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United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,096,470

Krishnamurthy (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 17, 1992
REFORMING AND PRESSURE SWING 0367618 5/1990 European Pat. Off................. 55/25
ADSORPTION PURIFICATION 60-0786l3 5/1985 Japan ...................................... 55/25
75 Inventor: Ramachandran Krishnamurthy, Primary Examiner-Robert Spitzer
Piscataway, N.J. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Robert I. Pearlman; Coleman
R. R
73 Assignee: The BOC Group, Inc., Murray Hill, eap
21 Appl. No.: 622,872 The present invention is directed to a method for pro
a- ducing hydrogen and carbon monoxide from a feed
22 Filed: Dec. 5, 1990 mixture comprising hydrogen, carbon monoxide, car
(5) Int. Cl............................................... B01D 53/04 bon dioxide, and methane by (a) passing the feed mix
52 U.S.C. .......................................... 55/26:55/31 ture through a first pressure swing adsorption system
S5/S8; 55/6255/68; 55/74; 55/75 comprising an adsorbent having a greater affinity for
(58) Field of search......'ss/25,26,58,62,68, carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon-monoxide than for
55/74, 75,3,33, 35 hydrogen, to separate hydrogen from the carbon diox
ide, methane, and carbon monoxide, (b) desorbing car
56) References Cited bon monoxide, (c) desorbing carbon dioxide and meth
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ane, (d) passing the carbon monoxide to a second pres
Re. 31,014 8/1982 Sircar ...................................... sure swing
having adsorption
a greater affinitysystem comprising
for carbon an adsorbent
monoxide than for
2,944,627 7/1960 Skarstron . 55A62
3,150,942 9/1964 Vasan ....... ... S5/62 X
X hydrogen, carbon dioxide,s and methane to separate
ep the
4,171,207 10/1979 Sircar ...................................... 552 carbon monoxide from hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and
4,726,816 2/1988 Fuderer .............................. 55/62 x methane, and (e) desorbing carbon monoxide from the
4,732,577 3/988 Koizumi et al. ...... ... 55/25 X adsorbent. In a second embodiment, the invention is
4,790,858 12/1988 Sircar ...................................... 55/26 directed to a method which comprises (a) pressure
4,813,980 3/1989 Sircar ...................................... 55/26 swing adsorption in a first stage comprising an adsor
4,836,833 6/1989 Nicholas et al. . • 5/262 bent having a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than
: y S. al".5s:
COaSea. ................... for hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane, and pres
4,869,894 9/1989 Wang et al. ........................ 5 sure swing adsorption in a second stage comprising an
4,93709 4A990 Kunar adsorbent having a greater affinity for carbon dioxide,
4.942 is 4/66 kmail.". SS7 methane, and carbon monoxide than for hydrogen.
4,963,339 10/1990 Krishnamurthy et al. ... 55/62 X
4,985,052 1/1991 Haruna et al. ............ - - - - - 55/26 28 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
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U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 1992 Sheet 2 of 5 5,096,470
U.S. Patent 5,096,470


U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 1992 Sheet 4 of 5 5,096,470

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U.S. Patent 5,096,470

1 2
taining a specific ratio of hydrogen, nitrogen, and car
HYDROGEN AND CARBON MONOXIDE bon oxides to a pressure swing adsorbent and stopping
PRODUCTION BY HYDROCARBON STEAM the flow of feed gas in the cycle when the integrated
REFORMING AND PRESSURE SWING nitrogen content of the unadsorbed product gas of the
ADSORPTION PURIFICATION pressure swing adsorption stage is in the range of 1% to
10% by volume.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION German patent application no. 3,427,804, to Linde
1. Field of the Invention A.G., discloses a process for reforming a hydrocarbon
The present invention is directed to a method for with carbon dioxide to obtain a gas mixture comprising
producing merchant grade hydrogen and carbon non O hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide and
oxide from a steam reformed hydrocarbon feed mixture. separating the mixture into separate streams of hydro
More particularly, the present invention is directed to a gen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. The meth
method for producing hydrogen and carbon monoxide ods for purifying the hydrogen and carbon monoxide
from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen, carbon mon 15 streams are not disclosed.
oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane. Methods for separating hydrogen and carbon monox
2. Description of the Prior Art ide by pressure swing adsorption processes are dis
Various methods are known for separating gaseous closed in European patent application no. 317,235A2, to
mixtures produced by the steam reforming of hydrocar Krishnamurthy et al, and the references cited therein.
bons. Steam reforming to produce hydrogen consists of Krishnamurthy et al. discloses a method for forming
treating a hydrocarbon feed mixture with steam in a 20 hydrogen and carbon monoxide from a feed mixture
catalytic steam reactor (reformer) which consists of a exiting a hydrocarbon steam reformer comprising hy
number of tubes placed in a furnace at a temperature in drogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. The
the range from about 1250 F. to about 1700' F. The method comprises the steps of passing the feed mixture
reversible reforming reactions which occur when meth 25 through a sorptive separation to separate a hydrogen
ane is used as the hydrocarbon feed mixture are set out product, a carbon monoxide-rich product, and a carbon
below. dioxide-rich product. The carbon monoxide-rich prod
uct is further purified in a two stage pressure swing
adsorption system. The first stage comprises an acti
.30 vated carbon adsorbent which removes carbon monox
ide and methane as the strongly adsorbed waste stream.
The second stage comprises a zeolite adsorbent and
produces a pure carbon monoxide stream as an ad
Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are generally sorbed product.
removed by shift conversion (reaction of carbon mon 35 U.S. Pat. No. 4,917,711, issued to Xie et al., discloses
oxide with steam to form additional hydrogen and car an adsorbent for carbon monoxide and unsaturated
bon dioxide), absorption in amines or other alkaline hydrocarbons which comprises a high surface area Sup
solvents (carbon dioxide removal), and methanation port, such as a zeolite, alumina, silica gel, aluminosili
(conversion of trace carbon monoxide and carbon diox cate, or aluminophosphate, and cuprous or cupric com
ide to methane). When carbon monoxide is a desired pound. The adsorbent may be used to separate carbon
product, the shift conversion and methanation steps are monoxide and unsaturated hydrocarbons from a gase
not employed. ous mixture containing hydrogen, nitrogen, argon, he
The hydrogen-rich gas mixture exiting the steam lium, methane, ethane, propane, and carbon dioxide by
reformer consists of an equilibrium mixture of hydro passing the mixture through the adsorbent and releasing
gen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water vapor, 45 the adsorbed carbon monoxide by heating, or lowering
and unreacted methane. The reforming reactions are the pressure of, the adsorbent.
endothermic and therefore hydrocarbons and process Japanese patent JPO1203019 discloses a four column
waste gases are burned in the reformer furnace to pro pressure swing adsorption system for separating carbon
vide the endothermic heat. monoxide from a gaseous mixture. The columns contain
Hydrocarbon steam reforming reactions and hydro an adsorbent containing copper to adsorb carbon non
gen separation processes are disclosed in more detail in oxide gas.
"Ammonia and Synthesis Gas: Recent and Energy Sav U.S. Pat. No. 4,914,076, issued to Tsuji et al., dis
ing Processes", Edited by F.J. Brykowski, Chemical closes a method for preparing an adsorbent for carbon
Technology Review No. 193, Energy Technology Re monoxide which comprises contacting an alumina or
view No. 68, Published by Noyes Data Corporation, 55 silica-alumina support with a mixed solution or disper
Park Ridge, New Jersey, 1981, which disclosure is in sion of a copper (II) salt and a reducing agent, and then
corporated herein by reference. removing the solvent.
Conventional methods for recovering hydrogen and U.S. Pat. No. 4,783,433, issued to Tajima et al., dis
carbon monoxide from a hydrocarbon steam reformed closes an adsorbent for separating carbon monoxide
feed mixture have generally focused on cryogenic distil from a gaseous mixture containing carbon dioxide
lation processes to separate and purify hydrogen and which comprises a zeolite resin with a silica/alumina
carbon monoxide in the mixture after carbon dioxide is ratio of not more than 10, in which not less than 50% of
removed. Cryogenic separation processes tend to have the cation exchange sites have been replaced by Cu(I)
a high capital cost especially when more than one pure ions, in the pores of which, one or more salts of the
product is required. 65 metals Cu(I), Fe, Zn, Ni, and or Mg are dispersed.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,778,670, issued to Pinto, discloses a Japanese patent JP61242908 discloses an adsorbent
pressure swing adsorption process for producing tech for carbon monoxide Which is prepared by supporting
nical hydrogen which comprises passing a raw gas con a copper (I) compound on an activated carbon support
3 4.
wherein the volume of pores having a diameter of under rangement of beds is preferred for purifying a large
10 angstrons is under 0.33 ml/g. quantity of a gaseous mixture in a short time cycle.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,743,276, issued to Nishida et al., dis Between the adsorption step and the regeneration
closes an adsorbent for carbon monoxide which com step, the pressure in the two adsorption beds is gener
prises a zeolite resin with a silica/alumina ratio of not ally equalized by connecting the inlet ends of the two
more than 10, in which not less than 50% of the cation beds together and the outlet ends of the two beds to
exchange sites have been replaced by Cu(I) ions, in the gether. During the pressure equalization step, the gas
pores of which, one or more salts of the metals Cu(I), within the pores of the adsorption bed which has just
Fe, Zn, Ni, and or Mg are dispersed. completed its adsorption step (under high pressure)
In a pressure swing adsorption system (PSA), a gase 10 flows into the adsorption bed which has just completed
ous mixture is passed at an elevated pressure through a its regeneration step (under low pressure) because of the
bed of an adsorbent material which selectively adsorbs pressure differential which exists between the two beds.
one or more of the components of the gaseous mixture. The adsorption bed which completed its adsorption
Product gas, enriched in the unadsorbed gaseous com 5 step is depressurized and the adsorption bed which
ponent(s), is then withdrawn from the bed. completed its regeneration step is repressurized. This
The term "gaseous mixture", as used herein, refers to pressure equalization step improves the yield of the
a gaseous mixture, such as air, primarily comprised of product gas because the gas within the pores of the bed
two or more components having different molecular which has just completed its adsorption step has already
size. The term "enriched gas' refers to a gas comprised 20 been enriched. When more than two beds are employed
of the component(s) of the gaseous mixture relatively in the adsorption system, it is common to have a number
unadsorbed after passage of the gaseous mixture of pressure equalizations steps.
