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Procedia118 (2017) 000–000
00 (2017) 149–157
2017 2nd International Conference on Advances on Clean Energy Research, ICACER 2017,
2nd2nd International
International Conference
Conference on Advances
on Advances on Clean
on Clean Energy
Energy Research,
Research, ICACER
ICACER 2017,
7-9 April 2017, Berlin, Germany
7-9 April 2017 Berlin, Germany
7-9 April 2017, Berlin, Germany
Prediction The
of 15th
the International
Wind Turbine Performance
Symposium by Using
on District Heating a Modified
and Cooling
Prediction of the Wind Turbine Performance
BEM Theory with an Advanced Brake State Model by Using a Modified
BEM Theory the feasibility of using theBrake
with an Advanced heat State
a, a b
Jallal Arramacha,*, function
Noureddinefor a long-term
Boutammachte a district heat
, Abdelfattah Bouatemdemand
Al Mersaa
, Ahmed
Jallal Arramach *, Noureddine Boutammachte , Abdelfattah Bouatem , Ahmed Al Mers
Energy and Renewable Energies Laboratory, Energy department, ENSAM, University of Moulay Ismail, PO.BOX, 4024, Meknes, Morocco
a,b,c and Structures
a department, ENSAM,
Energy and
Mechanical *,Laboratory,
Energies A. PinaEnergy FerrãoaENSAM,
, P.department, , J. University
Fournier b
of Moulay
University Lacarrière
, 4024,
PO.BOX, Le Corre
Mechanical Engineering and Structures department, ENSAM, University of Moulay Ismail, PO.BOX, 4024, Meknes, Morocco
IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
Abstract c
Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
A mathematical model for fluid dynamics wind turbine design and rotor performance prediction (based on the blade element
A mathematicaltheory)modelhas for
been implemented
fluid dynamics wind and enhanced. Particular
turbine design attention
and rotor was paidprediction
performance to the brake state
(based on model
the blade to correctly
momentum and tangential
theory) induction factors
has been implemented and for differentParticular
enhanced. wind speed ranges, was
attention to the stalltodelay
paid modelstate
the brake in order
model to consider the
to correctly
centrifugal pumping
determine axial effects caused
and tangential inductionby factors
the radial flow along
for different wind thespeed
blades (Himmelskamp
ranges, effect),
to the stall delay and in
model to order
the models for the
to consider
District heating
centrifugal pumping networks
of the effectsare
aerodynamic commonly
caused by theaddressed
coefficients in the
in pre-stall
radial flow and
post-stall as one
the blades ofWith
the the
(Himmelskamp most effective
numerical solutions
effect), codes
and thefor
to in decreasing
models work,
for the the
greenhouse gas
representation emissions
of the and thefrom
aerodynamicpower the building
for a NREL
coefficients sector.windThese
in pre-stall andsystems
rotor require
were predicted.
post-stall high
regions. The investments
With mathematical which
the numerical are returned
codes inthrough
givenresultsthishave thebeen
work, heat
sales. Duewith
aerodynamic to the
forces changed
experimental climate
data and
and the power forconditions
NREL and
rotor were renovation
considered policies,
predicted. the heat demand
The literature,
mathematical in found
the future
and simulations
are becould
toresults decrease,
have and
satisfactory. the investment return period.
compared with experimental data and mathematical models considered in the literature, and are found to be reliable and
satisfactory. of this
Authors. paper isby
Published to Elsevier
assess the feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
2017 The Authors. Published by
of Elsevier Ltd
© 2017 TheThe
Peer-review district
Authors. of Alvalade,
Published by thelocated in Lisbon
Elsevier Ltd. (Portugal),
committee of ICACERwas used a case study. The district is consisted of 665
Peer-review under
buildings that vary responsibility of the scientific
in both construction periodcommittee
and of theThree
typology. 2nd International
weather Conference
scenarios (low,on Advances
medium, on Clean
high) and three district
Energy under
Research. responsibility of the organizing committee of ICACER 2017.
renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained
Keywords: Wind turbines, Potential theory, Boundary layers, S809 airfoil, BEM modified theory, Stall delay, Aerodynamic loads, Brake heat demand values
state were
Keywords: withturbines,
results Potential
from a dynamic heat demand
theory, Boundary layers,model, previously
S809 airfoil, developed
BEM modified and Stall
theory, validated
delay, by the authors.
Aerodynamic loads, Brake state
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
(the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
1.scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
The value
1. Introductionof slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
decrease in the number
Wind is caused dueoftoheating
the sun’shoursradiation
of 22-139h duringisthe
which heating season
absorbed (depending
differently on theonearth’s
the combination of weather an
surface, involving and
renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the
uneven is caused of thedueland
to theandsun’s
water.radiation which is absorbed
This temperature differencedifferently on the earth’s
induces circulation of air surface,
from a high involving
pressure an
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
uneven heating of the land and water. This temperature difference induces circulation of air from a high pressure
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.

© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +212 669 431 346.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
* Corresponding
E-mail address:author. Tel.: +212 669 431 346.
E-mail address:
1876-6102 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Heat demand; Forecast; Climate change
1876-6102 ©under
The Authors. of the organizing
Published committee
by Elsevier Ltd. of ICACER 2017
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICACER 2017

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
1876-6102  2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Advances on Clean Energy Research.
150 Jallal Arramach et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 149–157
J. Arramach et al/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000

area to a low one. Wind energy is extracted from the kinetic energy available in the wind via a conversion system
which should be characterized by low environmental impact, low investment and high yield power generation. This
category of energy is now experiencing a significant growth and is widely seen as a serious alternative to fight
against the greenhouse effect. Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) have been demonstrated to be the
transcendent machine tool in extracting the energy from the wind, and is characterized by a higher energy efficiency,
less sensitiveness to off-design conditions and more mechanical stability compared with Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
(VAWT) [1].
An aerodynamic analysis of this system has become a field of interest for researchers. In this regard, the
mathematical model most frequently used by scientific and industrial communities is the blade element momentum
(BEM) theory [2, 3], which uses the Glauert’s propeller model changed for the wind turbine design [2, 4].
The BEM method considers that the blade can be analyzed as a number of independent streamtubes in spanwise
direction, and is used for the analysis of wind turbine performance and aerodynamic loading on blades, for the
evaluation of the torque and power at the rotor shaft, for the design of rotor and geometric characteristics of the
turbine and for maximizing power production [2, 5, 6, 7, 8]. In recent years, the BEM theory has been optimized to
provide increasingly reliable results. The greatest criticalities are represented by the lack of experimental
measurements on airfoil aerodynamic coefficients at high angles of attack, by the consideration of the radial flow
along the blades (centrifugal pumping), and by the calculation of axial and tangential induction factors [9].
In a previous work [10], authors showed how to mathematically model aerodynamic coefficients without using
great amounts of computer time (Unlike to the fluid dynamic three-dimensional codes (3-D CFD)), and in this work,
they show how to eliminate the lack of description for centrifugal pumping (Stall delay is considered), and present a
new strategy to implement the brake state models of Shen [11, 12] and Buhl [13, 14] for different wind speed ranges.
Finally, several simulations of wind loading and power curves were performed and compared with the experimental
data collected by the NREL [15] in the world’s biggest wind tunnel at NASA-Ames.


ρ Air density ���� Hub radius

�� Wind velocity far up stream �� Normal force coefficient
���� Airfoil relative wind velocity �� Number of blades
�� Lift coefficient �� Drag coefficient
r Blade local radius c Airfoil chord
�� Area of wind turbine rotor R Wind rotor radius
C� Thrust coefficient ω Rotor angular velocity
ACL Angle of attack at maximum pre-stall lift ����� Max post-stall lift coefficient
� Angle of attack at which pre-stall lift coefficient worth 0 ��� Angle of attack at max pre-stall drag
������ Max pre-stall drag coefficient ������ Max post-stall drag coefficient

