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Option 01 - Waterproofing using a Torch on Membrane

NO Discription Rate Unit Qty Amount

1.0 Removing of Existing Layer
1.1 Unit 1 162,000.00

Grinding and removing of exsisting surface screed

layer and exsisting water proofing layer and clean
the substrate untill visible of shrikage cracks. This
shall include removing and dispose of all debries
from the site in accordance with enviromental
regulations. Also includes all the job site
preparation and safety precautions
2.0 Surface Preparation
2.1 Repairing shrinkadge cracks and Honeycombs 20.00 Sq.f 3,800 76,000.00
2.2 Repairing of re-bar defect points 280.00 Unit 100 28,000.00
3.0 Application of Waterproofing System
3.1 90.00 Sq.f 3,800 342,000.00
Application of Acrylic Polymer Based Waterproof
Protective Coating on prepared surface as per
manufacures instructions (Product:
3.2 Application of protective screed in 1:3 cement to 180.00 Sq.f 3,800 684,000.00
sand mortar
Total 1,292,000.00

Option 01 - Waterproofing using Polyurethene based Membrane

NO Discription Rate Unit Qty Amount
1.0 Removing of Existing Layer & Surface Preparation
1.1 Unit 1 195,000.00

Removing exsisting tile, surface screed layer and

exsisting water proofing layer and clean the
substrate untill visible of shrikage cracks. This shall
include removing and dispose of all debries from
the site in accordance with enviromental
regulations. Also includes all the job site covering
and safety precautions
2.0 Repairing of Cracks
2.1 Repairing shrinkadge cracks* 325.00 Sq.f 120 39,000.00
3.0 Application of Waterproofing System
3.1 225.00 Sq.f 1,500 337,500.00
Application of Polyurethene based waterproofing
memebrane on primed surface as per manufacures
instructions (Product: CHRYSO®Proof PU ECO ,
CoM: South Africa)
3.2 Application of protective screed in 1:3 cement to 140.00 Sq.f 1,500 210,000.00
sand mortar
4.0 Re-laying of tiles
4.1 125.00 Sq.f 1,500 187,500.00
Re-laying of tiles using exterior grade tile adhesive
and application of water resistant tile grout (tiles
must be supplied by the client)
Total 969,000.00

* Need to be decided afer inspection of the

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