through the adsorbent bed. The enriched gas generally Gas separation by the pressure swing adsorption
must meet a predetermined purity level, for example, method is more fully described in, for example, "Gas
from about 90% to about 99%, in the unadsorbed con Separation by Adsorption Processes", Ralph T. Yang,
ponent(s). The term "lean gas' refers to a gas exiting 25 Ed., Chapter 7, "Pressure Swing Adsorption: Principles
from the adsorption bed that fails to meet the predeter and Processes' Butterworth 1987, and in U.S. Pat. Nos.
mined purity level set for the enriched gas. When the 2,944,627, 3,801,513, and 3,960,522, which disclosures
strongly adsorbed component is the desired product, a are incorporated by reference herein. Modifications and
cocurrent depressurization step and a cocurrent purge improvements in the pressure swing adsorption process
step of the strongly adsorbed component are added to
30 and apparatus are described in detail in, for example,
the process. U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,415,340 and 4,340,398, which disclo
The term "adsorption bed" refers either to a single sures are incorporated by reference herein.
bed or a serial arrangement of two beds. The inlet end While the above methods disclose processes for sepa
of a single bed system is the inlet end of the single bed rating carbon monoxide, none of the methods disclose
35 satisfactory processes for recovering both hydrogen
while the inlet end of the two bed system (arranged in and carbon monoxide from a hydrocarbon steam re
series) is the inlet end of the first bed in the system. The formed feed mixture economically and in high purity.
outlet end of a single bed system is the outlet end of the Methods for separating hydrogen and carbon monoxide
single bed and the outlet end of the two bed system from a hydrocarbon steam reformed feed mixture re
(arranged in series) is the outlet end of the second bed in quire multi-stage systems to purify carbon monoxide.
the system. By using two adsorption beds in parallel in Methods for separating carbon monoxide using copper
a system and by cycling (alternating) between the ad exchanged sieves have focused on the separation of
sorption beds, product gas can be obtained continu waste gases from steel mills which contain nitrogen,
ously. carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide but not hydro
As a gaseous mixture travels through a bed of adsor 45 gen. Conventional cryogenic separation processes tend
bent, the adsorbable gaseous components of the mixture to have a high capital cost especially when more than
enter and fill the pores of the adsorbent. After a period one pure product is required. The present invention
of time, the composition of the gas exiting the bed of provides an improved method for producing hydrogen
adsorbent is essentially the same as the composition and carbon monoxide from a hydrocarbon steam re
entering the bed. This period of time is known as the 50 formed feed mixture employing a novel combination of
breakthrough point. At some time prior to this break pressure swing adsorption methods which minimizes
through point, the adsorbent bed must be regenerated. capital cost requirements and increases the recovery of
Regeneration involves stopping the flow of gaseous carbon monoxide.
mixture through the bed and purging the bed of the
adsorbed components generally by venting the bed to 55 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
atmospheric or subatmospheric pressure. The present invention is directed to a method for
A pressure swing adsorption system generally em producing hydrogen and carbon monoxide from a feed
ploys two adsorbent beds operated on cycles which are mixture comprising hydrogen, carbon monoxide, car
sequenced to be out of phase with one another by 180" bon dioxide, and methane, which comprises the steps of
so that when one bed is in the adsorption or production (a) passing the feed mixture through a first pressure
step, the other bed is in the regeneration step. The two swing adsorption system containing an adsorption bed
adsorption beds may be connected in series or in paral comprising an adsorbent having a greater affinity for
lel. In a serial arrangement, the gas exiting the outlet carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide than for
end of the first bed enters the inlet end of the second hydrogen to separate hydrogen as a pure non-adsorbed
bed. In a parallel arrangement, the gaseous mixture product and carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon mon
enters the inlet end of all beds comprising the system. oxide as an adsorbed fraction, (b) desorbing carbon
Generally, a serial arrangement of beds is preferred for monoxide from the pressure swing adsorption system in
obtaining a high purity gas product and a parallel ar step (a) to form a carbon monoxide-rich fraction, (c)
5 6
desorbing carbon dioxide and methane from the pres and a second stage of a pressure swing adsorption sys
sure swing adsorption system in step (a) to form a car tem for separating carbon dioxide as an adsorbed frac
bon dioxide-rich fraction, (d) passing the carbon tion and hydrogen as a non-adsorbed product, accord
monoxide-rich fraction from step (b) to a second pres ing to the present invention.
sure Swing adsorption system containing an adsorption
bed comprising an adsorbent having a greater affinity DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
for carbon monoxide than for hydrogen, carbon diox INVENTION
ide, and methane to separate carbon monoxide as an Applicant has discovered a method for separating
adsorbed fraction and hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen and carbon monoxide from a feed mixture
methane as a non-adsorbed fraction, and (e) desorbing O comprising hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon diox
carbon monoxide from the pressure swing adsorption ide, and methane. In a preferred embodiment, a novel
system in step (d) to form a pure carbon monoxide combination of non-cryogenic separation steps is uti
product. lized which efficiently and economically yields en
In a second embodiment, the invention is directed to riched hydrogen and carbon monoxide in high purity
a method for producing hydrogen and carbon monox 15 and yield from a feed mixture exiting a hydrocarbon
ide from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen, carbon steam reformer. In a first preferred embodiment, the
monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane, which con combination of non-cryogenic steps comprises two
prises the steps of (a) providing a pressure swing ad pressure swing adsorption systems. The first pressure
sorption system having a first stage and a second stage, swing adsorption system separates hydrogen from the
wherein the first stage contains an adsorption bed com 20 feed mixture as a pure non-adsorbed product and car
prising an adsorbent having a greater affinity for carbon bon dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide as an ad
monoxide than for hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and meth sorbed fraction. The adsorbed fraction is then desorbed
ane, the second stage contains an adsorption bed con and passed to a second pressure swing adsorption sys
prising an adsorbent having a greater affinity for carbon tem. The second pressure swing adsorption system sep
dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide than for hydro 25 arates carbon monoxide as an adsorbed fraction and
gen, and the first and second stages are connected in hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane as a nonad
series and each stage contains an inlet end and an outlet sorbed fraction.
end, (b) passing the feed mixture through the first stage In a second embodiment, a novel two stage pressure
of the pressure swing adsorption system to separate swing adsorption system is utilized which efficiently
carbon monoxide as an adsorbed fraction and hydrogen, 30 and economically yields enriched hydrogen and carbon
carbon dioxide, and methane as a non-adsorbed frac monoxide. The first stage of the pressure swing adsorp
tion, (c) passing the non-adsorbed fraction from step (b) tion system separates carbon monoxide as an adsorbed
through the second stage of the pressure swing adsorp fraction and hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane as
tion system to separate carbon dioxide and methane as a non-adsorbed fraction. The second stage of the pres
an adsorbed fraction and hydrogen as a non-adsorbed 35 sure swing adsorption system separates carbon dioxide
pure product, (d) desorbing carbon dioxide and meth and methane as an adsorbed fraction and hydrogen as a
ane from the first and second stages of the pressure non-adsorbed pure product.
swing adsorption system to form a carbon dioxide-rich The novel combination of pressure swing adsorption
fraction, and (e) desorbing carbon monoxide from the separation methods of the present invention provides
first stage of the pressure swing adsorption system to significant savings in capital and operating expense over
form a pure carbon monoxide product. completely cryogenic methods. The steps in the present
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES method may be integrated into steps in the hydrocarbon
steam reformer method to enhance the reforming pro
FIG. 1 is a schematic process flow diagram illustrat cess. For example, the carbon dioxide-rich fraction
ing a novel combination of pressure swing adsorption 45 from the first pressure swing adsorption system in the
systems according to the present invention to separate first embodiment or the second stage in the second
hydrogen and carbon monoxide from a feed mixture embodiment may be recycled and used as fuel in the
comprising hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon diox hydrocarbon steam reformer, further increasing the
ide, and methane. concentration of carbon monoxide in the feed mixture.
FIG. 2 is a schematic process flow diagram illustrat The hydrogen-rich fraction from the second pressure
ing a first pressure swing adsorption method for sepa swing adsorption system in the first embodiment may
rating hydrogen as a non-adsorbed product and carbon also be recycled into the first pressure swing adsorption
monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane as an adsorbed system to separate additional carbon monoxide.
fraction, according to the present invention. The feed mixture (exhaust gas, effluent gas, exit gas,
FIG. 3 is a schematic process flow diagram illustrat 55 feed gas) in the present invention is a mixture compris
ing a second pressure swing adsorption method for ing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and
separating carbon monoxide as an adsorbed product and methane. Preferably, the feed mixture is an effluent gas
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane as a non from a hydrocarbon steam reformer. The feed mixture
. adsorbed fraction, according to the present invention. will in general comprise hydrogen in an amount up to
FIG. 4 is a schematic process flow diagram illustrat about 80%, carbon monoxide in an amount up to about
ing a novel two stage pressure swing adsorption system 20%, carbon dioxide in an amount up to about 30%, and
according to the present invention to separate hydrogen methane in an amount up to about 3%.
and carbon monoxide from a feed mixture comprising The feed mixture is typically available in a saturated
hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and meth state and may be dried by passing the mixture through
e. 65 a condenser (drier) containing a desiccant such as alu
FIG. 5 is a schematic process flow diagram illustrat mina, silica, or zeolite. Desorption of the water from the
ing a first stage of a pressure swing adsorption system desiccant may be accomplished by purging the desic
for separating carbon monoxide as an adsorbed product cant with a dry waste purge gas (such as the carbon
dioxide-rich fraction or nitrogen gas). Any water re ences are described above and are incorporated herein
maining in the feed mixture is removed with the by reference.
strongly adsorbed stream (carbon dioxide-rich frac In accord with the present invention, a hydrogen gas
tion). After being dried, the feed mixture may be com product can be prepared having a purity of greater than
pressed prior to passage of the mixture into the pressure about 99%, preferably greater than about 99.99%, and
swing adsorption system. more preferably greater than about 99.999%. A carbon
The feed mixture from the hydrocarbon steam re monoxide gas product can be prepared having a purity
former will first be passed through a process cooler to of greater than about 98%, preferably greater than
cool the gas and condense and remove water vapor. To about 99%, and more preferably greater than about
maximize the carbon monoxide concentration and mini 10 99.85%.
