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JANUARY 15 – deadline for on-line sending of CEEPUS Network Application for next
academic year. The Network Application submission is under responsibility of the
The necessary parts of successful application are:
- Letter of Intent of each partner’s faculty – printed on official faculty paper with stamp
and signature of dean or vice-dean. Letter of Intent with actual date is necessary
supplement of Network Application Form every year.
- Letter of Endorsement of each partner university – printed on official university paper
with stamp and signature of rector or vice-rector. New “Letter” is necessary only in the
case of some change in network composition (change of co-ordinator or acceptation of
some new partner institution).
Coordinator needs all the documents mentioned above till DECEMBER 15 at the latest.
JUNE 15 – deadline for on-line submission of student/teacher applications for winter
semester (through official web site of CEEPUS, only in the case of successful Network
Application for the next academic year).
SEPTEMBER 30 – deadline for on-line (through official web site of CEEPUS) sending of
Network Report. It is the obligation not only of coordinators, but also of all partners.
NOVEMBER 15 – deadline for on-line submission of student/teacher applications for
summer semester (through official web site of CEEPUS).

A) CEEPUS network is typical network for mobility of students/ teachers from Central
European countries. The purpose is to improve education at universities.
B) Student mobility lasts 1 month or 1 semester at chosen partner university outside of home
country. Minimal duration of the stay – 21 days!!!. Teacher mobility lasts either 1 month or
1/2 month. Minimal duration of the stay – 10 days!!! Mobility is based on agreement of
Ministries of Education. Reciprocity is not the principle of CEEPUS mobility.
C) Participants receive scholarship for purpose of mobility. It covers living expenses of the
study stay in host country. The participant receive the scholarship in host country after his/her
D) Conditions of students’ study stay are the same or similar as for students of home
university (accommodation, board, using of university facilities etc.). Proposed programme is
valid, passing programme under recognition of home university.
E) Each participant nominates:
Contact person responsible for programme: content and organization of proposed programme,
quality of realization, administration including economy (more detailed division of
responsibility depends on conditions of participant).


Till the end of May – coordinative meeting of partner universities representatives:
- division of scholarship months,
- innovations in organization of the network and in the contents of proposed study
Autumn – till the half of October – workshop, CEEPUS-APA guide, evaluation of the last
academic year in our CEEPUS Network.

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