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1. Copy the sentences and complete them with the correct words.

cold water hot food temperatures

1. Ducks spend a lot of time in the …...
2. The …...... of omnivores is plants and animals.
3. Animals live in places with different …
4. Animals in …............... places rest during the day.
5. Animals in ….............. places have fur to protect them.

2. Copy the sentences and complete them with the correct words.
All Not many a lot of Some a little
1. Some plants, like cacti, can survive with only … water.
2. Other plants, like ferns, need … water.
3. …............... plants need sunlight.
4. ..............… plants need a lot of sunlight
5. ..............… plants grow in very cold places

3. Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences

1. Dinosaurs were big fossils / reptiles.
2. A dinosaur’s skin was covered with scales / fur.
3. Dinosaurs were born from rocks / eggs.
4. The Tyrannosaurus walked on two / four legs.
5. The Diplodocus had a very long head / neck.

4. Read the sentences and decide if they are true. Correct the false ones.
1. Animals do not need water to survive.

2. Fish and dolphins are aquatic animals.

3. Herbivores eat other animals.

4. Animals in hot places look for food during the day.

5. Some animals have fat under their skins

5. Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences.

1. Dinosaurs live / lived millions of years ago.
2. Fossils are / were the remains of living things.
3. People study / studied fossils to know about living things.
4. Tyrannosaurus walks / walked on two legs.
5. Diplodocus has / had a long neck.
1. Draw lines to match them.
1. We need food a. need calcium
2. Food comes from b. pasta and sugar
3. We can classify food c. to stay healthy
4. Our bones d. animals and plants
5. We get energy from e. into four groups

2. Mark the sentences true or false.

1. We should drink milk when we are growing.
2. Everyone needs the same quantity of food.
3. We need more food when we do exercise.
4. We should eat the same things every day.

3. Complete the sentences.

1. We should eat ...............................… meals during the day.
2. They are breakfast, lunch ..............................… and dinner.
3. Breakfast is important. We need ..............… in the morning.
4. A good tea includes a …................... and some fruit or milk.
5. It is healthy to eat ....................… one day and fish the next.

4. Complete the sentences.

1. We use our teeth to chew our .........................…
2. We should …...................... our teeth every day.
3. It is very important to ........................… our food.
4. Our ....................… breaks down food into simpler substances.

5. Select Yes or No.

1. Food enters our body through our mouth. Yes /No
2. Our oesophagus is a tube between our nose and mouth. Yes/No
3. Our stomach is like a bag. Yes/No
4. The small intestine is about a metre long. Yes/No.

6. Complete the sentences.

1. In the stomach, the food is …………………… with a liquid.
2. Food is …………..… into different substances in the small intestine.
3. Food that is not useful is ………………….… into faeces.
4. Faeces are …………..… through the anus.
1. Mark the sentences true or false.
1. We have a bronchial tube and two lungs.
2. Our ribs protect our lungs.
3. Air goes down through the trachea and the bronchial tubes.
4. Blood passes through the walls of our lungs.
5. When we inhale the air leaves our lungs.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. Blood carries oxygen ............… different parts of our body.
2. Our heart is ..........… the two lungs.
3. Blood circulates ...........… our body inside blood vessels
4. When our heart beats, it pushes blood .......… all the organs in ourbody
5. Arteries carry blood ...............… the heart to the rest of the body.

3. Select the correct option.

1. Blood collects the healthy/waste products from our body.
2. The kidneys and the bladder/stomach make up the excretory system.
3. The kidneys expel/clean our blood.
4. Blood is filtered/stored through the kidneys.
5. The bladder stores urine/faeces.

4. Match the word with its function.

1. Blood a. carry blood from the heart
2. The heart b. collects waste products
3. Arteries c. connect veins and arteries
4. Veins d. pumps blood around our body
5. Capillaries e. carry blood back to the heart

5. Complete the text with the correct words.

The ..................................... are two small organs shaped like beans.
They are .............................. the stomach and the intestines.
They are part of the ............................... system.
They filter the ........................... and make urine.
Urine is stored in the ................................. until we expel it.
1. Choosing the correct alternative in each example.
1. We have babies that are SIMILAR / DIFFERENT to us.
2. Men make EGGS / SPERM.
3. Women make EGGS / SPERM.
4. Fertilisation is when a sperm JOINS / SEPARATES with an egg.
5. A foetus begins to grow in the woman’s OVARIES / UTERUS.
6. MEN / WOMEN have a prostate gland.