nize the carbon dioxide concentration in the feed mix The method for producing hydrogen and carbon
ture, the hydrocarbon steam reformed feed mixture will monoxide from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen,
by-pass the shift converter. carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane can be
A typical feed mixture from a hydrocarbon steam better understood by reference to the FIGURES in
reformer will have a pressure in the range from about 5 which like numerals refer to like parts of the invention
150 psia to about 600 psia, preferably from about 150 throughout the FIGURES. Although the present in
psia to about 400 psia, and more preferably from about vention is described and illustrated in connection with
150 psia to about 300 psia. Generally the feed mixture preferred embodiments, applicant intends that modifica
will be available at a pressure sufficiently high to be 20 tions and variations may be used without departing
used directly in the first pressure swing adsorption sys from the spirit of the present invention.
tem. Optionally, a compressor may be employed to FIG. 1 illustrates a preferred first embodiment of the
compress the feed mixture to the required pressure for present invention for producing hydrogen and carbon
the pressure swing adsorption system. monoxide from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen,
The adsorbent material in the adsorbent bed in the carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane by a
hydrogen pressure swing adsorption system (first pres 25 combination of pressure swing adsorption steps. In
sure swing adsorption system in the first embodiment FIG. 1, gaseous feed mixture is fed through feed con
and second stage in the pressure swing adsorption sys duits 1 and 2 to hydrogen (first) pressure swing adsorp
ten in the second embodiment) is an adsorbent having a tion system A to separate the mixture. Typically the
greater affinity for carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon feed mixture from the hydrocarbon steam reformer will
monoxide than for hydrogen. The adsorbent material
30 enter hydrogen pressure swing adsorption system A at
may be a molecular sieve or activated carbon, and pref a pressure in the range from about 150 psia to about 600
erably is a combination of molecular sieves and acti psia, preferably from about 150 psia to about 400 psia,
wated carbon. Both calcium and sodium aluminosilicate and more preferably from about 150 psia to about 300
psia. Optionally a compressor may be employed to
zeolites may be employed. Carbon molecular sieves and 35 compress the feed mixture to the pressure swing adsorp
silica molecular sieves are also useful. Suitable zeolite tion pressure. After being cooled, the feed mixture en
sieves include, but are not limited to, the type 5A, 10X, tering hydrogen pressure swing adsorption system. A
3X zeolite molecular sieves, and mordenites. Preferred will be at ambient temperature.
zeolite sieves are the type 5A zeolite sieves and molecu During the hydrogen product production step, feed
lar sieves with comparable pore size and molecular mixture is fed into and hydrogen product is withdrawn
attraction. from hydrogen pressure swing adsorption system A.
The adsorbent material in the adsorbent bed in the Hydrogen product is separated as a pure non-adsorbed
carbon monoxide pressure swing adsorption system product and carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, meth
(second pressure swing adsorption system in the first ane, and water vapor are separated as an adsorbed frac
embodiment and first stage in the pressure swing ad 45 tion. Hydrogen product (merchant grade, less than
sorption system in the second embodiment) is an adsor about 10 vpm impurities) is withdrawn from hydrogen
bent having a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than pressure swing adsorption system A through feed con
for hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. In general, duit 3 and passed to hydrogen reservoir B.
suitable adsorbent materials are copper exchanged sub After the hydrogen product production step, hydro
strates such as those selected from the group consisting gen pressure swing adsorption system A undergoes a
of copper exchanged Y-type aluminosilicate zeolite pressure equalization step and an intermediate depres
molecular sieves, copper exchanged alumina, and cop surization step (carbon monoxide-rich fraction produc
per exchanged activated carbon, and mixtures thereof. tion step). During the carbon monoxide-rich fraction
In a preferred embodiment, the adsorbent material is production step, a carbon monoxide-rich fraction is
copper aluminosilicate zeolite molecular sieve material, 55 desorbed and withdrawn from hydrogen pressure
available under the tradename NKK type adsorbent in a swing adsorption system A via feed conduit 4 and
package from Nippon Kokan K. K., Tokyo, Japan. passed to carbon monoxide storage vessel C.
Copper aluminosilicate zeolite molecular sieves can be After the carbon monoxide rich fraction production
prepared by exchanging sodium in sodium aluminosili step, hydrogen pressure swing adsorption system. A
cate zeolite molecular sieves with copper (2+) fol undergoes a depressurization step and a hydrogen prod
lowed by a heating and reducing treatment to enhance uct gas purge step (carbon dioxide-rich fraction produc
the affinity of the adsorbent for carbon monoxide and tion steps). In the first carbon dioxide-rich fraction pro
reduce the affinity of the adsorbent for carbon dioxide. duction step, a carbon dioxide-rich fraction is with
Copper exchanged supports, and methods for preparing drawn by depressurizing hydrogen pressure swing ad
such supports, are described in detail in U.S. Pat. No. 65 sorption system A. In the second carbon dioxide-rich
4,917,711, Japanese patent JPO1203019, U.S. Pat. No. fraction production step, a carbon dioxide-rich fraction
4,914,076, U.S. Pat. No. 4,783,433, Japanese patent is withdrawn by purging hydrogen pressure swing ad
JP61242908, and U.S. Pat. No. 4,743,276, which refer sorption system A with hydrogen product gas. The
carbon dioxide-rich fractions are withdrawn via feed bed in the adsorbed carbon monoxide component. Dur
conduit 5 and passed to carbon dioxide compressor D. ing the carbon monoxide product gas purge step, car
Carbon dioxide compressor D compresses the carbon bon monoxide is introduced through conduit 11 into the
dioxide-rich fractions to the steam reforming pressure. inlet (bottom) end of the depressurized bed in a cocur
The compressed carbon dioxide-rich fractions from rent direction to purge and force remaining non
carbon dioxide compressor D are then passed through adsorbed gaseous impurities to the outlet (top) end of
feed conduit 6 to the hydrocarbon steam reformer for the bed and into the purge exhaust gas recycle tank L
recycle as reformer feed gas to enrich the carbon non (see FIG. 3) for recycle into the feed gas. During the
oxide content of the reformer product gas. In general, carbon monoxide product production step, carbon mon
carbon dioxide compressor D will compress the carbon O oxide is desorbed and withdrawn from the inlet (bot
dioxide-rich fraction to a pressure in the range from tom) end of carbon monoxide pressure swing adsorp
about 150 psia to about 600 psia, preferably from about tion system F via feed conduits 12, 13 and 14 by apply
150 psia to about 450 psia, and more preferably from ing vacuum from vacuum pump H via feed conduit 12.
about 150 psia to about 350 psia. The carbon monoxide product (merchant grade, less
The carbon monoxide-rich fraction in carbon monox 15 than about 1500 vpm impurities) is passed through feed
ide storage vessel C is passed to carbon monoxide con conduits 12, 13, and 14 to carbon monoxide reservoir I.
pressor E via feed conduit 7. Carbon monoxide com FIG. 2 illustrates a first (hydrogen separation) pres
pressor E compresses the carbon monoxide-rich frac sure swing adsorption system for separating hydrogen
tion to the separation pressure. In general, carbon non from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen, carbon non
oxide compressor E will compress the carbon monox 20 oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane according to the
ide-rich fraction to a pressure in the range from about 20 present invention. As set out in FIG. 1, the feed mixture
psia to about 600 psia, preferably from about 20 psia to from the hydrocarbon steam reformer is passed through
about 200 psia, and more preferably from about 20 psia feed conduits 1 and 2 to hydrogen pressure swing ad
to about 100 psia. Compressed carbon monoxide-rich sorption system A.
fraction is then passed from carbon monoxide compres 25 In FIG. 2, the hydrogen pressure swing adsorption
sor E to carbon monoxide (second) pressure swing ad system A comprises adsorption beds A, B, C, and D,
sorption system F via feed conduit 8 to further separate carbon monoxide storage vessel C, carbon dioxide-rich
the mixture. The feed gas in feed conduit 8 may be gas buffer vessel J, hydrogen product reservoir B, hy
available at temperatures ranging from about ambient to drogen product pressure control valve PCV1, carbon
about 150 F. 30 dioxide-rich fuel gas pressure control valve PCV2, car
During the carbon monoxide adsorption step, carbon bon monoxide product pressure control valve PCV3,
monoxide-rich feed mixture is fed into, and carbon diox repressurization flow control valve FCV1, hydrogen
ide, methane, water vapor, and any remaining hydrogen product purge gas flow control valve FCV2, stop
is withdrawn from, carbon monoxide pressure swing valves 21 through 49, and non-return valves 50 and 51.
adsorption system F. Carbon monoxide is separated as 35 Adsorption beds A through D are connected in paral
an adsorbed product and carbon dioxide, methane, any lel. Each of the adsorption beds, A through D, is physi
water vapor, and any hydrogen are separated as a non cally divided into two bed parts, a first adsorption bed
adsorbed fraction. The carbon dioxide, methane, water and a second adsorption bed, A1/A2, B1/B2, C1/C2,
vapor, and hydrogen non-adsorbed fraction is with and D1/D2, respectively, which are connected in se
drawn from carbon monoxide pressure swing adsorp ries. Each adsorption bed contains an inlet (feed, bot
tion system F through feed conduit 9 to recycle com ton) end and an outlet (discharge, top) end. The two
pressor G. Recycle compressor G compresses the non part adsorption beds facilitate removal of a carbon mon
adsorbed gases to the hydrogen pressure swing adsorp oxide stream from an intermediate position in the bed.
tion separation pressure. In general, the recycle com The carbon monoxide stream is drawn at an internedi
pressor G will compress the non-adsorbed gases to a 45 ate pressure, for example at about 25 psia, and passed to
pressure in the range from about 150 psia to about 600 carbon monoxide storage vessel C. The adsorbent bed
psia, preferably from about 150 psia to about 400 psia, comprises an adsorbent having a greater affinity for
and more preferably from about 150 psia to about 310 carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide than for
psia. The compressed non-adsorbed gases from recycle hydrogen. For example, the first adsorption bed (for
compressor G are then recycled to hydrogen pressure 50 example, bed A1) comprises an activated carbon adsor
swing adsorption system A through feed conduits 10 bent material and the second adsorption bed (for exam
and 2. ple, bed A2) comprises a lower level of an activated
After the carbon monoxide adsorption step, carbon carbon adsorbent material and an upper level of a zeo
monoxide pressure swing adsorption system F under lite molecular sieve adsorbent.
goes a pressure equalization step, a carbon monoxide 55 The first (hydrogen separation) pressure swing ad
product gas purge step, and a carbon monoxide product sorption system is operated in accordance with the full
production step (a vacuum desorption step). During the cycle sequence shown in Table 1. The sequence is de
pressure equalization step, a portion of the void gas, scribed below in detail using beds A1/A2. Beds B1/B2,
which contains mainly non-adsorbed gaseous impuri C1/C2, and D1/D2 are employed in the same sequence
ties, is withdrawn from the outlet (top) end of the bed 60 but at an offset as shown in Table 1. All stop valves may
being depressurized and passed to the outlet (top) end of be controlled automatically on a predetermined sched
the bed being pressurized to enrich the depressurized ule.
