances in the solution while absorbing process. The absorbency possess conducts nature, and this
condition conforms to the Beer-Lambert law.
2.2.1Assay mode variety
As to how to set the assay parameter and standard liquid parameter, please refer to user manual. Assay mode is
shown as table 2-1:

Method Item Photometry point Cell blank Formula Note

1-point L–0–0–0 B1 + B 2 + B 3 Al + Al −1
Assay 1 ≤ L ≤ 49
3 2

t :time(minute)b
2-point L–m–0–0 B1 + B 2 + B 3 ( AM + AM −1 ) − k ( AL + AL −1 ) etween
Assay 1≤ L<m ≤ 49 3 2 photometry point

AM + AM −1 AL + AL −1
2-point L–m–0-0 B1 + B 2 + B 3 −
rate assay 1≤ L<M ≤ 49 2 2
Rate A B1 + B 2 + B 3
1 ≤ L<m ≤ 49 △A(M-L)
L +2<m 3

Table 2-1 Assay mode table

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Explanation of symbols:

L,m, : Photometric points

B1、B 2、B 3 :Stopped cell blank
B1,B2,B3 :Passed cell blanks
(B1,B2,B3)/3 : Mean value of 3 times passed cell blanks
Ax :Absorbance at photometric point x
△A(m-L) :Change in absorbance per minute between photometric points L and M
k :Liquid volume correction factor
S + ∑ Rj
j =1
k= b
S + ∑ Ri
i =1

S :Sample volume
Rj,Ri a: No. of reagents without correction
b: No. of reagents with correction
Note 1: The 21 th Photometric point won’t be stirred after adding reagent 2. Stirred when the reaction disk
pauses after rotates one circle plus 2 pitches plus 80 more pitches.
Note 2: liquid in the reaction cuvette should be more than or equal to 150 ul, less than or equal to 550ul.
Note 3: Do input 0 if the photometric point is not used.
(1) 1-point Assay
Endpoint assay in which absorbance is measured at a designated photometric point (specific time point when
reaction reach balance) after addition of sample and reagent. Figure 2-6 explains the 1-point assay.

Figure 2-6 1-point Assay

(a) Photometric point : 【L】-【0】-【0】-【0】 (1< L ≤ 49)
(b) Calculation of absorbance
The average of absorbance at measurement points L and L-1 is used.
AL + AL −1
AX =
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(c) Calculation of concentration

C X = {K × ( AX − B ) + C1 }× IFA + IFB
B1~B2: Passed cup blank
R1, R2: Reagent adding position
Cx concentration of standby sample
C1: Concentration of standard 1 solution(reagent blank)
K: Factor
B: Absorbance of blank
IFA and IFB: Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept
(d) Analytical idems TP, ALB, etc.
(2) 2-point Assay
Endpoint assay in which measurement is made twice at different points to obtain the difference in
absorbance. One point is measured as the action initial, the other point is measured when the action reach
endpoint or balance. The difference between the absorbance of two photometric points is used for
calculation sample concentration. Figure 2-7 explains the 2-point assay:

Figure 2-7 2-point Assay

(a) Photometric point : 【L】-【M】-【0】-【0】 (1≤ L ≤ 49)
(b) Calculation of absorbance
The difference between the average of absorbance at measurement point m and m-1 and that at measurement
points l and l-1 is used.
( AM + AM −1 ) − k ( AL + AL −1 )
AX= 2
S + ∑ Rj
j =1
k= b
S + ∑ Ri
i =1

a: No. of reagents at AL measurement

b: No. of reagents at Am measuremen

(c) Calculation of concentration

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

C X = {K × ( AX − B ) + C1 }× IFA + IFB
SB: Stopped cup blank
B1~B3: Passed cup blank
R1~R2: Reagent adding position
Ax: the defference between the photometric point M and L
Cx concentration of standby sample
C1: Concentration of standard 1 solution(reagent blank)
K: Factor
B: Absorbance of blank
IFA and IFB: Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept
(d) Analytical idems CRE, etc.

(3) 2-point Rate Assay

Measurement is made twice at different measurement points (The two point are neither measured initial nor
endpoint) to determine the change in absorbance per minute in order to calculate sample concentration. For
check of reaction limit level, refer to Figure 2-8:

Figure 2-4 2-point Rate Assay

(a) Photometric point : 【L】-【M】-【0】-【0】 (1< L <M≤ 49)
(b) Calculation of absorbance
The difference between the average of absorbance at measurement points M and M-1 and that at
measurement points L and L-1, then divide the result by time.
( Am + Am−1 ) ( AL + AL −1 )

2 2
AX= t
t : Time (minute) between measurement points L and M
(c) Calculation of concentration
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

C X = {K × ( AX − B ) + C1 }× IFA + IFB
B1~B3: Passed cup blank
R2-R2: Reagent adding position
Ax: change in absorbance per minute between measurement points L and M
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
C1: Concentration of standard solution 1(reagent blank)
K: Factor
B: Absorbance of blank
IFA and IFB: Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(d) Analytical idems BUN, CRE etc.
(4) Rate A Assay
Ordinary Rate Assay. The concentration or activity level is obtained from the change in absorbance between
the specified measurement points. Figure 2-9 explains the Rate A Assay.

Figure 2-9 Rate A Assay

(a) Photometric point : 【L】-【M】-【0】-【0】 (1<L <M≤ 49) L+2<m)
(b) Calculation of absorbance
The change in absorbance per minute between measurement point L and M is obtained by the least squares
(c) Calculation of concentration
C X = {K × ( AX − B ) + C1 }× IFA + IFB
B1~B3: Passed cup blank
R2-R2: Reagent adding position
△A(M-L): change in absorbance per minute between measurement points L and M
Cx: Concentration of standby sample

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

C1: Concentration of calibrator 1(reagent blank)

K: Factor
B: change in absorbance per minute of calibrator 1
IFA and IFB: Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(d) Analytical idems AST, ALT, etc.
2.2.2 Calibration Method
(1)Linearity Method (K-factor assay)
The absorbance and input K value of blank (or calibrator 1) is measured to prepare a working curve. Figure
2-10 explains the linear method.

Figure 2-10 1-point linearity

(a) Calibration Parameter input
Calibration type: 【1-point linear】
Calibration point: 【1】 (number of calibrator sample )
Span point: 【0】
(b)check K factor
Input K factor in the “calibration result ”
(c) Calculation of parameters for working curve
S1ABS (B): Change in absorbance per minute of blank (standard 1)
K: Input value.
C1: Concentration of standard 1(reagent blank ), input value.
(d) Calculation of concentration
C X = {K × ( AX − B ) + C1 }× IFA + IFB
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
AX: Calculated absorbance or change of absorbance per minute.
IFA and IFB: Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(e) Applicable assay
1-point assay, 2-point rate assay, 2-point assay, rate A assay

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(2) 2-point linearity

Blank (or calibrator 1) and calibrator 2 are measured to prepare a linear working curve Figure 2-11 explains
the linear method.

Figure 2-11 2-point linearity

(a) Calibration Parameter input

Calibration type: 【2-point lineariaty】
Calibration point: 【2】 (number of calibrator )
Span point: 【2~6】
(b) Calculation of parameters for working curve
S1ABS (B): Absorbance or change in absorbance per minute of blank (standard 1)
K: Calculated from measured values and input values of blank (standard 1) and standard sample (standard 2)
C1: Concentration of standard 1(reagent blank)
C2: Concentration of standard 2
A2: Absorbance or change in absorbance per minute of standard 2.
C 2 − C1
A2 − B
(c) Calculation of concentration
C X = {K × ( AX − B ) + C1 }× IFA + IFB
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
AX: Absorbance or change in absorbance per minute
IFA and IFB: Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(d) Applicable assay
1-point assay, 2-point rate assay, 2-point assay, rate A assay
(3) Multi-point linearity

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Blank (or standard 1) and standard samples (standard 2 and standards 6) are measured and linear working
curve. Figure 2-12 explains the linear method.



Figure 2-12 Multi-point linearity

(a) Calibration Parameter input
Calibration type:【 multi-point linearity】
Calibration point: 【3-6 】(number of standard sample)
Span point: 【3-6】
(b) Calculation of parameters for working curve
S1ABS (B):Linear primary regression intercept for absorbance or change in absorbance per minute of blank
K: Inverse number of working curve slope in the result of linear primary regression.
S1ABS and K values can be calculated by the formulas below:
X × Cr
S1ABS ( B) = A −

( )( )
X : ∑ Cri − Cr × Ai − A
i =1

( )
Y : ∑ Cri − Cr

i =1

⎛ n ⎞
A : ⎜ ∑ Ai ⎟ / n
⎝ i =1 ⎠
⎛ n ⎞
Cr : ⎜ ∑ Cri ⎟ / n
⎝ i =1 ⎠

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

A1,A2: Each measured absorbance in duplicate measurement of standard(1)

n : No. of standards(N) ×2
Cri: Concentration of standard (i)
(c) Calculation of concentration
C X = {K × ( AX − B ) + C1 }× IFA + IFB
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
AX: Absorbance of sample or its change per minute.
IFA and IFB: Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(d) Applicable assay
1-point assay, 2-point rate assay, 2-point assay, rate A assay
(4) Logit-log 3P (Non-linearity Method)
This is applied to a working curve in which the absorbance converges as the concentration increases. Figure
2-13 explains the non-linearity method.

Figure 2-13 Logit-log3P

(a) Calibration Parameter input
Calibration type: 【Logit-log3P】
Calibration point: 【3-6 】(number of standard sample)
Span point: 【0】span calibration invalid
(b) Calculation of parameters for working curve
B: the absorbance or approximate value measure of the absorbance change per minute when CX
approaches ∞.
K: blank (standard 1) absorbance or value calculate by the approximation formula of the absorbance change
per minute subtraction B
a : Constants in approximation formula. Automatically calculated.
S1ABS,K,a are displayed on the Calibration List screen.
(c) Calculation of concentration.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

C X = (C + C1 ) × IFA + IFB
AX = B +
1 + aC )

1 ⎧ K − ( AX − B ) ⎫
C= ×⎨ ⎬
a ⎩ AX − B ⎭
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
C1: Blank concentration.
AX: Absorbance of sample or its change per minute.
K: Constants in approximation formula. The more Cx approaches ∞, AX approaches B
When K<0, AX≤B+K or K>0,When AX≥B+K,C=C1
IFA,IFB Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(d) Calculation of SD value

∑∑ (A )
N 2
, 2
IJ − A1
i =1 j =1
SD =
2N − 3
(N=3~6,j=1or 2)
(Aij-Ai’): Difference between approximate absorbance Ai’ and measured value Aij or A12. Each standard
sample is measured in duplicate so the number as measurement points Aij is 12 at maximum
(e) Applicable assay
1-point assay, 2-point rate assay, 2-point assay, Rate A assay.
(5) Logit-log4P (Non-linearity method 2)
It is applied to a working curve in which the absorbance converges as the concentration increases. Figure
2-104explains the non-linearity method.

Figure 2-14 Logit-log4P

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(a) “Calibration Parameter” input

Calibration type: 【Logit-log4P】
Calibration point: 【4-6】 (number of standard sample)
Span point: 【0】
(b) Calculation of parameters for working curve
B: approximation for the absorbance or it’s change per minute when CX approaches ∞.
K: blank (standard 1) absorbance or value calculate by the approximation of the absorbance change per
minute subtraction B
a ,b : Constants in approximation formula. Automatically calculated.
S1ABS,K,a are displayed on the Calibration List screen.
(c) Calculation of concentration.
C X = (C + C1 ) × IFA + IFB
AX = B +
1 + aC b )

1 ⎧ K − ( AX − B ) ⎫
C = b× ×⎨ ⎬
a ⎩ AX − B ⎭
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
C1: Blank concentration.
AX: Absorbance of sample or its change per minute.
K: Constants in approximation formula. The more Cx approaches ∞, AX approaches B
When K<0, AX≤B+K or when K>0,AX≥B+K C1=0
IFA,IFB Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(d) Calculation of SD value

∑∑ (A )
N 2
, 2
IJ − A1
i =1 j =1
SD =
2N − 4
(N=4~6,j=1or 2)
(Aij-Ai’): Difference between approximate absorbance Ai’ and measured value Aij or A12. Each standard
sample is measured in duplicate so the number as measurement points Aij is 12 at maximum
(e) Applicable assay
1-point assay, 2-point rate assay, 2-point assay, Rate A assay.
(6) Logit-log5P (Non-linear method 3)
There is no distinct difference between the working curves prepared by the non-linear method 2 and 3.
However, in some cases, the non-linear method 3 allows more accurate approximation this method has one
more calculation parameter than the non-linear method 2. Figure 2-15 explains the non-linear method 3.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual


Figure 2-15 Logit-log5P

(a) “Calibration Parameter” input

Calibration type : 【Logit-log5P】
Calibration point: 【5-6】( number of standard sample )
Span point: 【0】Span point calibration invalid.
(b) Calculation of parameters for working curve
B: approximation for the absorbance or it’s change per minute when CX approaches ∞.
K,a,b,c: Constants in approximation formula. Automatically calculated.
S1ABS,K,a ,b,c :are displayed as S1ABS,K,A,B,C on the Calibration List screen.
(c) Calculation of concentration.
AX − B
a+b·lnC+c·C-ln{ }=0
K − (A − BX )
Calculate C according to the Newton approximation formula.
C X = (C + C1 ) × IFA + IFB
1 + exp× (− a − b × ln C − c × C )
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
C1: Blank concentration.
AX: Absorbance of sample or its change per minute.
K: Constants in approximation formula. The more Cx approaches ∞, AX approaches B
When K<0, AX≤B or when K>0,AX≥B,C=0
IFA,IFB Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(d) Calculation of SD value

∑∑ (A )
N 2
, 2
IJ − A1
i =1 j =1
SD =
2N − 4
(N=5~6,j=1 or 2)
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(Aij-Ai’): Difference between approximate absorbance Ai’ and measured value Aij or A12. Each standard
sample is measured in duplicate so the number as measurement points Au is 12 at maximum
(e) Applicable assay
1-point assay, 2-point rate assay, 2-point assay, Rate A assay.
(7) Exponential function method (Non-linear method)
Unlike non-linear methods 1,2 and 3.Exponetial function method prepares a working curve in which the
absorbance disperses as the concentration increases. Figure 2-16 explains the exponential function method.


Figure 2-16 Exponential function method

(a) Calibration Parameter input

Calibration type: 【exponential function】
Calibration point: 【5-6 】(number of standard sample)
Span point: 【0】Span point calibration invalid.
(b) Calculation of parameters for working curve
B: approximation formula for the absorbance or it’s change per minute of blank (standard 1)
K,a,b,c: Constants in approximation formula. Automatically calculated.
S1ABS,K,a ,b,c :are displayed as S1ABS,K,A,B,C on the Calibration List screen.
(c) Calculation of concentration.

AX=B+K × exp{a × (ln C ) + b ×(ln C ) + c × (ln C )

2 3
⎛ A − B⎞
a × (ln C ) + b × (ln C ) + c × (ln C ) -ln ⎜ X
2 3
⎝ K ⎠
Calculate C according to the Newton approximation formula.
C X = (C + C1 ) × IFA + IFB
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
C1, C2~CN: Blank and standard concentration.
AX: Absorbance of sample or its change per minute.
When K>0, AX≤B or when K<0,AX≥B,C=0

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

IFA,IFB Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.

(d) Calculation of SD value

∑∑ (A )
N 2
, 2
IJ − A1
i =1 j =1
SD =
2N − 5
(N=5~6,j=1 or 2)
(Aij-Ai’): Difference between approximate absorbance Ai’ and measured value Aij or A12. Each standard
sample is measured in duplicate so the number as measurement points Aij is 12 at maximum
(e) Applicable assay
1-point Assay, 2-point Rate assay, 2-point Assay, Rate A assay.
(8) Spline function method (Non-linear method)
In this method, line is connected in each section so as to form a curve as a whole. Since each section is
smoothed including the error in measured value, more accurate approximation is possible than the polygonal
line approximation. Figure 2-17 explains this method.


Figure 2-17 Spline function method

(a) “Calibration Parameter” input

Calibration type: 【Spline function】
Calibration point: 【5-6】(number of standard sample)
Span point: 【0】Span point calibration invalid.
(b) Calculation of parameters for working curve
A(1),b(1),c(1),d(1): Constants in approximation formula, l=1~N
In the “calibration” menu, S1ABS show as a (1) (intercept of absorbance axis ).
(c) Calculation of concentration.

( ) + d (I) × (C
AX=a(I)+b(I) × (C X − C (1) + c(I)) × C X − C (1) - C(1) )

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

f × (C X − C ( I )) = a × ( I ) + b × ( I ) × (C X − C ( I )) + d × ( I ) × (C X − C ( I )) 2 + d ( I ) × (C X − C ( I )) 3 − AX
Calculate C according to the Newton approximation formula.
C X = (C + C1 ) × IFA + IFB
Cx: Concentration of standby sample
C1~CN: Blank and standard concentration.
AX, A2~AN: Absorbance of sample and standard or its change per minute.
IFA, IFB Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(d) Calculation of SD value

∑∑ (A )
N 2
, 2
IJ − A1
i =1 j =1
SD =
2N − 4
(N=5~6,j=1 or 2)
(Aij-Ai’): Difference between approximate absorbance Ai’ and measured value Aij or A12. Each standard
sample is measured in duplicate so the number as measurement points Aij is 12 at maximum
(e) Applicable assay
1-Point Assay, 2-Point Rate Assay, 2-Point Assay, Rate A Assay.

(9) Polygon method (Non-linear method)

The range between standard samples 1 to 6(5) is subject to approximation in consideration of measured
values across them and line is connected in each section so as to form a curve as a whole. Since each section
is smoothed including the error in measured value, more accurate approximation is possible than the
polygonal line approximation. Figure 2-18 explains the polygonal line method.



Figure 2-18 Polygon method

(a) “Calibration Parameter” input
Calibration type: 【polygon】
Calibration point: 【5-6】(number of calibrator)
Span point: 【0】Span point calibration invalid.
(b) Calculation of parameters for working curve
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

S1 ABS is the average nalue of two measure value (absorbance or it’s change)
C 2 − C1
A2 − B
B: Absorbance or it’s change rate (1)
A2: Absorbance or it’s change rate (2)
C1:calibrator (1) concentration (input value)
C2: calibrator (2) concentration (input value)
Same as calibrator(2)~calibrator(6),calculate K2、K3、K4、K5。
(c) Calculation of concentration.
C X = {K N × ( AX − AN ) + C N }× IFA + IFB
(e) Applicable assay
1-Point Assay, 2-Point Rate Assay, 2-Point Assay, Rate A assay.
(10)Isozyme Method
In a sample in which 2 different isozymes coexist, a reagent containing inhibitor may fail to completely
suppress the activity of either isozyme alone. In this case, isozyme activity is determined from total activity
and activity residual rate. Each working curve for total activity and isozyme activity are prepared by using 2
channels. If the activity of a specific isozyme of the coexistent two can be suppressed completely by using
monoclonal antibody, etc. this calibration method is unnecessary. As figure 2-19, 2-20 shows:

Figure 2-19 Isozyme Method

Figure2-20 Isozyme Method

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(a) Calibration principle

Isozymes method uses 2 reagent position. The total activity Cf is supposed to be caculated first with a
certain reagent in the isozyme P position. Calculate the activity Cm or Cn of isozymes M or N with a reagent
which can suppress N or M substance.
The isozymes M inhibitor testing isozymes M.
Generally speaking isozymes N inhibitor cannot suppress the activity of isozymes N completely, and the
activity of isozymes M is suppressed in a degree at the meantime.
The isozymes Method uses 2 channels to test the total activity and standard cost of isozymes M,N, K value
is tested by total activity channel, both two channels are used.
M and N activity residual rate of M and N is calculated by inhibitor (ratio between absorbance of standard 3
and standard 4 in two channel.).Calculate the total activity and isozymes M activity upon above method. The
activity of isozymes N is observed by calculation.
(b) Input of parameters:
Reagent: Reagent for measurement of total activity, reagent for measurement of isozyme activity.
Standard sample: Standard sample F (containing both isozymes M and N), standard sample M (containing
isozyme M), standard sample N (containing isozyme N)
Reagent position: isozymes M and N are placed in different positions
Entry on Chemistry parameters screen.
Make entry for each of the isozyme P and Q channels as shown in below Table:

Con. and Pos.of F Activity Con.and Pos. of M isozyme

(Isozyme P) (Isozyme Q) (Isozyme Q)

(concentration) (position) (concentration) (position)

Calibrator(1) Blank concentration………………….... [S1] Blank concentration……..……..[S1]
Calibrator(2) Concentration value of calibrator F……..[S2] 0…………………………….…….0
Calibrator(3) 0 ………………[S3] (Isozyme M Calibrator) 0………..[S3](Isozyme M Calibrator)
0……………….[S4] (Isozyme N Calibrator) 0………. [S4](Isozyme N Calibrator)

Figure 2-2

S1 to S4 are calibrator code numbers of calibrator 1 to calibrator 4 respectively. Enter the same calibrator
code number in both channels for each of calibrator 1,3,4. place the calibrator of isozyme M at position
Calibrator 3 and that of isozyme N at position Calibrator (4). It is unnecessary to enter the concentrations of
calibrators 3,4 of isozyme P,Q, and it is unnecessary to enter the concentrations and positions of calibrator 2
of isozyme Q. The isozyme Q item name must be specified when that of isozyme P is set, or the parameter
can not be saved and alarm occurs, and instrument stops testing. However, the item name of isozyme P is not
needed to be specified at isozyme Q side.
Note: The item name of isozyme Q should be specified while setting that of isozyme P.
(c) Calculating K value
C 2 − C1
A −B
K= 2
B: Absorbance of blank (standard 1) or its change per minute
A2: Absorbance of calibrator F (standard 2) or its change per minute
C1: Concentration of blank (calibrator 1 )

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

C2: Concentration of calibrator F(calibrator 2 )

(d)Calculation of activity for total activity measurement channel (isozyme P)
CF ,C3 ,C4: is sample, activity of standard 3, standard4. Ap, A3, A4: is absorbance or change of the absorbance
per minute of standard 3 , standard 4. IFA, IFB Instrument constants, representing slope and intercept.
(e) Calculation of activity for isozyme measurement channel (Q)
C3’’={K·(A3’- B’)-C1}·IFA-IFB
C4’={K·(A4’- B’)-C1}·IFA-IFB
CM: Isozyme M activity of sample. AM: Isozyme absorbance of sample or its change per minute.
C3’ ,C4’:each inhibited activity of standard 3 and 4. A3’,A4’ Each inhibited absorbance of standard 3 and 4 or
its change per minute. B: Absorbance of blank or its change per minute IFA,IFB Instrument constants,
representing slope and intercept.
(f)Calculation of activity residual rate

{K × ( A , -B ) + C }× IFA + IFB
3 1

{K × ( A -B) + C } × IFA + IFB

3 1

{ -B ) + C }× IFA + IFB
K × (A , 4 1

{K × ( A -B ) + C } × IFA + IFB
4 1

when C1=0, IFA=1,IFB=0

A3, -B,
A4, -B,
(g) Calculation of isozyme M activity CM
C M , − α × CM
β×CM=β×CF- CM’+α×CM
(α-β)×CM= CM’-β×CF
CM , − β × C F
CM =
(α − β )
(h) Applicable assay
1-Point Assay, 2-Point Rate Assay, 2-Point Assay, Rate A Assay.
Note: Suggest operator use 6 or 5 calibrators in Logit-log5P, exponential,spline non-linear calibration.
2.2.3 Calibration types
According to the number of calibration, there are four types of calibration. Blank calibration: Only reagent
blank (calibrator 1) is calibrated. Only one calibrator other than the reagent blank is calibrated. Reagent
blank and a single calibrator are calibrated. All standard solutions specified on the Chemistry Parameters
screen are calibrated. These are selectively usable so as to meet your analytical purpose. Each calibration is
explained below.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Set the calibration method in the "chemical parameters" form.

(1) Blank Calibration

Only reagent blank (calibrator 1) is calibrated. Table 2-3 lists the calculation method for each calibration type.
(a) S1ABS calculation.

