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 What is the best propeller design for a wind generator?

o Would you maximize the surface orthogonal to presumed wind direction? How
would this affect long term wear? As we look for alternate energy sources, the
design of alternative energy generators will become increasingly important.
 Sound using light?
o Modern telecommunications rely upon fiber optic cables to relay voice signals
(telephone conversations.) How does this work? How does your voice get
converted to a light beam and then back again halfway across the world?
 What's the difference between LED lights and incandescent (normal) lights?
o How is energy converted into light in each device? Are there distinct
advantages of one over the other? Or does each have a well defined niche
where one excels over the other? You can do a cool experiment very
inexpensively with this high school science fair project.
 Like T. V.? Ever wonder how the picture is formed on the screen?
o And ever wonder what the difference is between LCD TVs and Tube (old) TVs?
An investigation in this area is well worth your time.


 Think your calculator has all the answers?

o Your calculator is actually limited in it's precision! Don't know what that
means? Then this may be the experiment for you. You can try out this high
school science fair project with your own calculator and a little time.
 Snowflakes are more than just cold. They are complex crystalline structures. But
o Each snowflake, when observed under magnification, can be seen to be a
complex structure of ice molecules. But why? A great experiment for those
curious about mathematics and how it models (not shapes!) our world.
 Ever wonder why a pole dipped in water looks like it 'bends' at the point of insertion?
o This experiment deals with the index of refraction. Curious students will try
this experiment with different kinds of liquid at different temperatures. Does
the angle of the pole change?
 The photoelectric effect
o Did you know that you can start a current in a metal plate just by shining a
light on it? It's true! This experiment has endless possibilities. This high
school science fair project can be involved, but it's worth if you have a keen
interest in physics.

Earth Science

 Volcano science fair experiment

o An oldie but a goody. Plenty of interesting science here! Why do volcanoes
exist at all? Where does the magma come from? What happened during some
notable eruptions (e.g. Mount St. Helens.)
 Why is carbon dating only usable on objects less than about 10000 years old?
o It would be great if we could use carbon dating for everything. But we can't.
 Did you know there is a 'river' of warm water that flows from the north American
continent to Europe?
o What would happen if this 'river' stopped flowing? How does this river affect
the average temperature of Europe? There has been a movie made recently
based on this high school science fair project.
 Earthquakes happen. But why? Are they all the same?
o This is a fertile area for research and experimentation. And some of the
answers may surprise you.


 Antiseptics and bacteria

o Are household antiseptics a good idea? What happens to a mixed population
of bacteria when these products are applied? Can you think of a reason why
using antiseptics all the time could be a bad thing? This high school science
fair project has seen a lot of debate recently.
 Plant Tropisms
o Ever notice how some plants will 'bend' toward a well light window? How do
they 'know' how to do that? This experiment will reveal how plants take
advantage of their environments.
 Interested in DNA? Did you know that some kinds of flowers havemuch more DNA
than human beings?
o Does that mean that they are a complex life form? Why would they have so
much DNA? This is an interesting and often overlooked experiment.

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