2. Mathematical model

In this work, the mathematical model implemented for the fluid dynamics design of a wind turbine is based on the
BEM theory. Its offers a very short processing times and is highly reliable. The wind turbine rotor is subdivided into
annuli of dr thickness (Fig. 1(a)), the flow of each sector being independent of adjacent circular sector flows [16].
By applying the momentum and angular momentum conservation principles, it is possible to obtain the forces
acting on the blades, and so evaluate its performance. Fig. 1(b) shows the loads acting on a cross-section of the blade
and the velocities relating to the airfoil. it also shows the angle of relative wind (φ), which consists of twist and pitch
angles (θtw and θp) and angle of attack (α), the axial and tangential induction factors (� and �� ) that significantly
affect the real value of the velocities, and the element normal (thrust) (dN) and element tangential (dT) forces which
are generated by element lift (dL) and element drag (dD) forces. By applying the equations of momentum and
angular momentum conservation, for each infinitesimal dr sector of the blade, the axial force and torque supplied by
Jallal Arramach et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 149–157 151
J. Arramach et al/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000

a blade sector can be obtained (as given in Equations (1) and (2)), and thus the power at the rotor shaft and its power
coefficient. The axial (Thrust) force on the blade element of width dr is:

a b

Fig.1. (a) Wind turbine rotor; (b) Velocities and forces relating to the airfoil

� ��
� �����

�� � � N� �C� c�sφ � C� sinφ�cdr (1)
� ���� �
The torque on the blade element of width dr is:
� �� ����� ������� �
�� � � �� ��� ���� � �� ��������� (2)
� ���� ����
And thus the torque M (resp. axial force N) at the rotor shaft is calculated by the total sum of partial forces dM
(resp. dN) exerted on each blade sector.
Having the lift and drag coefficients for a given aerodynamic airfoil is of crucial importance, and are usually
obtained from wind tunnel measurements available in scientific literature, and then mathematically interpolated (as
shown in ref [2,7,9]).
The wind rotor power is given by Eq. (3):
� � � � � �� (3)
While the power coefficient is given by Eq. (4)

�� � � � � (4)
�� ��

The torque and normal forces, and the numerical stability of the mathematical model depend on the tangential and
axial induction factors. To evaluate them, it is crucial to implement a brake state model.

3. Brake state model

The BEM code, which is a 1-D numerical code, furnished reliable results only if a suitable brake state model is
implemented within it. In this research, the authors have produced a new strategy to implement both the brake state
models by Buhl and Shen, each for different wind speed ranges, to provide results close to experimental data.
A brake state model is a set of mathematical equations, implemented to evaluate the axial and tangential induction
factors, and are based on the conservation equations of momentum and angular momentum.
By applying the conservation of linear momentum between the far upstream section and the far downstream
section, and by using the energy equation between the upwind rotor section and the downwind rotor section, it is
possible to get,

� �� ������ �
���� ������� �����
� �
�� � � ��� � ��� � �� � �� (6)
� ��

152 Jallal Arramach et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 149–157
J. Arramach et al/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000

Where ‫ ܨ‬ൌ ‫ܨ‬௧௜௣ ‫ܨ‬௛௨௕ is the tip and hub losses factor, includes the Prandtl tip-loss factor, accounts for the influence
made by vortex shedding from the blade tip into the wake, and the hub-loss factor, accounts for the vortex shed near
the hub, defined respectively as [17,14],
ଶ ே ሺ௥ିோሻ
‫ܨ‬௧௜௣ ൌ  ܽ‫ ݏ݋ܿݎ‬ቂ‡š’ቀ ್ ቁቃ (7)
గ ଶ௥௦௜௡ఝ
ଶ ே್ ሺோ೓ೠ್ ି௥ሻ
‫ܨ‬௛௨௕ ൌ  ܽ‫ ݏ݋ܿݎ‬ቂ‡š’ቀ ቁቃ (8)
గ ଶ௥௦௜௡ఝ
σ and ߣ௥ are respectively the rotor solidity and the local speed ratio, defined as,
ߪൌ ್ (9)
ߣ௥ ൌ (10)
When the axial induction factor is greater than 0.4, the BEM theory breaks down. Eq. (5) valid only if a < 0.4, and
does not yield reliable results [16, 18].
So, for this operating state, Buhl developed a correction (Eq. (11)) for the determination of the axial induction
factor allowing to take into account the losses at the tip of the blade (F < 1), contrary to the one proposed by Glauert
[19] which is valid only when F = 1, and which causes a numerical instability,
ଵ଼ிିଶ଴ିଷඥ஼ ሺହ଴ିଷ଺ிሻାଵଶிሺଷிିସሻ
ܽൌ ಿ
Lanzafame and Messina [9] have been demonstrated that the brake state model of Shen better predict the power
curve at high wind velocities. So, in this work, Shen's BSM will be carried out for high wind speeds (greater than 20
m/s) to increase the correlation between experimental and simulated data.
Shen's brake state model [11, 12] is represented by following set of mathematical expressions (Eqs (12)-(17))
‫ۓ‬ ݂‫ ܽݎ݋‬൑ ͳȀ͵
ܽൌ మ (12)
‫ ۔‬ଶା௒భିටସ௒భሺଵିிሻା௒భ
‫ە‬ ݂‫ ܽݎ݋‬൐ ͳȀ͵
ଶሺଵାி௒భ ሻ