Calibration type SIABS calculation

1-point linearity (A11+ A12)/2
2 point linearity (A11+ A12)/2
Multi-point linearity {(AU+ A12)/2-(AU’+ A12’)/2}+SIABS’
Logit-Log 3P {(A11+ A12)/2-(A11’+ A12’)/2}+SIABS’
Logit-Log 4P {(A11+ A12)/2-(A11’+ A12’)/2}+SIABS’
Logit-Log 5P (A11+ A12)/2
Exponential function (A11+ A12)/2
Spline function {(A11+ A12)/2- SIABS’}+a(I)
Polygon method (A11+ A12)/2
Isozyme P (A11+ A12)/2
Isozyme Q (A11+ A12)/2

Table 2-3 S1ABS Calculation

A11, A12:1 and 2nd absorbance values of calibrator (1) measured presently.
A11’, A12’:1 st and 2 nd absorbance values of calibrator (1) measured previously.
SIABS’:Previous SIABS value
a(I):I=1~N,N representing the number of calibrator and factor of the curve(refer to 5.3.3 Logit-Log 5P
Note*: Only blank reagent can be carried out in case 1 is entered for the number of calibrator (K
factor method).
(b)Applicable calibration assay
Linear (2-point), Linear (multi-point), Linear (1-point), Isozyme P, Isozyme Q, Logit-log 3P, Logit-log4P,
Logit-log 5P, Exponential, Spline
(2) Span Calibration
This is one-point calibrator assay which only calibrate reagent blank. The calibrator which corresponds to
the span point entered on the Chemistry Parameters screen is measured, this calibration method is as follow:

(a) K factor and S1ABS calculation

Calibration type K factor calculation S1ABS

Two-point Linear (C2-C1)/(A2-S1ABS) Previous value

Full-point Linear (C2-C1)/(AN-S1ABS) Previous value

Figure 2-4 S1ABS and K value calculation

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

C2:Concentration of calibrator (2)

C1:Concentration of calibrator (1)
CN:Concentration of Calibrator N (N represents span point)
A2:Average of measured absorbance values of calibrator (2)
AN:Average of measured absorbance values of calibrator (N)
(b) Applicable calibration assay
Linear (2-point), Linear (multi-point).

(3) 2-point calibration

Reagent blank and a single calibrator are calibrated. The calibrator and reagent blank, which correspond to
the span points entered on the Chemistry Parameters screen, are measured. Table 2-5 explains the calculation

(b) K factor and S1ABS calculation

Calibration type S1ABS Calculation K factor calculation

Two-point linearity (A11+ A12)/2 (C2-C1)/(A2-S1ABS)

Full-point linearity (AU+ A12)/2 (CN-C1)/(AN-S1ABS)

Table 2-5 S1ABS, K value calculation

A11, A12:1st and 2nd absorbance values of calibrator (1) measured presently.
C2:Concentration of calibrator (2)
C1:Concentration of calibrator (1)
CN:Concentration of calibrator N (N represents span point)
A2:Average of measured absorbance values of calibrator (2)
AN:Average of measured absorbance values of calibrator (N)
A1: Average of measured absorbance values of calibrator (1)
(b) Applicable calibration assay
Linear (2-point), Linear (multi-point).
(4)Multi-point Calibration
All calibrator (including reagent blank) specified on the “Chemistry Parameters” screen are calibrated. After
this calibration, Calibration result will be updated after calibration.
(a) Calculation formula
The calculation varies from the calibration methods.
(b)Applicable calibration types
Linearity (multi-point),Isozyme P, Isozyme Q, Logit-log 3P, Logit-log 4P, Exponential, Spline
2.3 Check of measure
Various checks are performed to enhance the reliability of measured results. Below are check description
2.3.1 Calibration check
Doing the calibration analysis, you can check a variety of calibration items, such as blank level
check,discreteness check, sensitivity check, K-factor check, deflection check.
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(1) Blank level check

In calibration, a warning –level alarm is issued if the measured absorbance of blank is not within the input
range of standard 1 absorbance. In this case, the result of measurement and alarm (S1ABS) are printed out.
To avoid check, enter-“-3.3~3.3”.
(2) Discrete check

A warning level alarm is issued if the difference of the two times measured absorbance value is larger than
the set value. In calibration, each Calibrator (include reagent blank: Calibrator 1) is tested twice.
To avoid the check, enter“3.3”.
Discrete check is performed by the below formula:

≤Absorbance Discrete Check(ABS)

(3) Sensitivity check

If the difference of standard absorbance (average between 2 times measure) from Max. concentration
standard absorbance (sensitivity) exceeds the permissible absorbance sensitivity value (Sensitivity Limit), a
warning- level alarm is issued. In this case, alarm mark is printed out together with the result of
The working curve of the alarmed analytical item will be renewed, and the Kvalue won’t be renewed. To
avoid the check, enter-“0”.
Check the permissible sensitivity by the below formula:
Acalibratior(N)-Acalibration (1) > sensitivity value (ABS)
(4) K factor check

If the fluctuation in factor K value between previous calibration and current calibration is 20% ,a warning
level alarm is issued. The working curve and K factor will be renew and testing can be carried out. Make
sure check the reason of alarm.
Check the K factor by the below formula:
K this − K last
× 100%
( K last + K this ) / 2 ≤20%

(5) Drift rate check

In calibration, a warning –level alarm is issued if the difference between the calculated absorbance and
tested absorbance has exceeded the drift rate set value. The working curve and K factor will be renew and
testing can be carried out. Make sure to check the reason of alarm. To avoid the check, enter“3.3”.
2.3.2 Absorbance limit
As to the Rate A assay and 2 point tate assay, correct data won’t be obtained when concentration or activity
exceeds the quantitative span. Thus, set the upper limit value and lower limit value of the absorbance, print
the alarm sign. Input the calibration value on the screen. To avoid the check, enter-0 (decrease) or 3.3
When 4 or more than 4 tested absorbance value is not accord with the set value of reaction limit absorbance,
alarm is issued as figure 2-21shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Reaction limit level


Input photometry range

Figure 2-21

2.3.3 Linearity Abnormal Check

In the rate A assay, relation between absorbance change and time should be Linearity. Thus, check on the
linearity is a necessity.
Select “Linearity check” in “Alarm Info.”, and input the limit check value in corresponding textbox as figure
2-22 shows:

Figure 2-22

If not selected, even if input value in textbox, linearity check is not carried out.
(1) When number of measurement points (N) more than 9 (N>9)
Linearity is checked by dividing the difference in absorbance change between the first and last 6
measurement points by the average absorbance change for all. If the value thus obtained is beyond the limit
linearity value, alarm is printed out together with the result of measurement as figure 2-23 shows:

ΔAf −ΔAb
ΔA ×100>Limit linearity value(%)

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Photometry point


Figure 2-23 Linearity check N≥9

(2) When number of measurement points (N) between 4 and 8 (4≤N≤8)
Linearity is checked by dividing the difference in absorbance change between the first and last 6
measurement points by the average absorbance change for all. If the value thus obtained is beyond the limit
linearity value, alarm is issued as figure 2-24 shows:

ΔAf ,−ΔAb,
ΔA, ×100>Limit linearity value(%)

Photometry point

Figure 2-24 Linearity check(4≤N≤8)
No linearity check is needed if the following happens.
1) The No. of photometric points under absorbance of reaction limits is less than 3.(N<3)
2) ΔA/ΔA,≤0.006 or∣ΔAf-ΔAb∣≤0.006
2.3.4 Prozone check
In immunoreaction, working curve descends if antigen concentration is abnormally high beyond the suitable
range (prozone area). This is called prozone or zone phenomenon.
This instrument can check whether concentration is in the absorbance decreasing range (post zone). For
prozone check, the following 2 methods are available: antigen readdition method in 1-point assay with
prozone check and reaction rate method in 2-point assay. To Avoid check, input “-3.3 lower limit” in
“checkup value” function box in “analyze parameter” menu.
Antigen supplement method:
Take 1-point essay for example, measure reagent 1, and take it’s value as reference value. Replace reagent
with serum diluent, which contain antigen, add 20ul. Compare the prozone limit value with absorbance
difference (before add reagent 2 and after add reagent 2).

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Input method:
Prozone check value (PC value): 【 】
Upper /lower limit: 【】
Analytical method: 【】
Photometric point: 【Q1】 【Q2】 【0】 【0】
Aq 2 + A( q 2 − 1) Aq1 + A( q1 − 1)
PC = −k×
2 2
K=total liquid volume when test q1/total liquid volume when test q2
When 1≤Q1≤Q2≤16 or 17≤Q1≤Q2≤110, K=1.
AQ1,AQ2:absorbance of photometric point:Q1,Q2


Figure 2-25 Antigen supplement method

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 3 Instrument Installation

To make sure normal operation, install or initialize the CS-T240 only by authorized staffs from Dirui
3.1 Installation requirement
There are two types of CS-T240 auto-chemistry analyzer, one is sold with a cabinet, the other without a
cabinet.The first one should be placed on the cabinet,the second one should be placed on smooth cabinet or
table, and then put it on the ground.But it should not be put directly on the ground. Before installation,
operator should check the space, power and environment requirement.
3.1.1 Space Requirement
To make sure the space of maintenance, please follow the instruction as below:
● Space between left (right) side of analyzer and the wall should ≥50cm
● Space between rear panel of analyzer and the wall should ≥50cm
● Space in front of analyzer should≥100cm
● Make sure there is enough space for waste device and purified water equipment.
3.1.2 Environment requirement
Operate or store the analyzer according to the following requirement:
● Working environment: 15℃ ~32℃
● Relative humidity: 40% ~85%
● Atmospheric pressure: 76kPa~106kPa
● Environment should with no dust, no mechanical vibration, no noise source and power interference
● Do not put the analyzer in the vicinity of brush motor, flicker fluorescent tube and other constant on-off
electrical equipment.
● Avoid direct sunlight, do not put the analyzer in front of heat source and wind source.
● The maximum sound 1m distance around the instrument is limited at 40dB when it is working.
3.1.3 Power requirement

● Power supply: ~220V/230 V, 50Hz

● Power:650VA
● Circuit breaker: 250V, 6A
●It can not be insert into one socket with heavy load appliance such as air conditioner, refrigerator and oven etc.
! Warning:

Note: The unqualified environment may cause test value inaccuracy , analyzer damage and it is also harmful to
human body.

3.2 Open package

3.2.1 Procedure
Check if there is a physical damage on the packing when analyzer arrived. If yes, contact Dirui company or
local distributor. If not, open the package according to below procedure.
● Make sure that arrow on the package is up, upright the package.
● Open the accessory box and mainframe box, check if parts in box are complete, if not, please contact Dirui
company or local distributor.
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

● Check the packing and appearance of the analyzer, if there is a damage, please contact Dirui company or
local distributor.

3.2.2 Handling method

● Only push the analyzer in short and smooth distance .
● Make sure analyzer stands upright, no slope, no side lay.
● Avoid vibration while transportation, check and debug the analyzer after transportation.

3.3 Installation procedure

Only by professional staff of company. Do not disassemble the analyzer except normally system maintenance.
3.3.1. software installation
Install hardware only by professional staff of company. Do not disassemble the analyzer except normally
system maintenance.
Install software only by professional staff of our company. User is not allowed to uninstall software unless
abnormality occurs. Uninstall the software according to the following procedure:
Put CS-T240 applied software into CD-Rom, click “set up.exe ” file, installation program initialize as figure
3-1 and 3-2 show:

Figure 3-1

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 3-2

In Figure 3-2, click "Next" to pop up the selection form of software installation folder, and the software default
installation directory (full installation) is "C: \ Program Files \ dirui (Changchun Dirui Industrial Co., Ltd. ) \ CS
-T240 automatic biochemical analyzer application software \ ", as figure 3-3 shows below:

Figure 3-3

In figure 3-3,click “change(C)…”function key,change the install catalog of the software,and the
click“next”function key,installation of the starting software,as shown in figure 3-4:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 3-4

Click “install” button in figure 3-4, initialize the software as figure 3-5, 3-6 shows:

Figure 3-5

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 3-6

Click “finish” button in figure 3-6 to complete the installation process.After installation, the menu “CS-T240
auto-chemistry analyzer software” can be shown on the screen .
3.3.2 Peripherial device connection Connection of pure water inlet pipeline
Connect outlet of pure wate machine and pure water inlet of the analyzer.( ③ in figure1-2) Connection of waste liquid outlet pipeline
Connect one end of the concentrated waste pipeline taken with the analyzer with the concentrated waste liquid
outlet interface ④ in figure 1-2, and place the other end into the waste liquid collector. Connection of computer
Connect one end of the communication cable taken with the analyzer with the interface of “RS-232”
(figure1-2 ⑥) in the analyzer, and connect the other end with serial port of computer mainframe. Printer installation
Make sure do the following checkup before print:
(1) Check if install the driver of printer.
(2) Check the specifications of all printing paper
3.3.3 System login
After installation, following power supply need to be got through:
General power supply(Figure1-3 ③) of the instrument, analytical system(Figure1-3⑤)and printer.

Then, click the icon on computer screen or click “start-up”, then find the software CS-T240 in
“program” and click it, after that, enter “system logging” window as the figure3-7 and 3-8 show.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 3-7

Figure 3-8
Input user name, password, click “login” or “enter” to get into the main menu of software, as figure 3-9 shows:
( Initial user name: 001, password: 001)

Note:If the inputted user name or password is wrong, wrong login will be displayed on the screen. If the
inputted user name or password is incorrect for continuous three times , the system will exit

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 3-9

After successfully login, the software show as offline state, browse menu, check alarm information, user
logout function can be used at this state.

a) Connection: in figure 3-9 interface, click “ ”, connecting will show, after success of access, the
status bar will display “standby……”. At this time, all operation and tests can be carried out.

After logging, the instrument partially connected or not connected the cable, click the “ ”, the
screen will show as figure 3-10 shows.

Figure 3-10

If this shows on the screen, connect after get the power supply connected.
b) Exit system:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

In the window as figure 3-9 shows, click “ ”, enter exit confirrm form figure 3-11 shows:

Figure 3-11
Click “ok” in figure 3-11 to exit software.
Only exit system at off-line state. If analyzer is on-line, click “off-line” button to exit system.
c)Logout user:under figure 3-9 interface,click shortcut key“Logout user” the screen will display as figure
3-8,the user can switch.

● In order to prevent data from being damaged or revised by other people, exiting software when doctor takes
a rest is strongly suggested. Periodically backup database in order to avoid data lose.
●. Input initial user name and password when first login, select “user information” in “management” menu, set
user name, password and access authority for next time login.
The analyzer will be in sleep status after 20 mins of power on.(waiting for the stability of power and
3.3.4 Uninstallation of software
Method 1:If the uninstallation of applied software of auto-chemistry analyzer of CS-T240 is needed, please
enter “addition or cancel program” in setting board, click “delete” button, window “addition or cancel
program” will pop up. Then window like figure 3-12 will show:

Figure 3-12
In the figure 3-12, click “Yes” to complete the uninstallation.
Method 2: Click “start” form, find “Di Rui CS-T240 Auto-chemistry Analyzer”, click”uninstall CS-T240
Auto-chemistry Analyzer” can also uninstall that software. As show in figure 3-13:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 3-13

In the figure 3-13, click “Yes” to complete the uninstallation.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 4 Accessory Device

4.1 Barcode reader
4.1.1 Scan range of barcode reader
Barcode reader is used for identify routine reagent barcode of outer circle of sample reagent diskand the
routine sample of 25th to 44th position(It is changed as the reagent position setting changing) and 45th
position(It should be CS-anti-bacterial phosphorus-free detergent).
4.1.2 Sample container requirement
cuvette: Φ10mm×75mm,Φ10mm×100mm,Φ13mm×75mm,Φ13mm×100mm(±1 mm)
standard cuvette: Φ14mm×37mm(±1 mm)
Orifice of the cuvette should be regular. Deformation and extrusion is not allowed.
4.1.3 Barcode using requirement
(a) Type: code 128,code 39,code 93,12of5,UPC/EAN
(b) Size: The width of barcode should be 8~12mm, and the valid length of barcode should not be more than
40mm. Blankness between start and finish line should be within 3mm when cutting barcode as figure 4-1

Figure 4-1

(c) Digit of different barcode types,shown as table 4-1:

Sample barcode type Digit

Code39 5~10
Code93 4~12
Code128 5~22
12of5 4~15
UPC-A 11
EAN-8 7

Figure 4-1
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

4.1.4 Stick requirement of sample barcode

(a) No cockle, no contamination one the label, no line deformity when stick barcode , otherwise the barcode
reader cannot correctly read the barcode.
(b) Stick barcode on correct place:
In order to obtain correct barcode, 15mm-20mm between cuvette bottom and barcode lower line is
required. Make sure barcode is on the outer side of sample disk when place on the test tube rack., as figure
4-2 show:

Figure 4-2
Note: The “”, ‘’,()are not allowed for the barcode, or it cannot be identified.
When the CODE39 is not capitalized, please add “+” before the corresponding capitalized letters of the ID
code displayed on the screen and the report sheet printed after scanning.

4.1.5 Reagent bottle requirement:

4.1.6 Reagent barcode using requirement

(a) Barcode type: code 128(17)

(b) Borcode label size:its width should be within 12mm~15mm,the length should be no more than
40mm(Figure 4-1)。
(c) Blankness between start and finish should be within 3mm when cutting barcode as figure 4-1 show.
4.1.7 Reagent barcode stick requirement

(a) Stick the barcode with no cockle, make sure there is no deformity on barcode line. Contamination is not
allowed on lable, or barcode cannot be read correctly.
(b) Stick the barcode on the correct place.
Blankness between bottle bottom and barcode should be within 15mm-25mm, thus barcode could be
read correctly.
4.1.8 The rule of reagent barcode

Barcode can be made by user according to their needs with the rule listed in the table 4-2:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Detailed explanation
Information Barcode range of barcode Remark
digit implication
Biochemical reagent
0~94 item code ( represent
different item name)
1~2 Item name CS-antibacterial
98 phosphor-free
99 CS-alkaline detergent
1 20ml
2 70ml
3 3 100ml
4 500ml
5 2000ml
1 R1
2 R2
4 Reagent type Reagent type reagent
should be 5 if item code
5 No
is ISE reagent or CS
series detergent.
0~9 Year
5~9 01~12 Month
date (Lot)
01~31 Day
1 2 weeks
2 1 month
3 3 months
4 6 months
10 Expiry date 5 12 months
6 18 months
7 2 year
8 3 year
9 5 year
11~14 Bottle code 0001~9999 The XXXXXth bottle

Numeric or alphanumeric
15~17 Parity bit
(automatically generated)

Figure 4-2

Reagent barcode information can only be read by barcode reader, the information will coupling with
chemistry parameter which stored in instrument, this process is called reagent registry information. Reagent
information registration could check reagent position on reagent disk.
The read information could be showed in “reagent information” menu as “disc No.”, “position”, “reagent
name”, “reagent type”.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Reagent name: Chemical name of analyze item.

Reagent position: User defined, 45 position is specially used for place CS-anti-bacterial phosphor-free
4.1.9The using of sample reagent barcode reader
When test startup, sample disk will stop turning on barcode reader position, and then barcode reader will
read barcode. If barcode is not identified correctly, the barcode reader will repeat scanning three times.
Sample supplement cannot be taken when scanning, it can be taken only after scanning. If “scan sample
barcode” is setted, sample probe will stop sampling operation, sample disk will turn to barcode reader
position, start scanning. Sample disk turns to sampling position when scanning finish. Scanning information
will be showed in “sample register” and “test result” menu.
Barcode reader will continually identify 1-50 sample on outer track of sample disk when processing barcode
reader checkup, and the scanned information will be showed in “ maintenance” menu.
“??” means no effective barcode exist.
Note:Regular cleaning of sample-reagent disk barcode reader reading window should be conducted.

4.2 Purified water equipment

Instrument consumes 4.5L/h water at peak value. The purified water equipment should meet the following
① water should be obtained from tap water pipe
② water conductivity should within 1us/cm
③ water supply volume should reach 20L/h or more
④ The hydraulic pressure should within 49-343 Kpa
Note: To use/maintenance the purified water equipment, please refer to user manual, or consult the
distributer or manufacturer.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 5 Software Operation

5.1 Software interface instruction
5.1.1 Main interface composition
The main menu of software is composed of status bar, main function keypad, workspace, column tips,
shortcut keypad.
(a) Status bar: Shows display status on the top of menu, real-time display instrument status, as figure 5-1

Figure 5-1

: Represent display status: stand-by, testing, emergence stop, sampling stop, maintenance
operation, sleeping mode.

: Communication monitor mark. When communication is under normal status, the icon turns blue,
when communication abnormal, the icon turns black. Once the icon color turns from blue to black, that
indicate communication failure.

: Alarm icon. This icon occurs in status bar when alarm is issued. Click the icon, start alarm checkup,
solve the problem according to the remedy.

: Display temperature of circulating water in incubation bath, regular water temperature is

within 37℃±0.1℃. Alarm issued when temperature above 45℃. Alarm also occurs during test status. In
testing, alarm will be issued if the temperature of reaction bath exceeds(37±0.5)℃.

: Display ID information of current user. To setup, change or remove the

information, click “user information” in “management” menu.

: Display computer system time

(b) Main function keypad: Select menu by single mouse click. Single click on corresponding function key,
the border will change color correspondingly. As figure 5-2 show:

Figure 5-2
(c) Working space: According to the function selected by the user, corresponding function interface will show up,
Single click system setting in keypad area, as shown in figure 5-3

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 5-3
(d) Hint bar: instruct user how to use software, hint the input range, input method, operation error, as figure
5-4 show:

Figure 5-4
(e) Shortcut key space: for convenience use, as figure 5-5 shows.Some commonly used function key is set in
shortcut keypad area.

Figure 5-5

Click corresponding key, or press F2-F8 key. F1 is default as help key.

Click “CS-T 240 Chemistyr analyzer ” key to display edition information of software. As figure 5-6 show.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 5-6
Pop-up window as a model window, such as to turn off, click "Confirm" button.
5.1.2 Keyboard function

(a) Num Lock

This button is used for checking if number keypad is open..
(b) Caps Lock
This button is used for switch letter case.
(c) Shortcut Key
F1 Software help shortcut
F2 Start test shortcut
F3 Sampling stop/ continuous sampling shortcut
F4 Emergence stop shortcut
F5 System monitor shortcut
F6 Alarm information shortcut
F7 User log-out
F8 Exit system shortcut.
5.1.3 Software function frame

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Sample test Edit sample, doctor, patient test information

Test result delete result, result query, review, preview, audit, print,
batch print, batch print, reaction curve

Reagent Info Manual registry, remove reagent info, barcode scan, reagent level

Calibration registry Calibration registry type and item

Calibration result Calibration data and reaction curve.

QC registry QC registry and parameter setup

QC control QC interval Analyze QC test data

Chart monthly Analyze QC data in one month

CS-240 Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer

Parameter Analyze, calibration, range parameter

Item combination Edit item combination information

Calculate item Edit calculation item information

Cross infect Cross contamination avoiding

System setup Report format Report Info, print sequence, print format setup

ISE setup ISE parameter setup

System setup Barcode, ISE, time awaken setup.

Manual item setup Add manual item.

LIS setup ISE communication setup.

User Info. Operator ID, name, password, access authority.

Hospital info Test delivery department and doctor.

Other Info. Sample type, patient type, clinic

System diagnose, report remark,item unit.
Workload statistic

Database backup and restore

System log Login, maintenance, operation, alarm log

System Periodical maintenance and checkup

System help Provide help to user

Figure 5-7

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

5.2 Software Operation

Select function key of software by single click mouse button. Input value and character combine with keypad
(switch by shift + control, input method is depend on windows system).
5.2.1 Icon move
Icon moves as single mouse click on target input space or target item.
5.2.2 Function key selection
Select function key by single mouse click.
5.2.3Open Form
In order to open form, click function key corresponding to form. Form is divided into mode form and modeless
Mode form: other menu cannot be opened until mode menu is closed.The setting of adding items of parameter
analysis, as figure 5-8 show:

Figure 5-8
Modeless form: other menu can be opened when modeless menu open like form “check th result”As figure 5-9

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 5-9

5.2.4The operation of list box and scroll bar

(a) List box
List box is used for displaying part of all information. List box is also used for finding and selecting needed
information from displayed information. As figure 5-10 shows:

Figure 5-10

(b) Scroll bar

Scroll bar is used for adjusting display range in list box. Scroll bar is divided into longitudinal scroll bar and
horizontal scroll bar. As figure 5-10 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Single-click “ ” or drag and pull the key “ ” to view the content.

