Cums B MediaSense Release Notes 1151su02

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MediaSense Release Notes, Release 11.


Release Notes 2

Introduction to Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02 2

New Functionality for Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02 2
Requirements for Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02 3
Caveats 4
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request 6
Revised: June 28, 2018,

Release Notes

Introduction to Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02

These release notes describe changes for Release 11.5(1)SU02 of Cisco MediaSense. You can also open release notes for prior
versions of Cisco MediaSense available at
These release notes are based on the following software version:

New Functionality for Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02

The following new features have been introduced in Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02:

Support for Minimum TLS Version

Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02 allows you to configure the minimum TLS version for both server and client. After configuring
the minimum version of TLS, MediaSense supports the minimum configured version and higher versions of TLS. For example, if
you configure TLS 1.1 as a minimum version of TLS, MediaSense uses TLS 1.1 and higher versions for communication and rejects
the request for a TLS version that is lower than the configured value. The minimum supported version is TLS 1.0 and maximum
supported version is TLS 1.2.
By default, TLS 1.0 is configured for server and TLS 1.2 is configured for client.
To configure the minimum TLS version in Cisco MediaSense, following new CLI command is introduced:
• For Servers:
set tls server min-version <tls minVersion>

• For Client:
set tls client min-version <tls minVersion>

Here <tls minVersion> can be 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2

Note After executing the CLI commands, you must restart the system using the utils system restart CLI command to reflect the

In addition to this, you can execute the following CLI command to check the configured value of minimum TLS version on Cisco
• For Server:
show tls server min-version

• For Client:
show tls client min-version

Note In cluster, you must execute the CLI command on all the nodes.

Important Any external client application using MediaSense APIs must communicate over TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 only, communication
over lower TLS versions are restricted.

Example: set tls server min-version <tls minVersion>

admin: set tls server min-version 1.1
**WARNING** If you are lowering the TLS version it can lead to security issues **WARNING**
Do you really want to continue (y/n) ? y
Execute this command in the other node of the cluster.
Restart the system using the command 'utils system restart' for the changes to take effect
Command successful

Example: show tls server min-version

admin:show tls server min-version
The server tls min-version is set to 1.1
Command successful

Support for ESXi 6.5

Cisco Media Sense 11.5(1) SU02 provides the support of ESXi 6.5. For more information, see Virtualization for Cisco MediaSense
available at
For information on compatibility of Cisco MediaSense, see Cisco MediaSense Compatibility Matrix available at

Requirements for Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02

These requirements and support constraints are new or have changed for MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02.

Platform Requirements for Cisco MediaSense Release 11.5(1)SU02

For platform requirements, refer to

Upgrade Requirements for Cisco MediaSense 11.5(1)SU02

The upgrade application posted on can be used to directly upgrade MediaSense 10.x to 11.5(1)SU02; it cannot be used to
install a new MediaSense 11.5(1)SU02 server.

Note Some Virtual Machine parameter settings have changed. Make sure that you complete the required changes as described in
the "Virtual Machine Parameters Settings for Refresh Upgrade" section of the "MediaSense Installation" chapter in the Cisco
MediaSense User Guide, Release 11.5(1) available at
contact_center/mediasense/115/User_Guide/CUMS_BK_M5B01864_00_ms-user-guide-115.html before you perform a
refresh upgrade.

You can download the file, UCSInstall_MCP_11.5.1.12001-8.sgn.iso, for an upgrade from the following location.

Note On an upgrade to release 11.5(1)SU02, the following message appears:

Partitions are unaligned, however this does not have a functional impact.
You can ignore the message as it does not impact MediaSense functionality and performance.

Supported Upgrade Paths

The following table lists the supported paths to upgrade to Cisco MediaSense 11.5(1)SU02.

