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DALIT ONLINE – e News Weekly

Spreading the light of humanity & freedom

Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.14..Issue.49........09 / 12 / 2018

Editorial : A B C D for Judges & Police

Our whole hearted respects to honest few in judiciary , police & public service
who are an exception.
Judges & Police themselves must first learn to respect human beings as human
beings. When you treat them like animals they will also reciprocate do remember. Or
else the almighty will ensure DOG’S DEATH to corrupt judges & police. On the D Day in
the Almighty’s court corrupt judges & police will face ultimate punishment , no match
Judges & Police must do their constitutional duties without bias , refer following
case details and act :

Traitors in Judiciary & Police ,
The public servants & the government must be role models in law abiding acts , for
others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be
corrected by the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake , all his students will do
the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught , legally punished & reformed . if a
police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot-free under his patronage. even if a
police , public servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be
sought by the aggrieved. just think , if a judge himself that too of apex court of the
land himself commits crime - violations of RTI Act , constitutional rights & human rights
of public and obstructs the public from performing their constitutional fundamental duties
, what happens ?
It gives a booster dose to the rich & mighty , those in power , criminals in public
service to commit more crimes. that is exactly what is happening in india. the educated
public must raise to the occasion & peacefully , democratically must oppose this
criminalization of judiciary , public service. then alone , we can build a RAM RAJYA OF
Day after day we are seeing allegations against judges in crimes against women ,
sex crimes , judicial orders for money , etc in the media. There is total secrecy in the
functioning of judiciary in india with regards to disciplinary proceedings ,
promotions and selection of judges. We the public don’t know whether proper
investigation / enquiry is done in such cases of allegations against judges , what action
taken against the guilty judges ?
Hereby , we demand code of conduct for judges & police with provision
of criminal prosecution of violators.
Regard for the public welfare is the highest law (SALUS POPULI EST SUPREMA LEX).
No man shall be condemned unheard (AUDI ALTERAM PARTEM).
No man can be judge in his own cause (NEMO DEBET ESSE JUDEX IN PROPRIA SUA
An act of the Court or public office shall prejudice no man (ACTUS CURIAE NEMINEM

Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi

Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @ # LIG-2 No 761, HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP
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