5.2.5 Pull down menu operation
Click “ ” on the right side of menu to open or close pull-down menu. More information can be showed in
pull-down menu. Once select , the selected item can be showed on the top column, and pull-down menu
disappears at the same time.
5.2.6Button box and check box
Button box: only one function can be chosen among many functions, for example, “Manual Registration
Form” “Barcode” and “Reagent Name ”can not be chosen at the same time, as figure 5-11 shows:

Figure 5-11

Check box: more than two functions can be chosen at the same time, for instance “Calibration Register”
interface,multiple calibration items can be selected at the same time, as figure 5-12 shows:

Figure 5-12

5.3 Instrument standard specification

Performance index Standard specification
Plat image grating spectro photometry system,photometry by 12
Wavelength range wavelength. wavelength:340, 380, 405, 450, 480, 505, 546, 570, 600,
660, 700, 750nm

Reaction temperature 37℃±0.1℃
Measure method End point assay, Rate assay,2-point assay
Measure speed Constant speed 200 test /hour,300tests /hour with ISE
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

The reagent and sample share one disk, totally 66 positons, User
Reagent position 、
defined proportion of reagent position and sample position. (The
sample position
maximum reagent position is 42, the minimum is 6.)
Sample type Serum,plasma, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, ascitic fluid
Reagent+Sample System

Sample Volume 3~50ul

Sample liquid level
Integrate with sample reagent probe.
Reagent volume 10~450ul
Reagent bottle
Reagent restore
Temperature within 5~15℃ or 2-8℃,adopt semi conducting cooling
Reagent liquid level
Integrate with sample reagent probe.
Reaction cuvette
Reaction cuvette
optical diameter
Reaction cuvette
6 unit,each unit 20,totally 120

Reaction liquid

Light source 20W/12V long life quartz halogen lamp
Absorbance range 0~3.3ABS
Quality control QC interval, Montly QC
Automatic rinsing Rinsing cuvette automatically.
Stirring mechanism Singleness stirring after reagent adding
port Standard RS-232
Data Printer stylus printer,support user-defined mode
system Connecting LIS/HIS
Connect with LIS/HIS system
Weight About 120Kg
Equipment size 998 mm×752 mm×517mm(length×width×height)
system Power consumption
Table 5-1
Note: (1) It may affect the accuracy of test results when the total volume of reaction solution is150 ul.

(2) According to different test condition,sometimes instrument processing capability is lower than 200 test/hour.
Test condition Processing capability lower degree(estimated)

Test after sample pre-dilution 100 tests/hour(test under pre-diluent condition)

At least 100test/hour(reaction cuvette,sample probe)

Cross contamination avoiding function
100~200test/hour(sample reagent probe)

Table 5-2

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 6 Instrument Operation

6.1Operation overview
Table 6.1 shows the operation flow. For detailed operation, please refer to 6.2.
Operation step Form / key Operation
1. Check before operation Check before turning on power 6.2.1
2. Connect water unit and CS-T240 Logging in Open water faucet, turn on the power of purified
Auto-chemistry Analyzer power water unit and CS-T240, input operator’s ID No.
Log Software and password.
3. Check instrument status Please refer to chapter 13 Alarm and Handling of
1) Check alarm Alarm information Instrument Failure
2) Check light quantity of photometer System maintenance Execute light quantity checkup, check if test value
3) Check cell blank is within regular range
4)Check temperature of incubation bath. System maintenance Execute cuvette blank check, check if test value is
Status bar witin regular range
Check if temperature of incubation bath is within
4. Check analytical conditions Add chemistry item
1) Item adding System setup Check chemistry parameter
2) Chemistry parameter input and System setup Check calibration curve and K factor 6.2.4
confirm Calibration info
3) Check K value
5. Reagent preparation (reagent info)1) Check reagent remaining volume and remaining
1)Check reagent residuel volume Reagent info test times. Place the reagent at the corresponding
2) Preparation for photometry item and position.
preparation for ISE item Reagent info
6. Setup of calibration and control item Calibration info Check item name of calibration analysis
Quality control Check item name of QC
7. Sample registration and test Sample registration Conducting single or batch sample registration,
single emergency sample registration, patient 6.2.7
information editing, modification and deletion.
8. Test Place sample on the sample+reagent disk
Sample Test Start test Implement "Start test" to carry out analysis
(1) sample preparation
(2) Send test instruct Place control on the sample+reagent disk
QC Test Implement "QC" ->”QC test”to carry out analysis
(1)Control preparation QC test 6.2.8
(2) Send test instruct
Calibration Test
Place calibrator on the sample+reagent disk
(1)Calibrator preparation Calibration test
Implement "Calibration infomation"
(2) Send test instruct
->”calibration test”to carry out analysis
9. Testing Process System moniter Moniter the instrument when testing.
(1)System moniter Sampling Carry out sample edit when testing and click start
(2) Sampling stop/continue stop/continue analyze. 6.2.9
(3) Emergence stop Emergence stop
(4) Sample superaddition. Sample registry
10. Check test result (result data) Result To search, amend, delete test result, check, print
sample reaction curve
11. Recheck sample test Test result Check the recheck item condition. In “recheck”
form, click “start recheck”, and send the recheck 6.2.11
12 Completion of analysis Test result Check, confirm and printout the test result. 6.2.12

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

1) Recheck result System management Periodical backup database, one week is

2) Database backup suggested.
3) System dormancy Instrument could automatic start at specified time
4) Turn off instrument after setting
5) Preparation of next operation Cutting instruments, computers, pure water
supply device power for next time use.

Table 6-1 Overview of the operation process

6.2Detailed operation

6.2.1 Check before measurement

The following check should be carried out before testing:

(a)Check power supply and voltage.

(b)Check communication wire and power wire which connecting host computer, instrument and printer. Make
sure the wires are well connected .
(c)Check if print paper is enough, add paper if necessary.
(d)Check if there are water drops, contamination and bending of reagent probe, sample probe and stirring
(e)Check if the detergent is enough. Place CS anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent at 45th position on sample
reagent disk. For detailed information please refer to “12.1.3 detergent ”.
(f)Check if waste solution bottle is empty. Ignore this operation if drainage device is connected with down
(g)Check if there are air bubbles in syringes ( leakage and air bubble may cause incorrect data)

! Warning :

CS serial detergent is corrosive liquid. In case of skin contact, flush the area with water, rinse immediately
with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
6.2.2 Power on and software login
(a)Turn on the power of purified water, and open the water faucet.The purified water device should use one
power supply alone.
(b)Turn on the power supply of CS-T240.The main power switch lies in the left lower side of instrument.
Turn on the switch when there are reagents in sample reagent disk, therefore the cooling system may under
normal working condition. The power of analyzed part lies in the left lower side of instrument.

6.2.3Check instrument status Alarm check
(a) Letter display of alarm information .

Single-click “ ” key in the shortcut area to check alarm. When alarm issues during operation,
the alarm code, level, information description and time will be displayed on the screen. (As figure 6-1shows)

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-1

For detailed information, click the information, and the detailed description will be displayed in the textbox
(as figure 6-2 shows).

Figure 6-2
At the same time, the remedy will be displayed simultaneously in the textbox next to “Detailed
Description” ( as figure 6-3 shows).

Figure 6-3

Please refer to the solution to deal with problem, please contact the after-sales service personnel if the fault
still can not be ruled out.

(b) Buzzer Hint:

“ ”indicates buzzer on , the instrument will make a buzz when alarm issues.

Click “ ” key to close the current buzz when buzzer rings.

(c) Alarm icon hint

When alarm is issued, the alarm icon “ ” may occur.

The time of alarm icon sparkling frequency can be set from 1-10 seconds as figure 6-4.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-4

(d) Delete alarm information

Click“ ” key , all the information in the “ alarm info.” form will be deleted. Select one of
the alarm information and click “ ” key, the selected information will be deleted.
(e) Click “close” key in alarm info. function block to exit “alarm info.” form. Light quantity check

Single-click “ ” button, select “ light quantity check ” option, and click “execute” button.
Instrument will carry out light quantity check. The value of current time and last time can be showed in result
column. As figure 6-5 shows:

Figure 6-5

Click “ ” to print out the test result.

As light source lamp aging gradually, the check value may increase daily. AD value of all wavelengths should

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

be less than 18000, the 340nm is the maximum value, please replace new light source according to chapter
“12.4.3” for any outnumber. Cuvette blank check

Single-click “SYSTEM MAINTANENCE”, select “cuvette blank test” option, and then
click“ ” key. Instrument will automatically carry out the cuvette blank check. The cuvette
blank value can be displayed in result column. Click key to print out the test result. (As
figure 6-6 shows)

Figure 6-6
Cuvette blank value of the first reaction cuvette should be less than 18000, the difference between cuvettes
(the difference between current one and the first one) should be within ±800. When test value out of this range,
please replace reaction cuvette according to chapter “12.4.2”.

Before a new reaction cuvette is replaced, immerse it into 2% CS anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent for
more than 8 hours, then flush it with tap water and purified water before install. Only carry out test when
cuvette blank value is qualified.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual Check the temperature of incubation bath

Observe the temperature in status bar on the top of screen, check if the temperature of incubation bath is within
37±0.1℃. A warning level alarm is issued when temperature over 37±0.5℃, but instrument will continue
analyze at this time. A warning level alarm is issued when temperature of incubation bath over 45℃
(computer stand-by)

Note: After power on, it takes 20 minutes to ensure the constant (37±0.1) ℃ of incubation bath. And it also
takes several minutes to stabilize the light source lamp. Therefore, form information can be browsed,
parameter can be login, alarm info. can be check even computer is not in standby status. Sample testing can be
only carried out after computer stand-by.

6.2.4 Check analyze condition

Setup the “analyze item added, chemistry parameter, calibration parameter and control parameter” before
As to the parameter setup, usage method and storage information, please refer to the user manual or consult the
relative manufacturer or distributor. Check analysis conditions of colorimetric item

(a)Add / Remove item

Item should be added before parameter setup. Click the “ ” key, and click the

“ ” in “ ” form. For detailed operation please refer to chapter “ 9.1 ”.

Item name and number can’t overlap, if the same item of different company is added, please distinguish them
with different letters or numbers. Test takes place in terms of the sequence (from small to big) of item No.

(b)Check chemistry parameter

Set up/check the reagent chemistry parameter according to the reagent manual. Some parameters are necessary,
such as: test item name, wavelength, test light point, test time, sample volume, reagent volume, reagent
position, reaction type, reaction direction etc. and some parameters are significant to a reliable test result, such
as linearity range, absorbance limit, etc. Strongly suggest the operator input correct parameter before test.

Click “ ” key, then click “ ” key. Please setup the chemistry parameter
according to the reagent manual. For detailed operation, please refer to chapter “9.1”.

(c)Profile item setup

The function of profile item is to put the relative items together, such as perform the whole set of liver function
or the whole set of kidney function. Use one key to finish many items registration, which is convenience for a
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

rapid sample registration.

Click “ ” key, then click “ ” key. For detailed operation, please refer to chapter “9.2 ”.

(d)Calculated item setup

The function of calculated item is to determine result on the basis of test A, B or more test in order to calculate
test result of a new item.

Click “ ” in main function key field, then click “ ” key,. For detailed operation,
please refer to chapter “9.3 ” .
(e)Cross contamination setup

The function of cross contamination is to decrease or avoid cross contamination among different items. It
includes the cross contamination of reaction cuvette, reagent sample probe.

Note: Due to the different reagent formula, the analytical result of other items can be effect. The
contamination degree is different according to varied reagents. For detailed information, please consult the
manufacture or distributor. Strongly suggest the operator setup the reagent which cross contamination may
occur separately. Or through the “Cross contamination” setup to decrease the cross contamination among tests.

Click “ ” key, then click “ ” key. For detailed operation, please refer to
chapter “ 9.4 ”.
(f)Check calibration K factor

If 1 point linearity method is used for calibration, Click “ ” key, then click “calibration result” key,
as figure 6-7 shows.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-7

Input K factor in column, and click “ ” key to save. .

6.2.5 Reagent preparation Reagent usage and important notice

(a) Reagent confect, use and storage should be performed strictly according to reagent manual. Avoid air
bubbles occur in reagent. Due to the surface active agent of reagent may cause bubbles. And when liquid level
sensor touch the bubbles, it may misjudge it as reagent, thus cause the inaccuracy of sampling volume and
effect the test result.
(b) Don’t replenish reagent.
If the added reagent is coming from different plant or different lots of the same plant, it may cause the change
of the reagent component, thus effect the test result.
(c) Turn the reagent knob counter-clockwise, open the lid, and put reagent bottle at the relevant position on
sample reagent disk. Table 6-2 shows the sample reagent type:

Reagent type Sample reagent disk

Outter track 24(maximum 28,minimum 4)、inner track 12(maximum 14,

Reagent 1、2
minimum 2)

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Table 6-2 Reagent type and disk

Such as a bar code on the reagent bottle, Check whether barcode label has been polluted or off.
Note: Diluent is the outleted purified water.
△ Warning :

Execute resetting process before barcode reading. Sample reagent probe and stirring rod mechanism will start
up later. So please leave the instrument after closing the cover of sample reagent disk. Don’t extend your hand
into instrument in order to avoid body injury. Reagent manual registration

(a) Single-click “ ” key , and then click “reagent information” key, input reagent information in
“manual registration” form as figure 6-9 shows.

Figure 6-9

(b) Input reagent placement position in the corresponding position which is available from position 1 to 28 of
outer track(the minimum is 4). Even positions such as 2, 4, 6, 8 ... ... 28 of inner track are available(minimum
is 2). The fixed-position 45 of reagent disk is placed CS- antibacterial phosphor-free detergent. Select the

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

name of reagent, reagent type, bottle specification in the pull-down list box. If select the outer track, M (70ml
medium bottle), S (20ml small bottle) can be available to choose in the pull-down list box of bottle
specification. If select the inner track, inner bottle specification defaults to L (100ml big bottle), which
contributes no inputting of operator. After input, click "Register" function key.
(c)If the bacode of the reagent bottle is polluted or moved away, the reagent info.can not be scanned, the

manual input barcode can be carried out. choose “ ”, input the barcode of the reagent, click
“ ”, the adding is down.

Important Notice :Reagent information cannot be only registered or removed under running status.
Under closed mode, manual bar code registration can be carried out to ensure that enough reagent using, but the
information of original position the added reagent information.The reagent information that did not registered in
original position can not be added. Barcode scanning ( automatic registration)

Reagent can be automatically registered through “barcode scan” when barcode information are clear and
Note: Barcode scanner can only scan outer track of sample reagent disk, so the100ml reagent bottle
placed in inner track shall be scanned by the external scanner prepared with instrument.
Single-click “barcode setup” key, input the barcode number and item name, and then click “ add” key, as figure
6-10 shows.

Figure 6-10

Select the information to be deleted, then click “ delete” to eliminate the information. Single-click “ close” key
to exit the form.

Click “ ” key in “reagent info.” menu, instrument will automatically scan the barcode of sample
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

reagent disk outer track. After scanning,the reagent information result will be displayed in the (such as reagent
position, name, type, shelf time, model, batch number and bottle standard) “ reagent info.” list.
When reagent remaining volume is less than setting, it will be marked with yellow. It will be marked with red
when it is beyond validity. As figure 6-11 shows.

Figure 6-11 Reagent Horizontal

Click “manual reagent horizontal scan” key in “ ” form, instrument will check remaining reagent
volume according to the registered position in “reagent info.”form.

(5)Reagent residual volume check: Single-click “Residual Vol.” key. As figure 6-12 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-12

The reagent name, location, and the remaining amount, the remaining times and such detailed information will
be displayed. In the testing process, so long as the probe sucked reagent, it will detect the remaining amount of
reagent, meanwhile, the reagent remaining volume and remaining test times updating. Delete reagent information

Select the information to be deleted by mouse, click “ ” key, a delete form will pop up, as
figure 6-13 shows.

Figure 6-13

Click “ OK ” key, the reagent information will be deleted.

If the sample reagent disk cover is open under standby, a warning level alarm will be issued. Instrument will
automatically carry out reagent horizontal scanning if the horizontal scanning is ON, e.g.
“ ”, no matter whether reagent is added. Do not open the cover when testing
in order to avoid danger and instrument damage.
Note2: Manual registration of reagent shall be conducted if barcode scanning failed.
Note3: After reagent information registry, carry out reagent level check before test in order to check the
reagent remaining volume and remaining test number.
6.2.6Calibration item and QC items registration Calibration item registration

(a) Click“Calibration Info.” key, select calibration method in “ calibration type ” pull down menu in
“ ” form, and select test name and test item .
The four kinds of calibration methods is showed in Table 6-5:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Calibration Calibrator
Object Applied assay mode Application example
Type volume
Blank Blank solution renew reagent All analysis method K coefficient method,
calibration blank value when calibrator test is
Span One point except Renew k Two point linear and multi Recheck calibrator
calibration of blank solution. value points calibration, point 1
Logit- Log3P,
Logit- Log4P
2 points Blank solution Renew Linear two points and Linear 2 points method
calibration and span points reagent blank multi points calibration finish standard curve.
value and K Logit- Log3P, With multiple-point
value Logit- Log4P method, but when you
omit the calibrator
Full points All calibrator Renew linear multipoint Multipoint standard
calibration registered standard calibration, isozyme Q, curve, isozyme method
curve by all isozyme P and nonlinear
points working curve calibration

Figure 6-5

(b) Select calibration item in “ test item” work area. Sign “√” in the function block by single-clicking mouse,
show as: “ ”, double-click to cancel it, and “ ” is showed.
(c) Click “calibration register ” functional key , the registered item name and item type will be displayed
browse area clicked at the last time in the browse area. In order to check the concentration and position of
calibration item, single-click the desired item name, the calibration parameter will be displayed in the right
side. As figure 6-14 shows:

Figure 6-14

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(d)Delete the calibration item. Select the desired item, click “ delete” key , the item will be deleted.

(e)Click “ ” key to close the “ calibration info.” form.

Note: The test item should in “execute” status. QC item registration

Click “ ” key, register the name, position, batch No. information according to chapter 8, and set
up its target value and standard deviation.
Note: QC registration of colorimetry item is the same as ISE item, select it in “QC test” pull down menu.
6.2.7 Sample registration and testing(Sample registration)

Click “ ” key, and then enter “ sample registration.” form. As figure 6-15 show.

Click “ “ to exit.

Figure 6-15 Single sample registration

(a) Input sample number in “sample number” functional block, or click “previous / next” key to select the
sample number.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(b) In order to register routine sample , select the sample position number : select the outer track or inner track
first, and then select position at pull-down form, if conducting emergeny sample registration, select
emergency .Click directly to send emergency test data after registration.
(c) Set up sample type, sample volume, cuvette type, etc. information.
(d)If the sample needs dilution items and non-dilution items, then choose whether to do dilution in sample
information, namely, " " and then click the item information, items information confirmation form will
come out after clicking sample registration items, as shown in Figure 6-16 .Click confirm to finish the
registration. If all samples need to be diluted, then choose "always dilute" in "Analysis Parameter" form of
system setting.

Figure 6-16

Click “confirm” under figure 6-16 interface, click “start testing”to test
Note: If the sample need to be diluted, in the "test results" interface will also have the corresponding tips, that
is, display in the "diluting" column of corresponding line of test items.
(e) Click the item name to be tested by mouse in item information work area. “ ” indicate select. Items can be
also inputted the by profile function.
Setup and deletion of compounding item, please refer to chapter “ 9.2 ”
Note:If parameter in “chemical parameter’ form is not set after item adding, then in “item information’ of
“sample registration”form, this item name will be grey, which can not be selected.
(f)After editing , click “ Register sample” key . The registered information will be displayed at the right side.
The registered information can be checked by clicking the information bar of browser.

— Sample number: Input sample number to functional block, the number is uniqueness, one sample only
has one number in a day.

— Barcode number: Barcode number is stick on the outside of sample tube, when scanning, the scanned
value will be displayed in “ barcode number” functional block. If barcode number scanning failure, input
the effective number in “ barcode number” functional block.
— Sample type: Select sample type in pull down menu. This function is in “ other info.” of the “ system
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

administration” form. For detailed operation please refer to chapter “10.3”.

— Check date: Display the current date.

— Repeated test: The test times to same record. The default time is 1 , the max. is 100
— Dilute: Indicate if sample need to be diluted. Select diluent position in chemistry parameter. Input sample
volume, diluent volume, sample volume after diluting. Dilution function must be selected in sample
— Previous sample: When register or delete sample, sample number decease 1 by single-click mouse
— Next sample: When register or delete sample, sample number increase 1 by single-click mouse button..
— Sample list: The sample registration condition is displayed after the sample is registered, as shown in
figure 6-17,the user can choose to print the figure or not according to the condition. When the order “start
test ” is sent, the form content is automatically cleared.

Figure 6-17 Registration of batch routine sample

When various samples are registered in same test item, batch sample registration can be used.

Single-click “ ” key in “sample register ” menu. Enter “ batch sample registration” menu as
figure 6-18 shows.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-18

(a)Input the start sample number in the first functional block and the last sample number in the second
functional block of “ Sample No. range”. The last sample number should be larger than the first number.
Or choose “sample No.” to input: input the start sample No. in the functional block after start sample No., and
input testing sample No. in the functional block after sample No..
(b) Chose the outer track or inner track first, and then chose position in pull-down box. In batch registration ,
position No.will automatically increase from little to large.The position will automatically start to increase
from the start position.
(c) Select the relevant info. in “ sample type” “ sample volume “ menu.
(d)Single-click item name by mouse , select test item , item compounding function can be used also.
(e) Select “√”in the frame after “dilution” if dilution is needed.All of the batch registration sample will be
(f)After edit, click ” register” key. If one of batch registration samples is the same as single registration sample,
instrument will remind user that registration failed, display as figure 6-19.

Figure 6-19
(g) Click “ OK” key to exit. Register the batch samples again. Edit the patient info

Single-click “ ” key in “ sample information” menu. As figure 6-20 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-20

(a) Input sample No. in “ sample No.” functional block, click “ Previous” “ Next” key to choose sample No.
(b) In functional block, choose or input patient name, age, gender, case history No., patient type, delivery
dept. , delivery doctor, bed No., check doctor, audit doctor, delivery date, clinic diagnoses and remark etc.
Mnemonic symbol can be used in registration, and press “confirm’
Patient name must be input when edit patient info.. Or instrument will refuse registration.
(c) Single-click “ patient registration” key after editing, patient name will be automatically displayed in the
browse area.
(d) Single-click “ sample info.” key enter the menu. Click “ close” key to exit the menu.
— Age: Select age from pull-down menu: year, month, day, time. And then input numbers.

— Patient type: This function can be setup in “ other info.” of “ ” menu. For detailed operation,
please refer to chapter “ 10.3” .
— Dept.: Select the type of sample delivery dept. in pull-down menu. This function can be setup in “ hospital

info.” of “ “ menu. For detailed operation, please refer to chapter “ 10.2”.

— Doctor: Select the doctor name. This function can be setup in “ hospital info.” of “ “ menu.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

For detailed operation, please refer to chapter “ 10.2”.

— Auditor: Select the doctor name. For detailed operation refer to chapter “ 10.1”.
Note:The test results can still display the normal reference range that is defaulted under the condition of not
inputting the patients’ information. Data application

Function keys “ ” and “ ” are used when LIS communication is open. Modification and deletion of sample information

Single-click the desired item in browse area, or click “ previous” “ next ” key to choose the right sample, or
directly input the sample number to be modified in “ sample No.” functional bock, then click “OK” key to edit
new information, click “ sample registration” key to enter “overlay confirmation” menu. As figure 6-21 shows.

Figure 6-21

In order to delete sample, click “ ” key in “ sample info.” menu, as figure 6-22 shows:

Figure 6-22

In the left functional block, input the start sample No. to be deleted. Input the end sample No. in the right one.
For deleting one piece of information, input the same sample No. in the start and end functional block . The
start sample No. should be less than/ equal to the end No.
Note 1 : Registered sample (Not yet test) can be modified or deleted during stand-by and operating .
Registered sample (Already test) cannot be modified or deleted during operating.
Note 2: The information strip of browse area is displayed in red if sample information is registered after

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

patient information is registered and then register. It is also possible to register sample information and then
the patient information.
6.2.8 Test preparation Prepare routine sample, calibrator, controls and detergent.