Current Version Upgrade Path Description

Release 9.1(1) 1. First upgrade from Release 9.1(1) to Release 10.x. A Cisco Options Package (COP) file is required
to perform an upgrade from Release 9.1(1) to
2. Then upgrade directly from Release 10.x to Release Release 10.x.
A COP file provides a generic method to deploy
Cisco software outside the normal upgrade
Release 10.x Upgrade directly to Release 11.5(1)SU02. This is a Refresh Upgrade as the RHEL version
of the MediaSense operating system changes in
Release 11.5(1)SU02.
After RU upgrade, you must install the COP to
disable the root access. For information on the
COP, see CSCvg64456.

Release 11.x Upgrade directly to Release 11.5(1)SU02. This is a L2 upgrade and there is no change in
RHEL version.

For more information about MediaSense Upgrade, see the Upgrade Mediasense section of MediSense User Guide.

Bug Search Tool
If you have an account with, you can use Cisco Bug Search tool to find detailed information about defects.
To use the Bug Search tool, visit

Resolved Defects
The defects listed in the following table are resolved in Release 11.5(1)SU02.

Identifier Severity Component Headline

CSCvg64456 1 vos-platform MediaSense unauthorized access vulnerability

Identifier Severity Component Headline

CSCvd63328 1 vos-platform Evaluation of cvos for struts2-jakarta

CSCvi29546 2 vos-platform Multiple Cisco Products Disk Utilization Denial of Service Vulnerability

CSCvc12071 2 vos-platform Hard disk size is not displaying correctly on CLI

CSCvk03543 3 callcontrol-sip Vulnerability on port 5061

CSCvg06947 3 vsms XVCRMAN logs are getting generated very frequently

CSCvf41122 3 database Tracking IBM Informix APAR IT09839 into MediaSense Informix Database.

CSCvg06939 3 database Archival state not getting updated after transferring the mp4 file to SFTP server

CSCvi08708 3 other New Symantec certificate to be integrated into latest MS releases

CSCvi72527 3 other Vulnerabilities found on Port 9443

CSCvc99378 3 doc CLI displays correct hard disk size only upto count 5, 0GB shown for rest of hard

CSCvc62459 3 ui Metadata with tags starts with &quot;Tag&quot; keyword in MS 11.5, while in
old version MS 11.0 it was &quot;Tags&quot;

CSCvc49447 3 serviceability MediaSense Serviceability page not opening after latest CVoS sync for 11.6

CSCvc22337 3 vos-platform TZData Update for 2016g Changes and 2016 Leap Second

CSCvg03573 3 vsms Pruning is not updating the state of metadata

CSCvh18954 3 vos-platform MediaSense: Disk logging 100% due to Pluto core dumps generated with IPSec

CSCvc98372 3 vos-platform Evaluation of cvos for OpenSSL Jan 2017

CSCvc85770 3 database Informix cores observed on MediaSense 11.5

CSCvc41311 3 vos-platform Tomcat shell scripts no execution permission set for owner

CSCvb50790 3 vos-platform Evaluation of cvos for Openssl September 2016

CSCvj28462 3 other Not able to search archived records generated from MS 10.5 from MS 11.0 & MS

CSCva91320 3 vos-platform Evaluation of cvos for TCP August 2016

CSCvi79782 3 vsms Intermittently MediaSense XVCRMAN thread is not reading the audio packets in
case of SRTP calls

CSCvh14475 5 vos-platform VOS: Tomcat certificate regeneration/upload should mention other VOS-based

CSCvc84699 5 other MS: Incorrect &quot;run ora_sql&quot; Syntax Description

Closed Defects
The defects listed in the following table are closed in Release 11.5(1)SU02.

Identifier Severity Component Headline

CSCvi26101 3 capture Large, Fragmented IP Packets Can Cause Converted MP4 and WAV Recording
to Have Audio Out of Sync

CSCvh94448 3 serviceability MediaSense search query not responding for Date Range for Firefox and Chrome

Open Defects
There is no open defect in Release 11.5(1)SU02.

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

For information on obtaining documentation, using the Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST), submitting a service request, and gathering
additional information, see What's New in Cisco Product Documentation.
To receive new and revised Cisco technical content directly to your desktop, you can subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product
Documentation RSS feed. RSS feeds are a free service.

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