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Distributive shock usually occur as a result of motor vehicle crashes,

diving, trampoline
Loss of vasomotor tone due to Spinal cord injury, accidents, etc. The spinal cord is injured when the
dissection of the spinal cord undergoes
interference with sympathetic nervous cord; severe abnormal motions of acceleration and deceleration.
acute pain (this will stimulate the There are several types
system function leads to neurogenic shock. vagus of movements that the spinal cord can become
nerve, which will make the heart rate injured by. They include
Different conditions make the vascular drop; when hyperflexion (bending forward), hyperextension
this happens, not as much blood (bending backward), axial
space vasodilate. Prior to the vasodilation, is being loading (compression of the cord, as when landing on
pumped out by the heart, so the your head—ever
there is adequate volume for the size vascular system heard of a compression fracture?), and rotation
thinks it’s in shock). Brain (turning of the head too far
of the vessels. When vasodilation occurrs, injury, either way). All of this leads to soft-tissue injury,
which alters the vasomotor center in fractures of bones of the
the vessels become larger. This makes the the spinal column, torn ligaments and muscles, or an
brainstem or sympathetic outflow to actual penetration of the
volume seem less to the body, so the body vessels; cord itself.
The injury is identified by the
Neurogenic shock level of injury and by complete/ incomplete depth of
Occurs when the sympathetic nervous system stops injury. For example,
sending signals to the vessel walls, causing the level C5 is an injury at the 5th cervical vertebrae.
vessels throughout the body to vasodilate (also called That is the level. The cord
loss of sympathetic vascular tone) and the blood injury may be complete or incomplete. If it is
pressure to drop. This usually occurs when there is complete, motor and sensory
severe damage to the central nervous system, pathways are damaged and/or transected. This will
specifically the brain and spinal cord. It is most often result in permanent
seen after acute spinal cord injury due to blunt loss of motor and sensory function below the level of
trauma—motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), falls, and injury.
sports injuries. The cervical spine area is the most PATHOPHY
commonly injured area. The higher the spinal cord
injury, the more severe the neurogenic shock. With The initial injury causes damage to the gray matter of
injuries to the brain, the function of the autonomic the cord but the
nervous system is decreased, which leads to hemorrhaging, edema, and ischemia will extend to
vasodilation throughout all vessels. In other words, involve a larger area
the spinal nervous system cannot of injury, eventually affecting the entire gray matter
control the diameter of the blood vessels. When the of the cord. This
vasomotor center of the brain is injured, the explains why the extent of sensory/motor deficits
sympathetic nervous system does not function remains to be seen
properly, leading to systemic vasodilation. As a right after an injury
result, blood pools in the
venous system, the amount of blood returning to the Causes Why:
right side of the heart is decreased, and ultimately Contusion-Accidents such as car crashes, diving,
cardiac output drops and hypotension occurs. falls (commonly related
to trampolines and construction work)
Laceration-Same or may be from penetrating object
SCI Transection-Same or may be from penetrating object
An injury to the spinal cord via trauma by external Hemorrhage-Bleeding from trauma
force. These injuries Blood vessel damage to vessels that supply the
cord-Related to the trauma of ability to perspire been separated from
Fractured bones can damage Bone fragments-can communication with the brain.
be a penetrating object the cord Parasympathetic responses including bradycardia and
hypotension will ensue. This will end and some of
Lab Tests: the
reflex function may return. This is one reason why
X-ray, CT, MRI of the spine to locate the injury as you see clients regain some function months later
well as the extent of after their initial injury
damage. Neurogenic shock resulting in cardiovascular
EMG (electromyography) may help to locate the changes Brainstem cannot regulate reflexes
level. such as orthostatic hypotension and bradycardia
ABGs to determine oxygenation status and/or acid Respiratory dysfunction Loss of innervation to the
base balance. diaphragm (C1–C4 injury)
See the TBI section earlier in the chapter for other with the inability to breathe on one’s own
tests that may be Hypothermia Brainstem not functioning properly
performed in the presence of head injury. Paralytic ileus Loss of reflex function
Treatments: Urinary retention, incontinence Loss of reflex
Oxygen if injury is at thoracic level. function
Methylprednisolone administered within 8 hours of Thrombophlebitis Decreased peripheral resistance,
injury helps to loss of muscle
prevent further ischemia by reducing edema. function/movement
Opiate antagonists such as nalmefene might promote Paralysis with muscle spasms Upper and lower
blood flow to motor neurons pathways in the brain
the spinal cord. Paraplegia: paralysis of the lower portion of the
Vasopressors to treat bradycardia due to spinal shock. body are affected
Muscle relaxant to help with spasms. with lower trunk involvement
Analgesics to reduce pain. Quadriplegia: aka tetraplegia, is paralysis or
Surgery to stabilize the spine from further injury— impaired
cervical traction function of all four limbs, trunk, and pelvic organs
may be initiated using Gardner–Wells tongs and halo SCI Pathophy
external fixation
device. Complete Cord Transection- Tetraplegia, mm
Surgery to remove bone fragments or hematoma, flaccidity, loss of all reflexes and sensory function
decompression below level of injury, bladder and bowel atony,
laminectomy, spinal fusion, metal rods, etc. paralytic ileus, unstable blood pressure, dry skin,
H respiratory impairment
2 antagonists to prevent GI stress ulcer.