Place routine sample, calibrator, controls and detergent. in the relevant position on sample reagent disk.
(a) Detergent placement .
detergent should be placed in the 45 position of reagent sample disk before testing.
(b) Calibrator placement
According to the calibrator position, which is set in “ chemistry parameter”, place the relevant calibrator in
reagent sample disk.
(c) Control placement
Place the relevant control in sample reagent disk according to the control position that is set in “ QC
registration” menu.
(d) Sample placement
According to the routine sample registration position of “ sample register” menu. , place routine sample in
relevant position of reagent sampe disk.
Note: QC sample and calibrator should be tested in standard cup and micro cup. Test
(a)Sample test :

After sample registration, click “ ” key to start analysis. As figure 6-23 shows.

Figure 6-23

Instrument will begin to test after succeed sending test instruct.

(b) QC test:

Click the "quality control" -> "" quality control test "button after QC registration is completed to send test
commands. The instrument began to test.

(c)Calibration test

Click the "Calibration information" -> "" calibration test "button after calibration registration is completed to
send test commands. The instrument began to test.

6.2.9 Testing process System monitor

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

During sample testing, the status of sample reagent disk, reaction disk can be real time monitored.

(1)Sample reagent disk monitoring:

Enter “ ” menu, click “sample reagent disk” key. Click the position that need to be checked on the
sample reagent disk monitoring picture.

(a)If the relevant position is reagent, then the reagent information of this position will be displayed on the right.
As show in figure 6-24:

Figure 6-24

— Reagent remaining volume: Single-click the corresponding position of sample reagent disk in the
sample reagent disk chart, the reagent remaining volume will be showed directly by chart and percent mode
in menu.
— Remaining volume test: In terms of the remaining volume and the set volume in chemistry parameter,
instrument will automatically calculate the remaining test quantity.
— Remaining volume: Display the reagent remaining volume in the current position in ml unit.
— Reagent status: Different color indicates different reagent status.
Reagent normal: Test volume conforms to the test requirement.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Reagent shortage: Reagent volume or reagent remaining test times is less than setup value in “System
setup” form. This is called reagent shortage.
Reagent absence: Reagent volume is 0 ml.
Reagent not in use: Reagents has registered but it is not used for test.
(b) If the relevant position is sample, then the sample information will be displayed on the right. Chose the
testing date, chose the sample No. in list frame. The sample information, test status can be checked as figure
6-25 show:

Figure 6-25

— Test status: Display the current sample status in displaye frame. In the monitor chart, different color
indicates different status.
Vacancy : No registration in this position.
Under test:the sample of this position has been registered, but no sample has been added.
Analysis:Sample adding has been finished, it is in the process of analyzing.
Finish:all the test result has been obtained. Show as green.
(2)Reaction cuvette monitoring:
Click the “system monitoring”, and then click “reaction disk,” click the relevant reaction cuvette position in
the chat. The information of this reaction cuvette will be displayed. As show in figure 6-26:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-26
— Status :Display the current reaction cuvette status in the display frame. In the monitor chart, different color
indicates different status.
Vacancy : The reaction cuvette is not used for current test.
Sampling: The reaction cuvette is sampling.
Reagent 1: Reagent in the reaction cuvette is infused with reagent 1 (R1) .
Reagent 2: Reagent in the reaction cuvette is infused with reagent 2 (R2) .
Completion : The sample used in the reaction cup has tested 49 photometric points.

Dirty cuvette: The difference of cup used for testand benchmark cup blank value exceeds ±1000.
— Sample No.: The No. of sample that is tested in the reaction cuvette.
— Item name: The name of analyzed item, which is tested in the reaction cuvette. Emergence stop

Click “emergency stop” key when testing, instrument may stop the current action. Emergentce stop is not
allowed when scanning sample barcode. Sample addition

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

When testing, other sample could be edited in “Sample Register” form. Click “ ” key to send
“sample add” order.
6.2.10 Test result checkup (Result data)
! Warning:

●Sample with lipemia, homolysis and icterus could effect the test result.

●Make sure that sample is not cloudy and with no clot, or sample probe could be jammed and effect test

●Substance in sample, such as medicine, anticoagulant , preservative , may disturb test result.
●Avoid long time contact with air, or sample will volatilize, thus effects test result.

●Incorrect parameter setup could affect test result.

● System maintenance that not conform to user manual could cause contamination and instrument damage,
thus affect test result.

●Revise or add test result is not recommended by our company. And we are not responsible for this

Click “ ” key. Operator could check, delete, modify, audit, report preview, report printout, manual
recheck, history review of test result. Daily result

For checking daily result, select “the same day results” in “ ”. All daily sample
information can be displayed in the “ result data” menu as figure 6-27 shows.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-27

Sample information is at the left side of menu. Sample test result is at the right side of menu.

(a)Result list

Click“ ”, if the real-time test result of the sample is needed. The result including the test result of
the tested adding order that is sent in the process of testing, as shown in figure 6-28. When the start testing order
is sent again after standby,The test result in the result list is automatically cleared.
(2) Reaction curve

In order to check sample reaction curve, click “ ” key, select the desired sample number
and test item, select the wavelength type, the absorbency of each light point is connected by line. As figure

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figuer 6-28

In order to check the absorbency value of test light point, select the desired point in pull down menu. The
absorbency value can be displayed.
(3) Review

In order to audit single sample, single-click the record “ “ key. In order to check batch

sample, single-click “ ” key, input the start and end sample number in “ sample number

range” functional block, and then click “ “ key. For instance, if 1-14 sample need to be
audited. As figure 6-29 show:

Figure 6-29

Single-click “ close” key to close” batch audit report’ form.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Note 1: Sample without result or name is not allowed to audit.

Note 2: The start sample No. should be less than or equal to the end sample No.
Note 3: Operator can not modify and delete samples which have been checked, and only administrator can
do it.
Note 4: The administrator can modify the previous test results or of the day, and operator can only modify
test results of the day.
(4) Report preview and print
Single-click “print preview” to preview the record to be printed, as figure 6-30 shows.

Figure 6-30

Click “cancel” key to exit.

In order to print single sample report, single-click “print” key.

In order to print batch sample report, single-click “ ” key. Input the start and end sample No.

in “sample No.range ” functional block, and then click “ ” key ,as figure 6-31 show:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-31

Single-click “print the audited report”, this procedure only apply for checked sample report, not for the
unchecked report. If don’t choose this function, all report will be printed out.

Single-click “ ” key to exit.

Note: When printing batch report, the number of start sample must be less than or equal to the number of end
(5) Modify and delete the result
Double- click the sample record to be modified, enter the menu. Input the new result in the “ check result”
functional block, and then click “ save” key. As figure 6-31 shows.

Figure 6-32

Click “ close” key to exit the current menu.

Single- click the sample record to be deleted. Then click” ” key , as figure 6-33 shows.

Figure 6-33

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Enter the start and finish sample No., and then select the test items, click the " " button to
delete records.

(6)Superadd item
All samples except those are being tested without result can be added with both analytical item and manual

Click “ ” key in “Test Result” to enter addition result form, select , as figure
6-34 shows

Figure 6-34

(a)Addition of analytical items: this method is applicable to the sample registered already which is being
tested, and other items of the sample contineously require to be added.
·Select start No. and finish No. of added items in pull-down block of “sample No.”.
·Select short name of added items in pull-down block of “Test Item”.
·Click “Superadd” key.
·Click "Start" button to carry out additional test of analysis items.
(b)Add manual item: this method is applicable to the items not tested in the instrument but needed to add
result in “test result”

Click “ ” key in “Superadd Result ” form to start manual item addition, as figure 6-35 show.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-35

·Input added manual item sample No. in pull-down block of “sample No.”
·Click “Superadd” key.
Note: Superadd of manual item results can be implemented after registered the item info. in the the "Manual
item " of "System Set" form.

(7) Result list

The user can see the real time display interface of the sample, when the test is finished, click”result list”key
to see the result.It will be cleared when sending sample to test under standby.
(8) Send data to LIS
Send data to LIS manually. For ditail information, see《LIS Function Manual》.
(9) LIS communication log
See the 《LIS Function Manual》 for communication log between software and LIS. Check results within three days

Single-click “ ” radio button.

(1)Query the results of sample

In figure 6-27 ,Single-click “ ” key. As figure 6-36shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-36

(a) Query by date

Select the inquiry record as the start date: ” to the end date

“ ”. Single-click “ ” key, the qualified record will be displayed in the

functional block. In order to check one day record, input the same date in block.
(b) Query by patient name

Input the patient ’s whole name or last name in “ ” functional block, click

“ ” key. The qualified record will be displayed in the functional block.

(c) Query by sample number

Input the sample number in “ ” functional block, click “ ”key. The

qualified record will be displayed in the functional block.
(d) Query by case number

Input the case number in “ ” functional block, click “ ” key. The

qualified record will be displayed in the functional block.
(e) Query by bed number

Input bed number in “ ” functional block, then click “ ”key. The

qualified record will be displayed in the functional block.
(f) Query by barcode

Input the sample barcode in “ ” functional block click

“ ”key. The qualified record will be displayed in the functional block.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(g) Query by delivery dept.

Select the delivery dept. in the pull-down menu of “ ” , click

“ ”key. The qualified record will be displayed in the functional block. Contents of the pull-down
menu is from “ hospital info.” from.
(h) Query by delivery doctor

Select the delivery doctor in the pull-down menu of “ ” , input either the doctor’s

whole name or the last name , then click “ ” functional key , The qualified record will be displayed
in the functional block. Contents of the pull-down menu is from “ hospital Info.” form

Click“ ” key to exit, and then continue other operation.

Click “Print” key, if record result need to be printed.

(i) Print list: Click the “ ” key in figure 6-36, and a list of test results will be printed for

Input the modified result in the frame after the testing result.

(j)Modify the results: Click key “ ” to have test result modified.

(2)Query item reuslt

Click " " in the interface shown as figure 6-27 to enter into “test item search”query window as
figure 6-37 shows:

Figure 6-37

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(a) Enter the start and finish date required in the box behind the test date.
(b) Enter the start and end number required in the box behind sample code.
(c) Enter the item name required behind the “item name”, and the projects complying with all conditions will
be displayed on the right side column.
(d) After the selected sample test result is obtained, input the corresponding coefficient in form “batch edit”,
click “ ”,the test result of all selected samples can be modified together.
(e) Changing single test result,click the value of the test result, push (press) the “Enter ” button to save the
result after inputting new value. (to save the amended value result)

(f) Click on the " " to the item coefficient of variation as following shows:

Figure 6-38

The maximum, minimum, extreme difference, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation view can
be available, which can conveniently confirm the repeatability of the instrument.
Note: When the alarm of sample reagent probe abnormality as in 5-13 occurs, the test result will be marked
with red color which means the result can be unreliable due to abnornmal assimilation of sample, a yellow
color which means the result can be a reference for the tested volume is less than the set volume. Yellow will
be used to mark if there is neither sample nor reagent.
6.2.11 Sample Recheck
There are two register methods: automatically registration and manual registration. Sample number is not
change when recheck. Reset the sample volume in “chemistry parameter” form.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(1)Automatic Registration

Click the "Rerun" key in the "Test Result" form to enter "Rerun Condition" window, and click "Rerun
Condition" key to set up recheck conditions as figure 6-39 shows:

Figure 6-39

Select “ ” before the corresponding items, and the sample information meeting the recheck conditions will
be automatically added to the recheck form in accordance with the set conditions after tested sample.

(2)Manual Registration
(a)Rerun of Single Sample:

After the initial test, select “Return” in test result or access to the "Rerun Condition" window, click the "Rerun
information" key as figure 6-40 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-40

Enter the sample number, location and inspection items, click on "Save" key, and the sample information of
recheck will be added to the recheck form.
The operator can manually change the sample type (normal volume, increment, decrement), and set the sample
dilution. The relationship between sample volume and sample type is shown in table 6-6 below:

Automatic registration condition Sample volume type

Exceed technical lower limit Increment
Exceed technical upper limit Decrement
Exceed reaction absorbance limit Decrement
Exceed prezone check value Decrement
3.3ABS over the absorbance of reaction solution Decrement

Figure 6-6
(b)Batch Sample Recheck

After the test, access to the "Rerun Condition" window, click the "batch register" key as figure 6-41 shows if
the sample need to be rechecked:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-41

Enter the start ,finish sample number and recheck item, click the "Register" key, and the sample information
for recheck will be added to the recheck form.

(3) Recheck Test

After recheck registration, click "Rerun" key to test. This window is the model window so that other operation
can be available after click "Close" button.
Note 1: Only the test results of the day can be rechecked.
Note 2: Sending recheck instruct by single-clicking “Rerun” to execute recheck.test.
6.2.12 Analyze Complete
(1)Recheck Test Result

After finishing measurement,right-click the value of the test results in the "test result", as figure 6-42 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 6-42

Left-click“Replace selected results”,Recheck the result is added to the" test result "column.

Figure 6-43

If the recheck item is greater than one, click on the "Replace all results(Z)", recheck all the results added to
the "test result"column.
Note: Audit when the recheck result of test item has been obtained.The printe result of this item will adopt
recheck result .

(2)Database Backup

Note: Database backup and database recovery must be carried out in offline state.

Backup database In “ ” menu to avoid data lost.

(3)System Sleep

Sleep indicates that instrument is at half-stop status, only cooling system and main control board power supply
keep working. Instrument will automatically standby in specified time.
Set up the time to awaken the instrument in “system setup” menu. Click “sleep” key. Instrument will shut off
all power supply besides cooling system and main control board. Status bar remind of “ instrument sleep”.
Sleep mode can be set only in the stand-by state.
If awakened time is not coming, click “ awaken” key to relieve sleep mode, instrument will carry out the same
operations as power on.

(4)Turn Off Instrument

Exit the software program of CS-T240, turn off the power supply according to the following sequence: printer
power supply, host computer power supply, display power supply, analysis system of control power supply,
general power supply (general power cannot be cut when reagents are in cooling unit).
Note: If the instrument implement sleep, the analysis power and general power of CS-T240 auto-chemistry
analyzer cut off is not needed.

(5) Preparation For Next Measuring

Check if the reagent lid is closed well or not. Take away the sample cup or test tube with calibrator, controls,
diluent and sample. Drain the waste solution. in waste barrel. Check if reagent probe, sample probe and
stirring rod is contaminated or bended. Check if the surface of analyze unit /operation unit is dirty.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 7 Calibration Information

Single-click the key to carry out the registration of calibration information and the check of
calibration result.

7.1Colorimetric Calibration

7.1.1 Calibration Registration For Colorimetric Items

Single-click “ ” key in calibration information menu, then click the “ ”
key, as the figure 7-1 shows:

Figure 7-1

After registering, click“Calibration test”to send test instruct.

(1) Calibration Type

Select the proper calibration type in “calibration type” menu. Calibration type is as table 7-1 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Calibration Standard solution Calibration

Calibration method Application example
Type volume result
K coefficient method,
Blank renew reagent All points calibration
Blank solution when standard solution
calibration blank value method
test is omitted.
Two ponits linear and
Span One point except multi-points calibration, Recheck standard
Renew k value
calibration blank solution. Logit- Log3P, solution point 1
Logit- Log4P
Linear 2 points method
Linear two ponits and
Renew reagent finish standard curve
2 points Blank solution and multipoints calibration
blank value Multiple-point method,
calibration span points Logit- Log3P,
and K value but when you omit the
Logit- Log4P
number of calibratior
linearity multipoint
Full points All registered calibration, isozyme Q,
standard curve Multipoint standard
calibration calibrator isozyme P and nonlinear
by all points curve, isozyme method
working curve calibration

Table 7-1

For detailed information please refer to chapter “2.2.2, 2.2.3”.

(2)Calibration Registration

Click the item name to be calibrated in “ registered item” form. As figure 7-2 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 7-2

(a)Single-click “register item” key , the selected items will automatically be displayed in registration list.
New registration item will carry out calibration. If not, even select the “calibration test” function, instrument
will not carry out calibration
(b) In order to delete calibration item , select it and then click “delete item” key.
7.1.2Calibration Result Of Colorimetric Item

(1)Calibration result

Single-click “ ” key, check calibration results, such as: Reagent blank , K factor,
approximate function of constant A.B.C from multi-points calibration curve etc. As figure 7-3 shows:

Figure 7-3

Changing the calibration result of certain item: input the new result after clearing the calibration result that

need to be changed under the condition of “standby”, click“ ”.

(2)Calibration Curve

(a)Single-click “ ” key in “ calibration result “ menu. And then select the desired item
name to be checked. The item of calibration type, S1ABS, K, A, B, C will be displayed in the form.
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(b) The reaction curve of the calibration item is showed as figure 7-4. The abscissa represents the
concentration, the ordinate represents the absorbency. Absorbency range can be changed by revise

“ ”. Click “ ” key to exit.

Figure 7-4

Absorbency range can be changed by revise “ ”. Click “ ” key to exit.

(c) To view the calibrator absorbance value, select the wanted calibrator (calibrator 1~6) in the " Calibrator "
pull-down list box, and two absorbance value the selected calibrator will be displayed.

(3)Calibration Tracing

Instrument will automatically store the absorbency of calibrator. The tracing graph can check the stability of
absorbency variety, therefor the calibration accuracy can be checked.

(a)Single-click “ ” key, select the item name, the number of Calibrator. then click “renew”
key. The 50 times absorbency value will be displayed in the graph. The abscissa represents the calibration times,

the ordinate represents the absorbency value. Absorbency range can be altered by revise “ ”. as
figure 7-5 show.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 7-5

(b) In order to print the calibration trace graph, single-click “ ” key.

(c) Single-click “ ” key to exit.

(4)Reaction Process

Check the absorbency variety of each item in different time point through reaction monitor form. Check the
reaction status and check if the test value of absorbency is stable or not through reaction curve graph.

(a) Single-click “ ” key in “calibration ” menu, select the item name and the Calibrator
number. Because of each Calibrator is tested twice, select the test times, main wavelength-sub wavelength,
main wavelength, sub wavelength etc, then the reaction curve graph of Calibrator will be displayed. The
abscissa represents the photometric point, the ordinate represent the absorbency as figure 7-6 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 7-6

(b) In order to check the detailed absorbency value of one photometric point, select the desired point in
“photometric point” pull-down list. The absorbency value will be displayed.

(c) Change the absorbency range by revising “ ”. Single-click “ ” key to

print out reaction curve, Single-click “ ” key to exit.
— Main wavelength: display the reaction curve of main wavelength.
— Sub wavelength: display the reaction curve of sub wavelength
Main wavelength- Sub wavelength: display reaction curve of main wavelength subtracting sub wavelength.
Note: After adding new item, calibration of the new should be implemented first, and in correct calibration
result may effect accuracy of result.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 8 Quality Control

The goal of quality control in lab is to guarantee test result reliability for each sample. The reliability include two
aspects, one is precision: the test result is in good repetition, daily test result changes little, the main purpose is to
eliminate or reduce the influence caused by random error, the other one is high accuracy: that the test result is
correct, close to the truth, and eliminate or reduce the influence caused by system error.

Random error: The difference between test result and the mean value of the same target tested many times in a
repetitious conditions is called random error.
System error: The difference between true value and the mean value of the same target tested many times in a
repetitious conditions is called system error.
Accuracy: The integration of system error and random error in the test result, indicate the consistent degree
between test result and true value.
Precision: The consistent degree among many test result of one target in a specified conditions, indicate the
degree of random error magnitude among the test results.
L-J ( levey Jennings) QC chart: QC chart is a kind of graph with quality control limit. QC limit is controllable
analysis method to known specimen (QC sample) carry out repetitious test to get the mean value ( X ) and
standard deviation (SD). X ± 2 SD is warning limit. X ± 3SD is out of control limit.
8.1 QC registration

Single-click the “ ” key, the default item is “ ”. As figure 8-1 shows.

Figure 8-1

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

8.1.1 QC regulation Setup

(a)QC regulation setup

Click “ ” key, the Westgard QC regulation is showed in figure 8-2:

Figure 8-2

Operator could select the needed QC regulation, click “ ” to save the setup. After setup, the
“QC interval” and “Monthly QC” may process QC analyze according to the regulation.

(a)QC judgement base

According to Westgard multi-rule judgement base, carry out the incontrollable analysis to the test result, as
figure 8-3 shows:
QC Data

12S Under control

13S 22S R4S 41S

Figure 8-3

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Judgement benchmark instruction:

1 2S: One QC result exceeds mean value ±2 SD, which is judged as warning regulation, and initializes other
regulation to check QC data.
1 3S: One QC result exceeds mean value ±3 SD, which is judged as lose control, this regulation is sensitive to
random error.
2 2S: Two consecutive QC result simultaneously exceed mean value +2 SD or -2 SD, which is judged as lose
control, this regulation is sensitive to system error.
R 4S: One control result exceeds mean value +2 SD, another exceeds -2 SD , which is judged as lose control,
this regulation is sensitive to random error.
4 1S: Four consecutive QC results exceed simultaneously mean value +1 SD or -1 SD, which is judged as lose
control , this regulation is sensitive to system error.
10 : Ten consecutive QC results all are in the same side of mean value (higher or lower than mean value, no

requirement to the degree of deflection), which is judged as lose control, this regulation is sensitive to
system error.

8.1.2 QC Name Setup

Click “ ”button, and click “ ”, as figure 8-4 shows:

Figure 8-4

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Enter control name in “QC name”, and then click “ ”key.

In order to delete, select the QC name in pull down menu, and click “ ”key, click

“ ”key to exit.

8.1.3 QC Item Registration

(a) Select the position (outer track or inner track). And then select the control position in the “position” pull
down menu.
(b) Select the item name in the “ QC name” pull-down menu.
(c) Input lots No. of Controls in the “ QC lot number” functional column
(d) Select type of controls, such as blood, urine, in “sample type” pull down menu.
(e) Input target value and standard deviation.
(f) Click “add” key when above parameters are correctly inputted. All inputted parameter is saved in the left
work area.

Note: After register the QC item, make sure check which item may carry out QC test, click “execute” key in
front of QC item.

In order to carry out QC test according to QC interval, input QC interval in “chemistry parameter”. In order to
carry out one time QC test before sample test, press “QC test” after registration.

8.1.4QC Parameter Modification

If registered parameter need modify, single-click the desired items in the left side of filed, the color will
change. Saved QC parameter will display in the right side of field. Directly input the parameter on the item,
then click“ ” key to finish this procedure.

8.1.5 Delete QC Item

Single-click the item to be deleted in the left side of field to eliminate the registered
color changes after being clicked. Click “ ” key to finish this operation. All information of this
item will be deleted.

8.2QC Interval

The QC interval is set in the “analysis parameter” menu, and instrument will automatically carry out QC test

according to the set interval sample number. After analysis finish, check the QC result in the “ ”
menu, and a QC result chart is showed as well. In the chart, the abscissa represent test times, the ordinate
represents concentration.
(a)Single-click “QC interval”, select QC item name in the “item name” pull-down menu, select lot No. of
control in “control lot No.” pull-down menu, select QC name in the “QC name” pull-down menu,QC result
will be displayed in the QC chart, as figure 8-5 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 8-5
(b) Single-click “Runaway Analyze” key to analyze QC data according to Westgard Multi-rule Judgement

(c) Single-click “ ” to check, modify, add, and delete the QC result. As shown in figure8-6

Figure 8-6

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

To add quality control results, select the item name, quality control solution name, lot number in the pull-down
list box, and enter the results of the wanted QC items in the "Result" input box, click the "Add" button.
To modify quality control results, single-click the wanted QC result in the left working area, and enter the
modified results in the "Result" input box, click the "Updata" button.
To delete the results of quality control, click the results you want to delete in the left side of the working area
of quality control, then click "Delete" key.
Click "Close" button to exit the "QC results" window.

(d) Single-click “ ” key to check the whole reaction process of QC test.

(e) Single-click “ ” key to print out the QC chart.
After QC test finish, instrument will automatically calculated real test QC target value (mean value), standard
deviation, coefficient of variation, range (alteration range) etc. data

- ∑ Xi
i =1
Target value( X ):

∑ ( Xi − MV )

i =1
Standard deviation(SD):
N −1
Coefficient Variation(CV%): ×100%

%error: ×100%
N: test times, Xi : test result.

