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4 LEGAL FORMS shall be of sufficient weight to prevent the printing upon one side from being visible upon the others.” Effective Oct. 1, 1974, and until further notice of the Supreme Court, Records on Appeal and Briefs required to be filed in printed form by the Rules of Court may, without the need of special authority be filed typewritten or mimeographed on one side of good quality paper, 11” x 8-1/2" (letter size) double space. Only 12 copies of the Records on Appeal and Briefs shall be filed with the Court of Appeals and 2 copies are to be served on each adverse party. In the Supreme Court, the number of copies to be served on the adverse parties reduced to 2 copies for each of them.? 3. The Notarial Law (1). Notaries public; appointment and qualifications. —Nata- sies-publie-in the provinces are appointed:byjudgenotthe,Couneof ‘Riroténetemee of thaxesnectinementinees; in theSitvesddanila, by ome obthejudges-ofthe:Caurt-of First; Instance. of Manila-chosen by the sindges.of the-branches of-saidcourt.‘ The termoromnige of a notary public shalkencavenceepiratnsWor thetawasyentspiediod beginning on the dinst.davefJanuaryofeheyear inawhieti the appbnitinientasimnarte.” Tobe Uigiblefanapmoinimentes notary public, a person must 2 SHRHER of the PhiippiteaNt-oMeRBMyeIS OMAR, who has been Temereea cereneyrHetice of law or who hascompletechandipassedthe studiesotlnutrareputableuniversitzonschodboflaw, or has passed the wetitinariolMer-the: 6Mieeiof justice ofthe peace.or clerk or depumy.ciencofcourr or bewpersomwherhas at same time:held the ofhestotclerkcofeourvondeputy clerkofeuurttora period of nottess shasbwoyeats, oF a porsan-whohad-qualified fortheoffiee of notary suublleccutiderstbercSpunisteesoverBighty! In chartered cities and provincial capitals where there are-two-ormoretawyers'appomntetrAs notaries:pablic, no.person-other:than.a lawyer or a/person who ‘qualified.sto-hold “the office of notary. public “under the sovereigntynshalbsholdasaidvafficess:In municipalities or m See Rule 196, Secs. 15 and 16, Revised Bgupreme Court ’ tution, ‘HE NOTARIAL LAW 5 districts wherein eepetwortresidéshaving the qualifications above ed, or hawienyiahentrefusuteshoktsuchiollice, judges of first \ce- maxs@pROiNe othen.persans-temporarilys te) exercise the co.oknotany public who-havethereqtisiterqualifieations of fitress snorality." No-person shall-be-appointed-notery. public, swho:has seonsiated oLany.crimeinvelsing movaleanpitade.” ‘The following officers have GeneraiTwesnonie=sracnntnister to wit: motitiesmpublic; judsess justicanofsneuieiiee and dinstigesofthe;peace; clerksOfitonits; the Seeretary,ofthe onal Assembly |/sousemudeheSenate; bureawdirectors; register , provinetabpouenitoroatid ieditendnt governors: ely tiiayors, Jipalmaxors. munigipaldistrictmayerssanyotherofficerinthe pine.service-whose.appointmentiis. vested .in:the.President ‘of bili A person who by authority of law shall act in the eity of any of the officers mentioned above shall possess thesame In addition, the following officers aregrantesd:generatatenoriey reise itths: Miosidont; VicaPresident; Members:cafsboth lotiditiinéss, MeBERPOR HEI ty, ScoreranesorDepart- RegtonabDireotors; Constitutional Officers, and othes-ivilign native PRilippine pubHie-sePVICe Whose apponntinelts are sinssthe.

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