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doris: welcome to another program of your favorite talk show today, we will talk about
a controversial topic about migration. i want to emphasize that many Venezuelans
have come to our capital and by 2019 the government will have extended permission
for more Venezuelans to enter in our country.

fernanda: the migration of venezuelan people has caused a lot of problems for
peruvians, but as you know, they don’t have a good lifestyle in their own country.

doris: its ok that but what about the people who reject the venezulan people?

Vianca: Let me stress that federal government of Venezuela has an internal crisis which
causes a degradation of the economic and social situation, that is the main reason that
a large of the Venezuelan population decides to emigrate to countries like Colombia,
Ecuador, Chile and Peru. Subsequently I would like to emphasize that Peru is the
country that has received the largest number of Venezuelans, approximately 3000 daily
of them. They enter trough for Tumbes, leaving many things in their country looking for
a new future.

leslye: yeah, i understand, i know that venezuelans have migrated in order to get
better opportunities. also, i know that it must have been dificult to leave the family
and live alone in a different place to survive.

doris: thats really surprising .

What do you think will happen in 10 years?

Jhoselyn: Let me think...Venezuelan people won’t stop migrating. it means that By

the 10 next years Venezuela will have become an isolated country and in order to
regain their country, soon or later they must solve their problem because no one is
going to do.

Vianca: I strongly approve your opinion, but a portion of them could stay living here,
especially who need refuge for the political persecution. Also By 2025 they will have
been working in Peru for seven years. And in this time the could have a good quality
of life working in their profession, and with the same rights as a Peruvian citizen.

fernanda: me too. i think that by 2028, we will have had a severe problem of
overpopulation. on the other hand, like vianca said, they might have a better life

doris: i assume that those present today agree to receive Venezuelans in our
fernanda:that's right. and we all know that since their migration is immense, there are
a lot of peruvian people that have lost their jobs and that’s why they reject
venezuelans. but we need to remember that they need our help since everybody
knows the situation in which their country is.


It’s not right that, .peruvians don’t have to lose their job because of the Venezuelan,
that happens because company prefer to pay less salary for them also government
should pursue the laboral employment stability. Probably our employment rate must
have decreased since the venezuelans arrive.

Vianca: …. let me think… It´s very controversial that point of view. I would like to
anticipate this topic and say that employment instability and informal jobs are social
problems that Peru has been facing for many years even before emigration… umn..
Mainly because we don´t have several labor laws, or the state entities don’t control
the informality. I assume that with the current situation the government will have more
responsibility to control them also the international organizations that protect

doris: they should have received the same as the Peruvians for their
services.because this is the big problem in this moment i think. i really hope that that
people who discriminate the foreigners realize that it is not the solution

they may have left their countrry because the hard politic system didn`t help them to
develop, for that reasonm they are looking fooward to migrating in everywhere, but let
me strees that there is a limit. as you know, there are more than (hang on, just a
monment……..)100.000 millions of venezolans that enter for a day, and by 2025, peru
will have received more over than 900.000 millions of venezolans imagine that¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ also would
like to emphazise that inside this venezolans people there are criminals that alter the
safety of the peruvians citizen

Vianca: I am in favor that venezuelan people come to our country. It is OK that, but on
the other hand it is necessary to control the unlimited number of venezuelan that
enter. We should permit to enter checking their ID and purposes to start a new life
here. We need to be more several with that. We can not forbid to enter foreign people
our country. The migration is part of human activity.

fernanda:i agree that there must be a control. and going back to what leslie said, it is
true that some venezuelans have committed crimes, but there are others that came
here to work and find a better place to live. we must avoid judging’s not
right to put all the Venezuelans in the same container, is it?

doris: ...just a moment.. people do not think the same when it comes to blaming
someone they only look for excuses that will help them to be right.
Jhoselyn: I strongly approve of that, but Don’t forget that when they arrive to Peru
the migration office forbid them to pass without minimum requirements. I want to
highlight that they avoid reporting all their police records so the goverment assume
they’re able to sttle here.
Government should keep checking monthly their activities.

leslye: yeha, also, another disadvantage is about our culture. you know…..., the
fusion of both countries can trigger an alteration.
fernanda: sorry but what do you mean by trigger an alteration? i don’t think that the
migration of venezuelans could alter our culture. if that is what you mean.

doris: for example a friend asked me to forbid to other people wear shirts with the flag
of Venezuela because that affects the Peruvians. I think we all have the right to
maintain our culture wherever we go.

leslye: i mean about the costumes. venezuela have different costumes that can alter
our traditions . so i think that the goverment should créate a different perspective in
the city about this situation and its principal objective must be to highlight or
preserve our traditions, in order to avoid dissapearing the peruvian culture/
quiero hablar mas/ :v
fernanda: i agree that we must maintain our culture alive but i think that it’s no only the job of
the government to preserve it….oh, you know...that’s also the job of parents and in schools,
they also should teach children to appreciate their origins and be proud of it.

Jhoselyn: That’s surprising they will absorbed our culture too. I would be nice to keep
their best custom. (Finaliza mi parte)

fernanda: i really hope that peruvians and venezuelans could live together without
harming each other. as humans we have to support each other in bad moments.
Vianca: There are nationalities

doris: Thanks for your attention today, we hope that everyone takes a correct
position on this topic. (termina mi parte)

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