8.3 Monthly Quality Control

Directly click“QC test” key when the QC item state is in implementation. After finish analysis, check the QC
result in the “ ” form. This abscissa of QC chart represent test date, ordinate indicate concentration.
(a) Select QC item and lot No. and month in the “ ” pull-down menu, QC result will be displayed in
the QC chart as figure 8-7 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 8-7
(b) Single-click “Runaway Analyze” key to analyze QC data according to Westgard Multi-rule judgement

(c) Single-click “ ” to check and modify the QC result, in order to revise the result , input
the new data , and click “ result modify” key. As shown in figure 8-8:

Figure 8-8

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Single click “close’ key to exit.

(d) Single-click “ ” key to check the whole reaction process of QC test.

(e) Single-click “ “ key to print out the QC chart. The day QC result can be printed by
clicking “day QC print”
After QC test finished, instrument will automatically calculated real test QC target value (mean value),
standard deviation, coefficient of variation, range (alteration range) etc,data.
Single click”close’ key to exist.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 9 System Setup

“System setup” menu includes: chemistry parameter, profile item, calculated item, cross contamination, report
format, ISE setup,other setup,manual item, LIS setting, reagent sample disk setup (There is no “Reagent setup”
in “system setup” if instrument is open reagent), As the figure 9-1 shows:

Click “ ” key to exit “system setup” menu.

Figure 9-1

9.1 Chemistry Parameter

Click “ ” functional key in main functional field “ ”. Chemistry parameter

has three sub-menu: analyze parameter, calibration parameter, range parameter.

Note: After the parameter of each menu is edited, operator should click “ ” to save the data.
9.1.1 Add/Delete Item

Before edit chemistry parameter, add chemistry item first.

a) Add Item.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Click “ ” key at the lower right side of form, add or delete the test items as figure 9-2 shows:

Figure 9-2

After enter “add item” menu, enter the “item number” “item name”, and click “add” key to finish this
operation. “Item name”and “item No.” should be different.
b) Delete Item
In order to delete item, move the scroll bar at the right side of list box to look for desired item, click it.
appears in front of chosen item, click “ delete “key, The item will be deleted.
Carry out other operation after click “close” key.

9.1.2Analysis Parameter

Click “ ”key in “ ” menu. Operator can edit or revise the analysis parameter of
colorimetric items. As figure 9-3 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 9-3

☆ Item name: Select the item’s abbreviation from the pull-down menu. All items may display automatically in
the list box.
☆ Items full name: Enter the full6]cl ]]]= name of testing item, such as ALT, whose full name is Alanine
☆ Decimal digits: Operator can select the decimal digits of test result and printout result in the pull-down list
☆ Item unit: Choose the chemistry item unit setting in the pull-down menu, For the add and delete of item
unit, please refer to chapter “10.3 ”
☆ Test method: Select one method in the pull-down menu which is conform to reagent requirement, 1 point
assay, 2 point assay, rate A assay, rate B assay, 1 point rate assay, 2 point rate assay. For detailed introduction,
please refer to 2.2.1
☆ Test time: Test time can be selected from the “test result” pull-down menu.
☆ Photometry point: Instrument will record one time absorbency every 18 seconds. Please input proper
photometry point according to reagent instruction. Effective photometry point should be inputted within 2
to 49 (0 represent no input). Tested absorbency value of each test light points can be searched from reaction
☆ QC interval:input interval sample volume, the minimum NO. is 10, the maximum number is 1000. QC item
registration is also needed.
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

☆ Main wavelength: There are 12 optional wavelengths in pull down menu, select them according to reagent
manual. Main wavelengths : 340 nm,380 nm,405 nm,450 nm,480 nm,505 nm,546 nm,570 nm,600 nm,660
nm,700 nm and 750nm.
☆ Sub wavelength: When adopting double wavelength assay to test or analyze sample, select the wavelength
from 12 wavelength in pull down menu. Sub wavelength include: 340 nm,380 nm,405 nm,450 nm,480 nm,505
nm,546 nm,570 nm,600 nm,660 nm,700 nm and 750nm . The difference of the absorbance value between main
wavelength and sub wavelength is used for calculated result. when select single wavelength test, select “0” of
secondary wavelength.
☆ Instrument factor (Y=a X + b): Carry out relation calibration. The test result will be higher or lower than
expected result or result from other instrument. In order to make result in accordance with expected result or
result from other analyzer, add the calibration relation in result calculation.
Relation equation:
Y=a X + b
Y : Result after calibration
X : Real result from analyzer
a : Slope value (multiplication calibration factor)
b : Intercept value (compensation calibration factor)
When test result of the analyzer is the same as expected value, or when results of any two analyzer is
accordant, let a=1, b=o. As shown in figure 9-4

Figure 9-4

When result from two analyzer are different, analyzer can get a accordant result by calibration of slope
value and intercept value. Slope value is a positive number, which is less than 8 digits. Intercept value is a
real number, which is less than 8 digit.

☆ Always dilute: If "Always dilution" is selected. All test items will be diluted in the testing process.

☆ “ sample volume” setting : Sample volume include normal volume, increased value and decreased value.
Left side of sample volume work area is for serum sample, right side is an optional area. Operator can select
sample type from pull down menu, as figure 9-5 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 9-5 Sample Volume

☆ Normal Volume
In “ normal volume” work area operator can specify sample normal volume. This work area is divided three
functional key fields: sample volume, diluted sample volume, diluent volume.
[Normal/ sample volume] : The sample volume (3ul to 50ul) is absorbed from sample container. If the sample is
not diluted, the total volume of sample should be greater than or equal to 150ul, and reagent should be less than
or equal to 550ul.
[Normal/ diluted sample volume ] : If predilute is required, the parameter is used to set up diluted sample
volume which sucked from dilute cup and infuse to reaction cuvette that is used for analyze reagent. The input
value is within 3ul to 50ul. Input 0 to avoid predilute.
[Normal/diluent volume]: If predilute is required, the parameter is used for set up diluent volume for dilute
sample. The input value is within 10ul to 450ul. Input 0 to avoid predilute.

☆ Decreased Volume ( Sample Volume Decrease)

“Decreased volume” work area is used for specify sample volume when sample concentration exceed the upper
limit of reagent linearity range. (lower than normal volume). This area is divided into 3 functional key fields:
sample volume, diluted sample volume, diluent volume. After test, instrument will automatically change
decreased test result into normal volume and display on result information.
[Decrease/ sample volume]: Select a sample volume (from 3ul to 50ul, and less than normal volume). If dilute
is not required, the total volume of sample should be greater or equal to 150ul, and reagent should be less or
equal to 550ul.
[Decrease/diluted sample volume] : If predilute is required, the parameter is used for set up diluted sample
volume which is sucked from dilute cup and infuse to reaction cuvette that is used for analyze reagent. The input
value is within 3ul to 50ul, Input 0 to avoid predilute.
[ Decrease/diluent volume] : If predilute is required, the parameter is used for set up diluent volume for dilute
sample . The input value is within 10ul to 450ul, Input 0 to avoid predilute.
[ Increased volume( sample volume increase) ]
“Increased volume” work area is used to specify sample volume when sample concentration exceed the lower
limit of reagent linearity range. (more than normal volume) . This area is divided into 3 functional key fields:
sample volume, diluted sample volume, diluent volume.
[Increase/ sample volume] : Select the sample volume (3ul to 50ul,more than normal volume) ,which is sucked
from sample container. If predilute is not required, the total volume of sample should be greater or equal to 150ul
and reagent should be smaller or equal to 550ul.
[Increase/diluted sample volume] : If predilute is required, the parameter is used for set up diluted sample
volume which sucked from dilute cup and infuse to reaction cuvette that is used for analyze, The input value is

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

within 3ul to 50ul. Input 0 to avoid predilute.

[Increase/diluent volume] : If predilute is required, the parameter is used to set up diluent volume for dilute
sample . The input value is within 10ul to 450ul, Input 0 to avoid predilute.

— “Reagent “ work area: Contents of reagent include reagent volume and reagent position. Reagent 1(R1) ,
reagent 2 (R2) are reagent type . Reagent sample probe absorb reagent. As figure 9-6 shows:

Figure 9-6

Reagent volume: Reagent unit: ul. Reagent sample probe can exactly suck 10ul to 450ul solution. “0”
represent no reagent is added.
Position: Display reagent position in sample reagent disk. Register this parameter in “ reagent info.” form.
Prozone check: input the range value of prozone check, setup the upper limit and lower limit.
Absorbance limit: Input the range value of absorbance, setup the positive reaction and negative reaction.

9.1.3 Calibration Parameter

Click “ ”button ,as figure 9-7 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 9-7 Calibration parameter

Conduct parameter setting related to calibration in the "Calibration Parameters" form.

(a) Select item name in “Item Name”pull-down menu.

(b) In terms of reagent instruction , check calibration type, calibration point, span point. parameter.
z Calibration point: Input the quantity of calibrator in functional field, (among 1-6).
z Span point: Input the relevant span point in functional field (among 2-6, 0: span calibration invalid)
(c) Input the concentration and position of calibrator.
(d) Input the parameter of calibration check. For detailed operation, please refer to chapter “ 2.3.1 ”
(e) For automatic calibration, input the overtime of automatic calibration according to relevant calibration type.
If automatic calibration time comes when stand-by, instrument will automatically carry out calibration before
test next time. In same item, if automatic calibration conflict with manual calibration, carry out manual
calibration only. Input “0” in time position if automatic calibration to avoid automatic calibration.
(f) To check the level of deviation, discreteness, sensitivity when calibration testing, enter the appropriate
inspection value. The new added item parameters default are not checked as mentioned above.
(g) After check the parameter, click ” save ” key to save.

9.1.4 Range Parameter

Click “ ” key to setup the reference value range and linearity range. Click “save ” button to

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

save the parameter. As shown in figure 9-8

Figure 9-8 Range parameter

The left side is sample type list, the right side is the reference range to be set, select the sample type on the
left, the reference range of the sample type will be displayed on the right.
— Special reference range: If patient age, and patient gender are different, the reference value range are
different too. Click “ ” key. If this item is chosen, operator should set patient's age
and sex before result is obtained, otherwise the test result would not have the scope and tips.

— The special reference range of UA: 0.1~0.34 for male aged 0~15, female 0.12~0.33 aged the same,
0.21~0.43 for male aged 14~50, 0.15~0.36 for female aged the same, 0.28~0.50 for male, aged more than
50, 0.21~0.43 for female aged the same. As figure 9-9shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 9-9

— Default reference range: select default reference value range “ ”when the reference
value range are the same despite the difference patient age and gender. For example, the default reference
value range of urine amylase is 0~640U/L , as figure 9-10 shows.

Figure 9-10

— Linearity range: Input the upper limit and lower limit of reagent linearity in functional field. Alarm is issued
when test result exceed the range.
Note: The chemistry parameter in the manual is taken as an example, not real test parameter. Operator should
set parameter according to reagent manual .

9.2 Item Combination

Click key “ system setup” form, set up item combination, as figure 9-11 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 9-11

(a) Input the number of combination item in “ number” functional field, the number can’t be repeated, or it
cannot be saved.
(b) Input the name of item combination in “ item combination name” functional field, Character and number
are all allowed, but can’t be repeated. Or it cannot saved.
(c) Select item of item combination, click check box in front of item name, indicate that is selected. Click
check box again, and indicate that it is cancel.
(d) Click “ ” key , Combination item number, name will be displayed in the right side of
functional field. Click the number or name, all items will be automatically showed in functional field.
(e) Select the number or name of desired combination item, click “ ” key to delete the
combination item.

9.3Calculated Item
Test Calculation is on the base of two or more item test results, use special calculation method to get a new
item, such as A/G.

Click key in “ ” form. As figure 9-12 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 9-12

(a) Input test name in “ Test Item” functional field.

(b) Input item name in “ Test Full Name” functional field.
(c) Select the unit of new calculated item in “Unit” pull down menu. Select the decimal digits of new
calculated item in “ Decimal Digits” pull down menu.
(d) Select the reference value range of new calculated item in “ Reference Value Range” pull down menu.
(e) Edit the calculation formula the edited information will be showed in “ Calculation Formula” functional
field, click “Add” key to finish edition work.
(f) If the edited formula need to be modified, select the calculate items need to be modified, and then clear
calculating formula, reselect the calculating formula, and then click”Modify”
(g) In order to delete calculation item, click the desired item, and then click “Delete ”key.

Edition Method of Calculation Formula ( for instance: A/G )

Set up item name, full name, unit, decimal digit, reference value range according to the above procedure,
select 【ALB】 in “Test Name” pull down menu under calculating formula inputting area, select【/】,【(】
in “Sign” pull down menu, select 【TP】 in “Item Name” pull down menu, select 【-】 in “Sign” pull down
menu. The edit of formula can be showed in “Calculation Formula”. If there are some number in formula,
select any number among 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in “number” pull down menu. After input finish, click
key, the formula will be showed at the right side of functional field.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Click key beside the calculation formula functional field to delete the wrong content.

9.4 Cross Contamination

Cross contamination obviation is a function to avoid cross contamination among analyzing items. The degree
of cross contamination is different due to different reagent ingredient. For avoiding cross contamination among
reagents, we strongly suggest separate the items with cross contamination and the items without cross
contamination. If all item cannot be separated, automatic washing function can be added before tested item in
order decrease the cross contamination in maximum extent. But the cross contamination function may
decrease the test velocity.
Cross contamination include: sample reagent probe, reaction cuvette. Detergent is located at position 45 .

Click key in “Cross Contamination“ menu.

9.4.1 Reagent Probe Cross Contamination

The default one is “Sample Reagent Probe” key in “ “ menu to setup avoid cross
contamination of sample reagent probe. As figure 9-13 shows:

Figure 9-13

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(a) Input the detergent volume (ul).

(b) Select the reagent type in “Item” pull down menu in “From Reagent” work area.
(c) Select reagent type in “Item” pull down menu in “To Reagent ” work area.

(d) Click “ ” key, the set information will be displayed in functional field.

(e) Click “ ” key, relevant information will be deleted.

9.4.2 Reaction Cuvette Cross Contamination

Click “ ” key to set avoiding cross contamination. As figure 9-14 shows:

Figure 9-14

(1) Select item that needs to be set in “Item Name” pull down menu.
(2) Input R1 detergent volume (ul) in “ R1 Detergent Volume” work area.

(3) Click “ ” key, the set information will be displayed in functional field.
(4) Click “ ” key, information will be deleted.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

9.5 Report Sheet Format

Click key to set print out info. and format. As figure 9-16 shows:

Figure 9-16

9.5.1 Basic Information Setup

(a) Input the unit name and report card title in “Basic Report Information” work area.
(b) If endnotes of report is used, please sign “√” in “ Report Endnotes” functional field. Input report content.
Endnotes may not be inputted if no need.
(c) Please sign “√” in “ Automatic Add Calculated Item” functional field to add the item name into print list.
(d) The instrument can automatically print the report after the test if necessary. Then click
“ ”.

(e) Click “ ” key to save basic information of report.

9.5.2 Print Sequence Setup

Input the print sequence of report item in “ Print Order” work area. Print them in the sequence of
0,1,2,3,from small to large. If select 0, instrument will print according to the item number .
Select the display type of the results positive signs in the "Results Positive Signs" drop-down list.
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Click “ ” to save the setup parameter.

9.5.3 Report Printout Format Setup

Click “Report Format List” key to set report template and print option.
Note: The print format set must be carried out offline. Report Template Setup

(a) Click “ ” to select report template in pull down menu, preview the printout report template at
the right side of form, As figure 9-16 shows. The preview proportion can be adjusted in the "Scaling"
Drop-down List In. Display as shown in Figure 9-17:

Figure 9-17

Figure 9-18

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(b) Click “ ” key to edit template in template menu.

(c) Click “ ” key to input new template name, and click “Confirm ”As figure 9-18 show.

(d)Select one template and click “ ” key to delete template.

(e) Click “ ” key to exit “ Report Template Setup “ menu . Default Format Setup

Click “ ”key in “report format” work area. And select a report format.

9.6 Other Setups

Single-click “ ” key to set the barcode, reagent alarm, ISE, time wakening etc. function.

Single-click “ ” key to save the parameter. Click “ ” key to exit. As figure

9-19 shows:

Figure 9-19

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(a) Barcode Setup

Check barcode device, if barcode device is connected well, and use would like to execute barcode device
checkup of sample reagent disk, select “√”in functional block, if barcode device is not connected, use should
not select “√”,or it alarm may occurs. Scanning barcode before sample analyze, in order to checkup sample
barcode scanning function, select “√”in functional block.
Scan reagent open area barcode: the instrument will scan the barcode of outer sample reagent disk
Delete open area barcode information: the instrument will delete the former scan information before scanning.

(b) ISE Setup

Execute ISE: Sign “√” in ISE setup if any test required ISE test.

(c) Timing Wakening

If sign “√” in functional block, the instrument will automatically be awakened in specified time. Input the
desired date in awaking date list, and the wakening time in functional block ( such as : ** hour ** minute)

(d) Reagent Alarm

Reagent remaining volume: input alarm reagent remaining volume. When instrument detect the remaining test
times is less than set value, an alarm will be issued.
Reagent remaining volume: input reagent remaining volume. When instrument detect the remaining volume is
less than set value, an alarm will be issued.

(e) ISE Reagent Alarm

☆ When the ISE liquid level sensor is not used, that is ,as shown in figure 9-21:

Reference fluid remaining volume:input the alarm reagent volume of reference fluid, unit is “ml”,the
process defaults to 50ml,when the reference fluid remaining volume is lower than 50ml,the instrument
will issue alarm automatically.

Internal standard liquid remaining volume: input the alarm internal standard reagent volume. unit is “ml”,
the process defaults to 50ml,when the reference fluid remaining volume is lower than 50ml,the instrument
will issue alarm automatically.
Diluent remaining volume: input the alarm diluent reagent volume. unit is “ml”,the process defaults to 50ml,
when the reference fluid remaining volume is lower than 50ml,the instrument will issue alarm automatically.
Reference Liquid remaining volume: Input the Reference Liquid volume for alarm in “ml”.
Internal Standard Liquid remaining volume: Input the Internal Standard Liquid volume for alarm in “ml”.
Diluent remaining volume: Input the Diluent volume for alarm in “ml”.

☆ When the ISE liquid sensor is used, that is ,the “ISE reagent alarm”
information will not be displayed in other setting interface. Set not display “reagent remaining volume ”
information in “ISE setting” interface. The function of the instrument will not be changed. When the remaining
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

reference volume, internal standard liquid volume or diluent volume is lower than setting value, the instrument
will issue alarm automatically.

9.7 Manual Item Setup

“Manual Item ” means the test is not processed in the instrument, but to add the result by handwork in “Test
Result” block.
Single-click “Manual Item Setup” key to setup the item shortform, item name, item unit, reference range.
Single-click “Add” to save parameter after setup as figure 9-20 shows.

Figure 9-20

Single-click “Close” to exit.

(a) Input the manual item shortform in the “Item Shortform” functional block.
(b) Input the manual item name in the “Item Name” functional block.
(c) Select the manual unit in the “Unit” pull-down block.
(d) Input the manual item reference value range in the “Reference range” functional block.
(e) If the added item need to be changed. Click the corresponding line in list box, input the new content into
the corresponding box, and then click “Modify’.
(f)In order to delete the set information, single-click the set information in work area, single-click “Delete”
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

9.8 LIS Communication Setup

LIS communication setup is needed in system setup interface for the online between the analyzer and other
LIS systems. Standard RS-232 serial communications is adopted, and the ASTM1394 protocol standards are
obeyed as figure 9-21 shows:

Figure 9-21

⑴ Open LIS communication: Select this option, start communications with the LIS communication, whereas,
LIS communications fails.
⑵ Bidirectional: Select this option to fulfill two-way communications with the LIS.
⑶ Simplified Mode: Data transmission and transmission frequency can be reduced in terms of effective
two-way communications.
⑷ Data Transmission Mode: Two modes,” Realtime Mode”, namely, when all the items of each sample are
completed, real-time transmission is carried out in the unit of sample, “Batch Mode”, namely, batch manual
transmission can be only conducted after the completion of the result.
⑸ Gather Sampling Mode: Only used for bidirectional. “Sample No. " conducts sample registration based on
the only index number, serial number of sample. "Barcode " conducts sample registration based on the only
index number, sample barcode, whereas, this mode requires selecting sample barcode used by equipment in the

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

"Other Settings" of system Settings.

⑹ Sample Save Mode: Only used for bidirectional. "First Analyzer" means that the registered sample will be
taken for storage when the sample applied at the side of LIS exists at side of the instrument, which will not be
registered. "First LIS" means that the sample applied at the side of LIS exists at side of the instrument will be
taken for storage, which will replace the registered sample.
⑺ Analyzer ID: It is used for communications mark in the transmission with LIS.
⑻ Host ID: It is the LIS system mark of communications with instrument.
⑼ Serial port: Serial number of communications can not use serial port 1. No default value requires user to
set up according to the actual situation.
⑽ Baudrate: Select the serial baud rate of communications among 4800,9600,19200.
⑾ Data Bits: Select the data bit of communications at 7 or 8.
⑿ Stop Bits: Select stop bit of communications at 1 or 2.
⒀ Parity: Select the communication parity bit among N, M, E, O, S.
⒁ Timeout retry time: Free time can be set for interval time.
⒂ Timeout retry count: Overtime and retry times can be set.
Note: The default value for equipment communications protocol are 19200, N, 8,1. Please contact distributor
for the detailed information of LIS online.

9.9 Reagent Topping Up Setup

Figure 9-22

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

When ISE reagent, alkaline detergent, anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent have been run out, it is required to
complete the following steps before carry out the replacement of new reagent before test:
To complete reagent topping up settings, manually input the corresponding barcode information of or reagent
or cleanning liquid barrels into the corresponding box behind barcode in figure 9-24 (or use the external
barcode scanner prepared with instrument), thereafter, click the "Confirm" key, then followed by normal
testing process.

9.10[Reagent+Sample]Disk Setting

Figure 9-23
(1)Reagent position setting:
“From Inner[1]” is the default position of the process which can not be changed, “To Inner[24]” position can be
selected from drop-down box.
Note:the maximum reagent position is 42, the minimum is 6, that is”To Inner[24]”maximum is “Inner [28]” The
minimum is “Inner [4]”。

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

(2)Sample position setting:

Figure 9-24
The sample postion is changed according to the reagent position, when the reagent position setting is
finished ,the sample position is settled.
In figure 9-23,when the reagent position is 36, the sample position is from“Inner[26]”to“Inner[44]”;As in
figure 9-24,when the reagent position is 42,sample position from “Inner[30]”to“Inner[44]”。

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 10 System Management

10.1 User Information

The user with administrator permission can be add, delete or modify the user information.

Single-click the “ ” key in main functional filed, then click “ “ key to set the
operator ID, name, password, reconfirm password ( two times inputted password should be the same) ,
mnemonics, etc. As figure 10-1 shows:

Figure 10-1

Single-click “ ” key, the relevant info. will be displayed in the form. Click “ ”
key to eliminate the user information.

Click “ ” key to exit .

— Administrator: User can set, delete, check , browse and test all functions.
— Inquiry: some function windows are available to user, setup and test inavalailable.
— Operation: User with operator permission can set, delete, check, browse and test all functions except for
user information.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

10.2 Hospital Information

Single-click the “ ” key in “ ” menu, to set the delivery dept. delivery doctor, as
figure 10-2 shows :

Figure 10-2

Single-click “ ” key to exit the current menu.

These items will be displayed automatically after setup in “Patient Info.” form corresponding pull-down block.
10.2.1 Delivery Dept.

Single-click the “ ” key to set department number, name and mnemonics.

— Dept.No:input the delivery dept. No

— Delivery dept.: Input the name of delivery dept., the information will be displayed in the relevant pull-down
list of “Sample Register” menu.
— Mnemonics: Help the user input the information quickly. For example: the mnemonics of department
numbers can be set as wk, then the contents of patient type option can be replaced by inputting wk, click
“Enter” key, the department number will be automatically inputted.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

10.2.2 Delivery Doctor

Single-click “ ” key in functional field to set “Doctor No.” “ Doctor Name” etc. information. As
figure 10-3 shows:

Figure 10-3

Click “ ” key, all the information will add to delivery doctor menu. Select the info. bar to be
deleted, then click “ delete” key , the info. bar will be eliminated.