Four Bed Hydrogen Pressure Swing Adsorption Cycle Sequence
No. Bed A Bed B Bed C Bed D Valves Open
1 Feed gas Eq. Press, CO fraction Eq. Press. 21, 35, 37,
11 12
TABLE -continued
Four Bed Hydrogen Pressure Swing Adsorption Cycle Sequence
No. Bed A Bed B Bed C Bed D Valves Open
Product gas (repress.) Production (depress.) 41, 47
2 Feed gas Repressurize Product gas CO fraction 21, 29, 36, 37,
Product gas Product gas Purge Production 42, 44, 49
3 Eq. Press. Feed gas Eq. Press. CO fraction 24, 36,38,
(depress.) Product gas (repress.) Production 40, 44
4 CO fraction Feed gas Repressurize Product gas 24, 32, 33, 40,
Production Product gas Product gas Purge 45, 47, 49
5 CO fraction Eq. Press. Feed gas Eq. Press. 27, 33, 41,
Production (depress.) Product gas (repress.) 43, 47
6 Product gas CO fraction Feed gas Repressurize 23, 27, 34, 38,
Purge Production Product gas Product gas 43, 48, 49
7 Eq. Press. CO fraction Eq. Press. Feed gas 30, 34,38,
(repress.) Production (depress.) Product gas 44, 46
8 Repressurize Product gas CO fraction Feed gas 26, 30, 35, 39,
Product gas Purge Production Product gas 41, 46, 49
Feed gas Product gas
Feed gas admitted to bottom of bed. Hydrogen product gas released from top of bed.
Eq. Press. (depress.)
Bed pressure equalized to another bed at lower pressure through top ends of beds.
CO fraction Production
Bed depressurized from intermediate kocation to withdraw carbon monoxide-rich fraction.
Product gas Purge
Bed purged with product gas through top end of bed to withdraw carbon dioxide-rich fraction.
Eq Press (repress.)
Bed pressure equalized to another bed at higher pressure through top ends of beds.
Repressurize Product gas
Repressurization of bed to adsorption pressure by backfill with product gas through top of bed.

At the start of the pressure swing adsorption cycle,

bed A1/A2 is in the hydrogen production step. Feed
mixture from the hydrocarbon steam reformer is passed typically is conducted for a period of about twenty to
to the inlet end of bed A1 via feed conduits 1 and 2 (see 30 about forty seconds.
FIG. 1) and open stop valve 21 at a pressure typically in During the pressure equalization step, the pressure in
the range from about 150 psia to about 600 psia. The bed A1/A2 decreases causing carbon monoxide to be
feed mixture is adsorbed in adsorption bed A1/A2 to desorbed from the adsorbent material in preference to
selectively sieve hydrogen as a non-adsorbed product methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Optionally,
and carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane as 35 bed A1/A2 may be pressure equalized with an equaliza
adsorbed products Non-adsorbed hydrogen product gas tion tank through the outlet end of bed A2. The gas
is withdrawn from the outlet end of bed A2 via open collected in the equalization tank is subsequently used
stop valve 37 and passed to hydrogen product reservoir to repressurize a bed in the pressure swing adsorption
B via hydrogen product pressure control valve PCV1. system.
The hydrogen product gas typically contains less than After the pressure equalization step is complete, bed
about 10 vpm impurities. A1/A2 begins the carbon monoxide production step.
During the hydrogen production step, the activated Bed A1/A2 is depressurized by an intermediate depres
carbon adsorbent material in bed A1/A2 adsorbs car surization step to withdraw and produce a carbon
bon dioxide and water vapor more strongly than carbon monoxide-rich fraction. Stop valves 38 and 44 are
monoxide and methane, which in turn are more 45 closed and stop valve 33 is opened to withdraw the
strongly adsorbed than hydrogen. As the feed mixture carbon monoxide-rich fraction from a position interme
flows through the adsorbent bed, the non-adsorbed diate between bed A1 and bed A2. The carbon monox
mixture becomes enriched in hydrogen. The zeolite ide-rich fraction is drawn at an intermediate pressure,
molecular sieve adsorbent removes all but traces of for example at about 25 psia, and passed to carbon mon
other gases and yields a hydrogen product substantially SO oxide storage vessel C. The carbon monoxide-rich frac
free of impurities. The flow of feed mixture into the tion from carbon monoxide storage vessel C is then
inlet end of the first adsorbent bed and flow of product passed to carbon monoxide pressure swing adsorption
gas from the outlet end of the second adsorbent bed are system F via feed conduits 7 and 8 (see FIG. 1).
stopped just before the breakthrough point of non During the intermediate depressurization step, car
hydrogen components from the outlet end of the second 55 bon monoxide, desorbed into the void spaces during the
adsorbent bed. A typical feed and production cycle is pressure equalization step, is withdrawn. Withdrawal of
conducted for a period of about two to about six min carbon monoxide during the intermediate depressuriza
tes. tion step causes the pressure in the bed to further de
When the non-hydrogen components in the feed mix crease resulting in additional carbon monoxide desorp
ture advance close to the outlet end of bed A2, the tion. Withdrawal of carbon monoxide from a location
hydrogen production step in bed A1/A2 is stopped. intermediate between bed A1 and bed A2 minimizes
Stop valves 21 and 37 are closed stopping the produc retention of carbon monoxide (and carbon dioxide) in
tion of hydrogen Bed A1/A2 is then depressurized and bed A2 which could contaminate a subsequent hydro
bed C1/C2 is repressurized by pressure equalization of gen production step. The time for the carbon monoxide
the beds. Stop valves 38 and 44 are opened and lean gas 65 production step is typically about two minutes. The
is passed from the outlet end of bed A2 to the outlet end resulting carbon monoxide-rich fraction, which is pro
of bed C2 to substantially equalize the pressure of bed duced at a pressure between about 25 psia and about 40
A1/A2 and bed C1/C2. This pressure equalization step psia, generally contains carbon monoxide at least at
13 14
about a volume fraction of about 2.5 times that in the FCV1 and into the outlet end of bed A2 to backfill bed
feed gas, the remainder being mainly hydrogen with up A1/A2 through open stop valve 39.
to about 2% of methane and carbon dioxide. When the backfill step is complete, bed A1/A2 is
When the intermediate depressurization carbon mon ready to again begin the hydrogen production step.
oxide production step is complete, bed A1/A2 under Repressurization flow control valve FCV1 and stop
goes carbon dioxide-rich fraction production steps (a valve 39 are closed and stop valves 21 and 37 are
depressurization step and a hydrogen product gas purge opened to admit feed mixture from feed conduit 2 to the
step). In the first carbon dioxide-rich fraction produc inlet end of bed A1. The hydrogen production step in
tion step, a carbon dioxide-rich fraction is withdrawn bed A1/A2 is begun and the cycle is repeated. Beds
by depressurizing bed A1/A2. During the depressuriza O A1/A2, B1/B2, C1/C2, and D1/D2 operate in the se
tion step, stop valve 33 is closed and stop valve 23 is quence set out in Table 1. In general, the time to com
opened. The carbon dioxide-rich fraction is withdrawn plete a cycle (cycle time) is in the range from about 60
from the inlet end of Bed A1. The flow of the carbon seconds to about 1500 seconds, preferably from about
dioxide-rich fraction is countercurrent to the flow of 180 seconds to about 960 seconds, and more preferably
the feed mixture during the hydrogen production step. 15 from about 240 seconds to about 720 seconds.
In general, the carbon dioxide-rich fraction is produced FIG. 3 illustrates a second (carbon monoxide separa
at a pressure of about 20 psia. The reduction in pressure tion) pressure swing adsorption system for separating
during the depressurization step and withdrawal of the carbon monoxide from a feed mixture comprising hy
carbon dioxide-rich fraction causes desorption of car drogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane
bon dioxide from the adsorbent. Generally, the with according to the present invention. As set out in FIGS.
drawal of the carbon dioxide-rich fraction is conducted 1 and 2, the feed mixture from hydrogen pressure swing
for a period of one to two minutes. In the second carbon adsorption system A is passed through carbon monox
dioxide-rich fraction production step, a carbon dioxide ide storage vessel C and carbon monoxide compressor
rich fraction is withdrawn by purging bed A1/A2 with E to carbon monoxide pressure swing adsorption sys
hydrogen product gas. Stop valve 38 is opened. Hydro 25 tem F.
gen product purge flow control valve FCV2 is opened In FIG. 3, the carbon monoxide pressure swing ad
and bed A1/A2 is purged with hydrogen product gas sorption system F comprises adsorption beds A, B, C,
from bed C1/C2. The flow of hydrogen product purge and D', carbon monoxide compressor E, carbon monox
gas is countercurrent to the flow of the hydrogen gas ide storage vessel K, carbon monoxide product reser
during the hydrogen production step. Generally, the 30 voir I, purge gas recycle vessel L, stop valves 101
product gas purge is conducted for a period of about through 108, valves 110 through 126, and valves 128
three minutes. The resulting carbon dioxide-rich frac through 131, and pressure control valves PCV101,
tion generally contains at least about 50% by volume PCV102, PCV103, and flow control valves 101 and 102.
carbon dioxide and less than 10% by volume carbon Adsorption beds A" through D'are connected in paral
monoxide, traces of methane and water vapor, with the 35 lel and each adsorption bed contains an inlet (feed,
balance being hydrogen. All water vapor in the feed gas bottom) end and an outlet (discharge, top) end. The
is separated into the carbon dioxide-rich fraction. adsorbent bed comprises an adsorbent having a greater
After the carbon dioxide-rich fraction production affinity for carbon monoxide than for hydrogen, carbon
steps are complete, bed A1/A2 is repressurized and bed dioxide, and methane. For example, the adsorption beds
C1/C2 is depressurized by pressure equalization of the may contain an adsorbent such as copper exchanged
beds. Stop valve 23 and hydrogen product purge flow aluminosilicate zeolite molecular sieves, copper ex
control valve FCV2 are closed and stop valves 44 is changed alumina, and copper exchanged activated car
opened. Void gas is passed from the outlet end of bed bon, and mixtures thereof.
