Task 3

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Teaching Practice Task 3: Noting Teaching and Learning

Program link: This task is associated to the guidelines of the course EPC 3403 – Practicum 3a
(Course Learning Outcome 1 –planning the lesson, 2- designing and creating resources, 3 –
maintaining a positive environment, 4 – considering individual differences and 5 – timing)

Objective: You will Identify and assess teaching and learning strategies. At the end of each
day, you will note a teaching strategy that you or the teacher used that you consider very
useful and you would want to use again. This strategy can deal with the planning of the
lesson, the use of materials and technology, the review of prior learning, the motivation of
the children, the presentation of the materials, the appropriateness of the practice activities,
classroom management strategies, timing strategies, reviewing the lesson, general
assessment of the learning or if you are lucky enough to talk to your teacher, her reflection
on her lesson.

Grade: Week:
Day 1: Subject: True or false in math sentences Learning Outcome: identify math
15-oct statements as true or false.
Strategy: group working

Day 2: Subject: the correct and incorrect statement Learning Outcome: By the end of
the day identify math statements as true or false.
Strategy: discussion

Day 3: Subject: Minus from eight Learning Outcome: Subtract numbers from eight.
Strategy: Story

Day 4: Subject: Minus from ten Learning Outcome: Subtract numbers from ten.
Strategy: compotation

Day 5: Subject: Learning Outcome:


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