10.3 Other information

10.3.1 Patient Type
Single-click “ ” key in work area to set serial number, patient type, mnemonics etc. as the figure

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 10-4

Select the info. bar to be deleted, then click “ ” key , the info. bar will be eliminated.

10.3.2 Clinic Diagnosis

Single-click “ ” key in work area to set the clinic diagnosis information. As the figure 10-5 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 10-5

Select the info. bar to be deleted, then click“ ” key , the info. bar will be eliminated.

10.3.3 Report Remark

Single-click “ ” key in working area to set the report remark information, as the figure 10-6

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 10-6

Input No. remark, mnemonics in functional block, click “Add” to register remark.

Select the info. bar to be deleted, then click “ ” key , the info. bar will be eliminated.

10.3.4 Item Unit

Click “ ”key to set the test unit, as figure 10-7 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 10-7

Click “ ” key, the inputted information can be showed in item unit form. Select the info. bar
to be deleted, then click “ ” key , the info. bar will be eliminated.

10.4Workload Statistics
Workload statistics function is used for checking the workload of delivery department, deliver doctor and
check doctor. According to the desired time slice select the statistic contents, click “ ” key
to complete statistic, result is showed as statistic chart, as figure 10-8 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 10-8

Click “Print” key to preview and print the statistics chart, as figure 10-9 shows:

Figure 10-9

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

10.5 Database Maintenance

In order to prevent data lost, database should be backup periodically.

Single-click “ ” to backup and recover the data. As the figure 10-10 shows:
Note: Please implement database backup and recovery in offline status.

Figure 10-10

— Database backup: Before database backup, user could select the save path, or the database will be saved to
the default software installation folder. The file name of database is the current date plus the current time,
the postfix is *.bak. Periodically backup database can avoid the data lost. When the path of backup is
selected, click “ Backup” key. The form will display the status of database backup and provide backup
finish hint.
— Database recover: When the software can’t be used, the database backup file can recover the former data.
Select the save path of backup file, then select the backup file according to the date and time, click
“ Recover” key. The form will display the information of recovered database. If the path and file of database
backup are not selected, a hint information will pop up.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

10.6 System Log

Click ““ ” key in “ ” menu. As the figure 10-11 shows:

Figure 10-11

System log realizes these function to check system operation, including user login, operation log, maintenance
log and alarm log.
Select one log type in “Type” work area, select the start date and finish date in “Date” work area, click

“ ” key, all the relevant log information will be listed.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 11 System Help

Any questions arise when operate instrument, the user could click “ ” or F1 to seek help. As figure 11-1

Figure 11-1

11.1System Help Application

(1) check the desired menu in the list,view the specific operations,after this,single-click the “return” key to
return to the last menu. If instruction contents are not displayed comepletely, pull the scroll bar to browse
the rest.
(2) Single-click the “close ” key to finish this application.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 12 System Maintenance

12.1 System maintenance preparation

To ensure the accuracy and precision of the CS-T240, the user should operate strictly according to the CS-T240
User Manual, and a regular maintenance is also a necessity. This is the only way to make sure a long useful life
and a reliable result, which is provided by instrument.
Please prepare the following items before carry out system maintenance.

12.1.1 Instrument and Tools

(1) Accessories (prepared with CS-T240)
Acupuncture needle ……………………………………..……….. ( for cleaning sample reagent probe)
Cleaning probe tool………………………………….…….....….(for cleaning probe when blocked)
Fixing block……………………………………………………..(for adjusting the height of the stirring rod)
(2) To be prepared by user
Clean gauze………………………………..……… (for cleaning parts )
Swab…………………………………………….….(for cleaning sample reagent probe)
Test tube brush…………………………………..….(for cleaning the cleaning tank)
Detergent pot………… ……..…………… ……..… (Injection of distilled water)

12.1.2 Pure Water

For routine run, maintenance and checkup, please use purified water with conductivity 1 us/cm max. A regular
maintenance of the purified water equipment is also a necessity. Please operate according to the manual of the
purified water equipment or contact the supplier of the purified water equipment.

12.1.3 Detergent
The detergent is used for cleaning all parts of instrument. All kinds of detergents could be purchased from
Dirui company. Other brand detergents may cause the uncleanness of cuvette, reagent probe, stirring rod, pipe
line, and finally result a cross contamination. Our company is not responsible for the inaccuracy, which is
conducted by the other kind of detergent.
There are three kinds detergents for CS-T240:
CS-anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent: Place CS anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent on the 45 position
on reagent disk. Put 2.7ml CS anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent in incubation bath when exchange water.
If the detergent is not added in, air bubble may attached on the cuvette, and the bacterial may grow in the
incubation bath. Owing to there is no conductance, the liquid sensor can not detect liquid level normally. The
reagent probe may automatically suck detergent on 45 position for reagent probe cleaning. Wipe all parts of
instrument or immersion cuvette with 2% CS anti-bacterial phosphate-free detergent.
CS-alkaline detergent: It must be diluted for 10 times by using distilled water
CS- magnetic valve detergent: The cleaning of condensed waste pipeline.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

12.2 The Application of System Maintenance Menu

Click “ ”button of the main function menu to start the instrument maintenance. Select
maintenance information in the list by mouse, or remove “↑”“↓”key on keyboard, click “ ”
button, start maintenance. Instrument will carry out reset operation first among all maintenance operation.

Some maintenance item allow stop in the midway, click “ ” to finish the maintenance
operation. For those not allow stop in the midway, take other operation after maintenance finish. In order to
exit the system maintenance menu, click “ ” button.
If there is an abnormity, an “alarm” hint will be showed on the menu.

12.2.1 Reset
Select “Instrument Reset” in “Maintenance Item list” work area, then click “Execute”. The instrument will
automatically return to the initial position. There will be an “alarm” hint if mistakes happen. Emergency stop is
not allowed while resetting. Take other operation when computer stand-by. Strongly suggest user execute reset
operation after emergency stop or after adjustment of reagent sample probe and stirring rod.

12.2.2 Cleaning Water Tank

Select “water tank” in “maintenance item list” work area, and then click “Execute”. The instrument will
automatically cleaning the water tank immediately. Emergency stop is not allowed during operation. Take
other operation when computer stand-by. The water quality will be contaminated if bacterial grow in the
incubation bath.
It is recommended that user perform a tank cleaning every three months.

12.2.3 Light Quantity Checkup

Select “Light Quantity Checkup” in “Maintenance Item List”, and then click “Execute”. The instrument
will carry out the “Light Quantity” checkup. The previous “Absorbency Value” and current one could be showed
at the same time. (As figure 12-1 shows).

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-1

Check the menu to choose printout the result or not. The value should be ≤ 18000. Click “End Maintenance”
to complete the light quantity checkup operation.
Normally, carry out the light quantity checkup once a month. Carry out the light quantity checkup after replace
bulb, then proceed the test after the absorbency value qualified.

12.2.4 Cell Blank Check

Select “Cell Blank Test” in “Maintenance Item List” work area, then click “Execute”. The instrument will
carry out cell blank check for 120 cuvettes. The cell blank check value will be showed on the system
maintenance menu (as figure 12-2 shows).

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-2

Click “Print’to print cell blank value, In the process of cell blank checking, the stop of testing can be carried
out by clicking “Stop Maintainance”
Under normal condition, it is recommended that the user carry out cell blank testing once a week.Cell blank
testing should be conducted before reactiong cuvette changing. The test can be carried out when the cell blank
value meet the requirement.
“Cuvette number” tandem: display the number of 1-120 cuvettes
“340-750”tandem: display the cell blank value of 120 cuvettes corresponding to the different wavelength of
340, 380, 405, 450, 480, 505, 546, 570, 600, 660, 700, 750(nm).
“1”(cuvette ) rank: display the cell blank value of 12 type different wavelength of No.1 cuvette. A <18000
cell blank value is considered as a qualified one.
“2-120” rank: display the difference between two cuvette: the difference cell blank value between No.1 cuvette
and No.2-120 cuvette, a ±800 difference value is considered as a qualified one.
Note: during the normal sample test, the testing value of cell blank in the system maintain will also be updated.

12.2.5 Air Exhaustion of Syringe

Select “Syringe Exhaust” in “Maintenance” work area. then click “Execute”. The plunger of syringe move up
and down in order to exhaust the air of syringe. Emergency stop is not allowed during operation. Take other
operation when computer stand-by.
Carry out air exhaustion function when replace syringe or replace the connection pipeline of syringe.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

12.2.6 Rinsing /air Exhaust Detergent Pipeline

Select “Rinsing / air exhaustion of Detergent Pipeline” function, click “Execute”. The instrument will
automatically exhaust the air in detergent pipeline. Emergency stop is not allowed during operation. Take other
operation when computer stand-by.
Carry out this function when detergent bottle with CS-alkaline-detergent discharged, and there is air in the
connection pipeline.

12.2.7 Rinsing Reaction Cuvette

Select “Rinsing Reaction Cuvette” function, click “Execute”, instrument will automatically Rinsing 120
cuvettes. Click “End Maintenance” key to end this operation.
Rinsing cuvette once a week in order to avoid the dirt in cuvette influence the test result. Carry out Rinsing
cuvette function when cell blank value abnormal, if cell blank value is still not qualified after Rinsing, replace
the cuvette.

12.2.8 Rinsing Incubation Bath

Click “Rinsing Incubation Bath” function in “System Maintenance”. And then click “Execute” .The instrument
will automatically carry out the whole process, expel the water from the incubation bath and infuse new
purified water. Meanwhile, sample reagent probe will suck the CS-anti-bacterial phosphor free detergent at 45
position of sample reagent disk. Each probe suck 6 times, each time 450ul. 2.7 ml CS-anti-bacterial phosphor
free detergent is added in the incubation bath. Stop is not allowed in this operation.
Carry out incubation bath water rinsing function when constant temperature water is contaminated.

12.2.9 Sample Reagent Probe Vertical Checkup

Select “sample reagent probe vertical checkup” function, click “Execute”, instrument will carry out single-step
vertical operation of sample reagent probe lift mechanism. Click “next” to proceed next operation, click “end
maintenance” to stop the maintenance operation. For detail introduction of sample probe vertical checkup,
please refer to “12.4.1”.

12.2.10 Sample Reagent Probe Horizontal Checkup

Select “sample reagent probe horizontal checkup” function, click “Execute”, instrument will carry out
single-step horizontal operation of sample reagent probe lift mechanism. Click “next” to proceed next operation,
click “end maintenance” to stop the maintenance operation.
For detail introduction of sample reagent probe horizontal checkup, please refer to “12.4.1”
This operation is taken when carry out sample reagent probe position adjustment or sample reagent probe
position checkup.

12.2.11Stirring Mechanism Horizontal Checkup

Select “stirring mechanism horizontal checkup” function, click “Execute”, instrument will carry out single-step
operation checkup of stirring rod lift mechanism. Click “next” to proceed next operation, click “end
maintenance” to stop the maintenance operation.

This function is carry out when adjust the stirring mechanism position (at the side of cuvette or on the top of
rinsing bath).

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

12.2.12 Mechanism Operation Checkup

Select “mechanism operation checkup” function, input check times, click “Execute”. Instrument will
automatically carry out mechanism operation checkup.

12.2.13 Bar Code Reader Checkup

Click “bar code reader checkup” function, list all kinds barcode in system maintenance: sample reagent disk
barcode checkup, click “Execute” key. The sample reagent disk barcode scan will be carried out and the result
will be displayed .

Figure 12-3

12.2.14 Automatically Rinse The Pipeline Of Concentrated Liquid

The centrifuged serum may contain fibrin to make concentrated waste liquid pipeline blocked if the serum
sample are not concreted completely when testing, or blocked by bacteria that may be growing it. After test
10000 samples, upper machine software automatically prompts: "Please rinse concentrated waste liquid pipeline",
and execute rinsing as following steps:
(a) Replace the CS-phosphor-free anti-bacterial detergent at the positions 45th of sample reagent disk with
CS-solenoid valve detergent.

(b) Single-click “ ” in main keypad and select “Automatically rinse concentrated waste liquid
pipeline”, and then single-click “Execute”, the instrument will carry out pipeline rinsing automatically as figure
12-4 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-4

12.2.15 Manually Rinse Concentrated Waste Liquid Pipeline

When concentrated waste liquid pipeline is dirty, execute manual rinsing of the pipeline as following steps:
(a) Unplug the nozzle 1 of rinsing mechanism first as figure 12-5 shows:

nozzle 1

Figure 12-5

(b)Take a 70ml reagent bottle (containing CS- solenoid valve detergent and make sure the distance between
liquid level and bottle lip is approximately 20mm), and insert nozzle 1 into the bottle, and then select “Manually
rinse concentrated waste liquid pipeline”, afterwards, the instrument will execute rinsing automatically after
click “Execute” as figure 12-6 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-6

(c)Replace the CS-reagent solenoid valve detergent in the 70ml bottle with purified water, and repeat the
operation carried out above.

12.3 Maintenance and Checkup Points and Parts

12.3.1 Periodic Cleaning , Checkup and Parts Replacement

Table 12-1 gives periodic cleaning and replacement parts (based on use of 5 hours daily).
As shown in figure 12-1
(○: denotes periodic cleaning and check up ) (●: denotes periodic replacement part.)
Quantity Yearly
No Part Every Every Refer to
Per use Quantity
Daily Required Weekly Monthly 3 6 Yearly
month month
1 Sample cup ● ——
2 Sample reagent probe ○ 12.4.1
Rinsing bath of sample
reagent probe
3 ○ 12.4.1
Rinsing bath of sample probe
Rinsing bath of stirring rod
4 Reaction cuvette sets
*a (20pcs*6set) 6set 72set ○ ○ 12.4.2
Drain filter of the incubation
5 ○ 12.4.2
Halogen lamp 1 2 ● 12.4.3
7 Rinsing mechanism nozzle ○ 12.4.4

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

8 Stirring rod ○ 12.4.5

9 Sample reagent probe syringe ● 12.4.11

10 Water supply filter ○ 12.4.6

CS-anti-bacterial phosphor
11 free ● 12.1.3
CS-alkaline detergent
12 Reagent sample cooling unit ○ 12.4.9
13 Its
Printer ribbon cassette ●
*c instruction
Cell blank check ○ 12.2.4
15 Its
Purified water equipment ○ ●
*e instruction
16 Waste discharge ○ ——
17 Detergent bottle ○ 12.4.2

18 Rinsing of waste pipeline


Table 12-1

(a) Statistics in above table is a maximum statistics, if cell blank value is still qualified after 1 month, continue to
use it, if cell blank value is abnormal after rinsing, replace it.
(b) Replace the lamp as soon as the photometer check value (340nm wavelength) exceeds 18,000 hours, or the
lamp use time about 750 hours.
(c) Instrument could use laser, ink mist, stylus printer, select accessory according to different printer.
(d) A cell blank alarm may occur if cell blank is not executed every week.
(e) If the purified water has exceeded 1us/cm, consult the water supplier.

12.3.2 Periodical Replacement Parts List

Make it a rule to stock as many spare parts as necessary for operation. As in figure 12-2:
No. Model name Description Quantity to Stock
1 Halogen lamp (light source lamp) 12V 20W 2
2 Reaction cuvette set(20pcs*6set) 72set
3 3603 ethylene tube 1/8 *1/4 inch 5m
4 3603 ethylene tube 1/16 *1/8 inch 5m
5 Tefon FEP rigid tube 1.5mm * 2.5mm 5m
6 Tefon FEP rigid tube 0.03 *1/16 inch 3m
7 Silica gel tube 8mm* 14mm 10m
8 Ribbon \ Ink \ Toner For printer Proper amount
9 Printing paper For printer Proper amount
10 Water supply filter For supply water connection 1
11 Sample reagent probe For sample and reagent 1

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

12 Stirring rod For stirring 2

13 Nozzle 1,2 of rinsing mechanism For cleaning 1 for each
15 Reagent sample probe syringe Reagent probe sampling 1

Table 12-2

12.4 Maintenance Method

◆ Do not spill water or detergent over the instrument or mechanical /electrical parts in order to avoid the
◆ Do not touch the suction mechanism, sampling mechanism, stirring mechanism, reaction cuvette rinsing
mechanism during operation,or there will be a risk of infection or injury.
◆ Protective measures should be taken to the operator, such as with protective gloves, protective glasses and
work uniform during operation. Otherwise, there maybe an infection when touch the contaminated areas
and contaminated liquid. Corrosive liquids may cause a skin injury. If the contaminated liquid or corrosive
liquids accidentally touched the body, please rinse with water immediately.

12.4.1 Sample Reagent Probe

If the probe inside or outside is contaminated, the serum, reagent, water, etc. might easily adhere, thereby
degrading the sampling accuracy and precision or clogging the interior. Wash or clean the probe from time to
time. Daily Washing (automatic washing)

Place CS-anti-bacterial phosphorus-free detergent (70ml) on 45 position of sample reagent disk. As show in
figure 12-7

Figure 12-7

When sample reagent probe finish sampling respectively, they may automatically assimilate CS-anti bacterial
phosphor-free detergent to process the rinsing.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual Cleaning Outside of Probe Tip

①Turn off the POWER switch of analyzer.

②Remove the sample reagent disk cover, and move the probe arm to the top of disk by hand.
As show in figure 12-8:

Figure 12-8

③ Using gauze moistened with alcohol solution, clean the outside of probe. As show in figure 12-9

Figure 12-9

④ Turn on the POWER switch of analyzing unit. Each probe will then return to its reset (home) position
Note: Since alcohol is flammable, Pay attention to it and do not place large amount alcohol in the vicinity of
the instrument. Cleaning Clogged Probe

When the instrument issue"sample reagent probe block" alarm or the probe flow is not continuous,
non-vertical, sub-unit shed, the rinsing of the block need to be carried out.

a) Turn off the POWER switch of analyzing unit.

b) Pinch the jaw of probe arm and remove the cover, and loosen the connector as figure 12-10shows:
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-10

(c)Loosen the pipe fittings as figure 12-11 shows.

Pipe fittings

Figure 12-11

d) Remove the probe.

e) Connect the end of probe cleaner with the probe connector on the connection well as shown in Figure 12-12,
thereafter, take a clean standard tube and infuse sodium hypochlorite into the tube, henceforth, put the probe
top into the solution and pull syringe piston to suck the cleaning fluid which should be discharged after it
retains in the needle for 5 minutes. If the probe is still cloted, repeat the action of pulling and pushing the
syringe piston after 5 minutes immersing of the probe in hot water .

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-12

(f)Followed the steps (e), if no liquid comes out of probe top, which indicats that probe is severely cloted,
which needs the penetration of acupuncture needle through the probe tip as shown in Figure 12-13:

Figure 12-13

Repeat step (e) with needle cleaner assembly after clean-up. Adjusting Probe Position

a) Turn on the POWER switch of analyzer

b) Single click the “system maintenance”key.
c) Click “sample reagent probe horizontal checkup”, “stirring mechanism horizontal checkup” and then single
–click “execute”, and then click “next” to proceed.
d) During sample reagent probe horizontal checkup, the probe stops above the reaction cuvette. At this step,
check if the probe is in the center of the reaction cuvette, as show in figure 12-14, contact the maintenance
personnel if not.
e) During stirring mechanism horizontal checkup, the mixer stops above the reaction cuvette. At this step,
check if the mixer is in the center of the reaction cuvette, contact the maintenance personnel if not.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

During reagent probe horizontal checkup, the probe stops above the reaction cuvette. At this step adjust the
reagent probe so that its tip will be aligned with the center of the reaction cuvette.
From overlooking angle to view the relevant position of sample reagent probe, stiring rod, and the reaction
cuvette. As show in figure 12-14:

Figure 12-14

Click “End maintenance” key to end operation

Process of sample reagent probe up-down mechanism horizontal check:

Sample reagent probe reset→ Above the reaction cuvette → Rinsing bath → No. 1 position of the sample
reagent disk outer track → Rinsing bath above the reaction cuvette (pause) →No. 2 position of the sample
reagent disk inner track →Rinsing bath(pause) →repeat the whole process.

The movement of the Stirring rod.

Stirring rod → Above the reaction cuvette → Rinsing bath →Above the reaction cuvette → repeated the whole
(f)Sample reagent probe vertical check.
During sample reagent probe vertical checkup, place a empty and dry reagent bottle at position 1 on sample
reagent disk, single-click “next”, the sample reagent probe will desend from top to the bottom to memorize the
descent distance as the reference value of the remaining reagent. Cleaning Rinsing Bath

(a)If the Rinsing bath is contaminated, use a tube brush cleaning it with 2% CS-anti-bacterial phosphor-free
detergent as figure 12-15 shows:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-15

(b )Infuse 10ml 2% CS-anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent into rinsing bath as show in figure 12-16:

Figure 12-16

(c) Then, infuse 100ml water into rinsing bath to wash.

After cleaning, contamination can be eliminated and bacterial can be restrained. Cleaning can be taken every

month. If the instrument is contaminated while the operation, please clean it in time.

12.4.2 Reaction Disk

A contaminated reaction cuvette or incubation bath would cause faulty data. Beside, reaction cuvette get aging
after a long period usage. Periodically rinsing reaction cuvette, check the cell blank value of reaction cuvette,
if cell blank value is abnormal, replace the reaction cuvette . The Confirmation of The Contaminated Reaction Cuvette

① Turn on the POWER switch of analyzer.

② Select “cell blank” function in the “Maintenance”menu, click “Execute ”, the instrument will carry out the
cell blank check automatically.
③ The cell blank value of the first reaction cuvette should ≤18000, and the difference between 2-120
cuvette should within the range of ±800.
④ If the cell blank value is not within a rage of ±800, the relevant reaction cuvette is contaminated. Clean the

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

reaction cuvette.
Note: The cell blank value can be displayed or printed(previous value will be replaced when the second test
finished). Reaction Cuvette Cleaning

If the cell blank value is not within a rage of ±800, the relevant reaction cuvette is contaminated. Clean the
reaction cuvette. If the usage of the reaction cuvette has exceed the time limit for replacement, please place a
new one.
① Place the CS-anti-bacterial phosphor free detergent on position 45 in the sample reagent disk
② Click “Rinsing reaction cuvette ”button in “maintenance item list” work area, then click “Execute ”key
③ After cleaning reaction cuvette, carry out the cell blank check again. If the cell blank value exceed the
±800, please place an new one.
Note: In order to avoid uncleanness cleaning after long time use, immerse the reaction cuvette in 2% CS
anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent for more than 8 hours every week. Wash the immersed reaction cuvette
with water, and then wash the reaction cuvette with purified water, and then mount the cuvette on the reaction
disk, carry out cell blank check, test after cell blank check value is qualified. Replace Reaction Cuvette

If the blank cell value is not qualified after cleaning, replace it with a new one.
Note: A new reaction cuvette should be immersed in 2% CS-anti-bacterial phosphor detergent for 8 hours,
clean the surface of the cuvette by purified water, and then Mount the cuvette on the reaction disk, carry out
testing. The abnormal cell blank value will influence the accuracy and repetition of the testing result.
(a) Turn off the power switch
(b) Remove the setscrew of rinsing mechanism when wear protective gloves. As show in figure 12-17:

Figure 12-17

(d)Unscrew the screw of the fix reaction cuvette, as show in figure 12-18:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-18
(e)Take out six set reaction cuvette as figure 12-19 shows:

Figure 12-19

(e) Mount new reaction cuvette on the reaction disk. 6 sets reaction cuvette should be placeed at the same
time in counter direction.
(f) Turn on the power switch..
(g) Select “cell blank test” in “maintenance” menu. Make sure carry out the cell blank check after replace
reaction cup. Testing can be carried out after the cell blank value is qualified.
Note 1: A once-employed reaction cuvette might be contaminated heavily if allowed to dry. Immerse it in
purified water to store it. If the instrument will be left unemployed for 3 days or more, remove the reaction
cuvettes from the reaction disk and keep them immersed in purified water.
Note 2: Never use any organic solvent (benzene, alcohol) for washing the cuvettes. Cleaning Incubation Bath and The Drain Filter of The Incubation Bath

A clog on drain filter or incubation contamination will cause the inaccuracy of the testing data. Thus, Clean the
incubation bath periodically. (once a month)
① Select “Rinsing incubation bath ” function in the “maintenance item list ”work area, after closing the light
source lamp,the constant temperature water will be drained from the incubation bath. Turn off the power
② Loosen the rinsing mechanism retaining screw, and remove the rinsing nozzle head, as figure 12-17 shows:
③ take out the 6 set reaction cuvette into purified water, Loose the retaining screw of the reaction disk, take
out the reaction disk. Place the reaction cuvette in a location free from dust.
Note: If take out the reaction disk and cuvette at the same time, water droplet attached on the outside of

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

reaction cuvette will drop into the instrument so that cause the instrument malfunction.
④ Using washed gauze moisturized with water, clean the reaction bath and photometric window as figure
12-18 shows. Be careful not to flaw them or attached scrape.