C2 to the outlet end of bed A2 to substantially equalize The second (carbon monoxide) pressure swing ad
the pressure of bed A1/A2 and bed C1/C2. 45 sorption system is operated in accordance with the full
After the pressure equalization step (repressurization cycle sequence shown in Table 2. The sequence is de
step) is complete, bed A1/A2 is backfilled with hydro scribed below in detail using bed A. Beds B, C, and D'
gen product gas. Stop valves 38 and 44 are closed and are employed in the same sequence but at an offset as
bed A1/A2 is repressurized by backfill with product shown in Table 2. A11 stop valves may be controlled
gas. Product gas from producing bed D/D2 is passed SO automatically on a predetermined schedule.
through open repressurization flow control valve
- Four Bed Carbon Monoxide Pressure Swing Adsorption Cycle Sequence -
No. Bed. A Bed B' Bed C Bed O' Valves Open
1 Feed gas Eq. Press. CO Eq. Press. 10, 105, 21,
Product gas (repress.) Production (depress.) 117, 30, 124
2 Feed gas Repressurize CO Cocurrent 10, OS, 121,
Product gas Product gas Production Product gas 131, 124, 128,
Purge 13, 7, 129
3 Eq. Press. Feed gas Eq. Press, CO 102, 106, 122,
(depress.) Product gas (repress.) Production 114, 130, 125
4 Cocurrent Feed gas Repressurize CO 102, 06, 22,
Product gas Product gas Product gas Production 128, 10, 14,
Purge 129, 31, 125
5 CO Eq. Press. Feed gas Eq. Press. 103,07, 119,
Production (depress.) Product gas (repress.) 115, 30, 126
6 CO Cocurrent Feed gas Repressurize 103,07, 119,
Production Product gas Product gas Product gas 128, 1, 15,
Purge 129, 31, 26
15 16
TABLE 2-continued
Four Bed Carbon Monoxide Pressure Swing Adsorption Cycle Sequence
No. Bed A Bed B' Bed C" Bed D' Valves Open
7 Eq. Press. CO Eq. Press. Feed gas 04, 108, 20,
(repress.) Production (depress.) Product gas 116, 130, 123
8 Repressurize CO Cocurrent Feed gas 104, 108, 120,
Product gas Production Product gas Product gas 131, 123, 128,
Purge 12, 116, 129
Feed gas Product gas
Feed gas admitted to bottom of bed. Product gas released from top of bed.
Eq. Press. (depress.)
Bed pressure equalized to another bed at kower pressure through top ends of beds.
Cocurrent Product gas Purge
Bed purged with product gas in cocurrent direction.
CO Production
Bed opened to vacuum pump through botton end of bed to produce carbon monoxide.
Eq. Press. (repress.)
Bed pressure equalized to another bed at higher pressure through top ends of beds.
Repressurize Product gas
Repressurization of bed to adsorption pressure by backfill with produc1 gas through top of bed.

At the start of the pressure swing adsorption cycle,

bed A' is in the carbon monoxide adsorption step. Car 20
bon monoxide-rich feed mixture from carbon monoxide uct gas from carbon monoxide product gas reservoir I.
compressor E is passed to the inlet end of bed A' via Stop valve 130 is closed and stop valves 110, 128, and
open stop valve 101 at a pressure typically in the range 139 and product purge flow control valve FCV102 are
from about 25 psia to about 600 psia. The feed mixture 25
opened. Product purge gas effluent is then passed to
is adsorbed in adsorption bed A' to selectively sieve purge gas recycle vessel L. The flow of carbon monox
carbon monoxide as an adsorbed fraction. Non ide product purge gas is cocurrent to the flow of the
adsorbed carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, and any carbon monoxide gas during the carbon monoxide ad
carbon monoxide are withdrawn from the outlet end of sorption step. The product purge gas from purge gas
bed A" via open stop valve 105 and passed to feed con recycle vessel L is then recycled to the carbon monox
duit 9 for recycle to hydrogen pressure swing adsorp 30 ide pressure swing adsorption system via carbon mon
tion system A (see FIGS. 1 and 2). oxide compressor E. Generally, the purge with product
During the carbon monoxide adsorption step, the gas is conducted for a period of about three minutes.
adsorbent bed of copper aluminosilicate zeolite molecu After the cocurrent carbon monoxide purge step, bed
lar sieves adsorbs carbon monoxide more strongly than A" undergoes a carbon monoxide production step. Stop
carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane. As the feed 35 valves 128, 110, 114, and 129 are closed and stop valve
mixture flows through the adsorbent bed, the bed be 119 is opened. The adsorbed carbon monoxide is re
comes enriched in carbon monoxide. The flow of car moved from the inlet end of bed A' by applying a vac
bon monoxide-rich feed mixture into adsorbent bed A, uum using vacuum pump H and open stop valve 119.
is stopped just before the breakthrough point of carbon The resulting carbon monoxide-rich fraction generally
monoxide from the outlet end of adsorbent bed A'. A contains at least about 98% by volume carbon monox
typical feed and carbon monoxide adsorption cycle is ide with the balance being traces of hydrogen, carbon
conducted for a period of about two to about six min dioxide, and methane. In general, the desorption pres
utes. sure is from about 75 torr to about 300 torr, preferably
When carbon monoxide in the feed mixture advances from about 100 torr to about 150 torr.
close to the outlet end of bed A', the carbon monoxide 45 After the carbon monoxide production step (vacuum
adsorption step in bed A' is stopped. Stop valves 101 regeneration step) is complete, bed A' is repressurized
and 105 are closed stopping the carbon monoxide ad and bed C' is depressurized by pressure equalization of
sorption step. Bed A' is then depressurized and bed C' is the beds. Stop valves 130 and 123 are opened and void
repressurized by pressure equalization of the beds. Stop gas is passed from the outlet end of bed C’ to the outlet
valves 114, 130, and 125 are opened and lean gas is 50 end of bed A' to substantially equalize the pressure of
passed from the outlet end of bed A' to the outlet end of bed A" and bed C.
bed C" to substantially equalize the pressure of bed A' After the repressurization step, bed A' is backfilled
and bed C". This pressure equalization step typically is with hydrogen-rich product gas. Stop valves 130 is
conducted for a period of about twenty to about forty closed and stop valves 131 is opened. Product gas from
seconds. Optionally, bed A" may be pressure equalized 55 producing bed D' is passed through repressurization
with an equalization tank through the outlet end of the flow control valve FCV101 into the 5 outlet end of bed
adsorption bed. The gas collected in the equalization A to backfill and repressurize bed A'.
tank is subsequently used to repressurize a bed in the When the backfill step is complete, bed A' is ready to
pressure swing adsorption system. If the adsorption again begin the carbon monoxide adsorption step. Re
pressure is very low (for example, under 25 psia or pressurization flow control valve FCV101 and stop
lower), the pressure equalization step is not employed valves 131 and 123 are closed and stop valves 101 and
or a partial pressure equalization step is employed. 105 are opened to admit carbon monoxide-rich feed
After the pressure equalization step, a carbon monox mixture from compressor E to the inlet end of bed A'.
ide product cocurrent purge step is employed to dis The carbon monoxide adsorption step in bed A' is
place the impurities carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and 65 begun and the cycle is repeated. Beds A, B, C, and D'
methane) in the void gas left in the bed after the oad operate in the sequence set out in Table 2. In general,
sorption and pressure equalization steps. Bed A' is the time to complete a cycle (cycle time) is in the range
purged from the inlet end with carbon monoxide prod from about 60 seconds to about 1500 seconds, prefera
17 18
bly from about 240 seconds to about 960 seconds, and recycled to the reformer feed gas. During the second
more preferably from about 240 seconds to about 720 stage purge/first stage purge step, the second stage is
seconds. purged with hydrogen from another stage and the first
In a preferred embodiment, the present invention is stage is purged through conduit 76 with carbon monox
directed at a method for producing hydrogen and car ide product gas from the receiver. The depressurization
bon monoxide from a feed mixture comprising hydro and purge effluent gases are passed to carbon dioxide
gen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane, reservoir N and collected as secondary product via feed
which comprises the steps of: conduit 72. The gases are then passed to compressor 0
(a) passing the feed mixture through a first pressure via feed conduit 73 and compressed and recycled to the
Swing adsorption system containing an adsorption bed O reformer feed gas via feed conduit 74. In general, car
comprising an adsorbent having a greater affinity for bon dioxide compressor 0 will compress the carbon
carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide than for dioxide-rich fraction to a pressure in the range from
hydrogen to separate hydrogen as a pure non-adsorbed about 150 psia to about 600 psia, preferably from about
product and carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon mon 150 psia to about 450 psia, and more preferably from
oxide as an adsorbed fraction; 5 about 150 psia to about 350 psia.
(b) desorbing carbon monoxide from the pressure After the carbon dioxide-rich fraction production
swing adsorption system in step (a) to form a carbon steps, pressure swing adsorption system M undergoes a
monoxide-rich fraction; second stage purge/first stage evacuation step (carbon
(c) desorbing carbon dioxide and methane from the monoxide production step). In the second stage purge/-
pressure swing adsorption system in step (a) to form a 20 first stage evacuation step, the second stage is purged
carbon dioxide-rich fraction; with hydrogen gas and the first stage is evacuated using
(d) passing the carbon monoxide-rich fraction from vacuum pump P to remove carbon monoxide product
step (b) to a second pressure swing adsorption system gas. The carbon monoxide product gas is withdrawn
containing an adsorption bed comprising an adsorbent through feed conduits 77 and 78 and passed to carbon
having a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than for 25 monoxide reservoir Q.