ܽᇱ ൌ ሺభషೌಷሻೊమ (13)


ସி௦௜௡మ ఝ
ܻଵ ൌ (14)
ఙிభ ஼ಿ

ܻଶ ൌ (15)
ఙிభ ஼೅
ଶ ே್ ሺோି௥ሻ
‫ܨ‬ଵ ൌ  ܿ‫ݏ݋‬ ିଵ
ቂ‡š’ቀെ݃ ቁቃ (16)
గ ଶ௥௦௜௡ఝ
݃ ൌ ݁‫݌ݔ‬ሾെͲǤͳʹͷሺܰ௕ ߣ௥ െ ʹͳሻሿ ൅ ͲǤͳ (17)

4. Modeling of lift and drag coefficients

The accurate evaluation of the power and the aerodynamic loads acting on wind turbine blades is closely linked to
the precision of the used airfoil's aerodynamic coefficients, which are generally provided by wind tunnel
measurements. However, there are some levels of discrepancy between wind tunnel tests, especially in post-stall
regime. Such a difference motivated us to implement a numerical method to predict aerodynamic coefficients. This
method is based on a strong viscous-inviscid interaction technique.
The major assumption of this approach implies that the flow can be separated in two parts: within the boundary
layer where the fluid is considered as viscous and outside this layer where the flow is considered as potential [20].
This approach is computationally efficient and yield accurate solutions for attached flow, but in general, it cannot be
used for post-stall calculations [21].
In a work previously published by the authors [10], the viscous and inviscid flows of the pre-stall regime are
respectively computed using the potential theory of arbitrary wing sections and the boundary layer method. The
Jallal Arramach et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 149–157 153
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resulting velocity distribution from the potential flow calculation is used as input in the boundary layer equations to
find a so called blowing velocity distribution. To include the viscous effects, this blowing velocity is fed back to the
potential flow formulation to determine the viscous velocity distribution around the airfoil. This procedure is
repeated until the convergence of the calculation.
In the fully stall regime, the AERODAS model [21] is adopted to calculate the aerodynamic coefficients. This
model is improved to take into account the Reynolds number effect, and to avoid the numerical instability, which
might be caused by the transition from pre-stall to post-stall regimes.

4.1. Post-stall behavior

As mentioned above, the AERODAS model [21], developed by the NASA, is adapted to calculate the airfoil lift
and drag coefficients in the fully stall regime.
The lift coefficient in the post-stall regime is given by the following equations,
� ����0° � � � ���������� � 0�
� ������ �
������� � � � ��° 0� ������� � �0�0���� � ���0� � ��� � � (18)
� ������ �
� ����� � ��° 0� ������� � �0�0���� � ���0� � ��� � �
� ��
The drag coefficient in the post-stall regime is given by,
������ � ���� � � � ��������� � 0
� ���� (19)
����� � ����������� � ������� � ������� � ������ ���� � �0�
��� � ����� � ����� � � � � � ���,
To avoid the numerical instability which might be caused by the transition from pre-stall to post-stall regions, the
first point of the AERODAS model will be started from the last point of the pre-stall area which corresponds to
�������� and �������� for respectively the lift and drag coefficients, so the following equations are implemented,
��� � �������� � ���������������� � �� � ��������� � ���
� (20)
��� � �������� � ���������������� � �� � ��������� � ���
With these equations, a special curve will be plot at the post-stall region for each Reynlods number, contrary to
the AERODAS model.

