Kagan Roundrobin

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This cooperative-learning technique has students review information with other

students in teams by answering questions. Working with peers in a nonthreatening
manner builds Social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure
learning, processing information and thinking skills.

How to use

1. The teacher poses a problem to which there are multiple possible responses are
solutions and provides think time.

2. Students take turns stating responses or solutions.

When to use

Use RoundRobin at any point in the lesson to review infromation.

 After a unit to review terms

 At the beginning of the school year as a way to review students' knowledge of
class rules and procedures
 After a math unit to review shapes or problems
 Before students begin an assignment, such as an essay, a set of word problems or
a science activity/experiment, to gather ideas or formalize procedures
 To remediate weak skills
 To practice newly learned skills


Single RoundRobin In teams, each student intern shares an idea. The round-robin is
completed after each teammate takes one turn.

Continuous RoundRobin In teams, students take turn responding orally. Teams do

multiple rounds until the teacher calls, “Time’s up.”

Timed RoundRobin In teams, each student shares for a given time.

Think-Write-RoundRobin Students think of their own answer, write it down, then

round-robin share what they wrote.

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