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane to separate After the carbon monoxide production step, pressure
carbon monoxide as an adsorbed fraction and hydrogen, Swing adsorption system M undergoes a pressure equal
carbon dioxide, and methane as a non-adsorbed frac ization step (repressurization). During the pressure
tion; and equalization step, the bed is repressurized by pressure
(e) desorbing carbon monoxide from the pressure 30 equalization with another bed. The bed is then repres
swing adsorption system in step (d) to form a pure car surized to adsorption pressure using hydrogen gas from
bon monoxide product. the pressure swing adsorption system. The carbon mon
FIG. 4 illustrates a second embodiment of the present oxide product (merchant grade, less than about 1500
invention for producing hydrogen and carbon monox vpm impurities) is passed through feed conduits 77,78,
ide from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen, carbon 35 and 75 to carbon monoxide reservoir Q.
monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane by using a two FIG. 5 illustrates a two stage pressure swing adsorp
stage (first stage/second stage, top stage/bottom stage) tion method for separating carbon monoxide and hydro
pressure swing adsorption system. In this embodiment, gen from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen, carbon
hydrogen is the unadsorbed gas, carbon dioxide and monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane in accord with
methane are the first desorbed gases, and carbon non the second embodiment of the present invention. As set
oxide is the strongly adsorbed gas. In FIG. 4, gaseous out in FIG. 4, the feed mixture from the hydrocarbon
feed mixture is fed through feed conduit 70 to two stage steam reformer is passed through feed conduit 70 to
pressure swing adsorption system M to separate the pressure swing adsorption system M.
mixture. Typically the feed mixture from the hydrocar In FIG. 5, the two stage pressure swing adsorption
bon steam reformer will enter two stage pressure swing 45 system M comprises adsorption beds A", B", C" and D'
adsorption system M at a pressure in the range from carbon monoxide storage vessel Q, carbon dioxide-rich
about 150 psia to about 600 psia, preferably from about gas buffer vessel N, hydrogen product reservoir B,
150 psia to about 400 psia, and more preferably from hydrogen product pressure control valve PCV1, car
about 150 psia to about 300 psia. After being cooled, the bon monoxide-rich product gas pressure control valve
feed mixture entering pressure swing adsorption system PCV2, carbon dioxide product pressure control valve
M will be at ambient temperature. PCV3, repressurization flow control valve FCV1, hy
During the hydrogen product production step, feed drogen product purge gas flow control valve FCV2,
mixture is fed into and hydrogen product is withdrawn stop valves 221 through 259, and non-return valves 249
from two stage pressure swing adsorption system M. and 250.
Hydrogen product is separated as a pure non-adsorbed 55 Adsorption beds A" through D" are connected in
product and carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, meth parallel. Each of the adsorption beds, A", through D',
ane, and water vapor is separated as an adsorbed frac is physically divided into two stages, a first (bottom)
tion. Hydrogen product (merchant grade, less than stage and a second (top) stage, A1"/A2", Bl"/B2",
. about 10 vpm impurities) is withdrawn from two stage C1"/C2" and D1"/D2" respectively, which are con
pressure swing adsorption system M through feed con nected in series. Each stage contains an inlet (feed) end
duit 71 and passed to hydrogen reservoir B. and a outlet (discharge) end. The first stage and second
After the hydrogen product production step, pres stage of each bed are isolated by two stop valves for
sure swing adsorption systern M undergoes a pressure sequential depressurization and carbon monoxide pro
equalization step, an intermediate depressurization step, duction steps (i.e., first stage A1", and second stage A2"
and a second stage purge/first stage purge step (carbon 65 are isolated by stop valves 252 and 256). The two part
dioxide-rich fraction production steps). During the in stages facilitate removal of a carbon dioxide stream
termediate depressurization step, carbon dioxide-rich from an intermediate position in the bed. The carbon
gas is collected as secondary product, compressed, and dioxide stream is drawn at an intermediate pressure, for
19 20
example at about 25 psia, and passed to carbon dioxide ide, carbon monoxide, and methane as adsorbed prod
storage vessel N. The first adsorption bed stage (for ucts. Non-adsorbed hydrogen product gas is withdrawn
example, first stage A1".) comprises an adsorbent hav from the outlet end of second stage A2" via open stop
ing a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than for valve 237 and passed to hydrogen product reservoir B
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane and may be via non-return valve 249 and hydrogen product pres
selected from the group consisting of copper exchanged sure control valve PCV1. The hydrogen product gas
Y-type aluminosilicate zeolite molecular sieves, copper typically contains less than about 10 vpn impurities.
exchanged alumina, and copper exchanged activated During the hydrogen production step, the copper
carbon. The second adsorption bed stage (for example, exchanged substrate in first stage A1", preferentially
second stage A2',) comprises an adsorbent having a O adsorbs carbon monoxide. The activated carbon/-
greater affinity for carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon molecular sieve adsorbent material in second stage A2"
monoxide than for hydrogen and may be a molecular preferentially adsorbs carbon dioxide, water vapor, and
sieve or activated carbon, and preferably is a combina methane more strongly than hydrogen. As the feed
tion of molecular sieves and activated carbon. mixture flows through the adsorbent stages, carbon
The two stage pressure swing adsorption system is 15 monoxide becomes concentrated in first stage A1",
operated in accordance with the full cycle sequence carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane become con
shown in Table 3. The sequence is described below in centrated in second stage A2', and the mixture exiting
detail using stages A1"/A2". Stages B1"/B2", the bed stages becomes enriched in hydrogen. The zeo
C1"/C2", and D1"/D2" are employed in the same lite molecular sieve adsorbent removes all but traces of
sequence but at an offset as shown in Table 3. All stop other gases and yields a hydrogen product substantially
valves may be controlled automatically on a predeter free of impurities. The flow of feed mixture into the
mined schedule. inlet end of the first stage and flow of product gas from
- Four Bed Two Stage Pressure Swing Adsorption Cycle Sequence -
No. Bed A' Bed B' Bed C' Bed O' Valves Open
1 Feed gas Eq. Press. Top Purge Eq. Press. 221, 237,252,256, 238,
Product gas (repress.) Bottom Purge (depress.) 253,257, 255, 259,244,
258, 254, 235, 228
2 Feed gas Repressurize Top Purge Top/Bottom 22, 237,252,256, 242,
Product gas Hi Product gas CO Production Depressurize 257, 253, 25, 244, 258,
235, 229, 255, 259,236
3 Eq. Press. Feed gas Eq. Press. Top Purge 224, 240,253, 257, 252,
(depress.) Product gas (repress.) Botton Purge 256, 238,244, 258, 254,
259,236, 231,255
4 Top/Botton Feed gas Repressurize Top Purge 224, 240, 253, 257, 256,
Depressurize Product gas H2 Product gas CO Production 252,233,245, 258, 254,
25, 247, 259,236,232
5 Top Purge Eq. Press. Feed gas Eq. Press. 227, 243, 254, 258, 256,
Bottom Purge (depress.) Product gas (repress.) 233, 222, 252,253,257,
24, 247, 259,255
6 Top Purge Top/Bottom Feed gas Repressurize 227, 243, 254, 258, 25,
CO Production Depressurize Product gas H; Product gas 238,256, 233,223, 257,
253,234, 248,259,255
7 Eq. Press. Top Purge Eq. Press. Feed gas 230, 246, 255, 259,252,
(repress.) Bottom Purge (depress.) Product gas 256, 238,244, 258, 254,
257, 234, 225, 253
8 Repressurize Top Purge Top/Bottom Feed gas 230, 246, 255, 259,239,
H2 Product gas CO Production Depressurize Product gas 256,252, 25, 24, 257,
234; 226,258,254, 235
Feed gas/Product gas
Feed gas admitted to botton of bed. Product gas released fron top of bed.
Eq. Press. (depress.)
Bed pressure equalized to another bed at lower pressure through top ends of beds.
Top/Botton depressurize
Top and bottom beds depressurized from intermediate location. Depressurized gas recycled to refortner feed gas.
Top Purge/Botton Purge
Top bed pursed with hydrogen. Bottom bed purged with carbon nonoxide. Purge effluent removed from intermediate
Top Purge/CO Production
Top bed purged with hydrogen. Botton bed evacuated to remove carbon monoxide product as.
Eq. Press. (repress.)
bed pressure equalized with another bed at higher pressure through top ends of beds.
repressurize H. Product as
Repressurization of bed to adsorption pressure using hydrogen product as from pressure swing adsorption system.

At the start of the pressure swing adsorption cycle,

first stage A1" and second stage A2" are in the hydro
gen production step. Feed mixture from the hydrocar- 60 the outlet end of the second stage are stopped just be
bon steam reformer is passed to the inlet end of first fore the breakthrough point of non-hydrogen compo
stage A1" via open stop valve 221 at a pressure typically
nents from the outlet end of the second stage. A typical
in the range from about 150 psia to about 600 psia. The feed and production cycle is conducted for a period of
feed mixture passes from the outlet end of the first stage about two to about six minutes.
A1" through stop valves 252 and 256 to the inlet end of 65 When the non-hydrogen components (i.e., methane)
the second stage A2'. The feed mixture is adsorbed in in the feed mixture advance close to the outlet end of
first stage A1" and second stage A2' to selectively sieve second stage A2", the hydrogen production step in first
hydrogen as an non-adsorbed fraction and carbon diox stage A1"/A2' is stopped. Stop valves 221 and 237 are
21 22
closed stopping the production of hydrogen. First stage open stop valve 222, through first stage A1", and open
A1" and second stage A2" are then depressurized stop valves 252 and 233 to carbon dioxide reservoir N.