Anticoagulants to prevent clot formation. Incomplete Cord Transection- Motor deficits,
Stool softeners to prevent constipation and to initiate variable degree of bladder dysfunction, sensorimotor
bowel dysfunction.
program DELISA
Signs and symptoms Why Complete spinal cord lesions also affect the
Areflexia (loss of reflex function)—characterized by autonomic
low Initial response to spinal cord injury nervous system. Loss of sympathetic cardiac
characterized by innervation from
pulse, low BP, paralysis and weakness of muscles, lesions above the sixth thoracic vertebra can limit
loss temporary loss of reflex function below the level maximal
of heart rate to 110 to 130 beats per minute (473).
of sensation/feeling, bowel/bladder dysfunction, loss Lesions at the
injury. The cord does not function at all because it cervical and thoracic levels can impair control over
has regional
blood flow during exercise, causing venous blood beneficial for these patients because the modality
pooling in may be easily
the legs and consequently reducing cardiac preload. incorporated into exercise programs with
As a result, immobilized patients
stroke volume and cardiac output at a given oxygen during the acute phase of injury; it provides
uptake immediate information to the patient concerning the
tend to decline in those with spinal cord injury level of voluntary muscle
(474,475). activity; and, by so doing, this modality may help
Furthermore, the loss of sympathetic nervous control patients
over obtain spatial and temporal summation of muscle
vasomotor and sudomotor responses of the insensate potentials
skin leading toward increased contractility, and therefore
impairs thermoregulation preparing
the patient for a more vigorous therapy program.
Spinal cord injury (SCI) results in varying degrees of However, in
weakness cases in which little activity could be observed
and sensory loss at and below (i.e., caudal to) the site among chronic
of injury. SCI patients, feedback provided little or no
The motor deficits may be represented as muscle significant benefit toward restoration of function
weakness and (74). Other clinical trials
limb paralysis, spasticity, lost of normal bladder demonstrate controversial results on the effects of
control, and EMGBF for
breathing difficulty. patients with chronic, tetraparesis secondary to SCI.
The primary goals for interfacing patients with SCI One study
with using a pre-post experimental design found that
EMGBF are much the same as those outlined EMGBF was
previously for helpful in increasing voluntary muscle recruitment in
stroke patients. First, attempts are made to reduce longterm spinal injured patients (75), while another
hypermotor responses to induced length changes in similar study
spastic muscles. found no significant improvement (76).
Such hyperactive behavior of spastic muscles may
occur during spontaneous episodes of clonus or Though SCI can be associated with a range of injury
during induced clonic patterns,
seizures, when the lower or upper extremity responds motor deficits are generally a prominent feature
to various tactile stimuli. Once the patient can reduce (Chapter 47).
such responses At the time of discharge from initial SCI, the most
in supine, sitting, and ultimately standing postures, frequent
efforts are neurologic category is incomplete tetraplegia
directed toward recruitment of weak muscles. (31.2%), followed by
In patients with paraparesis following SCI, EMGBF complete paraplegia (28.2%), complete tetraplegia
training at the Emory University enabled many (17.5%), and
patients to increase incomplete paraplegia (23.1%). Less than 1% of
the speed at which they ambulate and to reduce the persons experience complete neurologic recovery by
number hospital discharge (341).
of required assistive devices. For patients with Persons with SCI generally show modest
tetraparesis and spontaneous
obvious residual voluntary movement, feedback sensory and motor improvement in the first 3 to 6
combined with months
an exercise program facilitated active range of following injury (342,343), although significant
motion (ROM) spontaneous
and improved upper-extremity function. Feedback improvement beyond the first year post SCI is
may be uncommon
(344). Motor deficits are thus common and persistent Widespread
after SCI, abnormalities in the limbic system have also been
and these impact a number of health, quality of life, described
and other (359,360), the full impact of which has yet to be
issues in subjects with SCI (345–347). For example, appreciated.
by 10 years The temporal sequence of brain changes after CNS
after SCI, 68% of persons with paraplegia, and 76% are just
of those beginning to be understood (351). Also, the direct
with tetraplegia, remain unemployed (348). Concerns study of
over spinal cord function and plasticity at the level of the
sexual and bowel/bladder function are also prevalent spinal
(349). cord is an emerging approach that might provide
There has been limited study of the changes in the novel insights
function after SCI and after other forms of SCI (361,362).
of the human CNS after SCI. Some studies have
found a broad
decrease in brain activation (350–352), particularly in
sensorimotor cortex, whereas others have found
brain activation (353). The basis for these
discrepancies remains
unclear but could be due to differences in age or
injury pattern
of the population studied, years post SCI at time of
study, or
the nature of the task used to probe motor system
some uncovering deficient processing and others
supranormal efforts to compensate (351,354). A
described feature is a change in somatotopic
within primary sensorimotor cortex, with
representation of
supralesional body regions expanding at the expense
of infralesional body regions (102,355–358).
Spontaneous changes in
laterality, so prominent in studies of stroke or MS, as
above, are
generally not prominent after SCI, perhaps due in
part to the
fact that injury typically affects the CNS bilaterally
or perhaps
due in part to the fact that SCI spares brain
commisural fibers
whose integrity helps maintain normal hemispheric
As such, a laterality index is unlikely to be a useful
in brain mapping studies of subjects with SCI.

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