4.2. Two dimensional results

In order to validate the 2D computer code (named AEROC), the results of S809 airfoil have been compared
against the experimental data found in the literature.
a b

Fig. 2. (a) Lift coefficient for S809 airfoil; (b) Total drag coefficient for S809 airfoil
154 Jallal Arramach et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 149–157
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In figures 2(a) and 2(b), plots of lift and drag coefficients of S809 airfoil are respectively sketched. It can be seen
quite clearly the agreement between AEROC code and experimental results. Analysis of the effect of Reynolds
number on these coefficients of the airfoil is presented in these figures. As evidenced in these graphs, change in
Reynolds number does not affect the lift coefficient considerably while an increase in Reynolds number would bring
about a decrease in drag coefficient.

5. Stall delay model

Generally, during an operational period of a wind turbine, when high speed rises, the angle of attack can reach
high values, and consequently the rotor blades operate at deep stall [4]. This phenomenon is strictly related to the
separation of the boundary layer from the airfoil surface, and its occurrence is delayed by the turbine blades 3-D
rotation [7, 9, 22, 23], otherwise, by the Coriolis and centrifugal forces. The centrifugal pumping is a phenomenon
describing the three-dimensional radial airflow along the blades which drives the air in the boundary layer flow to
the blade tip, and the Coriolis force produces a favorable pressure gradient along the chordwise direction and tends
to accelerate the airflow toward the leading edge [7, 9, 23]. For these conditions, the 2-D airfoil characteristics data
cannot be directly used in BEM method (mono-dimensional numerical code) to predict the performance of a rotating
blade due to the stall delay phenomenon, and aerodynamic corrections should be made for this data. For this aim,
various stall delay models have been developed by, e.g., Bak et al. [23], Snel et al. [24], Corrigan and Schillings [25],
Du and Selig [26], and Chaviaropoulos and Hansen [27].
Breton et al. [28] implemented these five stall delay models with a lifting line, prescribed wake model, which
provides more detailed information on the stall delay phenomenon compared with BEM method. The results
illustrate that stall delay models mostly conducts to an over-prediction of the thrust and power and of the loads,
mostly near the root, and show also that at higher wind speeds, the use of 2D airfoil data leads to an underprediction
and great disparities.
In this work, the authors used the Du and Selig stall delay model because the numerical results becomes close to
the NREL results, and the deviation is less than 9% at worst condition [28].

