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Teacher Name Date Level Length TP no.

Main Aim

Secondary Aim

Personal Aims

How does this lesson meet the needs, interests Materials

and learner styles of your students?

Previous Learning/Knowledge about Today’s Lesson Focus

What do you assume learners know about today’s lesson focus / what have previous teachers taught?

Overall Anticipated Problems and Solutions with Learners and Materials (not language)

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Stage 1
** If you need more than seven stages, simply copy and paste the boxes. If you need fewer, delete any blank boxes **

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:

Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider

“T – SS”

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Stage 2

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:

Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider

“T – SS”

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Stage 3

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:

Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider

“T – SS” and
“S – S”


Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Stage 4

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:

Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider

“T – SS” and
“S – S”.

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Stage 5

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:

Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider


Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

Stage 6

Stage Number Stage Name Stage Aim

Tutor’s comments: Interaction Tutor’s comments:

Lesson Procedure
things that went well & Timing things to consider


10 mins

Anticipated Problems Anticipated Solutions

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