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Reference Calculation Output

Determine design flows for the drain:

Equation 2.2 i= 𝞴TK


i = the average rainfall intensity (mm/hr) for selected ARI (T) and storm duration (d);
Table 1.1 T = average recurrence interval, ARI (years);
d = storm duration (hours); 0.20 ≤ d ≤72 and
𝞴, K, θ and η = fitting constants dependent on the raingauge location

Table 2.1 Estimate Time Of Concentration, tc = Storm duration, d

tc = to +td

to = 107.n*.L1/3
= (107)(0.035)(115.7)1/3

where : to = Overland sheet flow travel time (minutes)

L = Overland sheet flow path length (m)
for Steep Slope (>10%), L≤ 50m
for Moderate Slope (<5%), L≤ 100m
for Mild Slope (<1%), L≤ 200m
n* = Horton’s roughness value for the surface (Table 2.2)
S = Slope of overland surface (%)
Td = n.L
2/3 1/2
60R S

= (0.015)(252.25)

= 1.688

Where : n = Manning’s roughness coefficient (Table 2.3)

R = Hydraulic radius (m)
S = Friction slope (m/m)
L = Length of reach (m)
Td = Travel time in the drain (minutes)

tc = to +td
= 17.60 + 1.688
= 19.29 minutes
= 0.322 hours

Appendix 2. B
Table 2.B2 Location & station ID ARI, T Storm Derived Parameters
(years) duration
d 𝞴 K
θ η
Padang Katong, Kangar 5 0.322 52.1510 0.3573 0.1584 0.7858

i= 𝞴TK
Equation 2.3 (d+θ)η

= (52.1510)(5)0.3573
(0.322 + 0.1584)0.7858
= 165.03 mm/h
Table 2.6
Q= C.I.A

where: Q = peak flow; (m3/s)

C = dimensionless runoff equivalent;
I = average rainfall intensity over time of concentration, tc (mm/hr); and
Table 2.3 A = drainage area (ha)

Q = (0.65)(165.03)(1.337)
= 0.398 m3/s

Calculate size of lined drain section

Manning’s n for concrete lining = 0.015

Drain longitudinal slope = 0.7% (1 in 143)
Width, B = 0.60 m
Side slope, Z =0
Q= υ x A

Where; v = 1 So1/2 R2/3

A= (B + ZD) D = 0.60D
P= B + 2D √1 + 𝑍 = 0.60 + 2D

D A P R υ Q Condition
(m) (m) (m) (m) m/s (m3/s)
0.55 0.33 1.7 0.19 1.843 0.608 OK
0.60 0.36 1.8 0.20 1.908 0.687 OK

Section Allowing a minimum freeboard = 50mm
Hence, required depth, Dminimum = 0.55 m

Provided dimension of lined drain (Refer to precast concrete manufacturers):

Width, B = 0.60 m
Depth, D = 0.60 m
Velocity, υ = 1.908 m/s
Discharge, Q = 0.687 m3/s

The drain dimensions are 0.60 m wide x 0.60 m deep, which is within the recommended limits.
Section Check flow velocity for lined drain = 1.908 m/s (0.6 < v < 2 m/s) , within condition (OK)

Section Depth maximum 0.6m and width between 0.5m to 1.2m lined drain shall be covered.
Service opening shall be provided along open drain with maximum interval spacing at every 100m

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