(treated as one bed with stop valves 252 and 256 open) The flow of hydrogen through second stage A2' is in a
and stage C1',/C2 is repressurized (treated as one bed direction countercurrent and the flow of carbon non
with stop valves 254 and 258 open) by pressure equal oxide is in a direction cocurrent to the flow of the feed
ization of the beds through the outlet (top, discharge) mixture during the hydrogen production step. Gener
ends of the beds. Stop valves 238 and 244 are opened ally, the purge steps are carried out simultaneously and
and void gas is passed from the outlet end (top) of sec are conducted for a period of one to two minutes The
ond stage A2" to the outlet end (top) of bed C2' to resulting carbon dioxide-rich fraction generally con
substantially equalize the pressures in beds A1"/A2" O tains at least about 50% by volume carbon dioxide and
and beds C1"/C2". This pressure equalization step less than 10% by volume carbon monoxide, and small
typically is conducted for a period of about twenty to amounts of methane, with the balance being hydrogen.
about forty seconds. When the second stage purge/first stage purge step is
During the pressure equalization step, void gas con complete, stages A1" and A2" undergo a second stage
taining carbon dioxide and methane is passed to the 15 purge/first stage evacuation step (carbon monoxide
repressurized bed and the pressure in first stage A1'- production step). During the second stage purge/first
/A2' decreases. Optionally, first stage A1',/A2' may stage evacuation step, second stage A2' is purged with
be pressure equalized with an equalization tank through hydrogen gas and first stage A1" is evacuated using
the outlet end of second stage A2". The gas collected in vacuum pump R to withdraw carbon monoxide product
the equalization tank is subsequently used to repressur 20
gas from the inlet end of first stage A1", for passage to
ize a bed in the pressure swing adsorption system. carbon monoxide reservoir Q. During the production of
After the pressure equalization step is complete, first carbon monoxide, stop valves 252 and 222 are closed.
stage A1"/A2" begins the intermediate depressuriza Carbon monoxide is then passed from first stage A1"
tion step (a first carbon dioxide-rich fraction production through open stop valve 223 to carbon monoxide reser
step). During the intermediate depressurization step, 25
voir Q. Generally, the purge and production steps are
first stage A1" and second stage A2" are depressurized carried out simultaneously and are conducted for a
from an intermediate location to withdraw and produce period of one to two minutes.
a carbon dioxide-rich fraction. Stop valves 238 and 244 The resulting carbon monoxide-rich fraction, which
are closed and stop valves 233,252, and 256 are opened is produced at a pressure at about 25 psia, generally
to withdraw the carbon dioxide-rich fraction from a 30
position intermediate between first stage A1" and sec contains carbon monoxide having a purity exceeding
ond stage A2', The carbon dioxide-rich fraction is 98%.
drawn at an intermediate pressure, for example at about After the carbon monoxide production step is con
25 psia, and passed to carbon dioxide storage vessel N. plete, first stage A1", and second stage A2" is repressur
The carbon dioxide-rich fraction from carbon dioxide 35 ized and bed C1"/C2' is depressurized by pressure
storage vessel N is then passed to the reformer feed gas equalization of the beds. Stop valves 223, 233, and 251
via compressor 0. are closed and stop valve 244 is opened. Void gas is
During the intermediate depressurization step, void passed from the outlet end of second stage C2' to the
gas in second stage A2", which is predominantly carbon outlet end of second stage A2" to substantially equalize
dioxide, is withdrawn from the inlet (botton) end of the the pressure of bed A1"/A2" and bed C1"/C2",
bed. Withdrawal of carbon dioxide-rich void gas from After the pressure equalization step (repressurization
the outlet (top) end of first stage A1", causes the carbon step) is complete, first stage A1" and second stage A2'
monoxide, adsorbed near the bottom of the bed, to be are backfilled with hydrogen product gas. Stop valves
desorbed displacing additional void gas. Withdrawal of 238 and 244 are closed and bed A1"/A2" is repressur
carbon dioxide from a location intermediate between 45 ized by backfill with product gas. Product gas from
first stage A1" and second stage A2" minimizes reten producing bed D1'/D2" is passed through open repres
tion of carbon dioxide in the top region of second stage surization flow control valve FCV and into the outlet
A2' which could contaminate a subsequent carbon end of second stage A2" to backfill bed A1"/A2'
monoxide production step. The time for the intermedi through open stop valve 239.
ate depressurization step is typically about two minutes. When the backfill step is complete, first stage A1"
When the intermediate depressurization carbon mon and second stage A2" are ready to again begin the hy
oxide production step is complete, first stage A1"/A2" drogen production step. Repressurization flow control
undergoes a second stage purge/first stage purge step (a valve FCV1 and stop valve 239 are closed and stop
second carbon dioxide-rich fraction production step). valves 221 and 237 are opened to admit feed mixture to
During the second stage purge/first stage purge step, 55 the inlet end of first stage A1". The hydrogen produc
second stage A2" is purged with hydrogen gas and first tion step in bed A1"/A2" is begun and the cycle is
stage A1' is purged with carbon monoxide product gas repeated. Beds A1"/A2", B1"/B2", C1"/C2' and
from carbon monoxide reservoir Q. During the purge of D1"/D2" operate in the sequence set out in Table 3. In
second stage A2" with hydrogen gas, stop valves 251, general, the time to complete a cycle (cycle time) is in
138, and 233 are opened. Hydrogen from hydrogen 60 the range from about 60 seconds to about 1500 seconds,
reservoir B is then passed through open flow control preferably from about 80 seconds to about 960 sec
valve FCV2, open non-return valve 250, and open stop onds, and more preferably from about 240 seconds to
valves 251 and 238, through second stage A2", and about 720 seconds.
open stop valves 256 and 233 to carbon dioxide reser In a preferred embodiment, the present invention is
voir N. During the purge of first stage A1" with carbon directed at a method for producing hydrogen and car
monoxide gas, stop valves 222, 252, 230 are opened. bon monoxide from a feed mixture comprising hydro
Carbon monoxide from carbon monoxide reservoir Q is gen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane,
then passed through open flow control valve FCV3, which comprises the steps of:
23 24
(a) providing a pressure swing adsorption system Although a particular carbon monoxide pressure
having a first stage and a second stage, wherein the first swing adsorption cycle sequence was illustrated as a
stage contains an adsorption bed comprising an adsor preferred embodiment (Table 1 and Table 2), other
bent having a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than variations of pressure swing adsorption process cycle
for hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane, the second sequences may be employed. A simple pressure swing
stage contains an adsorption bed comprising an adsor adsorption process cycle sequence may consist of the
bent having a greater affinity for carbon dioxide, meth following steps: (i) adsorption wherein feed mixture
ane, and carbon monoxide than for hydrogen, and the enters the inlet end of the adsorbent bed and the prod
first and second stages are connected in series and each uct gas exits the outlet end of the adsorbent bed, (ii) bed
stage contains an inlet end and an outlet end; O pressure equalization through the outlet and inlet ends
(b) passing the feed mixture through the first stage of of the bed to depressurize the bed, (iii) countercurrent
the pressure swing adsorption system to separate vent, (iv) vacuum regeneration to remove components
carbon monoxide as an adsorbed fraction and hy strongly adsorbed in the bed, (v) bed pressure equaliza
drogen, carbon dioxide, and methane as a non tion to partially repressurize the regenerated bed, and
adsorbed fraction; s (vi) repressurization using a product backfill.
(c) passing the non-adsorbed fraction from step (b) The process cycle sequence illustrated in Table can
through the second stage of the pressure swing increase the carbon monoxide yield to approximately
adsorption system to separate carbon dioxide and 70%. The carbon monoxide product withdrawal step
methane as an adsorbed fraction and hydrogen as a incorporated in the process sequence referred to in
non-adsorbed pure product; 20 Table 1 reduces carbon monoxide loss by permitting the
(d) desorbing carbon dioxide and methane from the withdrawal of substantial amounts of carbon monoxide
first and second stages of the pressure swing ad containing bed void gas and gas weakly bound to the
sorption system to form a carbon dioxide-rich frac adsorbent. The selection of an intermediate location for
tion; and withdrawing the carbon monoxide-rich fraction in
(e) desorbing carbon monoxide from the first stage of 25 creases the amount of carbon monoxide withdrawn
the pressure swing adsorption system to form a without affecting the hydrogen product purity. If the
pure carbon monoxide product. carbon monoxide-rich fraction is withdrawn from the
The selectivity of the adsorbent material in the bed of outlet end of the adsorption bed, then the quantity of
the pressure swing adsorption system for a gaseous the product withdrawn, without affecting hydrogen
component is generally governed by the volume of the 30 product purity, will be limited and the net carbon non
pore size and the distribution of that pore size in the oxide recovery that can be achieved will only be be
adsorbent. Gaseous molecules with a kinetic diameter tween about 30% and about 50%. When the carbon
less than, or equal to, the pore size of the adsorbent are monoxide-rich fraction is withdrawn from an intermedi
adsorbed and retained in the adsorbent while gaseous ate position in the bed, the beds need not be separate
molecules with a diameter larger than the pore size of 35 vessels (first stage A1" and second stage A2", for exam
the adsorbent pass through the adsorbent. The adsor ple) but may be two regions inside a single vessel be
bent thus sieves the gaseous molecules according to tween which a side port is located for withdrawing the
their molecular size, The adsorbent may also separate carbon monoxide product.
molecules according to their different rates of diffusion The carbon monoxide yield may be improved to 85%
in the pores of the adsorbent. or greater by including a cocurrent purge during the
Zeolite molecular adsorbents adsorb gaseous mole carbon monoxide production step in the carbon monox
cules with some dependence upon crystalline size. In ide pressure swing adsorption system. In this variation
general, adsorption into zeolite is fast and equilibrium is of the cycle, a portion of the carbon dioxide-rich frac
reached typically in a few seconds. The sieving action tion is compressed and fed as cocurrent purge gas to the
of zeolite is generally dependent upon the difference in 45 inlet end of the adsorption bed (inlet end of bed A", for
the equilibrium adsorption of the different components example) during the carbon monoxide production step.
of the gaseous mixture. When air is separated by a zeo The cocurrent purge, also referred as sweep or displace
lite adsorbent, nitrogen is preferentially adsorbed over ment gas, displaces the carbon monoxide near the inlet
oxygen and the pressure swing adsorption method may end of the adsorption bed (inlet end of bed A", for
be employed to produce an oxygen enriched product. example) further along and permits removal of more
When hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide.
methane are separated by a zeolite adsorbent, carbon In yet another process cycle variation, the carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane are the ad monoxide production step in the hydrogen pressure
sorbed components, in the order indicated, and hydro swing adsorption system is split into two parts. In the
gen is the unadsorbed component. 55 first part, the outlet end (second stage A2", for example)
During the carbon monoxide pressure swing adsorp is opened to the carbon monoxide product line while
tion separation, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane cocurrent purge gas (carbon dioxide-rich fraction) is
are removed from the feed mixture as vent gas during admitted to the lower region (first stage A1", for exam
the pressure equalization step. A certain amount of ple). In the second part, the outlet region is isolated and
carbon monoxide is lost with the vent gas. This loss of 60 the inlet region is opened to the carbon monoxide prod
carbon monoxide results from carbon monoxide not uct line. To conduct this process cycle variation, two
adsorbed in the sieves at the pressure swing adsorption additional stop valves must be provided to isolate the
operation pressure, and carbon monoxide present in the two regions from each other and from the carbon non
bed voids and discharged during the pressure equaliza oxide product line.
