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-Write a text of at least 75 words in which you describe a green lifestyle

-Use the progressive present to talk about the things you are changing.

-Use the simple present to talk about the things you have done today.

-Be careful with the correct grammar use the vocabulary of spelling, punctuation, etc.

-You can use words like (and / but / like that / however, etc.

My green lifestyle

I am changing the world with my little help, I am recycling the printed sheets I am occupying them
in the back, with that I am making them reduce the felling of trees, also in my house we are
separating the garbage in inorganica and organic since in my municipality they are only collecting
the garbage if it is separated, with the notebooks and leaves already occupied by both sides we
are joining them and when we collect a certain amount we are giving it to my dad so that he will
leave it to some establishment where they are receiving leaves to recycle.

All this is what I was doing to take care of the environment and what I am doing now is to share
what I do with my relatives, I have them separate the garbage in their house, I am also saving light
and water.

However, not everyone has that initiative to help the environment, my whole family is doing
several things, we stop using disposable, we collect water from the washing machine just to wash
the street sidewalk and our gardens, we plant trees a once a year in different places. when we
plant trees we invite more friends so that they can take the initiative in the future, I am helping
the environment with that.

We are reducing the use of the car but not so much because we use it a lot to transport us, I only
use what is necessary, I reuse the plastic bags every time I go to the super market I carry my own
bags, I invite my friends to no longer smoke, They leave the cigarette butts lying on the street,
even in the gardens.

Are you doing the same?

Or do not you mind having a green lifestyle?

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