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Dr. Reuben Angelo P.

1. It is decreasing in quality.
2. It depends on the sickness or illness of the patient
3. It’s better in a private hospital rather than a government-owned hospital because in
government-owned hospital, there are too many patients per doctor.
4. For me, it shouldn’t be because if that’s your profession, you should love it and the cost
of your education even if it was expensive, you should concentrate on being able to help
others even if they are poor and they can only give little money in return.
5. It decreased even more because 1 is to 33,000. So that means in provinces, it’s shorter to
than those in Manila.
6. Encourage more doctors to help others, not treat the profession as business, and to have a
socialized system of education wherein less fortunate students who are highly qualified to
be a doctor will be given scholarships or discounted tuition fees.
Mrs. Anne Marie V. Virtucio
1. It is improving compared to the last 10 years of the healthcare services here in the
2. Yes, it’s very expensive.
3. The higher you pay; the better service that they are giving
4. Private, because the ratio in private hospitals are 1:3; 1 doctor is to 3 patients.
5. Due to inflation, the cost of the medical services is really high; higher by 10-20%
compared to 2008.
Manolo N. Blanquera
What can you say about the healthcare system in the Philippines?
Not that good. We don’t have a good healthcare system in place in the Philippines.
What makes you say that?
The PhilHealth which is the healthcare by the government is not enough to cover the
healthcare needs of the Filipinos.
Do you believe that the cost of healthcare in the Philippines is rising?
It’s rising? Yes, it’s very expensive.
Can you give an example? Like what would it have been 10 years ago compared to now?
Well, it’s a lot better now compared to 10 years ago because there was no healthcare
insurance back then.
But what about the cost? Could you give an example on how it rose?
But 10 years ago, there was no PhilHealth or insurance coverage and now there is
because of PhilHealth. The cost is minimal like it’s not that expensive but the coverage of
healthcare is not sufficient.
But what about if you wanted to have check-up? Like from before versus now? Could you give a
comparison on the cost like do you believe it’s more expensive now?
Expensive now, yes. Like, double the cost 10 years ago.
How does the price of medical services in the Philippines compare to its quality? Do you feel
like you’re paying for good quality medical services? Like you’re being charged proportionally
Yes, I guess but I’m not sure because the cost of medical care is cheaper compared to US
and Canada
When seeking medical attention, do you prefer a private hospital or a public hospital? Why?
Private, of course. You don’t get good service with the public hospitals because it’s very
cheap. You pay less, you get less. Plus, if it’s public, it’s very cheap and you don’t get good
quality service from doctors like in PGH. Because it’s cheap, you don’t get good doctors.
What do you think the Philippines should in order to make healthcare services accessible to the
poor? Since there’s like a division between the rich and the poor? As you said that in public
hospitals, it’s not good quality.
The cost in private hospitals should be lowered. Because it’s expensive in private
But it’s worth it right? The price you’re paying for?
Yes, the price is worth it.

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