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Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 469±476

Adsorption of ¯uoride from water by aligned carbon nanotubes

Yan-Hui Lia,*, Shuguang Wangb, Xianfeng Zhanga, Jinquan Weia,
Cailu Xua, Zhaokun Luanb, Dehai Wua
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China
State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for
Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, PR China
Received 19 December 2001; received in revised form 8 September 2002; accepted 10 December 2002


Aligned carbon nanotubes (ACNTs), a new type of carbon material, were prepared by catalytic decomposition
of xylene using ferrocene as catalyst. The kinetics experiment of ACNTs shows that ¯uoride adsorption rate is
fast in the ®rst 60 min and the adsorption capacity reaches 3.0 mg/g rapidly, then it decreases and adsorption
achieves equilibrium gradually in about 180 min. The ¯uoride adsorption of ACNTs depends slightly on the
solution pH value. The highest adsorption capacity of ACNTs occurs at pH 7 and reaches 4.5 mg/g at equilibrium
¯uoride concentration of 15 mg/l. The experimental results indicate that ACNTs are promising candidate
materials for ¯uoride removal.
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fluorides; Surfaces; Defects; Electron microscopy

1. Introduction

The chronic toxic effects on human health of excessive intake of ¯uoride have been studied
intensively and the ¯uoride concentration in the range 0.5±1.5 mg/l [1] is generally considered to be
bene®cial to human being. Long-term drinking water containing higher ¯uoride concentration than
1.5 mg/l will lead to ¯uorosis, which is a chronic disease characterized by mottling of teeth and
softening of bones, ossi®cation of tendons and ligaments. With the rapid development of various
industries, such as semiconductor manufacturing, glass and ceramic production, uranium re®nement,
electroplating, etc. increasing amount of wastewater containing ¯uorides is being discharged. So it is
imperative and signi®cant for removing excessive ¯uorides from water.

Corresponding author. Tel.: ‡86-10-62782413; fax: ‡86-10-62782413.
E-mail address: (Y.-H. Li).

0025-5408/03/$ ± see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
470 Y.-H. Li et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 469±476


C Fluoride concentration at equilibrium (mg/l)

Ci Initial fluoride concentration of fluoride (mg/l)
K Parameter of the Langmuir isotherm (l/mg)
k Parameter of the Freundlich isotherm (ln/mg1 n g)
n Parameter of the Freundlich isotherm
N Number of experimental data points
q Mass of fluoride adsorption at equilibrium (mg/g)
qm Parameter of the Langmuir isotherm (mg/g)
qi,exp Experimental data of mass of fluoride adsorption (mg/g)
qi,cal Calculated data of mass of fluoride adsorption (mg/g)
W Mass of the adsorbent (g)
V Volume of solution (l)

Many methods have been developed for ¯uoride removal from water, such as adsorption [2], ion
exchange, electrodialysis [3], and precipitation [4]. Among these methods, adsorption is a widely used
method for de¯uoridation which depends on ions (adsorbate) in ¯uid diffusing to the surface of a solid
(adsorbent), where they bond with the solid surface or are held there by weak intermolecular forces [5].
Different ¯uoride adsorbents, such as activated alumina [6], ¯y ash [7], bone charcoal [8], spent
catalysts [9], La(III) and Y(III)-impregnated alumina [10], and aluminum-impregnated carbon [11],
have been investigated and have shown that large surface area and physicochemical interaction between
adsorbate and adsorbent were important factors effecting ¯uoride adsorption form water.
Carbon nanotubes are needlelike cylindrical tubules of concentric graphitic carbon capped by
fullerene-like hemispheres. Since their discovery [12], great efforts have focused on synthesis,
characterization, theoretical investigation, and applications of carbon nanotubes. Their perceived novel
mechanical and electronic properties, large speci®c area and high thermal stability indicate their
tremendous potential for future engineering applications, such as hydrogen storage [13], ®eld emission
[14], catalyst supports [15], and composite materials [16], etc. Especially, as environment pollution is
becoming serious, carbon nanotubes may be a promising absorbent material substituted for activated
carbon in many ways. Recently Long et al. reported that carbon nanotube has better adsorption capacity
for dioxin removal than that of activated carbon [17]. Our previous work [18] suggested that carbon
nanotubes show high ef®ciency for Pb2‡ removal after oxidation treatment with nitric acid.
Here we studied the kinetic adsorption characterization of aligned carbon nanotubes (ACNTs) and
pH effect on their ¯uoride adsorption capacity. By comparing with activated carbon and other ¯uoride
adsorbents, we found that ACNTs have higher ¯uoride adsorption capacity and great potential
application in ¯uoride removal from drinking water.