6. Three-dimensional results and discussions

The 3D numerical code produced by the authors (named EOLI), is implemented to predict the aerodynamic loads
and the power curve of the NREL Phase VI wind rotor.
This wind turbine has two blades, 10.058m rotor diameter, with twisted and tapered blades, developing a rated
power of 19.8kW.
To verify the validity of the EOLI code, the simulated data was compared with the experimental data collected by
the NREL [14] in the world's biggest wind tunnel at NASA-Ames.
The next figures show comparisons between experimental measurements, mathematical models found in the
literature and EOLI code.
Fig. 3(a) shows the predicted power curve of the EOLI code, the predicted power curve of the simplified Glauert
model [17], the predicted power curve of Shen's model [11,18], and the measured power curve.
Notice how the predicted power curve, given by EOLI code, is closer to experimental data for different wind speed
ranges, better than Glauert and Shen's models for low and middle wind speeds (from 5 to 20 m/s), and almost
similar to these two last models for wind speeds greater than 20 m/s.
Therefore, the implementation of both the BSMs and the use of Du and Selig stall delay model has given rise to
the maximization of the correlation between experimental and simulated data for different wind speed ranges. Also,
it must be noted that the developed method is highly dependent on the 2D aerodynamic coefficient. The interacted
viscous-inviscid approach implemented with improved AERODAS model, has provided a good compromise
between the efficiency and accuracy required in predicting the aerodynamic coefficients of a wind turbine rotor
blade airfoil.
The shaft torque is illustrated in the Fig. 3(b), the simulation was carried out twice, using Eq (6) for evaluation of
the tangential induction factor for different wind speed ranges, and Eq (13) for wind speeds greater than 20 m/s.
Jallal Arramach et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 149–157 155
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The results show the importance of the implementation of Shen's model for high wind speeds to more close the
simulated curve to the experimental data.
Fig. 4 shows the shaft torque relative precision gain thanks to the implementation of the Eq (13) for higher wind
The shaft torques curve is obtained numerically using the described approach with and without the stall delay
model. The results without the stall delay model as illustrated in Fig. 5(a) show considerable difference with
experimental data. However, when the centrifugal pumping effects caused by the radial flow along the blades, is
taken into account by implementation of Du and Selig stall delay model, the numerical curve becomes very close to
the experimental NREL torques curve. Also, a comparison was performed between EOLI code and some
mathematical models, describing the aerodynamic coefficients, such as, Wilson and Lissman [14] and Viterna and
Corrigan post stall model [29] (which also considered the losses at the tip and at the hub). EOLI code gives the best
agreement between experimental and simulated data. Fig. 5(b) shows a comparison between different simulation
mathematical models [14] and the model implemented in this work. The model developed (coupled AEROC and
EOLI codes) during our research perform the best agreement between numerical and experimental data.
Fig. 6(a) shows the experimental and simulated Cp and Cq under different wind speeds. The experimental and
simulated data show good agreement, and this indicates that the EOLI code yields reliable results. Fig. 6(b)
represents the same as in Fig. 6(a), but versus the tip speed ratio.

Fig.3. (a) Predicted power curves in comparison with experimental data; (b) Simulated and experimental shaft torques

Fig.4. Relative torque precision gain thanks to the implementation of the Eq (13) for wind speeds ≥20m/s.
156 Jallal Arramach
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a b

Fig.5. (a) Comparison between different mathematical models representing the aerodynamic coefficients; (b) EOLI code against some
mathematical models considered in the literature
a b

Fig.6. (a) Power and torque coefficients (experimental and simulated) vs. wind speed; (b) vs. TSR

7. Conclusion

In this work, an advanced approach is introduced for aerodynamic simulation of a wind turbine rotor. Two
numerical codes (AEROC and EOLI), developed by the authors and based respectively on a strong viscous-inviscid
interaction technique and on a modified BEM theory, were utilized to characterize the rotor blade airfoil and to
evaluate its performance. The two numerical codes require reasonably less computational resources in comparison
with full three-dimensional CFD modeling work with a very short calculation times and give credible results.
Before evaluating rotor performance, and by knowing that the accuracy of the BEM inherently depends on
obtaining an accurate aerodynamic data, i.e., lift and drag coefficient as a function of angle of attack, particular
attention was paid to the models of the representation of this data in pre-stall and post-stall regions.
The second numerical code based on BEM theory is a 1-D code, and is not able to take into account the 3-D
rotation effects caused by the radial airflow along the blades, so, to overcome this lack of 1-D numerical code, an
implementation of Du and Selig stall delay model is made and is greatly enhances the BEM results.
Another difficult issue of the BEM theory is the correct evaluation of the axial and tangential induction factors.
In this research, the authors have produced a new strategy to implement both the brake state models of Buhl and
Shen, respectively at low and middle wind speeds and at high wind speeds.
In the final stage, the developed codes were validated by comparing them with experimental data and
mathematical models found in the scientific literature.
In particular, power and shaft torques curves were simulated with varying wind velocity for the NREL Phase VI
turbine. Moreover, the power and torque coefficients were predicted. Comparing them with experimental
measurements showed an excellent agreement.
Jallal Arramach et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 149–157 157
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This work was partially supported by the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST), and by
the doctoral studies center of ENSAM MEKNES (CEDoc), which are greatly appreciated.


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