⑤ Take out the drain filter of the incubation bath as figure 12-19 shows, cleaning by water, and then return it
in place.


Figure 12-19

⑥ Click “next” key in the “maintenance” form, infuse pure water into the incubation bath, turn light and
circulation syringe power on.
⑦ Mount the reaction disk and reaction cuvette after incubation bath rinsing.
⑧ Return the rinsing mechanism nozzle head in place and secure it.
⑨ Select “cell blank check ” function in “maintenance item list” work area. Test can be carried out after the
cell blank check value is qualified. Liquid Level Sensor of The Incubation Bath

Take out the sensor out of the incubation bath, wipe the outside of sensor with gauze moisturized with 2%
detergent. In order to prevent water from being contaminated by sensor probe, rinsing once a month is advised.
12.4.3 Cleaning Detergent Bottle

The CS-alkaline detergent can be diluted by distilled water in a proportion of 1:10. In detergent dilution or
changing, if detergent spillover happens, there will be white crystal which need to be cleaned. As show in
figure 12-20:

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-20
Implement detergent pipeline exhaust function in the "System Maintenance" form.

12.4.4 Light Source Lamp

If the light source lamp deteriorates, the quantity of light would be out of the specified photometric range or
noise would increase so that an accurate measurement would be impossible. If the check value exceeds,
replace the lamp. Light Quantity Check

Select “Light quantity check” function in “maintenance”form. The photometer light quantity is checked and
the results will be displayed by AD value or printed out. Usually the value is a maximum at 340nm. Replace The Light Source Lamp

Method 1:
a) Prepare a new lamp. As show in figure 12-21:

Figure 12-21

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Note: Do not touch the glass surface of the new lamp. Otherwise the lamp characteristics may change. If the
glass surface is found stained with fingerprints, etc, wipe them off with gauze wetted with alcohol.
b) Select “Rinsing incubation bath ” function, click “Execute” key, the constant water in incubation bath is
automatically discharged.
c) Wait a few minute, cooling light room ( 30 minute ).
d) Loosen the retaining button of the reaction disk, take out the reaction disk. Place the reaction disk in a
position free from dust.
Note : If take out the reaction disk and cuvette at the same time, water droplet attached on the outside of
reaction cuvette will drop into the instrument so that cause the instrument malfunction. Therefore take over the
reaction cuvette firstly and then take over the reaction disk secondly.
e) Loosen two retaining terminals of lamp lead wire and disconnect the lamp lead wires. As show in figure

Figure 12-22

f) Loosen the retaining screw of the retaining light seat,take out the lamp as figure 12-23

Figure 12-23

g) In the reverse order of step 6-8, mount the new light source lamp. Do not distort the rubber tube used for
cooling light room. Make sure that the lead wire of the lamp not in loose status.
h) Mount the reaction disk and cuvette and the rinsing mechanism, turn the power on, execute “next” in
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

“maintenance”, infuse pure water into reaction cuvette. Excute “light volume check” function. While light
volume value is qualified, testing can be proceeded.

12.4.5 Cleaning The Rinsing Nozzle

If the rinsing nozzle clogs, the reaction cuvette may not be cleaned adequately so that cause a data error or
other instrument malfunction. Beside, rinsing water may overflow on the reaction disk to make it impossible to
provide correct data..
a) Loosen the rinsing mechanism retaining screw by turning it counterclockwise, and remove the rinsing
nozzle head.
b) Wipe the outside of the nozzle with gauze wetted in 2% anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent. As show in


Figure 12-24

Note: If the nozzle chip is contaminated heavily or worn excessively, replace it with a new one.
c) Take out wiping block lightly, return the wiping block (keep lower horizontal level of wiping block the same
level with the rinsing probe) as figure 12-25.

Figure 12-25

d) Mount the rinsing mechanism in home position.

e)Carry out the mechanism check 10 times, wiping block can’t touch the reaction cuvette and the rinsing
water is filled up to the upper limit level in the reaction cuvette and it does not overflow from the incubation

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

12.4.6 Stirring Rod

A contaminated stirring rod would cause a cross contamination so that influence the accuracy and precision of
the testing result. Clean the stirring rod periodically. Cleaning of The Stirring Rod

b) Wipe the stirring rod using gauze moistened with 2% anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent, then wash
away the detergent on the surface of the Stirring rod by gauze moistened with purified water. As show in figure
12-26 Caution: Do not bend the stirring rod.

Figure 12-26 Replacing The Stirring Rod

a) Turn off the power switch.

b) Loosen the two setscrews one round as figure 12-27 shows.

Figure 12-27
c) Wipe front of the new stirring rod with gauze moisturized with 2% CS-anti-bacterial phosphor-free
d) Insert the new stirring rod until its end touches the bottom of axis motor. Then, secure it by M2 as figure
12-28 shows.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Figure 12-28

e) Place stirring rod adjust block on the rack of reaction cuvette, then move the stirring rod above the adjust
block as figure 12-29 shows.

Figure 12-29

(f)loosen M2 screw, adjust the stirring rod position, its tip and upper side of adjust block are supposed to be
attached as figure 12-30 shows: tighten M2 screw.

Figure 12-30

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

g) Select “stirring mechanism horizonatal check” in “maintenance” form, single-click “Excute”, “next” to
confirm stirring rod position whether correct. Please contact with after service if not.
h) Excute 10 times “mechanism movement check” to confirm no abnormality exists.
12.4.7 Reagent Sample Cooling Unit
The sample reagent cooling unit will be contaminated by sample, reagent or dust. Clean them at least once a
a) Remove the sample reagent disk and clean the inside of the reagent cooling unit with gauze. As in figure

Cooling unit

Figure 12-31

b) Then, with gauze, clean the read-out window of the reagent barcode reader. As show in figure 12-32

Barcode reader

Figure 12-32
12.4.8 Syringe Pump
The span of the syringe can be 1 million times, and replacement is must in 15 months if use correctly. Contact
the after service department in order to change a new one.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 13 Alarm and Processing

13.1 Alarm Information Type

According to the content of the alarm, the alarm information can be divided into data alarm and fault alarm.
Data alarm belongs to warning level. Alarm level includes: Warning level, sample stop level, stop level, as
table 13-1 shows:

Alarm level Instrument Action

Data alarm Alarm for testing result. Operation proceeds as normal.

Note appear both in data alarm and instrument malfunction. Buzzer calling, but
the operation proceed as usual, stop or proceed is judged by operator.
Alarm for instrument malfunction. Buzzer calling. Stop adding new sample.
Sampling stop
Sample on testing will proceed analyze.
Alarm for malfunction. Buzzer calling. Instrument stop immediately. Test result is

Figure 13-1

13.2 Countermeasure To Malfunction Do Not Issue Alarm

13.2.1 Data Malfunction Which Do Not Issue Alarm

Some instrument malfunction is neither displayed in the data note. These instrument malfunction could be tested
through recheck, observe instrument state and test control sample.
Dada malfunction and solution as figure 13-2 shows.

Malfunction Description Countermeasure

1.Maintenance is not carried out 1.Maintenance according to the user manual.

periodically. 2.Replace a new reagent, use or preserve it
2.Reagent deteriorate, insoluble matter exist correctly.
3. Purified water unqualified. 3.Water conductivity should within 1uS/cm.
4.CS-anti-bacterial phosphor-free detergent, 4.Add detergent, carry out rinsing reaction
CS-alkaline detergent shortage. cuvette in “maintenance”.
5.Cyristal occurs in reagent cooling unit. 5.Change reagent
6.Cross contamination exist between 6.Separate place the reagent which may cause
analysis item. cross contamination, or use cross contamination
7.Sample disqualification, fibrin exists in abviation function.
sample. 7.Separate the disqualified sample.
1.Calibrator concentrate or failure 1. Immediately use the calibartor as long as it’s
Accuracy 2.Reagent concoct fault. put into the sample cup.
error 3.Analyze condition set error 2. Replace a new reagent.
3. Correctly setup the parameter.
Table 13-2
Note: The above is only part of the situation, when the test data abnormity occures , it should be analyzed

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

according to concrete reason.

13.2.2 Instrument Malfunction Which Do Not Issue Alarm

Malfunction Description Countermeasure

Sample reagent probe 1.Sample reagent probe contaminated. 1.Wipe the probe with alcohol cotton bud.
with water droplet 2.Sampling system (pipeline, syringe) 2.Carry out maintenance check.

Water drop from 1.CS-anti-bacterial phosphor-free 1.Fill it with detergent.

washing mechanism detergent for cleaning reaction cuvette 2.Check interface
has run down 3.Clean it through maintenance check. For
2.Rinsing mechanism pipeline leakage replacement purpose, contact service
3.Nozzle and pipeline block. department.
Instant temperature 1.Water supply pump with air 1.Outlet the air in pump.
Water do not outflow 2.Incubation bath filter block. 2.Clean it through maintenance check.
3.Purified unit do not electrify. 3.Connect with power, do not use the same
circuit with instrument.
Water cannot outflow Nozzle, pipe line block. Clean it through maintenance check . For
from rinsing nozzle replacement purpose, contact the service
Water cannot outflow outlet port, pipeline block. Rinsing outlet port. For replacement
from rinsing bath purpose contact the service department.
Water overflow from nozzle, pipeline block. Clean it through maintenance check . For
reaction cuvette replacement purpose, contact the service
Incubation bath with 1.Incubation water level lower or 1.Carry out water exchange in incubation
bubble. incubation bath is contaminated. bath
2.Incubation water exchange carry out 2.Carry out water exchange after purified
before purified water unit power on. water unit electrified
Syringe with leakage Interface installation error Re-install after leakage confirmed.
Syringe with bubble 1.Interface installation error 1.Re-install after air enter in confirmed
2.Sample syringe degas insufficient 2.Carry out again. If small air bubble
exist, tap the syringe while reagent or
detergent flow. Eliminate it with shake.

Figure 13-3

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

13.3 Alarm Information Content and Countermeasure

Code Level Name Describe Countermeasure

1.Check if the reagent is confected or positioned in the right way.

2.Check if the sample is contaminated.
0-1 Warning Absorbance over The absorbance of reaction liquid exceeds 3.3ABS 3.Check if there is the impurity interfuse.
4.Check if the reaction cuvette is blurred.
5.Check if there is an obstacle on the optical path of photometer.
Reagent blank horizontal The mean value of two tests with standard solution 1 is larger
0-2 Warning Check if reagent is still valid.
checkup over. than the setup value of cell blank horizontal check.
1.Check if the value of deviation permissible absorbance is correct.
The difference between two times test standard solution 2.Check if sample syringe is leakage and if the incubation bath is
0-3 Warning Divergence checkup over
absorbance is larger than deviation permissible absorbance. contaminated.
3.Check if there is a cross contamination.
1.Check if K factor is proper.
The difference between calculate K factor and previous one is
0-4 Warning K factor check over 2.Check if the standard solution is deteriorate.
more than plus or minus 20%
3.Check if reagent is deteriorate.
The measured value is out of the technical limit range of test 1.Dilution the sample and rerun the test.
0-5 Warning Beyond the linear range
item. 2.Check setup value.
1.Check if there is impurity in the sample.
Calculation in the specified photometric range, and there is a 2.Check if there is impurity and bubble in the reagent.
0-6 Warning Linearity abnormal
different exceeding the linearity limit value. 3.Dilution the sample and rerun the test.
4.Check Stirring mechanism.
1.Call up main screen, check if sensitivity limit value is properly
Linear(2-6 points), non-linear or Isozyme-P calibration. The
2.Check if reagent is deteriorate.
0-7 Warning Sensitivity error difference in mean absorbance between calibrator 1 and
3.Check the input concentration value of standard solution is properly
calibrator (N) is smaller than the sensitivity limit (input value).
4.Check if standard solution deteriorate.
1.Dilution the sample and rerun the test.
In the antigen addiction assay and reaction assay, the prozone
0-8 Warning Prozone error 2.Check if the reagent is confected or positioned in the right way.
check value (PC value),exceeds the specified upper/lower limit.
3.Check if the prozone check is properly set up.
1.Test after dilute the sample.
Reaction limit absorbance In rate A assay and 2-point rate assay, The check value of
0-9 Warning 2.Check if the reagent is confected or positioned in the right way.
over absorbance limit is larger than the setup limit value.
3.Check if the check value is properly setup.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Code Level Name Describe Countermeasure

1.Check if there is a logical error in calculation formulas.
1.The denominator becomes zero in calculation.
2.Check the concentration setup of standard liquid when multi-point
2.An over flow occurs in logarithmic or exponential
0-10 Warning Calculation disable calculation.
3.Check the absorbance value of photometry point of the test.
3.The absorbance of test item is less than the absorbance of
4. Please check whether the reagent, the sample is adequate, the
calibrator 1.
location is correct.
In multi-point calibration, the absorbance of standard liquid do Check if calibratior is positioned in the right way.
0-11 Warning Calculation disable
not increase when concentration increase.
Concentrated waste liquid
Call up the system maintenance menu, carry out the program "Auto
0-14 Warning pipeline need to be Concentrated waste liquid pipeline need to be cleaned
Rinsing Concentrated waste liquid pipeline"
Test result can be displayed in case the sample absorbance is
Convergence absorbance
0-15 Warning equal to or more than theoretical value when using Review after diluting sample
non-linearity ethods(Logit-Log3P,Logit-Log4P,Logit-Log5P).
1.Check the barcode stick information.
0-20 Warning Barcode repeat Barcode repeat on reagent sample disk
2.Scan barcode again after check.
Detergent placed error at Detergent should be placed at 45 position on sample reagent
1.Check the barcode stick information.
0-22 Warning 45 position on reagent disk.or barcode stick error at 45 position on sample reagent
2.Scan barcode again after check.
disk. disk.
1.when reagent residual volume is less than setup reagent
1.Check the barcode stick information.
0-23 Warning Barcode is in valid. residual volume, the barcode is blank out.
2.Scan barcode again after check.
2.barcode is used after blank out.
1.Barcode checkup failure. 1.Check barcode stick information.
0-24 Warning Barcode invalid 2.Barcode reagent name do not occur in "barcode item setup". 2.Scan barcode again after check.
3.Barcode reagent type checkup error. 3.Corresponding item is added in barcode item setup.
1.Check if serial port line is well connected.
Abnormal occur when communicate with host computer and
0-255 Warning Communication abnormal 2.restart the instrument and software and then carry out on-line
communication halt.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism The stirring mechanism does not reach the upper dead point in program "mechanism check ".
1-1 Stop
abnormal ascending motion,(at the rinsing bath side) 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism The stirring mechanism does not reach the upper dead point in program "mechanism check ".
1-2 Stop
abnormal ascending motion( at the reaction cuvette side) 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism The stirring mechanism does not leave the upper dead point in program "mechanism check ".
1-3 Stop
abnormal descending motion. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism The stirring mechanism does not reach the rinsing bath position
1-4 Stop program "mechanism check ". 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can
abnormal in movement to the rinsing bath side.
not be restored. Contact the service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism The stirring mechanism does not reach the reaction cuvette program "mechanism check ".
1-5 Stop
abnormal position in movement to the reaction cuvette side 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism In resetting, the stirring mechanism does not reach the rinsing program "mechanism check ".
1-6 Stop
abnormal bath position 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism In resetting, the stirring mechanism does not leave the rinsing program "mechanism check ".
1-7 Stop
abnormal bath position 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism In rotation of stirring mechanism, it is not set at the upper dead program "mechanism check ".
1-8 Stop
abnormal point. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism program "mechanism check ".
1-9 Stop The stirring mechanism has ascend /descend error
abnormal 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Stirrer mechanism program "mechanism check ".
1-10 Stop The stirring mechanism has sway error
abnormal 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Rinsing mechanism The rinse mechanism does not reach the upper dead point in program "mechanism check ".
3-1 Stop
abnormal ascending motion 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Rinsing mechanism The rinse mechanism does not leave the upper dead point in the program "mechanism check ".
3-2 Stop
abnormal descending motion. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

1.This trouble is liable to occur after the reaction disk is washed. In

this case, thoroughly wipe water droplets off the bottom of the
4-1 Stop Reaction disk abnormal The reaction disk cannot detect the stop position. reaction disk. 2.Check if water droplets adhere to the light coupler
and code wheel located below the reaction disk.
3.if trouble can not be restored, contact the service department.
1.Please check whether any barrier exists around the reaction disk.
4-2 Stop Reaction disk abnormal Reaction disk stuck
2.Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
1.This trouble is liable to occur after the reaction disk is washed. In
this case, thoroughly wipe water droplets off the bottom of the
reaction disk.
4-3 Stop Reaction disk abnormal In resetting, the reaction disk cannot detect the home position
2.Check if water droplets adhere to the light coupler and code wheel
located below the reaction disk.
3.if trouble can not be restored , contact the service department.
1.This trouble is liable to occur after the reaction disk is washed. In
this case, thoroughly wipe water droplets off the bottom of the
In resetting, the first reaction cuvette on the reaction disk does reaction disk.
4-4 Stop Reaction disk abnormal
not stop at the specified position. 2.Check if water droplets adhere to the light coupler and code wheel
located below the reaction disk.
3.if trouble can not be restored , contact the service department.
In rotation of the reaction disk any of the sample reagent probe,
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
stirring mechanism and rinse mechanism is not at the upper
program "mechanism check".
4-5 Stop Reaction disk abnormal dead point (at the reaction cuvette side) Warning: any other
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
alarm may occur simultaneously
service department.

CS-alkaline detergent
4-6 Warning CS-alkaline detergent place in front of instrument is shortage. Please add CS-alkaline detergent in detergent bottle.

4-7 Stop Reaction disk abnormal Reaction disk is locked Please contact the maintenance by probe staff if it fails repeatedly.

4-8 Stop Reaction disk abnormal Level error of rotation sensor when reaction disk stops Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.

4-9 Stop Reaction disk abnormal Counting error of rotation sensor when reaction disk stops Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe The sample reagent probe does not reach the upper dead point program "mechanism check".
5-1 S .Stop
abnormal in descending motion.(at other than the reaction cuvette side) 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.

1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe The sample reagent probe does not reach the upper dead point program "mechanism check".
5-2 Stop
abnormal in descending motion.(at the reaction cuvette side) 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.

Sample size is 1.Check if there is sample in sample cup.

5-3 Warning Insufficient in sample sample size is Insufficient in sample cup 2.check if sample cup place in the correct position.
cup 3.Check if sample cup is bend.

1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
program "mechanism check".
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
Sample reagent probe The sample reagent probe goes down abnormally in descending
5-4 Stop 3.Check if check the altitude between probe and cup bottom is set
abnormal motion (at the reaction cuvette side)
4.Call up the system maintenance menu, carry out "sample probe
horizontal checkup".
5.Check if the sample cup is placed deflective.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe The sample reagent probe does not leave the upper dead point program "mechanism check".
5-5 S. Stop
abnormal in descending motion.(at the sample cup side) 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe The sample reagent probe does not leave the upper dead point program "mechanism check".
5-6 Stop
abnormal in descending motion.(at the reaction cuvette side) 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
Sample reagent probe
5-7 S. Stop Sample reagent probe stay in liquid level detect effective status. Please contact service department when this error occur repetitively.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe The sample reagent probe cannot detect the cell position in program "mechanism check".
5-8 S. Stop
abnormal rotation to the reaction cuvette side. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
The sample reagent probe does not leave the reaction cuvette 1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe
5-9 S. Stop position in rotation from the reaction cuvette side to any other program "mechanism check".
position. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

service department.

1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe Sample reagent probe descend abnormally when discharge ISE program "mechanism check".
5-10 S. Stop
abnormal test sample 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe Abnormal touch occur (at the sample cup side) when sample program "mechanism check".
5-11 Warning
abnormal reagent probe descend. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe In rotation of sample reagent probe, it is not set at the upper
5-12 S. Stop program "mechanism check". 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can
abnormal dead point.
not be restored. Contact the service department.
5-13 Warning Sample cup is not placed Sample reagent probe cannot find sample cup Check if there is sample cup on reagent sample disk.
1.Check if there is obstacle on sample reagent disk.
Sample reagent probe Sample reagent probe cannot reach sample liquid when
5-14 S. Stop 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
abnormal descend.
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe program "mechanism check".
5-15 Stop Sample reagent probe mechanism ascend/ descend abnormal
abnormal 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent probe program "mechanism check".
5-16 Stop Sample reagent probe mechanism sway abnormal
abnormal 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
Detergent placed at W1 of
5-17 Warning Detergent is not detected when sample descending. Check if detergent is placed at W1.
sample disk is used up
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk The sample reagent disk does not detect the specified position program "mechanism check".
6-1 S. Stop
abnormal on the outer track 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk The sample reagent disk does not stop in the specified position program "mechanism check".
6-2 S. Stop
abnormal on the outer track 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk The sample reagent disk cannot detect the stop position on the program "mechanism check".
6-3 S. Stop
abnormal intermediate track. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk The sample reagent disk cannot stop in the specific position on program "mechanism check".
6-4 S. Stop
abnormal the intermediate track 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk The sample reagent disk cannot detect the stop position on the program "mechanism check".
6-5 S. Stop
abnormal inner track. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk The sample reagent disk cannot stop in the specific position on program "mechanism check".
6-6 S. Stop
abnormal the inner track 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk In resetting, the sample reagent disk cannot detect the home program "mechanism check".
6-7 Stop
abnormal position. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk In resetting, the sample reagent disk does not leave the home program "mechanism check".
6-8 Stop
abnormal position 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Sample reagent disk In resetting the sample reagent disk does not stop at sample 1 program "mechanism check".
6-9 Stop
abnormal position on the outer track. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
Sample barcode device 1.Check if barcode device is well connected.
6-10 Warning Sample barcode reader cannot be found.
abnormal 2.Trouble cannot be restored, Contact the service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
7-1 S. Stop Sample syringe abnormal The sample syringe is not at the upper dead point. program "mechanism check". 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can
not be restored. Contact the service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
program "mechanism check".
7-2 S. Stop Sample syringe abnormal The sample syringe does not leave the upper dead point.
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample probe The sample reagent probe does not reach the upper dead point program "mechanism check".
8-1 Stop
abnormal in ascending motion 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
Reagent sample probe The sample reagent probe goes down abnormally in descending 1.Check if there is still reagent in the bottle.
8-2 Warning
abnormal motion 2.Check if the reagent bottle is open.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

3.Check if the sample reagent disk cover is put in its proper place.
4.Check if the sample reagent probe is bent.
5.Check if reagent bottle is lean placed.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample probe The sample reagent probe does not leave the upper dead point
8-3 Stop program "mechanism check". 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can
abnormal in descending motion
not be restored. Contact the service department.
Reagent sample probe
8-4 Warning Sample reagent probe stay in liquid level detect effective status. Please contact service department when this error occur repetitively.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample probe The sample reagent probe cannot detect the cell position in program "mechanism check".
8-5 Stop
abnormal rotation to the reaction cuvette side. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample probe The sample reagent probe cannot leave the cell position in program "mechanism check".
8-6 Stop
abnormal rotation to the reaction cuvette side. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample probe In rotation of sample reagent probe, it is not set at the upper program "mechanism check".
8-7 Stop
abnormal dead point. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
Reagent sample probe
8-8 Warning Reagent sample probe cannot find reagent bottle Check if there is reagent bottle on sample reagent disk.

Reagent sample probe Reagent sample probe cannot reach reagent liquid level when 1.Check if there is obstacle on reagent disk.
8-9 Stop
abnormal descend. 2.trouble cannot be restored, contact the service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample probe program "mechanism check".
8-10 Stop Reagent sample probe mechanism ascend/ descend abnormal
abnormal 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample probe program "mechanism check".
8-11 Stop Reagent sample probe mechanism sway abnormal
abnormal 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample disk program "mechanism check".
10-1 Stop The reagent sample disk cannot detect the stop position
abnormal 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
Reagent sample disk 1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
10-2 Stop The reagent sample disk does not stop at the specified position
abnormal program "mechanism check".