tion step. This vent gas containing carbon monoxide is In a preferred embodiment, the carbon monoxide
recycled to the pressure swing adsorption system as depressurization product from the pressure swing ad
feed gas during the carbon monoxide cocurrent purge sorption system is withdrawn from the outlet end of the
step. bed in the pressure swing adsorption system. In another
25 26
preferred embodiment, the carbon monoxide depressur methane, and carbon monoxide as an adsorbed
ization product from the pressure swing adsorption fraction;
system is withdrawn from an intermediate location in (b) desorbing carbon monoxide from the pressure
the bed in the pressure swing adsorption system. swing adsorption system in step (a) to form a car
The carbon monoxide product withdrawal location is bon monoxide-rich fraction;
preferably as close as possible to the outlet end of the (c) desorbing carbon dioxide and methane from the
adsorption bed. The volume of second stage A2", for pressure swing adsorption system in step (a) to
example, must be as small as possible compared to the form a carbon dioxide-rich fraction;
volume of first stage A1", The volume of second stage (d) passing the carbon monoxide-rich fraction from
A2' must, however, be large enough so that the hydro O step (b) to a second pressure swing adsorption
gen enriched product purity is not affected as a result of system containing an adsorption bed comprising an
carbon monoxide product production. During the pro adsorbent having a greater affinity for carbon mon
duction cycle, concentration fronts are formed for each oxide than for hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and
of the components in the feed. Components that are methane to separate carbon monoxide as an ad
strongly adsorbed (e.g. carbon dioxide) exist at feed 15 sorbed fraction and hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and
concentration in the gas phase near the entrance of the methane as a non-adsorbed fraction; and
bed. Over a length equal to the equilibrium saturation (e) desorbing carbon monoxide from the pressure
Zone, the gas phase concentration is constant. Beyond swing adsorption system in step (d) to form a pure
this length the concentration of the adsorbed compo carbon monoxide product.
nent decreases sharply. In the present separation (hy 20 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the feed
drogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane mixture comprises hydrogen in an amount up to about
from the feed mixture), the production of hydrogen 80%, carbon monoxide in an amount up to about 20%,
rich primary product must be stopped when the equilib carbon dioxide in an amount up to about 30%, and
rium front is well within the pressure swing adsorption methane in an amount up to about 3%.
bed. The outlet end of a pressure swing adsorption bed 25 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein the
at the completion of the production step thus contains adsorbent in the adsorption bed in step (a) comprises
predominant amounts of hydrogen which mainly ac activated carbon and zeolite molecular sieves.
counts for the hydrogen losses with the vent. It is desir 4. The method according to claim 3, wherein the
able to collect a carbon monoxide product in a direction zeolite molecular sieves are an aluminosilicate zeolite
cocurrent to feed by moderate pressure reduction of the selected from the group consisting of type 5A, 10X, 13X
pressure swing adsorption beds before carbon monox zeolite molecular sieves, and mordenites.
ide product vent is initiated. The carbon monoxide 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein the
product contains a significant amount of hydrogen. adsorption bed in step (a) is divided into a first adsorp
When a small quantity of carbon monoxide product, tion bed and a second adsorption bed, wherein the first
for example 5-10% of feed, is collected, it is preferable 35 and second beds are connected in series and each ad
to withdraw the carbon monoxide product stream from sorption bed contains an inlet end and an outlet end.
the outlet of the bed. If greater than 10% of the feed is 6. The method according to claim 5, further compris
collected, the carbon monoxide product stream should ing the steps of passing the feed mixture in step (a)
be withdrawn from an intermediate location on the bed. through the inlet end of the first adsorption bed, with
This method prevents contamination of the high pres drawing the hydrogen product from the outlet end of
sure hydrogen-rich product. the second adsorption bed, stopping the flow of feed
The pressure swing adsorption unit must be regener mixture into the inlet end of the first adsorption bed,
ated periodically. Suitable modes of regeneration in withdrawing the desorbed carbon monoxide-rich frac
clude (i) regeneration at or below 25 psia coupled with tion in step (b) from a location intermediate between the
product purge or purge from an external source, and (ii) 45 first and second adsorption beds, and withdrawing the
vacuum regeneration. desorbed carbon dioxide-rich fraction in step (c) fro
Throughout this application, various publications the inlet end of the first adsorption bed.
have been referenced. The disclosures in these publica 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein the
tions are incorporated herein by reference in order to carbon monoxide-rich fraction in step (b) is first with
more fully describe the state of the art. drawn from the inlet end of the second adsorption bed,
The embodiments described herein are merely exem then withdrawn from the outlet end of the first adsorp
plary and a person skilled in the art may make many tion bed, and while the carbon monoxide-rich fraction is
variations and modifications without departing from the withdrawn from the inlet end of the second adsorption
spirit and scope of the invention. All such modifications bed, a portion of the carbon dioxide-rich fraction in step
and variations are intended to be included within the 55 (c) is introduced into the inlet end of the first adsorption
scope of the invention as defined in the appended bed.
claims. 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein the
We claim: carbon dioxide-rich fraction in step (c) is desorbed by a
1. A method for producing hydrogen and carbon depressurization step and a hydrogen gas purge step.
monoxide from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen, 9. The method according to claim 1, wherein the
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane, which desorbed carbon dioxide-rich fraction in step (c) is recy
comprises the steps of: cled to a hydrocarbon steam reformer.
(a) passing the feed mixture through a first pressure 10. The method according to claim 1, wherein the
swing adsorption system containing an adsorption adsorbent in the adsorption bed in step (d) is selected
bed comprising an adsorbent having a greater affin 65 from the group consisting of copper exchanged Y-type
ity for carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon non aluminosilicate zeolite molecular sieves, copper ex
oxide than for hydrogen to separate hydrogen as a changed alumina, and copper exchanged activated car
pure non-adsorbed product and carbon dioxide, bon, and mixtures thereof.
27 28
11. The method according to claim 10, wherein the 20%, carbon dioxide in an amount up to about 30%, and
adsorbent is copper exchanged Y-type aluminosilicate methane in an amount up to about 3%.
zeolite molecular sieves. 18. The method according to claim 16, wherein the
12. The method according to claim 1, wherein the adsorbent in the adsorption bed in the first stage of the
pressure swing adsorption system in step (d) is operated pressure swing adsorption system in step (b) is selected
at an adsorption pressure in the range from about 150 from the group consisting of copper exchanged Y-type
psia to about 600 psia. r aluminosilicate zeolite molecular sieves, copper ex
13. The method according to claim 1, further com changed alumina, and copper exchanged activated car
prising the step of recycling a hydrogen-rich fraction bon, and mixtures thereof.
from the pressure swing adsorption system in step (d) O 19. The method according to claim 18, wherein the
into the feed mixture passing to the pressure swing adsorbent is copper exchanged Y-type aluminosilicate
zeolite molecular sieves.
adsorption system in step (a). 20. The method according to claim 16, wherein the
14. The method according to claim 1, wherein the adsorbent in the adsorption bed in the second stage of
carbon monoxide in step (e) is desorbed by a vacuum 5 the pressure swing adsorption system in step (c) con
withdrawal step subsequent to a product gas purge step. prises activated carbon and zeolite molecular sieves.
15. The method according to claim 1, wherein the 21. The method according to claim 20, wherein the
purity of the carbon monoxide product is greater than zeolite molecular sieves are an aluminosilicate zeolite
about 99%. selected from the group consisting of type 5A, 10X, 13X
16. A method for producing hydrogen and carbon 20 zeolite molecular sieves, and mordenites.
monoxide from a feed mixture comprising hydrogen, 22. The method according to claim 16, further com
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane, which prising the steps of passing the feed mixture through the
comprises the steps of: inlet end of the first stage in step (b), withdrawing the
(a) providing a pressure swing adsorption system hydrogen product from the outlet end of the second
having a first stage and a second stage, wherein the 25 stage in step (c), stopping the flow of feed mixture into
first stage contains an adsorption bed comprising the inlet end of the first stage, and desorbing the carbon
an adsorbent having a greater affinity for carbon dioxide and methane in step (d) from a location interme
monoxide than for hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and diate between the first and second stages of the pressure
Swing adsorption system to form a carbon dioxide-rich
methane, the second stage contains an adsorption 30 fraction.
bed comprising an adsorbent having a greater affin 23. The method according to claim 22, wherein the
ity for carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon mon desorbed carbon dioxide-rich fraction is recycled to a
oxide than for hydrogen, and the first and second hydrocarbon steam reformer.
stages are connected in series and each stage con 24. The method according to claim 22, further com
tains an inlet end and an outlet end; 35 prising the step of desorbing the carbon dioxide and
(b) passing the feed mixture through the first stage of methane by purging the second stage with hydrogen
the pressure swing adsorption system to separate gas in a countercurrent direction and purging the first
carbon monoxide as an adsorbed fraction and hy stage with carbon monoxide gas in a cocurrent direc
drogen, carbon dioxide, and methane as a non tion.
adsorbed fraction; 25. The method according to claim 24, wherein the
(c) passing the non-adsorbed fraction from step (b) purge effluent gases from the first and second stages are
through the second stage of the pressure swing withdrawn from a location intermediate between the
adsorption system to separate carbon dioxide and first and second stages of the pressure swing adsorption
methane as an adsorbed fraction and hydrogen as a 45. 26. The method according to claim 16, wherein car
non-adsorbed pure product; bon monoxide is desorbed from the inlet end of the first
(d) desorbing carbon dioxide and methane from the stage of the pressure swing adsorption system in step (e)
first and second stages of the pressure swing ad under vacuum.
sorption system to form a carbon dioxide-rich frac 27. The method according to claim 16, wherein the
tion; and SO pressure Swing adsorption system in steps (b) and (c) are
(e) desorbing carbon monoxide from the first stage of operated at an adsorption pressure in the range from
the pressure swing adsorption system to form a about 150 psia to about 600 psia.
pure carbon monoxide product. 28. The method according to claim 16, wherein the
17. The method according to claim 16, wherein the purity of the carbon monoxide product is greater than
feed mixture comprises hydrogen in an amount up to 55 about 99%.
about 80%, carbon monoxide in an amount up to about

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