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I Unit B Revision

2 Farmers who boast of their independence are the first to ask the
government for financial help .

3 Car companies that want to export to South Korea complain about the
obstacles that they face, for example limits on the numbers of cars
that are allowed into the country.
4 Manufacturers sometimes complain that importers are selling goods at
less than they cost to make so that they can build their market share.
5 France sees banking as an industry that is especially important for the
country. The government will prevent any attempt by a foreign bank to
take over a French bank.
6 The UK has decided to merge the department responsible for
collecting import taxes with the Inland Revenue, the department
responsible for collecting income tax.

7 Since the reduction in the number of regulations governing the US

airline industry 30 years ago, a lot of airlines have been started and a
lot have gone bankrupt.

Conditionals Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If you offer us a 15 percent discount ............. (we I give) you an order
for so,ooo bottles.
2 What discount ............. (you I offer) us if we decided to spend €1 million
a year with you?
3 If ............. (we I improve) the payment terms, would you consider
buying from us?

4 If we meet again next week, ............. (you I change) your position?

5 We could negotiate a bette r price if ............. (you I shorten) the

delivery time.

6 .... ......... (you be able) to <;leliver next week if we ordered 10o,ooo

units today?

7 If you ............. (not offer) such good terms, we wouldn't do business

with you.

10 Quality
- --- -- - --~- - -- ~- -
-- - - -- ----- -
Gerunds Tick the correct sentences and correct the rest.
1 Ajax Plc is considering buying one of its smaller rivals, Brotox.
2 Her personal assistant denied to make the mistake.

3 When you have finished to write the report, wou ld it be possible to

make these phone calls?

4 The work involves studying our markets for potential threats.

5 Don't put off to read that management book I gave you - there are
some useful ideas in it.

6 The best preparation for your Japanese business trip is to practise to

play golf.
7 The boss has promised to give us all a salary increase.

Unit B Revision I

8 Invest in that company, and you risk to lose all your money.
9 The market leader failed to notice new developments in the market.
10 He recommended buying the most expensive product in the range.

Reading look again at the case study on page 90. Now look at the letter below
received by the Customer Services Manager at Brookfield Airport before any
of the changes were made.
In most of the lines 1 to 5 there is one extra word that does not fit. One or two
of the lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, put a tick in the space next
to that line. If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space.

Customer Services Manager

Brookfield Airport
Brookfield B98 4FU

3 August 2011

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to complain in the strongest terms about the baggage reclaim facilities at
Brookfield Airport. On a recent flight back from Barcelona, we has waited 35 minutes for
our baggage to arrive after getting off the plane - a two minute walk. Why did it take off so 3

long? Also, one of my suitcases was badly damaged up. This may have happened at
Barcelona, but the airport there is very modern. I'm sure the damage was done in by the
baggage handlers at Brookfield.

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours sincerely

Fiona Giddings

Writing You are the Customer Services Manager. Write a reply (130 to 150 words) to
Fiona Giddings.
• Thank her for her letter.
• Apologise for the inconvenience.
• Then continue the letter depending on what you decided when you did the case
EITHER: If you decided to spend money on improving the baggage reclaim
area and process, explain this and give an idea of when the facilities will

OR: If you decide not to spend money on improving the baggage reclaim
area and process, explain this. Say that you understand the problem, but
the Airport's resources are limited.
• In either case, say if you will offer compensation of some kind for the damaged
• End suitably.


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