2. Draw a line to join the two halves.

1. Pregnancy a. babies measure about fifty centimetres.
2. During pregnancy b. lasts for about nine months.
3. At the beginning c. foetuses measure about ten centimetres.
4. At three months d. foetuses are as small as a grain of sand.
5. At nine months e. foetuses grow and change.

3. Mark the sentences true or false.

1. When babies are born they know how to talk
2. Babies learn to crawl when they are a few months old.
3. When babies get their teeth they start to eat solid food.
4. In childhood girls and boys learn how to read.
5. During our youth we stop growing.
6. At 12 years old our bodies are completely formed.
7. In old age people are strong.

4. Complete the sentences.

a. At the beginning, a foetus is as small as a grain of ________________
b. At three months, a foetus measures about ___________________. A
foetus already has a __________________, legs, arms, fingers and a
c. At nine months, babies measure about ______________centimetres
and are ready to be ________________________________.

5. Write the sentences in the correct chronological order.

a. We reach maturity when we are about 20 years old.
b. Babies learn how to walk when they are about 14 months old.
c. In childhood girls and boys grow taller.
d. Babies make sentences when they are about two years old.
e. Babies start to get teeth when they are about six months old.

1. Complete them with the appropriate word.
1. …........................................ animals are born from eggs.
2. .............................… are born from their mother’s womb.
3. Adult female butterflies lay …..............................
4. The larva stays still while its skin becomes ..................…
5. The pupa opens and a ................................… comes out.

2. Decide if the sentences are true or false.

1. Zebras and ducks breathe through their gills.
2. Insects breathe through a tracheal system.
3. Small tubes carry water to the different parts of an insect’s body.
4. Fish collect oxygen from the water through their gills.
5. Dolphins come to the surface for air.

3. The following sentences contain one mistake, you must find

and correct.
1. Plants can’t reproduce in different ways.
2. When the fruit is ripe, the plant closes.
3. When a seed begins to grow it is called termination.

4. Complete sentences.
1. Plant nutrition is different ....................................… animal nutrition.
2. There are three stages .....................................… plant nutrition.
3. First the roots absorb water and mineral salts ................… the soil.
4. Next the raw sap travels .............… the stem ...........… the leaves.
5. …......... the leaves the raw sap is transformed ....… elaborated sap.
6. Finally the elaborated sap travels ......… the leaves ….... the other
parts of the plant.
Comprehension. Write the following sentences on the BB.
Students listen again to and complete the sentences with
the correct word. They can check their answers in pairs before
checking with their textbook.
1. A settlement is a village, … or city.
2. A municipality is a settlement and the land … it.
3. In a municipality people have similar traditions and …
4. By the …, people may be employed in … and fishing.
5. Regions are made up of … municipalities close together.
6. … are bigger than regions.
Answers: 1. town. 2. around. 3. customs. 4. sea … tourism.
5. several. 6. provinces.

Match each city with its Autonomous Community.

11. Huelva a. Extremadura
12. Salamanca b. Asturias
13. Lleida c. Andalusia
14. Vitoria d. Galicia
15. Huesca e. Castile and Leon
16. Lugo f. Cantabria
17. Oviedo g. The Basque Country
18. Cuenca h. Aragon
19. Merida i. Catalonia
10. Santander j. Castile–La Mancha

Write on the BB the following prepositions and sentences. The Ss

complete the sentences by writing in the correct preposition.
on / in / between / next to / near
1. Andorra is … Spain and France.
2. The Balearic Islands are … the Mediterranean Sea.
3. Portugal is … … Spain.
4. The Canary Islands are … Morocco.
5. Melilla is … the coast of Morocco.

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