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the

service department.
1.Call up the mechanism check screen and carry out the check
Reagent sample disk program "mechanism check".
10-3 Stop The reagent sample disk cannot detect the home position.
abnormal 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Check if barcode device is well connected.
Bar code device of
10-4 Warning Barcode reader of reagent sample disk cannot be find 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
reagent disk abnormal
service department.
Reagent number
10-5 Stop Reagent number invalidity. Please contact the service department.

R2 reagent number
11-5 Stop R2 reagent number invalidity. Please contact the service department.

When this error occurs repetitively, please contact service

14-1 Stop Syringe abnormal The syringe is not at the upper dead point.

When this error occurs repetitively, please contact service

14-2 Stop Syringe abnormal The syringe does not leave from the upper dead point

Incubator water temp The water temperature in the incubation bath is outside a range 1.Check if cooling fan is operate normally.
20-1 Warning
error of 45C 2.Trouble can not be restored, contact the service department.
1.Check if the room temperature is within a range of 15-32C.
Incubator water temp The water temperature in the incubation bath is outside a range 2.Check if cooling fan is operated normally.
20-2 Warning
error of 37 plus or minus 0.5C. 3.Check if the incubation bath water is circulation.
4.Trouble can not be restored, contact the service department.
Incubator water level 1.Check if the filter of incubation bath is clog.
21-1 Warning The water level in the incubation bath is too low
error 2.Wash liquid level sensor probe of incubator.

Incubation bath water A period of 24 hours has passed since exchanging water in the Carry out "Incubator water exchange" or turn off the power switch
22-1 Warning
exchange incubation bath. and then turn it on again.

Water reservoir level too The distilled water tank is not supplied with water, Check the water
23-1 Stop The water level in the water tank is too low
low pressure, water cock, and other water supply systems.

28-1 Warning Liquid in Vacuum Tank The vacuum tank contains water Empty the water in vacuum tank according to the "User manual".

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Code Level Name Describe Countermeasure

1.Check if there is a reagent that is insufficient on the reagent status
Reagent volume is less than the setup value of reagent residual
31-1 Warning Reagent shortage screen.
volume in system setup interface.
2.Replace the reagent with a new one.
1.Check if there is a reagent whose volume is below the reagent check
The reagent volume is below the reagent check level set on the level on the Reagent status screen.
33-1 Warning Low detergent volume
system parameters screen. 2.Make sure that the reagent check level set on the system parameters
screen is proper.
1.Reagent name setup error, reagent residual test time cannot
be checked. 1.Check barcode stick information, scan the barcode again after
35-1 Warning Reagent bottle abnormal 2.Reagent type setup error, reagent residual test time cannot be check.
checked. 2.Register the reagent information manually.
3.The item is not set in analyze parameter.

41-1 Warning Sampling finished There is no sample to be measured .

1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
program "reset".
143-1 Stop Time sync failure Time sync instruction transmitting failure.
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored . Contact the
service department.
1.Check if water supplier, pipeline and filter is normal.
2.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
143-2 Stop Add water overtime Water tank liquid path system error, add water overtime. program "reset".
3.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.check the supplying pipe whether air exists in.check the height of
water tank whether it is more than 1.5 meters (distance from
143-3 Warning AD board reset failure Error occurs when AD board reset, AD board reset failure. ground)if it will be used.
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Check if there is waterdrop on the code wheel.
2.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Error occurs when reaction disk resetting and reaction reset
143-4 Warning Reaction disk reset failure program "reset".
3.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Check if there is substance in sample container.
Sample reagent disk reset Error occurs when sample disk resetting and sample disk reset
143-5 Warning 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
failure failure.
service department.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

1.Check if incubation filter and diluent waste pipeline is clog.

2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
143-8 Warning Water discharge failure Incubation bath discharge failure. service department.

1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Adding detergent Detergent is not added completely in specified time by reagent program "reset"
143-9 Warning
overtime probe 1 and reagent 2. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Reagent sample disk Reagent sample probe cannot detect the liquid level when program "reset"
143-10 Warning
liquid level detect failure adding detergent. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Constant water bath liquid program "reset".
143-12 Warning Constant water bath liquid level detect failure.
level detect failure. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Chec if the liquid level sensor of incubation bath is clean and if
Water bath liquid path there is water in incubation bath.
143-13 Warning Add water overtime in constant water bath.
error 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Barcode scanning program "reset".
143-14 Warning Barcode scanning overtime.
overtime. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
program "reset".
143-15 Warning Degas overtime Degas overtime
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
program "reset".
143-16 Stop Reaction initialize failure Reaction initialize failure
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
program "reset".
143-17 Stop Reaction disk stop failure Reaction disk stop failure
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Sample reagent probe

143-18 S .Stop Sample reagent probe is block To remove the block please according to 12.4.1 in "User Manual".

After testing upon added sample, call up system maintenance menu,

143-19 S .Stop Add sample failure Last add sample failure
carry out "reset".
After testing upon added sample, call up system maintenance menu,
143-20 S .Stop Add R1 failure Last add R1 failure.
carry out "reset"
After testing upon added sample, call up system maintenance menu,
143-21 S .Stop Add R2 failure Last add R2 failure
carry out "reset"
After testing upon added sample, call up system maintenance menu,
143-24 S .Stop Stirring failure Last stirrer failure
carry out "reset"
143-28 Warning Waste bottle full The waste bottle is full Empty the waste bottle.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Error on float switch, high liquid level float switch could detect
program "reset ".
143-29 Stop Float switch error the signal but the low liquid level float switch cannot. is not
2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
detect the signal.
service department.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Reagent horizontal program "reset ".
143-30 Warning Reagent horizontal scanning overtime.
scanning overtime. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.

143-31 Warning Vacuum pump error Vacuum pump negative pressure too low. Please contact the maintenance department.

Barcode scanning After testing upon added sample, call up system maintenance menu,
143-32 Warning Barcode scanning overtime when testing.
overtime. carry out "reset".

143-37 Stop Gear wheel pump error Gear wheel pump pressure too low. Please contact the maintenance department.

Reagent sample disk

143-38 Warning Reagent disk cover is open.
cover open

Reagent sample disk Reagent disk cover is close, instrument will automatically carry
143-39 Warning
cover close out reagent horizontal scanning.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Mapping information Transmit reagent mapping information failure and add reagent program "reset".
143-42 Stop
transmit failure may failure too. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

When water tank temperature exceed 36.5 degree, infuse cold 1.Room temperature is too high or water supply equipment error
143-43 Warning Cooling overtime water into water tack, and water tank temperature cannot occur.
reduce to 35.5 degree in 1 minute. 2.Please contact the maintenance department.
1.Pwer off and restart the instrument.
143-44 Stop Instrument module error Error occurs between instrument modules. 2.Various malfunctions or trouble cannot be restored. Contact the
service department.

Code Level Name Describe Countermeasure

Carry out cell blank test to judge cup states. If cell blank value is
Continue contaminated
143-45 Stop Continually 5 contaminated cup occur. abnormal, please change reaction cuvette cup, if cell blank value is
cup occur
normal please contact maintenance department.
In resetting, if trouble cannot remove, or other malfunctions exist,
143-46 Stop AD data error AD data error
please contact maintenance department.
In resetting, if trouble cannot remove, or other malfunctions exist,
143-47 Warning Test ISE error ISE test internal standard liquid failure
please contact maintenance staff.
1.Call up the system maintenance menu and carry out the check
Read edition number program "reset".
143-48 Warning Read edition number overtime
overtime 2.Various malfunctions or trouble can not be restored. Contact the
service department.
1.Check if reagent disk lid is covered. Check if environment
temperature is confirm to instrument requirement.
144-1 Warning Cooling system abnormal Cooling time abnormal 2.If trouble cannot be removed,or other malfunction exist, please
contact the maintenance department.

144-2 Warning Cooling system abnormal Cooling circuit abnormal Please contact the maintenance department.

144-3 Warning Cooling system abnormal Cooling chip abnormal Please contact the maintenance department.
Please add water in cooling system water take according to 12.4.8 in
144-4 Warning Cooling system abnormal Cooling liquid level abnormal
the "user manual".

144-5 Warning Cooling system abnormal Cooling status abnormal Please contact the maintenance department.

Unable to confirm the (1).Cooling system is not connected.

144-7 Warning Please contact the maintenance department.
cooling condition (2). Cooling system failure
145-1 Warning Path 1 cooling chip error Path 1 cooling circuit is less than 5A Please contact the maintenance department.

145-2 Warning Path 2 cooling chip error Path 2 cooling circuit is less than 5A Please contact the maintenance department.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

145-3 Warning Path 3 cooling chip error Path 3 cooling circuit is less than 5A Please contact the maintenance department.

145-4 Warning Path 4 cooling chip error Path 4 cooling circuit is less than 5A Please contact the maintenance department.

145-5 Warning Path 5 cooling chip error Path 5 cooling circuit is less than 5A Please contact the maintenance department.

Code Level Name Describe Countermeasure

145-6 Warning Path 6 cooling chip error Path 6 cooling circuit is less than 5A Please contact the maintenance department.

146-1 Warning Path 1 AD collector error Path 1 AD collector value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

146-2 Warning Path 2 AD collector error Path 2 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

146-3 Warning Path 3 AD collector error Path 3 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

146-4 Warning Path 4 AD collector error Path 4 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

146-5 Warning Path 5 AD collector error Path 5 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

146-6 Warning Path 6 AD collector error Path 6 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

146-7 Warning Path 7 AD collector error Path 7 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

146-8 Warning Path 8 AD collector error Path 8 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

146-9 Warning Path 9 AD collector error Path 9 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.
Path 10 AD collector
146-10 Warning Path 10 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.
Path 11 AD collector
146-11 Warning Path 11 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.
Path 12 AD collector
146-12 Warning Path 12 AD collector test value has exceed normal range. Please contact the maintenance department.

143-49 Warning Illegal test item Illegal test No and reagent volume Please contact the maintenance department.

Ambience temperature
144-6 Warning Ambience temperature is over 15-32℃.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

144-8 Warning Cooling fan malfunction Cooling fan running abnormal. Please contact maintenance staff.

150-1 Stop Reaction board abnormal Procedure overtime error of reaction board Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.

Code Level Name Describe Countermeasure

150-2 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board procedure enters undefined status Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
150-3 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board receives invalid stirring Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
150-4 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board receives invalid No. of stirring rod 1. Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
150-5 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board executes invalid instruction Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
151-1 Stop Reaction board abnormal Procedure overtime error of reaction board. Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
151-2 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board procedure enters undefined status Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
151-3 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board receives invalid cup No. Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
151-4 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board receives inadequate sample Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
151-5 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board receives invalid position Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
151-6 Stop Reaction board abnormal Reaction board executes invalid instruction Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
152-1 Stop Reagent board abnormal Procedure overtime error of Reagent board Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
152-2 Stop Reagent board abnormal Reagent board enters undefined status Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
152-3 Stop Reagent board abnormal Reagent board receives invalid cup No. Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
152-4 Stop Reagent board abnormal Reagent board receives inadequate reagent Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
152-5 Stop Reagent board abnormal Reagent board receives invalid position Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.
152-6 Stop Reagent board abnormal Reagent board executes invalid instruction Please contact the maintenance staff if it fails repeatedly.

Figure 12-4

Note: Alarm code is composed of big sort and small sort.

××× — ×××

Small sort
Big sort
CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Chapter 14 Risk Evaluation

In order to avoid any hazard when operator is in equipment use, maintenance, control risks related to instrument
use, and reduce these risks to acceptable level. At the beginning of the design, the instrument has taken
corresponding measures. Hazards and measures taken in the use process are as follows:
Table 1 Risk Evaluation

Risk Evaluation

Potential risks Formative factor Risk Level Risk Reduction Measure

Before After
measure measure

1. Component between
instrument and flood
electricity pass safety
Power supply with
switch is adopted to
2. Components between
input AC, so in the
strong electrical connections
instrument, danger
are locked by heat-shrinkable
Electricity voltage exist. S4 P6 N/ACC ACC
tube and sealed by silicone.
If touch the parts with
3. Design of the instrument
danger voltage, user
ensures that the users can’t
may get an electric
touch danger voltage parts
when they unarmed
disassembling the

Label the “biohazard”symbol

at spot where the reagent,
The tested waste liquid sample and waste liquid
Bio-contaminati may contain flows out of the instrument.
on bio-contamination Emphasize that user should
wear glove during dealing
waste according to Lab rules
in the manual.

Label the “biohazard”symbol

During maintenance at spot where the reagent,
and disposal cast-off, sample and waste liquid
Re-and/or cross- the waste urine may flows out of the instrument.
contamination bring operator cross- Emphasize that user should
contamination. wear glove during dealing
waste according to Lab rules
in the manual.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Strong Add filters in power supply

Susceptibility to electromagnetic part and other parts that have
electromagnetic interference may lead S2 P2 ALARP ACC the tendency to be interfered
interference instrument to dead or to enhance anti-jamming
mistake in running. ability.

Electromagnetic During circuit design,

signals emitted by the magnetic components are
Emissions of analyzer interfere added to radicalization
electromagnetic other instrument S2 P2 ALARP ACC circuitry in order to restrain
interference through electrical wire radiation. And good specific
radiation or EMI having 4 layers of
circumjacent circuit boards is adopted.

due to waste Waste liquid has Emphasize how to deal with
products and/or potential S2 P2 ALARP ACC the waste strips in the
medical device contamination. instruction.

It may cause the

instrument not run Attach label on the
normally that there no appropriate position so that
adequate labeling to S2 P3 ALARP ACC to remind user.
indicate the operator The label is explained in the
how to use the manual in detail.

Leading to
inadequate Explained how to operate the
misoperation and
specification of S2 P2 ALARP ACC instrument in the Operation
abnormal running of
operation Manual in detail.

Explained how to operate the
specification of Incorrect results may
accessories and consumable
accessories to be occur by using wrong S3 P3 ALARP ACC
in the Operation Manual in
used with the reagent model.
medical device

Leading to
Inadequate Illustrate how to check the
misoperation and
specification of S2 P2 ALARP ACC analyzer before use in
abnormal running of
pre-use checks Operation Manual in detail.

over-complicate Leading to
Operation Manual is concise
d operating misoperation and S2 P3 ALARP ACC
and comprehensive.
instructions abnormal running of

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual


Inadequate Compile concise and

May lead to
specification of comprehensive operation
misoperation of S3 P2 ALARP ACC
service and manual so that user can
maintenance master it soon.
Compile concise and
Used by May lead to
comprehensive operation
unskilled/untrai misoperation of S2 P4 ALARP ACC
manual so that user can
ned personnel instrument
master it soon.
measurement Carry out quality control on
May lead to incorrect
and other S3 P2 ALARP ACC the instrument by quality
metrological controls
Specified reagent is
required. Users should
with Indicate in consumables and
not replace them by
consumables/ac S2 P4 ALARP ACC accessories in detail in the
other Specified.
cessories/other user’s manual.
Otherwise test result
will be incorrect
1. Lead to
misoperation, at the
same time affect Explain each operation
Mistakes and
normal use. S2 P3 ALARP ACC interface in detail in the
judgment errors
2. The operator cannot user’s manual.
understand test result
Predigest operation and
describe the operation
The result may be
Violation or particular in the user’s
error when users don’t
abbreviation of manual. The relevant
operate the analyzer S1 P3 ALARP ACC
instructions, prompts shall be designed in
according to the user’s
procedures , etc. the operation software,and
alarm can be issued when
failure occurs.
Add trap in the software to
Complex or This may cause the prevent the hazard
confusing instrument working S2 P3 ALARP ACC spreading and eliminate
control system abnormally the fault when restart the
That the massage
displayed on the Display the working status of
Ambiguous or
screen is not accord the instrument on the screen
unclear device S2 P4 ALARP ACC
with the actual status and illustrate the status in the
of the instrument may user’s manual.
cause misopetation.
Ambiguous or That the massage
unclear displayed on the
Display the working status of
presentation of screen is not accord
the instruments on the screen
settings , with the S2 P3 ALARP ACC
and illustrate the status in the
measurements actual status of the
user’s manual.
or other instrument may cause
information misopetation.
Lack of or Cause instrument Elaborate about the
inadequate performance decline S1 P4 ALARP ACC maintenance ways of the
specification for and affect normal use. instrument in the user’s

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

maintenance manual
specification of
Cause instrument Elaborate about the
Inadequate performance decline maintenance ways of the
maintenance and affect normal instrument in the user’s
use. manual
Elaborate all parts of the
Loss of
This may cause the instrument in the operation
electrical /
instrument working S4 P2 ALARP ACC manual, so operator can
abnormally. check integrity of the
Inadequate packaging
packaging Establish the packaging
may cause the
(contamination standard, List the storage and
instrument or its parts S4 P2 ALARP ACC
and/or transportation condition in
damage during
deterioration of the operation manual
the device)

Table 2 P1-P6

Classification Frequency/Year/Unit
P1 Frequent >1
P2 Probable 1-10-1
P3 Occasional 10-1-10-2
P4 Remote 10-2-10-4
P5 Unlikely 10-4-10-6
P6 Incredible <10-6

Table 3 S1-S4
Classification Criteria
S1 Negligible Little or no possibility of potential hazard
S2 Marginal Lead to mild contamination
S3 Critical Lead to danger and severe infection of life or
serious injury
S4 Fatal Lead to life-threatening injuries

Table 4

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Probability of Severity
Occurrence S1 S2 S3 S4
Incredible ACC ACC ACC ACC

(N/ACC-Not acceptable. ACC-Acceptable. ALARP-As low as reasonable practical

All the risks, remaining after measures, are not allowed at N/ACC level.

Chapter 15 Instrument Transportation and Storage

15.1 Transportation Requirement
Waterproof and moisture proof is required while transportation. Do not extrude or vibrate the instrument. Handle
it gently while carrying and loading.

15.2 Storage Requirement

Instrument should be stored in clean room with no chemical, no aggressive gas.

15.3 Storage Environment

Instrument should be stored in clean room with no chemical, no corrosive gas. Height above sea level within
2000 meter, temperature within -10℃~40℃, relative humidity within: 40%~85% atmospheric pressure
within: 76kPa~106kPa.

Addendum A Product Warranty

Dear customer:

Thank you for purchasing CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer of our company. We can offer you the following
1. Technique consultation is provided at any time.
2. One year warranty from the day purchased. If instrument malfunction is caused by design defect, manufacture
defect, our company will repair them without payment.
3. Paid service is provided in following condition:
a. Product out of warranty period.
b. Damage caused by accident or wrong operation.
c. Operation is not according to the manual requirement.
d. Repair the instrument without our permission.
4. Upgrading service is provided along with the technique improvement.

For Technique Support, Contact The Following Address and Telephone:

Manufacturer:Changchun Dirui Industrial CO., LTD.
Address:95,Yunhe Street, New & High Tech. Development Zone, Changchun, China
Sales department telephone:0431-85175023 85172600
After service telephone:8008468578 0431-85184809

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Complain telephone: 0431-85177245

Fax :0431-85172581
Zip code :130012

Addendum B Product Description

B.1 Product assortment:
①According to medical equipment product assortment catalogue:
Belong to biochemical analyze system in clinic test analyze instrument (6840), type II in management type.
②According to electric shock protection assortment: l type
B.2 Accessory reagent:

Following table explains the accessory reagent.(often used chemistry reagent parameter table)

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

wavelength Calib Sensi
Item Photome volume Blank
Assay (nm) Sample Calibratio r-atio Span Reaction Deviation Discret t-ivit
Time -tric horizontal
mode Main- Sub-w volume n method n point direction rate check e check y
name point check
wavel avelen R1 R2 point check
-ength -gth
ALT Rate A 15 340 405 25-35 30 240 60 2 2 Negative 3.3 0.05 0 0.8-2.5
15 2-point
AST Rate A 340 405 25-35 30 240 60 2 2 Negative 3.3 0.05 0 0.8-2.5
15 2-point
ALP Rate A 405 505 25-30 4 200 50 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-1.0
15 2-point
GGT Rate A 405 505 24-30 25 200 50 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-1.2
2point 15
TBA rate 405 505 26-32 4 270 90 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-1.2
1point 15 2-point
TBIL 546 660 38 20 0 200 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.5
assay linearity
1 point 15 2-point
DBIL 546 660 38 20 0 200 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.5
assay linearity
1 point 15 2-point
TP 546 700 25 5 250 0 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.5-0.5
assay linearity
1 point 15 2-point
ALB 600 700 10 2 300 0 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-0.5
assay linearity
15 2-point
LAP Rate A 405 505 25-35 15 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-1.2
15 2-point
CHE Rate A 405 505 24-29 3 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-1.0
15 2-point
ICDH Rate A 340 405 25-35 15 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-1.0

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual
volume Cali Deviatio
Photom Calibratio Discret Sensitivit Blank
Item Assay Main- Sample brati Span Reaction n
Time Sub-wa -etric n e rate y horizontal
name mode wave- volume on point direction Rate
-velengt point R1 R2 method check check check
lengt point check
Rate A 15 2-point
GLDH 340 405 25-35 15 240 60 2 2 Negative 3.3 0.05 0 0.5-2.5
assay linearity
Rate A 15 2-point
AMY 405 505 24-30 5 160 40 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-1.2
assay linearity
2-point 15 2-point
BUN 340 405 24-29 3 240 60 2 2 Negative 3.3 0.05 0 0.8-2.5
assay linearity
2-point 15 2-point
CRE 546 700 20-38 8 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.8
assay linearity
2-point 15 2-point
CRE 505 660 23-28 20 150 150 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-1.2
assay linearity
2-point 15 2-point
GLU 505 660 20-49 2 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-0.8
assay linearity
GLU 2-point 15 2-point
340 405 38 2 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-1.0
(HK) assay linearity
2-point 15 2-point
FMN 546 700 20-38 15 300 0 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.8
rate linearity
2-point 15 2-point
TC 505 660 20-38 3 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.5
assay linearity
2-point 15 2-point
TG 546 700 20-38 3 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.5
assay linearity
2-point 15 2-point
HDL-C 546 660 20-38 3 225 75 linearity 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-0.8
2-point 15 2-point
LDL-C 546 660 20-38 4 300 100 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.8
assay linearity
Rate A 15 2-point
CK-MB 340 405 28-35 10 200 50 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-1.2
assay linearity
Rate A 15 2-point
CK 340 405 28-35 5 200 50 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-1.2
assay linearity

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

Wavelength Reagent
(nm) Photom volume Calibratio Calib Sensitiv Blank
Item Assay Sample Span Reaction tion Discret
Time Main- Sub- etric n ration ity horizontal
name mode volume point direction rate e check
wavel wavel point R1 R2 method point check check
ength ength
Rate A 2-point
HBDH 10 340 405 25-35 6 240 60 2 2 Negative 3.3 0.05 0 0.8-2.5
assay linearity
Rate A 2-point
LDH 20 340 405 25-35 5 240 60 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-1.0
assay linearity
2-point 2-point
UA 20 546 700 20-38 4 200 50 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.8
assay linearity
1-point 2-point
P 6 340 405 10 4 200 0 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.8
assay linearity
2-point 2-point
Ca-CPC 20 570 660 20-38 6 150 150 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.5
assay linearity
1-point 2-point
Cl 6 505 660 10 3 300 0 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 -0.1-0.5
assay linearity
1-point 2-point
Ca-ARS 6 660 750 10 3 300 0 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-0.8
assay linearity
1-point 2-point
Mg 6 546 750 10 3 300 0 2 2 Positive 3.3 0.05 0 0-1.2
assay linearity

Note: For specific parameter, please refer to reagent instruction. In order to add items, please set according to the parameters of reagent instruction. To calculate
sample result, calibration by calibration serum with the practical factor is advised if the items are tested by rate A assay.

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer User Manual

CS-T240 Auto-chemistry Analyzer User Manual


Dirui Co. LTD. has the final explaination right.

Dirui Co. LTD. is responsible for the security, reliability and capability of CS-T240 auto-chemistry analyzer
under following circumstance.
1) Instalation, adjustment, improvement and repairment are proceeded by Dirui company professionals.
2) Relevant electric equipments are qualified according to state norms.
3) User Manual should be obeyed when operating instrument.

No extra announcement if interphase changed.

Any question , please call 8008468578 or 0431-85184809.

Dec. 2009


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