2. Experimental

ACNTs were prepared by catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbon as described elsewhere [19]. In

brief, H2 (150 sccm) and Ar (1000 sccm) were ¯own in the quartz tube which contained plain quartz
Y.-H. Li et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 469±476 471

glass sheets when temperature reached 800 8C, at the same time, catalyst precusor and carbon source
composed by dissolving ferrocene into xylene were introduced into quartz tube using a syringe pump
drop by drop at a constant time interval of 2 min. The ACNTs were observed by scanning electron
microscope (SEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM).
The physical properties of ACNTs were characterized by N2 adsorption with an ASAP 2000
Micromeritics at 77 K. Determination of the surface charge of ACNTs was carried out using a Malvern
zetameter, model Zetasizer 2000.
Batch sorption experiments were carried out to investigate the pH effect on the ¯uoride adsorption by
ACNTs. The ¯uoride solution used was prepared by dissolving NaF in deionized water. The adsorption
experiments were carried out in glass tubes at room temperature by putting 0.05 g ACNTs in 100 ml
NaF solution. After the suspension pH was adjusted with 0.1 M HNO3 or 0.1 M NaOH solutions, the
tubes were placed on a shaker (HZQ-C) and shaken for 12 h. The suspension was ®ltered through
0.45 mm membrane ®lter. The ®ltrate was measured by a ¯uoride ion spectrophotometer. The amount of
¯uoride adsorbed on the ACNTs was determined as the difference between initial and ®nal
concentration at equilibrium by following equation
…Ci C†V
qˆ : (1)

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Characterization of ACNTs

Fig. 1a shows that the carbon nanotube alignment is uniform and their lengths are about 200 mm.
Fig. 1b indicates that carbon naotubes align densely and their diameters range from 20 to 80 nm.
The inner concentric graphite cylinders of nanotubes crystallize well, while the outer parts cover
with much amorphous and microcrystalline carbon as shown by arrow in Fig. 1c. The speci®c
area, pore volume and mean pore diameter of ACNTs are 74 m2/g, 0.15 cm3/g and 3.8 nm,

3.2. Kinetics of adsorption

The kinetics of ¯uoride adsorption from water was carried out by adding 1 g ACNTs into 2000 ml
solution with F concentration 20 mg/l without any pH adjustment (pH 6.86) and the results were
shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the adsorption rate is fast in the ®rst 60 min and the adsorption
capacity of ACNTs reaches 3 mg/g. With further increase in time, the adsorption rate decreases and
¯uoride adsorption by ACNTs achieves equilibrium gradually at about 180 min and the ®nal
adsorption capacity reaches 4.2 mg/g. The kinetics curve of ¯uoride adsorption indicates that not only
the surfaces of ACNTs can absorb the ¯uorine ions, but also the inner cavities of ACNTs are
accessible for ¯uorine ions to diffuse. This is supported on the shape of the curve in Fig. 2. The former
rapid adsorption may be due to the ¯uoride ions adsorbed on the surfaces of ACNTs directly and the
latter slow adsorption mainly attributes to long-range diffusion of ¯uoride ions in the inner cavities of
472 Y.-H. Li et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 469±476

Fig. 1. SEM images and HRTEM of ACNTs. (a) Low magni®cation, (b) high magni®cation, (c) HRTEM image of a single
carbon nanotube.
Y.-H. Li et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 469±476 473

Fig. 2. Fluoride adsorption rate of ACNTs (initial ¯uoride concentration 20 mg/l and 25 8C).

3.3. Adsorption isotherm

The adsorption isotherms of ¯uoride adsorption by carbon nanotube at different pH values are
illustrated in Fig. 3. All batch experimental data were ®tted to the isotherm models of Langmuir and
Freundlich using a method of least squares based on an optimization algorithm. These models are
represented mathematically as follows:
qm KC
qˆ ; (2)
1 ‡ KC

q ˆ kC n : (3)

Fig. 3. Adsorption isotherms of ACNTs as a function of pH values (at 25 8C).

474 Y.-H. Li et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 469±476

Table 1
Freundlich isotherm parameters for ¯uoride adsorption by aligned carbon nanotubes
pH k n Average percent Correlative
deviation (%) coefficient, R2
3.0 0.62 0.61 21 0.94
5.0 1.46 0.45 15 0.97
7.0 1.54 0.47 19 0.96
9.0 1.31 0.53 13 0.95
11.0 1.12 0.46 11 0.97

The parameter values for these isotherms depend on the nature of the solvent±solute±adsorbent
interactions. The best isotherm model is determined by the lowest average absolute percent deviation,
which the equation is de®ned as follows:
1X qi;exp qi;cal
%D ˆ  100% (4)
N iˆ1 qi;exp
Tables 1 and 2 present the parameter values of the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm. It can be seen
that the Freundlich model provided better ®ts of the experimental data, with an average absolute
percent deviation below 21% and the lowest correlative coef®cient of 0.94, than the Langmuir model
with the lowest average absolute percent deviation 19% and the large varying range of correlative
coef®cient. So the experimental data in this paper are characterized by the Freundlich isotherm.

