Interchange Intro Test

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Name:-------------------------- Registration Number: --------------------------- -Score:------

Part I: Choose the best response to for each question:

1)How do you spell your first name?

A. I am David
.C. He is David.
B. My first name is David.
D. It is D-A-V-I-D.

2)It’s nice to meet you.

A. It’s nice to meet you, too

C. It is nice meeting you.
B. You are welcome.
D. Have a good time, too.

3)How old are you?

A. I am 25
C. I am 25 years.
B. I have 25.
D. I have 25 years old.

4)What is your last name?

A. It is Anderson. C. It is A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N. B. He is Mr. Anderson. D. He is Mr. Jack


5)Who is that girl?

A. Mrs. Sara Parker C. Sara is my classmate. B. She is my sister. D. Sara is a student.

6)Have a nice weekend.

A. You are welcome. C. You too. B. No, I don’t have a nice weekend. D. I have very nice
weekend, too.

7)What is your cell phone number?

A. It is 00 6542786001. C. My phone is in my pocket. B. I have 2 cell phones.D. Yes, that is my
cell phone number.

8)Sam, I like your birthday present. Thank you!

A. Yes, it is your present.C. No, my birthday is next week. B. Oh, when is you birthday?D. You are

9)Where is the cell phone?

A. It is behind the address book. C . It is 665434566 B. It’s in front of the address book. D. I
don’t have a cell phone.


What ----------------------? – They are sunglasses.

A. is that
C. are these
B. –’s those
D. –’s it

Part II: Complete the sentences with the given words.

called – those – Where – his – They’re – minute

11) Is this David’s pen? – Yes, It is ----------------- pen.

12) ------------------- not my keys. My keys are in the car.
13) What are ----------------? – They are Sandy’s purses
.14) Wait a ----------------. I cannot find my shoes
.15) What is chopsticks ------------------ in your language?

Part III: Look at the picture and choose TRUE or False for the sentences 16-20
16) The umbrella is behind the armchair. ------------
17) The keys are in front of the TV. --------------
18) The briefcase is on the table. ----------------
19) There are three people in the room. --------------
20) The watch is next to the cell phone. -------------

A) Choose the best answer.

1. A:Hello, Ashley .How are you?
a)Nice to meet you ,too.
b)Fine, thanks.
c)See you tomorrow.
d)Yes, I am

2. A:Excuse me. Are you David?

B: No, he's «««««the television.
a)in b)on
c)in front of d)under
3. A:Where is he from?
a)He's Iranian. b)Korean c)He lives in Brazil. d)He is from China.
4. It's summer. It's very hot and ««««««. .
a)snowy b)windy c)sunny d)cloudy
5. A:What is he like?
B: He's tall, thin and ««««« .
a)cute b)short c)fat d)small
6. It's raining but I'm not wearing a ««««« .
a)skirt b)belt c)suit d)raincoat
7. A:What are you doing, Jason ?
B: I'm hungry so I'm ««««« pizza.
a)watching b)dancing c)running d)eating
8. My sister doesn't ««««««« to her work.
a)driving b)drives c)drive d)to drive
9. It's ten A.M. It's ten «««««««.
.a)at noon b)in the morning c)at night d)in the evening10.

10. Handsome equals «««««««.. .

a)good-looking b)shy c)friendly d)serious

B)Complete the following conversations with correct words.

11. A: Is my book on the desk?

B: No, it «««««. .It's on the chair.
12. A:«««« are the glasses?
B: They're in my bag.
13. A: What's your first language?
B:««««« first language is English.

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