3.4. Electrophoretic studies and effect of solution pH on ¯uoride adsorption by ACNTs

The pH value at which the zeta potential equals to zero is called the isoelectric point (IEP) and it is
used to assess the adsorbent surface charge qualitatively. The IEP of ACNTs is 7.4 at ionic strength of
I ˆ 0:02 M. At pH < IEP, the ACNTs surface is positively charged and is accessible for anions, at
pH ˆ IEP, the surface is neutral and at pH > IEP, the surface is negatively charged and will repulse the
anions. According to this theory, the ¯uoride adsorption capacity will decrease sharply as the solution
pH is larger than the IEP [20]. But from Fig. 3, it can be seen that adsorption capacity of the ACNTs is
good in broad pH range from 3 to 9 and depends slightly on the solution pH. The highest adsorption
capacity of ACNTs occurs at pH 7 and reaches 4.5 mg/g at equilibrium ¯uoride concentration of 15 mg/l.

Table 2
Langmuir isotherm parameters for ¯uoride adsorption by aligned carbon nanotubes
pH K qm Average percent Correlative
deviation (%) coefficient, R2
3.0 0.61 2.12 31 0.97
5.0 1.99 2.85 40 0.95
7.0 5.56 1.99 23 0.77
9.0 1.75 2.51 19 0.86
11.0 2.95 1.89 33 0.92
Y.-H. Li et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 469±476 475

Fig. 4. Adsorption isotherm of ¯uoride on ACNTs (at pH 7 and 25 8C) compared with g-Al2O3, soil and activated carbon.

While at pH 11, the ¯uoride adsorption capacity decreases to 1.8 mg/g due to the competition of active
sites on ACNTs surfaces between OH and F . The broad ¯uoride adsorption pH range of ACNTs
makes it a promising adsorbent material to remove ¯uoride form water.

3.5. Mechanism of ¯uoride adsorption by ACNTs

It is known that carbon nanotubes prepared by CVD have many defects and are coated with lots of
amorphous carbon. These defects and amorphous carbon can offer active sites for ¯uoride adsorption
on the outer surfaces of ACNTs. On the other hand, the inner cavities and the micropores or mesopores
composed by internanotube space between densely ACNTs may also contribute to the effective
adsorption of ¯uoride. It is just about the unique structure of ACNTs to make them have higher ¯uoride
adsorption capacity within a broad pH value range.

3.6. Comparison with other adsorbents

Fluoride adsorption isotherm of ACNTs was compared with activated carbon, and g-Al2O3 [20] and a
soil adsorbent [21]. Fig. 4 shows that g-Al2O3 and ACNTs have much higher ¯uoride adsorption
capability than that of activated carbon and soil. At low ¯uoride concentration (<1 mg/l), ACNTs and g-
Al2O3 have the same adsorption capacity. While at higher ¯uoride concentration the ¯uoride capacity
of ACNTs is apparently higher than that of g-Al2O3. The ¯uoride adsorption capacities of activated
carbon, soil, g-Al2O3 and ACNTs are 0.32, 0.58, 3.7 and 4.1 mg/g at equilibrium concentration of
10 mg/l. It is important to emphasize that the speci®c surface area and pore volume of activated carbon
are 687 m2/g and 0.47 cm3/g, respectively, which are higher than that of ACNTs, but its ¯uoride
adsorption capacity is much lower than that of ACNTs. This may be due to the unique structure of
Obviously the higher adsorption capacity of ACNTs makes them have great potential application in
¯uoride removal from water, but the cost of using ACNTs as ¯uoride adsorbent is still expensive and
limits this adsorbent commercial utilization currently.
476 Y.-H. Li et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 469±476

4. Conclusion

The Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models were used to describe the ¯uoride adsorption by
ACNTs at different pH and the former was found to ®t with the experimental data fairly well. ACNTs
express high ¯uoride removal ef®ciency in a broad pH value range and their adsorption capacity is
larger than that of g-Al2O3, soil and activated carbon. Their active sites on the surface caused by defects
and amorphous carbon, inner cavities and internanotube space contribute to the high ¯uoride removal
capability of ACNTs.


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